XNA problem when draw many different batches - xna

I have a 2D game in 4 directions, and I'm having problems with FPS (or GPU) because I have to draw a lot of textures.
I've read a lot about techniques to optimize performance, but I don't know what I can do anymore.
The main problem is that in some occasions I have about 200 creatures, where I have to draw his body (it is a single sprite) but also draw spells and other animations on his body. So, I think that is when it starts to give conflicts because the loop where I draw each creature, must change the textures for each creature, that is body>animation1>animation2>animation3 and this about 200 (creatures) times at 60 fps. Which lowers the fps to about 40-50.
Any suggestions?
This is how it looks:

The issue is probably - as you have already suggested - the constant switching between different textures. This is much slower than drawing the same number of sprites with the same texture.
To change this, consider putting all your textures into a single big texture. You then always draw that texture. This obviously would look quite wrong, so you also have to tell XNA which part of the texture you want to draw. For that, you can use the SourceRectangle parameter that can be passed to SpriteBatch.Draw(...). That way, you can always render the same texture but can still have different images on screen.
See also this answer about texture atlasses for more details.


What is the fastest way to render subsets of a single texture onto a WebGL canvas?

If you have a single power-of-two width/height texture (say 2048) and you want to blit out scaled and translated subsets of it (say 64x92-sized tiles scaled down) as quickly as possible onto another texture (as a buffer so it can be cached when not dirty), then draw that texture onto a webgl canvas, and you have no more requirements - what is the fastest strategy?
Is it first loading the source texture, binding an empty texture to a framebuffer, rendering the source with drawElementsInstancedANGLE to the framebuffer, then unbinding the framebuffer and rendering to the canvas?
I don't know much about WebGL and I'm trying to write a non-stateful version of https://github.com/kutuluk/js13k-2d (that just uses draw() calls instead of sprites that maintain state, since I would have millions of sprites). Before I get too far into the weeds, I'm hoping for some feedback.
There is no generic fastest way. The fastest way is different by GPU and also different by specifics.
Are you drawing lots of things the same size?
Are the parts of the texture atlas the same size?
Will you be rotating or scaling each instance?
Can their movement be based on time alone?
Will their drawing order change?
Do the textures have transparency?
Is that transparency 100% or not (0 or 1) or is it various values in between?
I'm sure there's tons of other considerations. For every consideration I might choose a different approach.
In general your idea if using drawElementsAngleInstanced seems fine but without knowing exactly what you're trying to do and on which device it's hard to know.
Here's some tests of drawing lots of stuff.

Monogame - how to have draw layer while on SpriteSortMode.Texture

I have a problem in which in my game I have to use SpriteSortMode.Texture because I have a lot of objects with few textures, so I cannot afford to use SpriteSortMode.BackToFront.
The thing is this means I cannot draw by layers, unless I do SpriteBatch.Begin with the exact same settings, which is what I'm currently doing.
I only have 3 draw layers I need - a Tileset surface, Objects like rocks or characters on the surface, and UI.
Other solutions I've found is using texture quads (which supposedly also improves tileset drawing performance), going 3D with orthogonal view which I haven't researched yet.
I'm hoping there's a better to make this work.
Why would having a lot of objects with few textures mean you have to use SpriteSortMode.Texture?
"This can improve performance when drawing non-overlapping sprites of uniform depth." says the MSDN page, and this is clearly not what you are doing.
Just use the default SpriteSortMode.Deferred and draw things back to front in order.

