Entity relashionship with 1-to-1 relation on both sides - entity-relationship

When modeling with entity-association diagram, I had this relationship which I found weird, I wonder if it's allowed in this model.
+----------+ =-------= +-------------+
+ Driver +--1,1-= HAS =---1,1---+ performance +
+----------+ =-------= +-------------+
Two entities Vehicle and performance and relationship has.
So A Driver must have one and only performance and vice versa.
I wonder if i must merge these two entities into one entity, but semantically this seems wrong, a Driver is not a performance.
In application level, Performance allow to give a points to a driver in order to class Drivers.

This is vaguely similar to a bridge table, which would be used to represent a many-to-many relationship:
drivers ----- many / many ----- performance
transformed into:
driver ----- 1 / many ----- bridge table ----- many / 1 ----- performance
but that is not quite what is happening here.
In this case, the middle table seems to play no useful role and should probably be removed. Assuming that performance is a child table of driver (so performance records include a foreign key that references driver), then it would likely ok to remove performance completely and add those columns directly to driver.
If there are other tables that reference performance such that it would be burdensome to remove that table, you could keep it as a separate table, but just make the references point directly to driver.


Is there a definite answer for the performance of 1st level depth query search in Neo4j (or any other graph db) vs. SQL/NoSQL?

I am testing the use of Neo4j for social-like graph, but I also have many use-cases that require 1st level depth queries (e.g. get my likes / views). Consequently, I wish to decide whether I need another SQL/NoSQL to support (in terms of performance) this type of queries.
Up until now, I was only able to find benchmarks and quantitive data concerning > 1st level searches (i.e. friends of my friends ...)
Is it common knowledge that SQL/NoSQL db will have better performance for such queries? are there any research/benchmarks about this?
A depth of 1 shouldn't result in much difference in performance, I'd think. However, that does depend on two factors: the indexes you've set up, and the depth of expansion.
For both Neo4j and your relational db, you would want a supporting index on the starting node in the graph (the person or post whose likes/views you want to get). For the relational db, you would also want an index to support the join operation being used to get at the connected nodes.
For Neo4j, the expansion to the connected nodes is directly proportional to the number of nodes you are expanding to, since this is just pointer chasing between the nodes and relationships forming your graph. No indexes are used for that.
For a relational database, the relationship would likely be modeled as a table join (which should be index-backed), and that cost will be proportional to the size of the tables being joined, so as more data is added to the graph (no matter of whether it is connected to the user who you are querying for), it will be impacting your execution time.
Thankfully for your case only a single table join would be needed. You may not see a big difference between a graph db and a relational db. Neo4j tends to shine when many (possibly an unbounded number) of traversals are needed, like the friend-of-a-friend queries or those with longer patterns. If your use cases include longer patterns, especially if the types of the node expanded to are not known ahead of time, then Neo4j would be very helpful, especially as the data in your database grows, since traversal performance is proportional only to the directly connected data, not the total number of nodes of the given labels.

Modeling recursive breakdown structures in graph database

For recursive breakdown structures, is it better to model as ...
a. Group HAS Subgroup... or
b. Subgroup PART_OF Group ?? ....
Some neo4j tutorials imply model both (the parent_of and child_of example) while the neo4j subtype tutorials imply that either will work fine (generally going with PART-OF).
Based on experience with neo4j, is there a practical reason for choosing one or the other or use both?
Representing the same logical relationship with a pair of relationships (having different types) in opposite directions is a very bad idea and a waste of time and resources. Neo4j can traverse a single relationship just as easily from either of its nodes.
With respect to which direction to pick (since we do not want both), see this answer to a related question.

