Change Zotero Bibliography language in Overleaf - latex

I am using Zotero with Overleaf as follows:
\usepackage[backend=bibtex, style = authoryear]{biblatex}
The result looks fine, since I get a German title for my bibliography and the cites work as expected. The only drawback is that text in my bibliography and the cites in my text are in english (e.g. last visited, author 1 and author 2, ...) but I need them to be in German. I tried to use \usepackage[german]{babel} but then I get the following error:
TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\#ifundefined #1->\expandafter \ifx \csname #1
\endcsname \relax \expandafter...
l.52 ...Init\CurrentOption{captions\CurrentOption}
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
Is there any other way to change the cite and bibliography language?

After diving into several custom style files, I found \RequirePackage{german}. It seems that this causes trouble when including the german babel package. Removing this line solves the error.


How can I use org-mode to write LaTeX for scientific journals?

I write most text using org-mode nowadays, and I often use it to generate PDF via LaTeX (xelatex, specifcally). But now I want to use it to write scientific articles, and journals often want me to use a specific style. This includes a .cls-file, which is easy enough using org-latex-classes, but quite often, they require a specific setup following \begin{document} (i.e. a specific abstract section, funky author and affiliation, etc, and I don't see how to do that. That is, I now do this within a #+begin/end_latex section - but this needs to be completely rewritten if I switch style.
I realize I probably need to fiddle with the LaTeX code at some point, but I'd like to minimize this fiddling as far as possible, and I'd like to be able to switch from one journal to another with a minimum of fuss, and keeping my org-mode source as intact as possible.
See item 3 at
There is a list of papers there we have written in org-mode and exported to LaTeX. We have probably 8 more since that post.
In the SI you can find the org-source embedded in the PDF, and here: Spencer D. Miller, Vladimir V. Pushkarev, Andrew J. Gellman and John R. Kitchin, Simulating Temperature Programmed Desorption of Oxygen on Pt(111) Using DFT Derived Coverage Dependent Desorption Barriers, Topics In Catalysis, 57(1), 106-117 (2013). you can even find our manuscript embedded.
You may also want to checkout for citation management and for how we do our exports.
Depending on the amount of latex polishing you need to do, you may find it simpler to just add some things to your org file, and use a little bit of babel directly. Here is a snippet of how the start of one my files might look. Some of things are in there, because I will also have the R code for the statistical analyses in the org file in order to be able to have a more reproducible work flow:
# -*- mode: org; org-export-babel-evaluate: nil -*-
#+Title: This is my title
#+Author: An Author, Another Author, and Last Author
#+Options: toc:nil ':t *:nil -:nil ::nil <:nil ^:t author:t d:t H:5 |:t
#+Property: header-args:R :session *myarticlessection* :results output :exports both :cache yes
#+Latex_Class: article
#+Latex_Class_Options: [12pt]
#+Latex_Header: \usepackage{amsmath}
#+Latex_Header: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
#+Latex_Header: \usepackage{mathptmx}
#+Latex_Header_Extra: \linespread{1.5}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[citestyle=authoryear-icomp,bibstyle=authoryear, hyperref=true,backref=true,maxcitenames=3,url=true,backend=biber,natbib=true] {biblatex}
#+Latex_header: \addbibresource{myarticles.bib}
#+BEGIN_SRC latex :results output
Here is where I put the abstract.
And this is where it ended up after evaluating the babel block.
I used org-mode to write several papers, including my PhD thesis. It helped me greatly to keep track of open problems, priorities, annotations etc.
I use a small custom converter that reads the .org file and exports parts of it to a .tex file. Note that "normal" org-mode text (including headings, text, priorities, keywords etc.) is not exported, just the stuff between #BEGIN_LaTeX and #END_LaTeX tags. This way, you can make annotations as you see fit, which won't appear in the published text.