How to batch sprites in iOS/OpenGL ES 2.0

I have developed my own sprite library on top of OpenGL ES 2.0. Right now, I am not doing any batching of draw calls; instead, each sprite has its own VBO/VAO of four textured vertices, drawn as a triangle strip (The VAO/VBO itself is managed by the Texture atlas, so identical sprites reuse the same VAO/VBO, which is 'reference counted' and hence deleted when no sprite instances reference it).
Before drawing each sprite, I'll bind its texture, upload its uniforms/attributes to the shader (modelview matrix, opacity - Projection matrix stays constant all along), bind its Vertex Array Object (4 textured vertices + four indices), and call glDrawElements(). I do cull off-screen sprites (based on position and bounds), but still it is one draw call per sprite, even if all sprites share the same texture. The vertex positions and texture coordinates for each sprite never change.
I must say that, despite this inefficiency, I have never experienced performance issues, even when drawing many sprites on screen. I do split the sprites into opaque/non-opaque, draw the opaque ones first, and the non-opaque ones after, back to front. I have seen performance suffer only when I overdraw (tax the fill rate).
Nevertheless, the OpenGL instruments in Xcode will complain that I draw too many small meshes and that I should consolidate my geometry into less objects. And in the Unity world everyone talks about limiting the number of draw calls as if they were the plague.
So, how should I go around batching very many sprites, each with a different transform and opacity value (but the same texture), into one draw call? One thing that comes to mind is to modify the vertex data every frame, and stream it: applying the modelview matrix of each sprite to all its vertices, assembling the transformed vertices for all sprites into one mesh, and submitting it to the GPU. This approach does not solve the problem of varying opacity between sprites.
Another idea that comes to mind is to have all the textured vertices of all the sprites assembled into a single mesh (VBO), treated as 'static' (same vertex format I am using now), and a separate array with the stuff that changes per sprite every frame (transform matrix and opacity), and only stream that data each frame, and pull it/apply it on the vertex shader side. That is, have a separate array where the 'attribute' being represented is the modelview matrix/alpha for the corresponding vertices. Still have to figure out the exact implementation in terms of data format/strides etc. In any case, there is the additional complication that arises whenever a new sprite is created/destroyed, the whole mesh has to be modified...
Or perhaps there is an ideal, 'textbook' solution to this problem out there that I haven't figured out? What does cocos2d do?
When I initially started reading you post I though that each quad used a different texture (since you stated "Before drawing each sprite, I'll bind its texture") but then you said that each sprite has "the same texture".
A possible easy win is to control the way you bind your textures during the draw since each call is a burden for the OpenGL driver. If (and I am not really sure abut this from your post) you use different textures, I suggest to go for a simple texture atlas where all the sprites are inside a single picture (preferably a power of 2 texture with mipmapping) and then you take the piece of the texture you need in the fragment using texture coordinates (this is the reason they exist in the end)
If the position of the sprites change over time (of course it does) at each frame, a possible advantage would be to pack the new vertex coordinates of your sprites at each frame and draw directly from memory (possibly over VAO. VBO could cost more since you need to build it each frame? to be tested in real scenario). This would be a good call pack operation and I am pretty sure it will bust the performances.
Consider that the VAO option could be feasible since we are talking about very small amount of data and the memory bandwidth should not represent a real bottleneck (each quad I guess uses 12 floats for vertex coordinates, 8 for textures and 12 for normals, 128 byte?), it shouldn't be a big problem over VAO.
About opacity, can't you play using an uniform to your fragment shader where you play with alpha? Am I wrong with it? It should work.
I hope this helps.

