Jenkins email extension randomly doesn't send - jenkins

I'm using the Jenkins Email Extension to send automated build emails, and about 1/4th of the time, it just simply will not send.
I am getting the expected output of
Email was triggered for: Success
Sending email for trigger: Success
Sending email to:
Finished: SUCCESS
But it doesn't send the email. This is completely random. No matter what time, what build, or the list of recipients, it just pretends to send the email but doesn't roughly 1/4th of the time.
Are there additional logs for this extension somewhere? Because other than "Sending email to:" in the regular build logs, it doesn't actually give any confirmation that an email was really sent.

Dunno how you've got the email extension configured, but what I would suggest is spinning up a postfix relay on the server that Jenkins is running on, and configure the email extension to use "localhost". The reason is that then you would get log messages on the server that would show you if Jenkins is actually trying to send the emails or not. It might not be jenkins, it might be something else.


Jenkins Email notification sent successfully but not delivered

Below is the log and its working fine when i ask Jenkins to send it to individuals but the same is not working fine when i ask Jenkins to send it to a distribution list.
04:22:08 Email was triggered for: Always
04:22:08 Sending email for trigger: Always
04:22:08 Request made to compress build log
04:22:08 Sending email to:
04:22:08 Finished: UNSTABLE
any help?
enable the option Extended E-mail Notification -> Allow sending to unregistered users and try again.
If Still not receiving the emails, enable the option Extended E-mail Notification -> Enable Debug Mode. So that you will get detailed message.
That usually means you are using an exchange server and the distribution group has only allow authenticated users (which is the default)

notifications are not sent after build

I want to send build results - whether it is SUCCESS or FAILURE to some recipients. In Extended E-mail Notification config I set reply to list to some gmail mail.
In my after build section for notification of the job I left notification config as is
But when build fails it does not send notification as recipients list is considered empty.
What is the problem?
Either you fill the Default Recipients inside "Extended E-Mail Notification" and use as Project Recipient List $DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS or you specify directly the e-mail adresses (comma seperated) inside the Project Recipient List
One of the both fields must contain a valid e-mail adress. Otherwhise it will fail with An attempt to send an e-mail to empty list of recipients, ignored. failure.
Additionaly try to verify: Jenkins email-ext plugin thinks I have no recipients configured

jenkins email-ext plugin stopped work

I have unclear situation with email notification. When email triggering from job, I get "MessagingException message: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful", but when I go to Manage jenkins -> configure system -> E-mail Notification, and run "Test configuration by sending test e-mail" I get "Email was successfully sent" and email to mail box. "E-mail Notification" and "Extended E-mail Notification" using the same SMTP server, and 2 days ago all working good. I'm at a loss... Any ideas, where to look for the problem? Thanks !
It seems problem precisely with email-ext plugin. Because, I added to my job two notifications section, first usual notification (Send e-mail for every unstable build) and second "Editable email notification", and I get a result: first notification successfuly sent, second says "535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful". Two days ago I change password for email, and made changes to the jenkins settings. But it looks like email-ext plugin try authenticate with old password. May be somebody knows, how to reset plugin settings ?
The reason is that the plugin doesn't update settings... It can be done manually, /var/lib/jenkins/hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher.xml , need update hash in <smtpAuthPassword></smtpAuthPassword> section.

Jenkins email configuration - Test email configuration succeeds but email is not received by user

I am Using Jenkins v1.521 on Windows 2008 R2 server. I need to enable email build notifications in the builds. I have also installed email ext plugin.
I have configured the SMTP server details under Configure System in Jenkins.
I tried sending the test email from Jenkins using "Test Configuration" option providing my email address and I get a message that says "Email successfully sent" but I don't seem to be receiving the email.
I also tried doing a telnet to the SMTP server directly on the server hosting Jenkins and sent an email manually and it worked. I received the email.
I wonder why the mail sending part does not work via Jenkins?
Could any one please provide me suggestions to fix this issue?
In order to get this to work, a valid email must be entered into the "System Admin e-mail address" field. That field is on the same page but is located in another section higher up. Without doing so, I too received a message that the email was successfully sent but I never received it. Once I set it, the test emails started to be received properly.

