How To Properly Update User Profile Image - ios

What is the updated code to upload user profileImage, I got an error trying to update user profileImage.
How do I fix this error?
Cannot invoke initializer for type 'UIImage' with an argument list of
type '(#escaping () -> ())'
self.ProfileImage.image = UIImage{data; data!}

You are using { braces } whereas you need to use ( round brackets )
myImageView.image = UIImage(data: imageData)

There are few issues with your code such as you are using {} instead of () .
So , the code will actually look like ...
self.ProfileImage.image = UIImage(data: data!)
but since data is optional value , it can come as nil if not handled properly. This will lead to crash within your app . So use optional binding in such cases to check whether the data variables actually contain any values , like the code below.
if let imageData = data{
self.ProfileImage.image = UIImage(data: imageData)
self.ProfileImage.image = UIImage(named : "image_when_no_value_is_present")


Swift Get data from Firebase Storage

I'm trying to fetch image data from firebase storage with swift .
Code :
let ref ="users").child("uid").child("savedimage");
let task = ref.getData(maxSize: 1024*1024*12) { (data, error) in
if let data = data , let image = UIImage(data: data) {
print("image exists");
self.imageView.image = image;
}else {
But most of the time the app crash after a second of getting the image , and take me to this :
It's not showing any error in console output so i cannot figure out what's the issue but sometimes it's give me a warning before the crash :
warning: could not execute support code to read Objective-C class data in the process. This may reduce the quality of type information available.
What i'm doing wrong ?

Firebase Storage Image download not working properly

I use the following code to download an image from Firebase storage:
storageRef.child(self.fileImageDownloadPath).getData(maxSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024) { (data, error) -> Void in
let userPhoto = UIImage(data: data!)
self.sharedProfileImage.image = userPhoto
print("– – – Succesfully downloaded the shared profile picture")
The download path is retrieved successfully from the corresponding Firebase database; however, the app always crashes because of the expression let userPhoto = UIImage(data: data!); the console logs a
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
If I try to use simply let userPhoto = UIImage(data: data) a compiler error occurs:
Value of optional type 'Data?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?
Do you have any idea how I can solve this? Generally, I am well aware of how to (safely) unwrap optionals – but I can't solve this by myself nonetheless.
The following solved it:
storageRef.child(self.fileImageDownloadPath).getData(maxSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024) { (data, error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
} else {
self.sharedProfileImage.image = UIImage(data: data!)
print("– – – Succesfully downloaded the shared profile picture")
With this, I found out that
Object https:/[...] does not exist
which clearly is because of the missing slash in

aws dynamodb how to use object mapper with batch get in ios swift

Thanks in advance for any help. I am trying to get Batch items (Load multiple) items from one DynamoDb table using the AWS iOS SDK (Swift). I can load one item using the Block syntax, but I need to load 10 or more than that. I don't want to use 10 Block calls to load them individually. I tried to follow the attach stackoverflow Link (where the similar solution is given) but I am getting the following compiler error message. I come from Java background, hence could also be a syntax issue. Is it the right way to load multiple items? I don't want to use low level API. Any help, where I am going wrong. Thanks.
aws dynamodb how to use object mapper with batch get in ios
let dynamoDBObjectMapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.default()
var tasksList = Array<AWSTask<AnyObject>>()
for i in 1...10 {
tasksList.append(dynamoDBObjectMapper.load(AWSCards.self, hashKey: "SH_"+String(i), rangeKey: nil))
AWSTask.init(forCompletionOfAllTasksWithResults: tasksList).continueWithBlock { (task) -> AnyObject? in
if let cards = task.result as? [AWSCards] {
else if let error = task.error {
return nil
Have a try with the following codes (Swift 4.1, Feb 9th, 2018):
let dynamoDBObjectMapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.default()
var tasksList = Array<AWSTask<AnyObject>>()
for i in 1...10 {
tasksList.append(dynamoDBObjectMapper.load(AWSCards.self, hashKey: "SH_"+String(i), rangeKey: nil))
AWSTask<AnyObject>.init(forCompletionOfAllTasksWithResults: tasksList).continueWith { (task) -> Any? in
if let cards = task.result as? [AWSCards] {
else if let error = task.error {
return nil
Your question is "how to use the object mapper" but it might be more efficient for you to not use it.
However, there is a way to use it. See Niklas's answer here and here (he copy & pasted), but something about it strikes me as fishy. I want to make the assertion that it is not as fast as the built-in batch-get function, but I am unsure. I suspect that this does not complete the items in parallel, or at least not as efficiently as in BatchGetItem.
See the docs: "In order to minimize response latency, BatchGetItem retrieves items in parallel."
According to Yosuke, "Currently, AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper does not support the batch get item. You need to load one item at a time if you want to use the object mapper" as of 2016. This still seems to be the case. I am using a version a couple versions behind, but not too far behind. Someone check.
In conclusion, if you are loading one item at a time, you are likely missing out on the whole purpose of BatchGetItem (low latency).
Pulling from various sources, including John Davis's question here, I have tested and ran this BatchGetItem result. Here ya go.
import AWSDynamoDB
let primaryKeyToSortKeyDict : [String : String] = .... // Your stuff
var keys = [Any]()
for key in primaryKeyToSortKeyDict.keys {
let partitionKeyValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
partitionKeyValue?.s = String(key)
let sortValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
sortValue?.s = String(primaryKeyToSortKeyDict[key]!)
keys.append(["partitionKeyAttributeName": partitionKeyValue, "sortKeyAttributeName": sortValue])
let keysAndAttributesMap = AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes()
keysAndAttributesMap?.keys = keys as? [[String : AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue]]
keysAndAttributesMap?.consistentRead = true
let tableMap = [table : keysAndAttributesMap]
let request = AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput()
request?.requestItems = tableMap as? [String : AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes]
request?.returnConsumedCapacity =
guard request != nil else {
print("Handle some error")
AWSDynamoDB.default().batchGetItem(request!) { (output, error) in
print("Here is the batchgetitem output")
if error == nil {
// do output stuff
} else {
// handle error

Does parse PFUser download all User object columns content?

I have a User class in Parse that contains a profilePicture along with some other User info. I couldn't figure out if when I run a query in Swift and Parse returns the PFUser object, does that object already contain the profilePicture or does it download it when I use
The object only contain the profilePicture as a PFFile (PFFile representes a file of binary data stored on the Parse servers). You are simply accessing the PFFile which is by indexing with ["profilePicture"].
To get the actual profilePicture when you use it, you can do something like the following to turn the PFFile into UIImage and display it out.
let imageFile = listingObjectPassed["imageFile"] as! PFFile
imageFile.getDataInBackgroundWithBlock { (data, error) -> Void in
if let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data!) {
self.imagePic.image = downloadedImage

Can't retrieve a picture to swift from using their documentation

I have been trying to follow's intruction to retrieve a picture I already successfully uploaded (also using their documentation). My code:
let testObject = PFObject(className: "TestObject")
let file = testObject["SampleImage.png"] as PFFile
file.getDataInBackgroundWithBlock {
(imageData: NSData?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
if let imageData = imageData {
let image = UIImage(data:imageData)
self.mainImg.image = image
print("Image Retreived")
I am getting the error:
"AnyObject! is not convertible to 'PFFile'"
and then it sugests that I include a ! in 'as'. However, when I do, the application runs but does not retrieve anything.
I realize this question is posted elsewhere, but the answer is not working for me. What am I doing wrong?
let testObject = PFObject(className: "TestObject")
This is a new empty object which isn't backed by anything on the server. You need to set the id to a known value and refresh the instance of you need to run a query to find an object before the resulting object will contain anything.