Use fancyhdr in Lyx to position page number

I am trying to customise the position of the page number to make them all appear at the bottom centre in Lyx. I plan to use the fancyhdr package in the preamble section of the document, but I get the following error msg:
'LaTex Error: Command /footruleskip already defined'
I guess it has something to do with me forcing a footnote formatting which may already be defined by fancyhdr package, as i have the following in my preamble:
Any suggestion how I get around this problem and set the page number position together with the footnote setting? Many thanks.
This link should help: You can use the lhead, chead, rhead, lfoot, cfoot and rfoot commands to tell it what you what where (section names, page numbers, custom text, etc). I think you still need to specify them even if they are empty. For only a page number at the bottom center, that would be:
Perhaps your error could be fixed by using \renewcommand instead of trying to define an already existing value.
I'm trying to do my thesis with LyX and small problems like this are killing me because of having to adhere to the strict format of my school. Anyhow, this page came up as I searched for over an hour for the answer to your question. I'm using the memoir layout (kind of, I've already had to edit it) because my school's latex .cls file is supposedly based on memoir.cls (which I couldn't get to work correctly with LyX despite hours of persistence). I ended up putting this code into my preamble and it displayed the page numbers in the bottom-center per my formatting requirements.
Hope this helps anyone else that finds this page. Now if I can just figure out how to tell LyX that I have no chapters and I want sections to be 1 instead of 0.1. I'll probably just use section* and call my sections "Section" #. Anyway, I hope this helps someone who is as close to punching themselves in the face for using LyX as I am.

Example for a simple LaTeX glossary

I'm trying to include a simple glossary to my LaTeX document,
I already searched for something like that on google, but never got it running.
I would like to use glossary or glossaries.
how to write it in the text?
how to print it?
what to execute on which position?
Well, there is a glossaries package on CTAN. Read the pdf documentation.
Check if you already have it in your installation, if not install it, and put \usepackage{glossaries} in the preamble of you document and it will be available to you.
It looks like you need \usepackage{glossaries} and \makeglossaries in the preamble, and some number of \newglossaryentry and \newacronym calls (it is not immediately clear to me if these only go in the premble or can go in the document text). Finally, you will need one or more \printglossary calls in the text. Use \gsl to connect glossary entries on the argument with the pages they occur on.
Processing the file will have to include a call to makeglossaries followed by at least one more invokation of latex.
In addition to the samples mentioned in the documentation there is a Stack Overflow question which includes a minimal file making use of glossaries. You may be particularly interested in the acronym glossary.
There is a nice blog for beginners: LaTeX glossary and list of acronyms
Here is an example:
% Load the package
% Generate the glossary
%Term definitions
\newglossaryentry{utc}{name=UTC, description={Coordinated Universal Time}}
\newglossaryentry{adt}{name=ADT, description={Atlantic Daylight Time}}
\newglossaryentry{est}{name=EST, description={Eastern Standard Time}}
% Use the terms
\gls{utc} is 3 hours behind \gls{adt} and 10 hours ahead of \gls{est}.
%Print the glossary

How do I cite the title of an article in LaTeX?