Neo4j graph modelling performance and querability, property to a node or as separate node plus relationship

I am teaching myself graph modelling and use Neo4j 2.2.3 database with NodeJs and Express framework.
I have skimmed through the free neo4j graph database book and learned how to model a scenario, when to use relationship and when to create nodes, etc.
I have modelled a vehicle selling scenario, with following structure
(:VEHICLE{mileage:xxx, manufacture_year: xxxx, price: xxxx})
(:VFUEL_TYPE{type:xxxx}) x 2 (one for diesel and one for petrol)
(:VCOLOR{color:xxxx}) x 8 (red, green, blue, .... yellow)
(:VGEARBOX{type:xxx}) x 2 (AUTO, MANUAL)
(vehicleNode)-[:VHAVE_COLOR]->(colorNode - either of the colors)
(vehicleNode)-[:VGEARBOX_IS]->(gearboxNode - either manual or auto)
(vehicleNode)-[:VCONSUMES_FUEL_TYPE]->(fuelNode - either diesel or petrol)
Assuming we have the above structure and so on for the rest of the features.
As shown in the above screenshot (136 & 137 are VEHICLE nodes), majority of the features of a vehicle is created as separate nodes and shared among vehicles with common feature with relationships.
Could you please advise whether roles (labels) like color, body type, driving side (left drive or right drive), gearbox and others should be seperate nodes or properties of vehicle node? Which option is more performance friendly, and easy to query?
I want to write a JS code that allows querying the graph with above structure with one or many search criteria. If majority of those features are properties of VEHICLE node then querying would not be difficult:
MATCH (v:VEHICLE) WHERE v.gearbox = "MANUAL" AND v.fuel_type = "PETROL" AND v.price > x AND v.price < y AND .... RETURN v;
However with existing graph model that I have it is tricky to search, specially when there are multiple criteria that are not necessarily a properties of VEHICLE node but separate nodes and linked via relationship.
Any ideas and advise in regards to existing structure of the graph to make it more query-able as well as performance friendly would be much appreciated. If we imagine a scenario with 1000 VEHICLE nodes that would generate 15000 relationship, sounds a bit scary and if it hits a million VEHICLE then at most 15 million relationships. Please comment if I am heading in the wrong direction.
Thank you for your time.
Modeling is full of tradeoffs, it looks like you have a decent start.
Don't be concerned at all with the number of relationships. That's what graph databases are good at, so I wouldn't be too concerned about over-using them.
Should something be a property, or a node? I can't answer for your scenario, but here are some things to consider:
If you look something up by a value all the time, and you have many objects, it's usually going to be faster to find one node and then everything connected to it, because graph DBs are good at exploiting relationships. It's less fast to scan all nodes of a label and find the items where a property=a value.
Relationships work well when you want to express a connection to something that isn't a simple primitive data type. For example, take "gearbox". There's manuals, and other types...if it's a property value, you won't later easily be able to decide to store 4 other sub-types/sub-aspects of "gearbox". If it were a node, that would later be easy because you could add more properties to the node, or relate other things.
If a piece of data really is a primitive (String, integer, etc) and you don't need extra detail about it, that usually makes a good property. Querying primitive values by connecting to other nodes will seem clunky later on. For example, I wouldn't model a person with a "date of birth" as a separate node, that would be irritating to query, and would give you flexibility you'd be very unlikely to need in the future.
Semantically, how is your data related? If two items are similar because they share an X, then that X probably should be a node. If two items happen to have the same Y value but that doesn't really mean much, then Y is probably better off as a node property.

How to model a relational database into a neo4j graph database?

