I would like to show the number in front of the full inline citation generated by \bibentry from the bibentry package, matching the one that appears in the bibliography.
In the following MWE, this would correspond to a [2] in front of the indented \bibentry. How would I do that?
author = "Emma",
title = "Emma's publication",
year = "2001" }
author = "Martha",
title = "Interesting thoughts",
year = "2003" }
author = "Paul",
title = "Paul's essay",
year = "2000" }
This is a usual reference~\cite{Emma}.
Now I'm referring to\\[5pt]
\indent \bibentry{Martha}.\\[5pt]
The following is again a normal reference~\cite{Paul}.
This image shows the output of the above MWE
I guess bibentry doesn't allow that, one possible solution is to define a new command (or redefine \bibentry) as a \cite and \bibentry.
Some thing like that:
\renewcommand{\bibentry}[1]{\cite{#1} \oldbibentry{#1}}
So if we try this code:
% redefine the bibentry command as cite then bibentry
\renewcommand{\bibentry}[1]{\cite{#1} \oldbibentry{#1}}
author = "Emma",
title = "Emma's publication",
year = "2001" }
author = "Martha",
title = "Interesting thoughts",
year = "2003" }
author = "Paul",
title = "Paul's essay",
year = "2000" }
This is a usual reference~\cite{Emma}.
Now I'm referring to\\[5pt]
\indent \bibentry{Martha}.\\[5pt]
The following is again a normal reference~\cite{Paul}.
it should produce:
I'm trying to get a list of abbreviations with the package acro. This is a minimal, reproducable Example:
\documentclass[13pt, titlepage]{article}
short = UXO ,
long = Unexploded Ordenances ,
tag = abbrev
\printacronyms[include=abbrev, name=Abkürzungsverzeichnis]
So printacronyms should print out all the acronyms I set with the tag abbrev, but all I get is the word "Abkürzungsverzeichnis". There are no Error-messages and I can use the abbreviations if I type \ac{auv} (like in the example). What is going on here?
The problem can be avoided by placing \DeclareAcronym in the preamble:
\documentclass[13pt, titlepage]{article}
short = UXO ,
long = Unexploded Ordenances ,
tag = abbrev
\printacronyms[include=abbrev, name=Abkürzungsverzeichnis]
For a CV, I want to underline my name wherever it appears in a bibliography. I am using LaTex with biblatex. Is there an easy way to automatically underline a certain name? Thanks!
For example, I want "Name Surname" to be underlined automatically in all the entries in the bibliography.
\usepackage[maxbibnames=99, sorting=ydnt]{biblatex}
author = {Surname, Name and Another, Name and Thethird, Name and Andthe, Last},
journal = {JUR},
month = {5},
title = {{Title very good}},
year = {2015}
author = {Guy, Some and Surname, Name and Dude, The},
journal = {JUR},
month = {5},
title = {{Another brilliant title}},
year = {2016},
You can use the trick from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/355317/36296
\usepackage[maxbibnames=99, sorting=ydnt]{biblatex}
author = {Surname, Name and Another, Name and Thethird, Name and Andthe, Last},
journal = {JUR},
month = {5},
title = {{Title very good}},
year = {2015}
author = {Guy, Some and Surname, Name and Dude, The},
journal = {JUR},
month = {5},
title = {{Another brilliant title}},
year = {2016},
{\expandafter\ifthenelse{\boolean{bold}}{\mkbibbold{\namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}{\namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}%
{\expandafter\ifthenelse{\boolean{bold}}{\mkbibbold{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}%
{\expandafter\ifthenelse{\boolean{bold}}{\mkbibbold{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni\addcomma\isdot}}{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni\addcomma\isdot}}%
\makeauthorsbold{Surname, Name}
Just to be sure, do you want to highlight all the authors or just a particular name?
In the first case, I invite you to look at the .bst files that format the bibliography to find the one that suits you or even create one yourself (which is quite long).
In the second case, I don't see any solution except to add \hl{Name, Surname} inside your bib file.
I have a reference file (bib file) I want to convert it as
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Allen C.W.}{1973}] {b1} Allen C.W., 1973,
Astrophysical quantities, ${3^{rd}}$ ed. (Athlone Press, London)
when I use
Output ppl file as
\bibitem[Allen, 1973]{allen1973astrophysical}
Allen, C.~W. (1973).
Combining natbib with the newapa style gives something similar:
author = {{Allen}, C.~W.},
title = "{Astrophysical quantities}",
booktitle = {London: University of London, Athlone Press, |c1973, 3rd ed.},
year = 1973,
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1973asqu.book.....A},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
Resulting .bbl file:
{Allen}, C.~W. (1973).
\newblock {\em {Astrophysical quantities}}.
I am using class beamer to prepare scientific presentation. The myrefernces.bib is included using \addbibresource{}. In one slide, one citation is used twice using \footcite{}. The same citation appears twice in the bottom of the slide also with different numbers. How to avoid this and make the citation appear with same number in the slide as well as through out presentation to avoid confusion.
Thanks in advance.
manual workaround:
author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
title = {The {\TeX} book},
date = 1984,
maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
volume = {A},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
location = {Reading, Mass.},
langid = {english},
langidopts = {variant=american},
sortyear = {1984-1},
sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting A},
indexsorttitle= {The TeXbook},
indextitle = {\protect\TeX book, The},
shorttitle = {\TeX book}
I have a problem with reference style in LaTeX.
I use:
\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authoryear]{biblatex} %
But when I look at the references, the text is not inside parentheses.
For example:
,reviewed in Roy et al. 2010
should be
,reviewed in (Roy et al. 2010)
All bibliography package have a mean to either add or not parenthesis to a citation, depending on context.
Indeed, generally it is undesirable to have all citations bracketted.
For instance, if you say "see \cite{foobar}", you probably want "see (Foobar 1999)". But in a phrase like "(\cite{foobar} also has interesting examples)", you do not want parenthesis, as "((Foobar 1999) also ...)" looks ugly and is not advised in standard typographic rules. Probably "(Foobar 1999 also has ...)" is prefered.
For this reason, in vanilla bibtex, you have \cite (without parenthesis) and \citep (with parenthesis).
In biblatex, you can do the same. Instead of using \cite, use \parencite to get citations with parenthesis.
Another approach to add parenthesis around the citations is to change the definition of the \cite macro:
author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
title = {The {\TeX} book},
date = 1984,
maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
volume = {A},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
location = {Reading, Mass.},
langid = {english},
langidopts = {variant=american},
sortyear = {1984-1},
sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting A},
indexsorttitle= {The TeXbook},
indextitle = {\protect\TeX book, The},
shorttitle = {\TeX book}
author = {Einstein, A.},
title = {Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie},
journal = {Annalen der Physik},
volume = {354},
number = {7},
doi = {10.1002/andp.19163540702},
pages = {769--822},
year = {1916}