Enabling bus mastering/BMDMA in gem5 FS mode - dma

I am building a custom full system configuration (largely influenced by ARM in configs/FSConfig.py) and am running into an issue where the kernel hangs on boot, being unable to access the disk image to mount the root filesystem. Looking at the kernel boot logs and gem5 call trace, I strongly suspect the culprit has to do with this:
[ 0.000005] ata_piix 0000:00:01.0: BMDMA: BAR4 is zero, falling back to PIO
In other words, while a standard ARM FS mode simulation will enable bus mastering on the simulated gem5 (PIIX) IDE controller and use DMA to access the disk, my simulation reverts to PIO instead. The PCI node of my device tree is the one from ARM’s vexpress (aarch64) dtb. My PCI host/IDE controller setup is also similar to ARM’s setup:
self.cf0 = CowIdeDisk(driveID='master')
self.pci_host = GenericPciHost(conf_base=0x30000000, conf_size=’256MB’, confi_device_bits=12, pci_pio_base=0x2f000000)
self.pci_ide = IdeController(disks=[self.cf0], pci_dev=1, pci_bus=0)
self.pci_host.pio = self.iobus.master
for dev_id, dev in enumerate(pci_devices):
dev.host = self.pci_host
dev.pio = self.iobus.master
dev.dma = self.iobus.slave
The gem5 call trace includes the following (no methods from CowDiskImage are called):
IdeController::Channel::accessCommand: offset = 6, size = 1, read = 0
IdeDisk::updateState: action = 4.
IdeDisk::writeCommand: Write to disk at offset: 0x6 data 0xa0
IdeController::dispatchAccess: Write from offset: 0x2f000016 size: 0x1 data: 0xa0
IdeDisk::readControl: Read to disk at offset: 0x2 data 0x40
IdeController::dispatchAccess: Read from offset: 0x2f000022 size: 0x1 data: 0x40
IdeDisk::writeControl: Write to disk at offset: 0x2 data 0xa
IdeController::dispatchAccess: Write from offset: 0x2f000022 size: 0x1 data: 0xa
I have already verified that my kernel includes drivers for the PIIX, legacy ATA controllers, and BMDMA. I have also attempted to change the BAR4 value of the IDE controller directly in the system configuration file and update the device tree with a dma-ranges field for the PCI node. None of these solutions worked.
TL;DR: How do I ensure that my full system configuration supports and enables bus mastering for the IDE controller? Is there anything special I need to add to the device tree binary?


How to assign a special section to an independent sector on STM32 flash memory?

As you can see,STM32F4xx series memory map is like that.I am develop an IAP application, the boot firmware may be over 64KB size, so I use sector 0-4 to put boot firmware.Now I want to put version msg and verify msg so on to a sector which wouldn`t be erased, its a waste to put them to sector 5.I try to modify ld file using STM32CubeIDE in many ways iI know but failed, So is there anyone know how to put msg to sector 1-3?
Changing boot address is an option:STM32 boot address setting .
For example you can set boot address as start address of sector 1 and you can save your parameters on sector 0.
Another solution is using a dummy boot loader which only checks a button etc. to decide jump to boot loader or main application. For example you can put dummy boot loader on sector 0, parameters can be placed on sector 1, the main boot loader can be placed on sector 2-3-4 and main application can be placed on any where rest of the flash memory.

SPI on Beagleboard Black

I've been trying to make the serial communication work on my BBB for days now and I am running out of ideas.
When I use just the BBB and connect MISO/MOSI I get the signal transfer on MOSI, SCLK and CS (MISO is mainly at high level). However, when I connect the lines to my slave part it does not work. I checked the signals on the oscilloscope and they seem fine and the part which I am using as the slave is working well when I set it in parallel mode, so I believe some programming or configuration must be wrong.
This is basically what I do:
config-pin P9.17 spi_cs
config-pin P9.18 spi
config-pin P9.21 spi
config-pin P9.22 spi_sclk
from Adafruit_BBIO.SPI import SPI
spi = SPI(1,0) #I would expect SPI(0,0) here, but I get the signal on the above configured ports
Then I set the configurations (already tried in many ways):
spi.mode = 0
spi.cshigh = False
spi.msh = 10500000
spi.bpw = 16
spi.lsbfirst = False
After that I open it and try to send data:
If anyone is interested, I am trying to program the LMH6517 as slave and I already tried to ask about this at the TI forum here:
Oscilloscope images:
Thank you,

How do I find the amount of memory used by a program?

I'm running a couple of Java programs in BlueJ. I want to be able to know how much memory the program uses for a given input value. Is there any way I can do this?
1) to get the maximum amount of memory that your Java application can use Runtime:
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println("max memory: " + runtime.maxMemory() / 1024);
2)to get how much memory that JVM has allocated for your application :
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println("allocated memory: " + runtime.totalMemory() / 1024);
3)to get how much memory is being used by your application:
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println("free memory: " + runtime.freeMemory() / 1024);
It could be operating system specific; notably the JVM manages Java allocated memory, but you might call external functions in C++ using JNI which are allocating memory too (e.g. your Java program calling OpenCV functions), and you could be interested in the virtual address space of your current process. On Linux you might use proc(5) and read and parse /proc/self/statm or /proc/self/stat or /proc/self/status. If your process has pid 1234, you could also try cat /proc/1234/maps ijn an other terminal, or use pmap(1). On other operating systems, you'll need to dive into their appropriate documenation.
If you only care about the memory directly used by the JVM, use the Runtime class as answered by Hans.
BTW, your JVM has a garbage collector, and so defining what exactly is the amount of memory used is not trivial.

