-bash: cd: supbot-tut: No such file or directory - ios

I opened terminal fresh and typed.
$ python3
Then I typed quit to get out of it.
$ quit()
I then typed:
$ pip3 install splinter requests bs4
After I typed:
$ cd supbot-tut
-bash: cd: supbot-tut: No such file or directory
When I typed that I got the error code: -bash: cd: supbot-tut: No such file or directory.
I tried this dozens of times and it won't work. I do not know how to fix this problem and I am a new coder so please send exact code I have to write to fix this problem. Thank you!

Check if you're in the correct directory using pwd and see if that directory contains supbot-tut that you're trying to get into with ls.
Or you can make a directory using mkdir supbot-tut then you will be able to cd into it.

That error occurs when you try to issue the cd command and you pass a directory (a folder) that doesn't exist. Can you type the command ls and see if you see that directory listed. You can easily check with your file explorer too. Create that directory and your issue should go away.


zsh: permission denied: /Users/macbookpro/.zshrc

I'm new in flutter I want to set flutter sdk path in Mac OS (VS code) for this I'm fallow the https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos#update-your-path but when I run $HOME/.zshrc in Terminal It show error message zsh: permission denied: /Users/macbookpro/.zshrc I also apply this Terminal error: zsh: permission denied: ./startup.sh but this is not work for me.. can some one help me
Open your terminal.
cd ~
vim .zshrc
Pass i to insert,and insert your flutter path(/bin:/Library/flutter/bin) behind .bin:$PATH/.
If you are done, press esc and enter :wq.
export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin:$PATH/bin:/Library/flutter/bin"
If you want to evaluate its content inside your current zsh process, you can do a
source ~/.zshrc
You need to set the execute permission on the file, as you do for any other command which you want to execute, i.e.
chmod +x ~/.zshrc
For saving time, a little bit edited answer.
Commands in the terminal
cd ~
nano .zshrc
In the editor add path to the folder, for example
Save, exit. Apply changes to current terminal
source ~/.zshrc
PS Check that in the file presents a line with export.

Unable to copy the file to docker host

I am trying to execute the below docker command where I am trying to get the 'Orthanc.json" file to my system folder which is "orthanc".
docker run --rm --entrypoint=cat jodogne/orthanc /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json >
under /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json - It is a directory and not a file - Am not able to use vim editor to read/open the file. - This is a public one. Anyone can access using this link Orthanc link
I get the below error message, Can you please help me understand what is the issue?
-bash: /orthanc/orthanc.json: Is a directory
orthanc.json should be a file but why does it treat it as a directory?
when I use vim orthanc.json, it throws an error message that it's a directory.
What should I be doing to see this as a config file as I have to make changes to it?
You've somehow already got a directory named /orthanc/orthanc.json on your host system. Remove it and try again.
rmdir /orthanc/orthanc.json # if empty
rm -rf /orthanc/orthanc.json # if not empty -- but see what's in there first!

yo angular generates files in wrong path ( home directory )

yo angular generates the files in my home directory and I don't know why.
I did the following:
ppa for node
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
then install node
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
create a symlink
sudo ln -s "$(which nodejs)" /usr/bin/node
install yeoman
sudo npm install -g yo
sudo npm install -g generator-angular
next steps from the instruction from https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular
mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
now I run
yo angular test1
now all the files will be created in my home directory instead of the my-new-project directory where I am currently. What did I wrong?
node -v: v0.10.36
npm -v: 2.5.1
Update1: new npm version
yo angular looks for .yo-rc.json file in the current directory, if the file isnt there it tries to find it in the home dir. To solve this:
look for a hidden .yo-rc.json file in the home directory and delete it.
Or create an empty .yo-rc.json file in the directory you want to use.
Thanks to issue page at https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular/issues/1037#issuecomment-83118093 the solutions was relatively easy.
After the command mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
I needed to create an empty .yo-rc.json file with {} as content to this folder.
Then I could start yo and all files are created in my my-new-project folder now.
In case anyone else stumbles on this. The reason will be that a .yo-rc.json file is in the "wrong" directory.
Delete it and all will be well.
This started happening to me after I ran yo from my home folder by mistake. Apparently I didn't clean up the generated files properly and left the ~/.yo-rc.json around. All you need to do is get rid of the .yo-rc.json in your home folder and run yo from your desired folder again.
Probably you have there .yo-rc.json file. You should delete all hidden files in home directory which yeoman created and it's should works.
you should try not to install node with sudo, that causes your troubles.
Take one instruction out of this link to install your node for usual user
Instructions and it should work.
I searched for .yo-rc.json file in the folder it wrongfully creates your project in, then showed all hidden files via "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES" in terminal then reload Finder ( alt button + right click on finder icon) and deleted the hidden .yo-rc.json file and other hidden files that came with it. Then reloaded finder again after using the same command as above but replace YES by NO.
That did it for me !

rubys> cd command not working in command line

I'm just getting into ruby and am trying to execute a walkthrough from Sam Ruby's Agile web development.
I've created a directory using mkdir work
Next i'm instructed to open a terminal and type rubys> cd work
The error I'm getting reads:
No command 'rubys' found, did you mean:
Command 'ruby' from package 'ruby' (main)
rubys: command not found
Can anyone inform me of what I'm doing wrong?
I've also tried changing from ~ to the work directory before entering my command.
In this book, rubys> is a command prompt, much like you have C:\> in the Windows terminal.
Ignore that first bit and everything should start working.
I guess you're doing it wrong.
mkdir work
creates a directory called "work". It has nothing to do with Ruby.
cd work
will then change into that directory. Forget about the rubys>.

Having trouble running "mate .rspec"

I'm trying to run mate .rspec in my command prompt in order to open the .rspec configuration file. However, I get the error -bash: mate: command not found. Any ideas?
Though Brandon's answer is correct, there's a far simpler way to set up the mate command through TextMate itself.
In the menu bar, select Help > Terminal Usage..., choose /usr/bin from the dropdown, and it will create the link for you.
You might have to open a new Terminal window for it to take effect, but then you should be all set.
T.J.'s answer is much better than mine. :)
[Original Answer]
TextMate installs the mate command to /usr/local/bin/mate. First, I would check to see if the mate command is in that directory:
ls -lah /usr/local/bin/mate
If you get ls: /usr/local/bin/mate: No such file or directory, then you can install the mate command by creating a symbolic link to the binary, which lives in the TextMate.app folder:
sudo ln -s /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate /usr/local/bin/mate
At this point, you should be able to run mate from the command line.
If you got output other than No such file or directory from the ls command, it means that /usr/local/bin is not on your path.