Most Efficient way of Multi-Texturing - iOS, OpenGL ES2, optimization

I'm trying to find the most efficient way of handling multi-texturing in OpenGL ES2 on iOS. By 'efficient' I mean the fastest rendering even on older iOS devices (iPhone 4 and up) - but also balancing convenience.
I've considered (and tried) several different methods. But have run into a couple of problems and questions.
Method 1 - My base and normal values are rgb with NO ALPHA. For these objects I don't need transparency. My emission and specular information are each only one channel. To reduce texture2D() calls I figured I could store the emission as the alpha channel of the base, and the specular as the alpha of the normal. With each being in their own file it would look like this:
My problem so far has been finding a file format that will support a full non-premultiplied alpha channel. PNG just hasn't worked for me. Every way that I've tried to save this as a PNG premultiplies the .alpha with the .rgb on file save (via photoshop) basically destroying the .rgb. Any pixel with a 0.0 alpha has a black rgb when I reload the file. I posted that question here with no activity.
I know this method would yield faster renders if I could work out a way to save and load this independent 4th channel. But so far I haven't been able to and had to move on.
Method 2 - When that didn't work I moved on to a single 4-way texture where each quadrant has a different map. This doesn't reduce texture2D() calls but it reduces the number of textures that are being accessed within the shader.
The 4-way texture does require that I modify the texture coordinates within the shader. For model flexibility I leave the texcoords as is in the model's structure and modify them in the shader like so:
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = a_vertexTexCoord0 * 0.5;
v_fragmentTexCoord1 = v_fragmentTexCoord0 + vec2(0.0, 0.5); // illumination frag is up half
v_fragmentTexCoord2 = v_fragmentTexCoord0 + vec2(0.5, 0.5); // shininess frag is up and over
v_fragmentTexCoord3 = v_fragmentTexCoord0 + vec2(0.5, 0.0); // normal frag is over half
To avoid dynamic texture lookups (Thanks Brad Larson) I moved these offsets to the vertex shader and keep them out of the fragment shader.
But my question here is: Does reducing the number of texture samplers used in a shader matter? Or would I be better off using 4 different smaller textures here?
The one problem I did have with this was bleed over between the different maps. A texcoord of 1.0 was was averaging in some of the blue normal pixels due to linear texture mapping. This added a blue edge on the object near the seam. To avoid it I had to change my UV mapping to not get too close to the edge. And that's a pain to do with very many objects.
Method 3 would be to combine methods 1 and 2. and have the base.rgb + emission.a on one side and normal.rgb + specular.a on the other. But again I still have this problem getting an independent alpha to save in a file.
Maybe I could save them as two files but combine them during loading before sending it over to openGL. I'll have to try that.
Method 4 Finally, In a 3d world if I have 20 different panel textures for walls, should these be individual files or all packed in a single texture atlas? I recently noticed that at some point minecraft moved from an atlas to individual textures - albeit they are 16x16 each.
With a single model and by modifying the texture coordinates (which I'm already doing in method 2 and 3 above), you can easily send an offset to the shader to select a particular map in an atlas:
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = u_texOffset + a_vertexTexCoord0 * u_texScale;
This offers a lot of flexibility and reduces the number of texture bindings. It's basically how I'm doing it in my game now. But IS IT faster to access a small portion of a larger texture and have the above math in the vertex shader? Or is it faster to repeatedly bind smaller textures over and over? Especially if you're not sorting objects by texture.
I know this is a lot. But the main question here is what's the most efficient method considering speed + convenience? Will method 4 be faster for multiple textures or would multiple rebinds be faster? Or is there some other way that I'm overlooking. I see all these 3d games with a lot of graphics and area coverage. How do they keep frame rates up, especially on older devices like the iphone4?
**** UPDATE ****
Since I've suddenly had 2 answers in the last few days I'll say this. Basically I did find the answer. Or AN answer. The question is which method is more efficient? Meaning which method will result in the best frame rates. I've tried the various methods above and on the iPhone 5 they're all just about as fast. The iPhone5/5S has an extremely fast gpu. Where it matters is on older devices like the iPhone4/4S, or on larger devices like a retina iPad. My tests were not scientific and I don't have ms speeds to report. But 4 texture2D() calls to 4 RGBA textures was actually just as fast or maybe even faster than 4 texture2d() calls to a single texture with offsets. And of course I do those offset calculations in the vertex shader and not the fragment shader (never in the fragment shader).
So maybe someday I'll do the tests and make a grid with some numbers to report. But I don't have time to do that right now and write a proper answer myself. And I can't really checkmark any other answer that isn't answering the question cause that's not how SO works.
But thanks to the people who have answered. And check out this other question of mine that also answered some of this one: Load an RGBA image from two jpegs on iOS - OpenGL ES 2.0
Have a post process step in your content pipeline where you merge your rgb with alpha texture and store it in a. Ktx file when you package the game or as a post build event when you compile.
It's fairly trivial format and would be simple to write such command-line tool that loads 2 png's and merges these into one Ktx, rgb + alpha.
Some benefits by doing that is
- less cpu overhead when loading the file at game start up, so the games starts quicker.
- Some GPUso does not natively support rgb 24bit format, which would force the driver to internally convert it to rgba 32bit. This adds more time to the loading stage and temporary memory usage.
Now when you got the data in a texture object, you do want to minimize texture sampling as it means alot of gpu operations and memory accesses depending on filtering mode.
I would recommend to have 2 textures with 2 layers each since there's issues if you do add all of them to the same one is potential artifacts when you sample with bilinear or mipmapped as it may include neighbour pixels close to edge where one texture layer ends and the second begins, or if you decided to have mipmaps generated.
As an extra improvement I would recommend not having raw rgba 32bit data in the Ktx, but actually compressing it into a dxt or pvrtc format. This would use much less memory which means faster loading times and less memory transfers for the gpu, as memory bandwidth is limited.
Of course, adding the compressor to the post process tool is slightly more complex.
Do note that compressed textures do loose a bit of the quality depending on algorithm and implementation.
Silly question but are you sure you are sampler limited? It just seems to me that, with your "two 2-way textures" you are potentially pulling in a lot of texture data, and you might instead be bandwidth limited.
What if you were to use 3 textures [ BaseRGB, NormalRBG, and combined Emission+Specular] and use PVRTC compression? Depending on the detail, you might even be able to use 2bpp (rather than 4bpp) for the BaseRGB and/or Emission+Specular.
For the Normals I'd probably stick to 4bpp. Further, if you can afford the shader instructions, only store the R&G channels (putting 0 in the blue channel) and re-derive the blue channel with a bit of maths. This should give better quality.