I'm using LaTeX and BibTeX for an article, and I want to able to cite the title of an article I reference. What is the command to do this?
I'm using \bibliographystyle{chicago} and it does not appear to be \citeT{}, \citetitle{} or \citeTitle{}
#Norman, and the various commenters, are correct in that it would be difficult to do this with bibtex and other tools. But, there is an alternative. Biblatex does allow this through the command \citetitle. Also, if you really want to, the formatting drivers in biblatex are easily readable and modifiable, but only if you feel the need. Unfortunately, it is not part of any distribution, yet, so it has to be downloaded and installed.
Just type in the title. Even natbib, the most powerful widespread BibTeX package, is not powerful enough to do what you want out of the box. Trying to get BibTeX to extract the title for you, by means of a LateX command, is possible, but it would require that you
Design a new format for bibliography items that is incompatible with existing formats.
Write your own custom .bst file, using the very strange postfix language that is used only by BibTeX, to be compatible with your new format.
Write a new LaTeX command to pull the title information out of the new format.
Speaking as someone who has written several custom bst files as well as a replacement for BibTeX, it's just not worth fooling with. After all, if you are citing the paper, you probably know the title anyway.
EDIT: If you have to do this with multiple papers, I would try to cheat. Extend the bst file so that it writes into the bbl file a command that writes into the aux file the title associated with each bibkey. You can model the bbl command on \label and the actual title-citing command on \ref.
This is how I solve the title issue for cited papers:
In the preamble
include Natbib:
If you want to cite a TITLE instead of an author in the text you define the title like this in the preamble:
\defcitealias{Weiser1996designingcalm}{Designing Calm Technology}
You need to have a bibtex item (for the title ''Designing Calm Technology'') with the key {Weiser1996designingcalm}.
In the paper where you want to write the cited paper's title
this results in => Designing Calm Technology (i.e. the text you specified with the \defcitealias command above)
that results in => (Designing Calm Technology) (i.e. title with parenthesis)
This question is old and maybe \citefield was not around back in the days, but now it works like charm for this kind of problems:
title = {NAME OF PAPER},
Got it from this question.
Thanks to Anders for the hint. \defcitealias seems to be the way to go.
Bibtex produces a .bbl file which contains the bibliography entries. something like that
Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., and Voss, H., 2003. {GIS for Everyone: The
CommonGIS Project and Beyond}. {\itshape {In}}: {\itshape {Maps and the
Internet}}., 131--146 Elsevier.
I use Eclipse, which is free and that you may already have to apply regular expressions in this file when needed. '\R' acts as platform independent line delimiter. Here is an example of multi-line search:
and replace:
(For myself I use \\bibitem.*(\R.*)?\R?\{([^{]*)\}$\R^([^\\].*[^\}]$\R.*$\R.*) to get all the item text)
Et produces a series of \defcitealias that can be copypasted elsewhere:
\defcitealias{Andrienko2003}{{GIS for Everyone: The
CommonGIS Project and Beyond}}
Finally, this can be used to build a custom command such as:
\newcommand{\MyCite}[1]{\citet*{#1}. \citetalias{#1}.}
Used as \MyCite{Andrienko2003} and producing: Andrienko et al. (2003). GIS for Everyone: The CommonGIS Project and Beyond.

glossaries package and footnote in LaTeX

I am currently stuck, having two separate glossaries: main & acronyms. Acronyms glossary prints footnotes on first use in the text, but main glossary does not. Is there any way to make any other glossary than acronyms to print footnote on first use of the term? I don't get how to do it.
Here is the code example compiled with TeXnic Center and MiKTeX 2.7:
\newglossaryentry{appdomain}{name={application domain}, description={app Domain Description...}}
\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={[has been inserted aaa]},description={testing testing 123}}
\newacronym{aca}{aca}{a contrived acronym}
\section{this is a test section}
This is the test line... a \gls{sample} \gls{appdomain}
\index{entry} and \gls{aca}
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Abbreviations},toctitle={List of Abbreviations}]
I want sample and appdomain either contain a footnote with description or a footnote stating: please refer to Glossary
Many thanks,
In short, with the glossaries package, you can't get footnotes on the first use for non-acronym glossaries.
However, you can redefine some commands in the preamble (after you \usepackage{glossaries}) to get what you want:
But that will be really fragile.
I think there is an easier way of doing this. Maybe it's new, but
appears to achieve the exact same thing (correct me if I'm wrong). See the glossaries manual, version 2.03, subsection 2.4.1 changing the format of the text.
Unfortunately, it appears commands like \gls or \autoref does not work in those footnotes.
Following is a good technique, to put a footnote stating where the definitions are:
\label{nom} %put this on the page your term appears, so that it can collect page number
\newcommand{\g}{\footnote{For all abbreviations see the glossary on page \pageref{nom}.}}
I've found this from here.
