Elastic for multiple accounts - metricbeat

Can I use elastic.. to monitor multiple accounst in AWS

If you enable aws module in any aws account yes you can.


Amazon Kendra and Botpress

I am trying to integrate my Botpress (Chatbot) with Kendra. So that when a user types a query it will trigger the Kendra and give the results. I have created the s3, Index & Experience. I am getting the response on Kendra experience. But I want to connect my Kendra with a chatbot whose backend is Node.js. In my bot I have to make connections and in the Kendra documentation there is nothing I found to make a connection to my Kendra.
Amazon LEX has a native offering for integrating with Kendra - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/integrate-amazon-kendra-and-amazon-lex-using-a-search-intent/.
For other chatbots, you need to build the integration using AWS SDKs.

How do I use Google cloud storage for my rails app?

I have a rails app created with rails 6.0. I've been trying to deploy my app to heroku. However, heroku is giving the error: > heroku logs --tail
I think this is happening because I'm not using any cloud storage to store my images. I've searched on the internet how to do it with amazon s3, google cloud. But for all of them I was asked to give my requisites for later payment. Is it possible to use any cloud storage without showing personal payment details as I don't have any cards to pay right now, and PayPal also doesn't function in my country.
When using the Google Cloud Platform (commonly known as “GCP”), each of your applications requires a project, and each project requires an active billing account. The payment methods available for the Cloud Billing accounts depend on your currency & country. In many countries, you can set up a credit card, debit card, or bank account as a primary payment method. So, as you can see credit card is required to use GCP services.
If you want just check if Google Cloud Storage suits your needs you can create a free GCP tier account, but it will still need your payment details.
Same situation with AWS - AWS Free Tier also requires you to provide credit card info.
You can also search the Internet for a service that will provide a virtual debit card or a remote bank account.

Google Cloud Platform programmatically create user account via API

I'd like to create programmatically via API a new Account for accessing my Google Cloud Platform.
I'm already doing it for GSUITE (provisioning users via OAUTH), is it possible to do the same also with Google Cloud Platform?
Is it possible to do it for an "non-google" external account maybe with an invitation on the email?
Having already the setup for OAUTH in GSuite, is it possible to use the same token / account to perform also this operations (maybe assigning more scopes)?
Are this API (https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/granting-changing-revoking-access) the only available?
Updating the IAM policy is indeed the only way to use an API to grant access on a "pure GCP" level.
However, you can give a role in a project to a Google Group (or a few, if you require different access levels), and then simply manage the group using the GSuite Admin SDK.

Can Google Cloud Compute connect to Mandrill for SMTP relay?

I'm using Mandrill service, now I want to use this service to replay instance email, you know that instance blocked 25 port, so will use 2525 port for this replay, is Google Cloud Compute support Mandrill ?
I have personally used mandrill and found no issues working with Google cloud as long as the port is 2525.
Yes it should work fine as Mandrill does indeed support port 2525 which google compute engine can use.

Using DynamoDB without Cognito API

I am using DynamoDB or any AWS stuff for the first time and thus have a very little idea how they work. I have seen the documentation where it's mentioned that to use DynamoDB, using IAM and Cognito sync is better way.
I have a very simple requirement. I have an iOS app in which a user can register and login. The functionality is provided by a third party SDK, but I want to store the user information in the DynamoDB table named as Users.
I am not sure if I need Cognito Sync or IAM for this.
So My question is, is it possible to use DynamoDb in iOS without using these two extra features? If yes, then is it possible to do it with the AWS mobile SDK or do I need some other ways such as using RESTful APIs for that?
When you use Amazon Cognito, the service takes care of all the steps necessary to create a unique identifier for your app’s users and retrieve temporary, limited privilege AWS credentials. This means that you can follow security best practices, and use these temporary, limited privilege credentials instead of having to hardcode credentials into your app.
You can still use AccessKey and SecretKey with AWSStaticCredentialsProvider in the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS, but we discourage its use in production apps for security concerns.