Jenkins ext-email plugin fails to send email on build success

I have Jenkins version 1.480.3 installed on my machine and Email-Extension Plugin 2.28.
I have configured my jobs on Jenkins and everything works fine except the final build success email.
I have configured four triggers for Email-Extension plugin:
Before Build
For all the triggers I have enabled "Attach Log" and all works fine except the "Success".
I get the following message on screen:
Email was triggered for: Success
Sending email for trigger: Success
Request made to compress build log
Sending email to:
Error sending to the following VALID addresses:
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Capturing build context information.
Finished: SUCCESS
Please could someone help me since I really have no clue how to resolve this.
I had this problem too. In the end, it was because my attached build log was too large! The SMTP server refused to send out the e-mail causing the error message:
Error sending to the following VALID addresses: ...
Disabling the option to attach the build log or fixing the output of my build to not dump so much text fixed the problem:
Looks like a bug in the plugin. Here's a workaround:
In the global settings for the plugin make sure to provide a full e-mail address for System Admin E-mail Address, (e.g., not just foo), even though you've specified the Default user E-mail suffix. The address itself can be bogus, though.
For Email, you have to install following plugins.
Email-ext plugin
Email-ext Template Plugin
To provide the configuration, go to the Jenkins System configuration page (Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Configure System > ” E-mail Notification ” section). You will be able to see the below screen to add email configurations:
SMTP server name :
User name :
Password : user_email password
Use SSL : Checked
SMTP Port : 465
Now, configure “Extended E-mail Notification” section. You will be able to see the below screen. Fill the same value as above parameter.
Now, Click on Default triggers at bottom right corner and select success. Apply and save you configuration.
Now Goto your job and Click the Add post-build action drop-down, select E-mail notification option.
Enter the recipient email id in the ‘E-mail Notification’ box and select the checkbox next to the ‘Send e-mail for every unstable build’ option.
Click the ‘Add post-build action’ drop-down and select the ‘Editable Email Notification’ option.
In Project Recipient List , This is a comma separated list (optional whitespace after commas) of email addresses that should receive emails. May contain references to build parameters. To CC or BCC someone instead of putting them in the To list, add cc: or bcc: before the email address (e.g.,,
In Attachments field, you have to give the path of your binary file (i.e path of your .ipa file like, build/artifacts/IPA-Name.ipa)
Now click on Advanced Settings at bottom right corner. Click on Add trigger and select Success trigger. Click on Add drop down from the success trigger and select Recipient List option. Apply and Save your configuration.
n mac-mini for iOS job configuration, if email is not send and gives you java exception error message then you must turn on less secure apps.
I also had this problem, and it was because I forgot to set the SMTP server (in the plugin section of configuration), but only saw the default SMTP server settings.
My first guess is that the global jenkins email configurations are not set correctly.
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> E-mail Notification
This is the default plugin, not the extended one you installed manually. The SMTP server field defaults to localhost, so unless you have an email server setup and running on the same box, this needs to be set.
If that is set then I would try telnet'ing to your email server from your Jenkins server to make sure there is not a connection error.
After days of search for answer, it turns out the gmail has attachment limit for 25 mb, and my output is larger than that.
Check your output size if you met this issue and you are using gmail for mail server.
Refer all above solutions, if it doesn't work. You can try this solution.
Zip file is blocked in Gmail. You should rename your zip file inside script before send it. (Example: I solved my problem.
I had the same problem. It turns out that for some reason, Jenkins would not save my "Extended E-mail Notification" SMTP settings. At one point, it did save the setting and the emails started working. Make sure that the bit in red is selected and double-check it after you press Save:
If every thing fails, try restarting jenkins process. That solved for me. Somehow the Jenkins system was unable to load all of the configs without a restart? But give it a try.
Today i faced this issue on a jenkins machine that was sending emails just fine till a couple of weeks ago. I turned it on today and it just wont send emails because of "Error sending to the following VALID addresses"
I tried these steps:
Made sure I am not attaching any log file in the email.
Made sure "System Admin" email has the domain name mentioned.
Jenkins was able to successfully send emails to me when i tried it by "Test configuration by sending test e-mail"
Downgraded my email ext plugin.
None of the above mentioned steps helped.
Finally i replaced my company's SMTP server with the jenkins default server and it worked just fine. Not sure why this has happened, I need to talk to my IT guys and see if they have enabled any new security in SMTP server.
Hope this helps to people who hit this same issue.