I have a relational database (about 30 tables) and I would like to transpose it in a neo4j graph database, and I don't know where to start...
Is there a general way to transpose tables and/or tuples into a graph model ? (relations properties, one or more graphs ?) What are the best sources of documentation ?
Thanks for any help,
Best regards
First, if at all possible, I'd suggest NOT using your relational DB as your "reference" for transposing to a graph model. All too often, mistakes and pitfalls from relational modelling get transferred over to the graph model and introduce other oddities. In fact, if you have a source ER diagram, that might be an even better starting point as it's really already a graph. And maybe even consider a re-modelling exercise for your domain!
That said, from a basic point of view, you can think of most tables as representing a node type (e.g. "User" or "Movie") with join tables and keys representing relationship types.
A great starting point, from my perspective anyway, is to determine some questions your graph/data source should answer. Write those questions down, and try to come up with Cypher queries that represent the questions. Often times, a graph model naturally arises from such an effort, and it's really not that difficult.
If you haven't already, I'd strongly recommend picking up a (free) copy of the Graph Databases ebook from here: http://graphdatabases.com/
It's jam-packed with a lot of good info on where to start with modelling your domain and even things to consider when you're used to doing things in a relational manner. It also contains some material on Cypher, although the Neo4j site (neo4j.org) has a reference manual with plenty of up-to-date info on Cypher.
Hope this helps!
There's not going to be a one-stop-shop for this kind of conversion, as not all data models are appropriate for graph modeling, and every application is a unique special snowflake...but with that said.....
Generally, your 'base' tables (e.g. User, Role, Order, Product) would become nodes, and your 'join tables' (a.k.a. buster tables) would be candidates for your relationships (e.g. UserRole, OrderLineItem). The key thing to remember that in a graph, generally, you can only have one relationship of a given type between two specific nodes - so in the above example, if your system allows the same product to be in an order twice - it would cause issues.
Foreign keys are your second source of relationships, look to them to see if it makes sense to be a relationship or just a property.
Just keep in mind what you are trying to solve by your data model - if it's traversing your objects to find relationships and distance, etc... then graphs may be a good fit. If you are modeling an eCommerce app, where you are dealing with manipulating a single nested object (e.g. order -> line item -> product -> sku), then a relational model may be the right fit.
Hope my $0.02 helps...
As has been already said, there is no magical transformation from a relational database model to a graph database model.
You should look for the original entities and how they are related in order to find your nodes, properties and relations. And always keeping in mind what type of queries you are going to perform.
As BtySgtMajor said, "Graph Databases" is a good book to start, and it is free.

Working with cyclical graphs in RoR

I haven't attempted to work with graphs in Rails before, and am curious as to the best approach. Some background:
I am making a Rails 3 site and thought it would be interesting to store certain objects and their relationships as a graph, where each object is a node and some are connected to show that the two objects are related. The graph does contain cycles, and there wouldn't be more than 100-150 nodes in the graph (probably only closer to 50). One node probably wouldn't have more than five edges, with an average of three to four edges per node.
I figured a simple join table with two columns (each the ID of the object) might be the easiest way to do it, but I doubt it's the best way. Another thought was to use a plugin such as acts_as_tree (which doesn't appear to be updated for Rails 3...) or acts_as_tree_with_dotted_ids, but I am unsure of their ability to work with cycles rather than hierarchical trees.
the most I would currently like is to easily traverse from one node to its siblings. I really can't think of a reason I would want to traverse to a node's sibling's sibling, which is why I was considering just making an SQL join table. I only want to have a section on the site to display objects related to a specified object, and this graph is one of the ways I am specifying relationships.
Advice? Things I should check out? Thanks!
I would use two SQL tables, node and link where a link is simply two foreign keys, source and target. This way you can get the set of inbound or outbound links to a node by performing an SQL select query by constraining the source or target node id. You could take it a step further by adding a "graph_id" column to both tables so you can retrieve all the data for a graph in two queries and build it as a post-processing step.
This strategy should be just as easy (if not easier) than finding, installing, learning to use, and implementing a plugin to do the same, IMHO.
Depending on whether your concern is primarily about operations on graphs, or on storage of graphs, what you need is potentially quite different. If you want convenient operations on graphs, investigate the gem "rgl" (ruby graph library). It has implementations of most of the basic classic traversal and search algorithms.
If you're dealing with something on the order of 150 nodes, you can probably get away with a minimalist adjacency list representation in the database itself, or incidence list. Then you can feed that into RGL for traversal and search operations.
If I remember correctly, RGL has enough abstraction that you may be able to work with an existing class structure and you simply provide methods to get adjacent nodes.
Assuming that it is a directed graph, use a mapping table such as
id | src | dest
where src and dest are FKs to your object table.
If your objects are not all of the same type, either have them all inherit a ruby class or have another table:
id | type | type_id
Where type is the type of object it is and type_id is its id in another table.
By doing this, you should be able to get an array of objects for each object that it points to using:
select dest
from maptable
where dest = self.id
If you need to know its inbound edges, you can preform the same type of query using src instead of dest.
From there, you should be able to easily write any graph algorithms that you want. If you need weights, you can modify the mapping table as such.
id | src | dest | weight