Cocos2d: GPU having to process the non visible CCSprite quads

Given one texture sheet is it better to have one or multiple CCSpriteBatchNodes? Or does this not affect at all the GPU computational cost in processing the non visible CCSprite quads?
I am thinking about performance and referring to this question and answer I got. Basically it suggests that I should use more than one CCSpriteBatchNode even if I have only one file. I don't understand if the sentence "Too many batched sprites still affects performance negatively even if they are not visible or outside the screen" is applicable also having two CCSpriteBatchNode instead of one. In other words, does the sentence refer to this "The GPU is responsible for cancelling draws of quads that are not visible due to being entirely outside the screen. It still needs to process those quads."? And if so it should meant that it doesn't really matter how may CCSpriteBatchNode instances I have using the same texture sheet, right?
How can I optimize this? I mean, how can I avoid the GPU having to process the non visible quads?
Would you be able to answer to at least the questions in bold?
First case: Too many nodes (or sprites) in the scene and many of them are out of screen/visible area. In this case for each sprite, GPU has to check if its outside the visible area or not. Too many sprite-nodes means too much load on GPU.
Adding more CCSpriteBatchNode should not effect the performance. Because the sprite-sheet bitmap is loaded to the GPU memory, and an array of coordinates is kept by the application for drawing individual sprites. So if you put 2 images in 2 different CCSpriteBatchNodes or 2 images in 1, it will be same for both CPU and GPU.
How to optimize?
The best way would be to remove the invisible nodes/sprites from the parent. But it depends on your application.
FPS drops certainly because of two reasons:
fillrate - when a lot of sprites overlap each others (and additionally if we render high-res texture into small sprite)
redundant state changes - in this case the heaviest are shader and texture switches
You can render sprites outside of screen in single batch and this doesn't drop performance singnificantly. Pay attention that rendering sprite with zero opacity (or transparent texture) takes the same time as non-transparent sprite.
First of all, this really sounds like a case of premature optimization. Do a test with the number of sprites you expect to be on screen, and some added, others removed. Do you get 60 fps on the oldest supported device? If yes, good, no need to optimize. If no, tweak the code design to see what actually makes a difference.
I mean, how can I avoid the GPU having to process the non visible quads?
You can't, unless you're going to rewrite how cocos2d handles drawing of sprites/batched sprites.
it doesn't really matter how may CCSpriteBatchNode instances I have using the same texture sheet, right?
Each additional sprite batch node adds a draw call. Given how many sprites they can batch into a single draw call, the benefit far outweighs the drawbacks. Whether you have one, two or three sprite batch nodes makes absolutely no difference.