Watchdog Timeout on SPIFFS.begin or SPIFFS.format

I'm using an ESP-12E NodeMCU board from amazon with the Arduino IDE. It's been working without any problems but now I'm trying to use SPIFFS to store data and I'm getting a Watchdog Timeout after 8 seconds when I call either SPIFFS.begin or SPIFFS.format.
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(1,7)
wdt reset
I've run the example CheckFlashConfig sketch and it reports a size mismatch. IDE size of 4M and real size of 1M. I'm using the Adruino IDE board definition for NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) with a flash setting of 4M (3M SPIFFS).
Flash real id: 001440C8
Flash real size: 1048576
Flash ide size: 4194304
Flash ide speed: 40000000
Flash ide mode: DIO
Flash Chip configuration wrong!
Here's the full code of the CheckFlashConfig sketch:
ESP8266 CheckFlashConfig by Markus Sattler
This sketch tests if the EEPROM settings of the IDE match to the Hardware
void setup(void) {
void loop() {
uint32_t realSize = ESP.getFlashChipRealSize();
uint32_t ideSize = ESP.getFlashChipSize();
FlashMode_t ideMode = ESP.getFlashChipMode();
Serial.printf("Flash real id: %08X\n", ESP.getFlashChipId());
Serial.printf("Flash real size: %u\n\n", realSize);
Serial.printf("Flash ide size: %u\n", ideSize);
Serial.printf("Flash ide speed: %u\n", ESP.getFlashChipSpeed());
Serial.printf("Flash ide mode: %s\n", (ideMode == FM_QIO ? "QIO" : ideMode == FM_QOUT ? "QOUT" : ideMode == FM_DIO ? "DIO" : ideMode == FM_DOUT ? "DOUT" : "UNKNOWN"));
if(ideSize != realSize) {
Serial.println("Flash Chip configuration wrong!\n");
} else {
Serial.println("Flash Chip configuration ok.\n");
I bought a 2nd Amica NodeMCU unit from another vendor and had no problems. I'm chalking this up to bad hardware.
This problem can also be caused by inappropriate power supply. I know from my own experience that the Arduino Uno and most USB-TTL converters cannot safely deliver enough current to the ESPs. If you're not already, consider using a dedicated power supply circuit that are connected to a USB power source.

Is there a way to determine the Physical Sector Size for removable drives with file systems other than NTFS (like FAT16, exFAT...)?

I need a function to get the Physical Sector Size for all kind of system drives, in Win7 or higher.
This is the code that I've used until today, when I found out that it's not working with my external USB HDD (exFAT file system) and with my USB MP3 Player (FAT16). In these cases the function DeviceIoControl fails and I get the exception: "System Error. Code 50. The request is not suported". But it works very well with NTFS volumes.
function GetSectorSize(Drive:Char):DWORD;
var h:THandle;
h:=CreateFileW(PWideChar('\\.\'+UpperCase(Drive)+':'),0,FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0);
if h=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then RaiseLastOSError;
if not DeviceIoControl(h,IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY,#Query,SizeOf(Query),#Alignment,SizeOf(Alignment),junk,nil) then RaiseLastOSError;
According to MSDN:
File Buffering
Most current Windows APIs, such as IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY and GetDiskFreeSpace, will return the logical sector size, but the physical sector size can be retrieved through the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code, with the relevant information contained in the BytesPerPhysicalSector member in the STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR structure. For an example, see the sample code at STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR. Microsoft strongly recommends that developers align unbuffered I/O to the physical sector size as reported by the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to help ensure their applications are prepared for this sector size transition.
This same quote also appears in the following MSDN document:
Advanced format (4K) disk compatibility update
Which includes the following additional information:
The below list summarizes the new features delivered as part of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 to help improve customer and developer experience with large sector disks. More detailed description for each item follow.
•Provides a new API to query for physical sector size (FileFsSectorSizeInformation)
Here’s how you can query for the physical sector size:
Preferred method for Windows 8
With Windows 8, Microsoft has introduced a new API that enables developers to easily integrate 4K support within their apps. This new API supports even greater numbers of scenarios than the legacy method for Windows Vista and Windows 7 discussed below. This API enables these calling scenarios:
•Calling from an unprivileged app
•Calling to any valid file handle
•Calling to a file handle on a remote volume over SMB2
•Simplified programming model
The API is in the form of a new info class, FileFsSectorSizeInformation, with associated structure FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION
This information can be queried in either of the following ways:
•Call FltQueryVolumeInformation or ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile, passing FileFsSectorSizeInformation as the value of FileInformationClass and passing a caller-allocated, FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION-structured buffer as the value of FileInformation.
•Create an IRP with major function code IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION.
•Call FsRtlGetSectorSizeInformation with a pointer to a FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION-structured buffer. The FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity member will not have a value initialized by the file system when this structure is returned from FsRtlGetSectorSizeInformation. A file system driver will typically call this function and then set its own value for FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity.
Your principal error is that you try to get physical sector size from a volume handle rather than from that of an underlying physical device (\\.\PhysicalDriveX). Device's physical sector size doesn't depend on FS and shouldn't be confused with a logical sector size defined by FS properties.
