How to attach build log files to Jenkins? - jenkins

I'm building Jenkins pipeline and after pipeline fails with server installation some logs are generated on machine where server is being installed.
I want to attach those logs to Jenkins build so person can see that file from Jenkins build only instead of going to machine and find it out.
I saw a plugin Copy To Slave Plugin but for installation when I searched for it in Jenkins, it's not listed.
Could you please suggest which plugin will help me to attach log files to Jenkins build?

Due to the complex nature of filesystems, Jenkins is not capable to copy logs from extraneous locations like those outside of the Jenkins root directory. This is for security reasons, which is why the Copy to Slave Plugin you referred to earlier has been discontinued.
In short, Jenkins spawns processes that spawn other processes that are owned by different users in the filesystem (e.g. root). For this reason, it is highly probable that the log files you are referring to are located elsewhere on the file system (i.e. not in $JENKINS_HOME), and thus are not owned by the jenkins user.
It is possible to use cat or tail on the log files in the Jenkins build itself. In combination with a plugin like Log Parser, this can provide some nice output in another screen.

I would be interested about what do you mean by “install”? Can the install happen during the building of a Docker image? Or in a pre-built Docker container? If this is the case, you can copy the “installed” files to the destination.
This would help you, because any log files created during the “install” can be copied out from the docker container and attached to the Jenkins build as an archived artifact.
For this, you don’t even need a plug-in.


How to build a jenkins pipeline choosing 4 path options to copy .war files to a selected tomcat's webapps folder?

I am new on jenkins and I have this situation here. Devs used to deploy by themselves .war files to various paths using a type of manual versioning.
I put my server with NFS share with those repository of files and I would like to build a pipeline choosing different paths to deploy files in my tomcat server.
If a Dev do a new version I just update this new path. But I need to do it selecting pre inserted paths as a choice. I need to deploy those new files selecting paths in a parameterized pipeline.
So I can do deploys just choosing a selection of paths to same tomcat server.
It is hard to start it. I configured my Jenkins docker container and it can execute remote test jobs well.
I need to write this type of pipeline and I really got some problems to join all pieces together.
Or if it is possible I just pass the NFS absolute path to this job as a parameter when I start to execute this pipeline to make it very flexible.
How can I start? I installed some plugins like File Operations and Send Files and execute ssh commands over SSH but it is hard to build it.
Any help or way or links to study it is appreciated.

Service from sources inside Docker container

Short question: is it ok (aren't there any contradictions with Docker ideology) to compile and start application from sources inside Docker container?
Assume that I have some hypothetical application. Let it be Java web service built with Maven, located somewhere in GitHub. Specifics doesn't matter here.
But before starting this service, I need to set-up several config files with right parameters, known at deployment time. Right now I can build fully-preconfigured application package with a single maven command, passing all the necessary configurations at build command.
Now assume that I need to make it a Docker container and don't have time to refactor it somehow right now. So I have a plan: let my docker image have Maven and Git, ENTRYSCRIPT clones my Git repository, builds and starts the application, passing all the necessary parameters via environment.
Is it suitable plan, or it's just wrong?

Jenkins Upgrade: What configuration should I be concerned about in the Jenkins WAR directory?

I am trying to automate Jenkins Upgrades so they do not have to be hands on. Some documentation recommends creating a batch file with instructions on the machine running Jenkins, and create a scheduled task to run the batch job. The site I found with a batch file is here, where it says:
It does delete the complete exploded war file from the deployment location, so be careful if you save any configuration files to that directory.
What configuration file would I have to worry about? No one I've talked to at my company knows of any configuration files held there, and they seem to think we have a pretty default setup, so what could I look for manually that would tell me whether or not I should be concerned?
We are running Jenkins on a Windows virtual box, I believe with Jenkins running as a service.
Alternatively, if the above method is not the easiest or best way to automate Jenkins upgrades, does anyone know a better way?
You can ignore this warning. I've never seen anything storing configuration files in that directory. It is intended to be used as a cache only.
If unsure, check your existing war directory for any files with timestamps newer than the installation time.
Here, on a busy Jenkins master, no files have been added or modified there over a period of several months (since initial war file explosion at installation time).

How to cache downloaded dependencies for a Jenkins Docker SSH Slave (Gradle)

We have Jenkins Docker Slave template that successfully builds a piece of software for example a Gradle project. This is based on the
When we fire up the docker slave the dependencies are downloaded everytime we do a build. We would like to speed up the build so dependencies that are downloaded can be reused by the same build or even by other builds.
Is there a way to specify an external folder so that cache is used? Or another solution that reuses the same cache?
I think, the described answers work only for exclusive caches for every build-job. If I have different jenkins-jobs running on docker-slaves, I will get some trouble with this scenario. If the jobs run on the same time and write to the same mounted cache in the host-filesystem, it can become corrupted. Or you must mount a folder with the job-name as part of the filesystem-path (one jenkins-job run only once at a time).
Here's an example for maven dependencies, it's exactly what Opal suggested. You create a Volume, wich refers to cache folder of the host.

Jenkins runs as root instead of Jenkins

I have a newly installed jenkins server running on my computer, and am having some issues related to permissions.
It seems that jenkins creates the workspace directory as the root user, and then of course all task (including even pulling from the repository) fail, because they do not have permissions to modify the directory
Have a look at the Started-By Environment Variable plugin:
If you are just asking how to set up Jenkins to run under a different user in Linux it depends on how you installed it. Have a look at for different setup options. I had a look at Installing Jenkins as a Unix daemon and at step 7 you need to setup a configuration file. Change the last line in that file (RUN_AS_USER=jenkins) to contain the user of your choice.
