How to create custom controller in laravel nova - laravel-nova

I have some resource and all my resource direct to observer but i want manage request in controller.
I'm already tired of looking for a solution. How to i create custom controller for my resource?

Find the route want to change from route list using command php atisan route:list and then create new route from web.php or where ever you want to override it.


Rails: how to generate view/action to existing controller?

When I want to add a custome view to my existing controller
I need to create the custom_page.erb, add the def custom_page in controller, and add routes get .... This is very repetative.
Is there any generate command, that can do this at once? Maybe something like Rails generate CustomActionToMyController action_name?
Nope there is no direct way to do this.
Check this out Create a new action for existing controller

Creating Questions in Ruby on Rails

I have been following this guide to make a Ruby on Rails web app:
It is supposed to be a quiz where people answer questions.
I have made :questions a resource. However, the guide mentions a page on its website to be able to create and delete its resource articles. Obviously this makes no sense with quiz questions as I just want to create them once and after that no more can be created or deleted. However, there is no mention of this in the guide?
If you don't want to be able to create/update/destroy your questions through controller, you can exclude these restful routes with :except, or specify the routes you need with :only which is more obvious(take a look at the routing guide):
resources :questions, only: [:index, :show]
This will create following routes:
GET /questions questions#index
GET /questions/:id questions#show
To fill your database with questions, use seeds(which are described in AR migrations guide). Put your questions creation related code into db/seeds.rb file and run rake db:seed afterwards.
You should specify in your routes to only :show the questions.
Do something like this in your routes:
resources :questions, only: [:show]
So as much I understand, you want to create resources and data on your own but don't want other users to be able to create or delete a resource, right?
let's start with the basics:
In MVC, the model/resource is the main representation of the entities.
The routes file indicate what routes are available at the first place
for each entity to which HTML requests can be sent. It also matches the route with a respective controller action. The controller
provides a gateway for users to interact with your application, takes
a request from them, take actions needed( issue SQL commands to create, show, delete from the database etc) and give a suitable response at the end.
So, suppose you want users to create a new resource on your server. First, you provide a route on which they can send a request. Then, you give them a create new resource button in your view through which they can interact. That button will use the route, match it with a controller action and send a request to that controller method. Depending on what is inside the controller action, the controller then creates the resource and redirect the user with a 302 with a notification.
Now, suppose you don't want a request to go through. What will you do?
You will firstly not create a route on which a request can be sent. You will also not create a controller action on which request can be received.
That's the use case in your scenario.
Since you don't want users to be able to send a request to the server to create the resource:
Don't provide the routes for them to send any such HTML request
Don't provide any controller which will receive such request
And obviously, don't provide any button in the view to take that action.
Now, the question would be: Then how will I create the resource?
You have three options:
Use a seed file: You can use a seed file where you add all the data you want. This tutorial and many other resources on the web can help you out.
Use rails console: Give create commands: Question.create(:name => "hello", :description => "How you doing!"). See the link here:
If you are a beginner, you need to work a little more before trying this: Create authorized users and what actions they can take. You can also create an admin dashboard and provide all actions to admin users using activeadmin gem.
This blog explains the process: 3
Finally, as you do need to show all the questions: create only show route, match it with a controller action, write the method in the controller action which issues a SQL command to get all the resource from the database and give the respective show view the data it can render.
Hope it helps you out!

How to add a view in rails

I am quite new to rails but i have searched a lot how to do this but it doesnt seem to work for me. Im trying to create a new view called request for my model called steppy_steps, so i created a new file in the views directory called request.html.rb, added this to my routes, match '/request' => 'pages#request', also tried get "steppy_tests/home", and lastly added (def request, end), to my Steppy_Tests_Controller.rb but when i check the url it gives me an error:Couldn't find SteppyTest with id=home
I cant figure out what to do any help would be great! Thanks in advance.
You should read up on the MVC programming pattern (which is what Rails is based on)
In order to make a view, you need to have the controller and model aspects in place too. I think you're doing this already, but to help you understand more, I'll outline below:
Views : Controller Actions
If you want to show a view from the steppy_steps controller, you need to first have a controller action set up to handle the request. You'd normally use a self-named controller for this (controller name steppy_steps), and have various actions for that
In your routes, you'll then "capture" the request to your steppy_steps controller like this:
resources :steppy_steps
This will create a set of RESTful routes, which you can then translate into your controller, like this:
def index
#Index code
def show
#Show code
This will allow you to create a views directory which can contain the views for /views/steppy_steps/show.html.erb and /views/steppy_steps/index.html.erb
Routes Are Super Important
The error you're getting is caused by you sending /home to your view
The problem here is that if you're using a route which has an in-built id param (the show action routes have this), then Rails will look for the extra params after the URL
To fix this, you'll have to provide more of your code, but I also believe you'd be better understanding the fundamentals of Rails a little more
Adding Routes
You can add routes & views as you wish
If you're looking to add a requests route / view, I'd do this:
resources :steppy_steps do
collection do
get :requests
This will allow you to create /steppy_steps/requests

Rails4: Adding Pages to a Controller

I currently have a Shop's Controller:
and i want to add an about and policy page to the existing shop
Do i have to generate a seperate model or views or add to the Controller ?
This Question might sound very stupid, but i'm new to rails and cant get over that Problem.
If someone could enlighten me.
Thank you
If your whole page is a shop, then there's no sense in making a single shop controller that contains every action of the shop. Instead, create controllers for the shops "parts". Normally, you would have a separate controller for static pages like about or policy.
Rails will, by default, search for a file that has the same name as the action of the controller under the folder with the same name as the controller and load it, after the code in the controller is executed.
So, if your controller is Shop, and the action is policy, just add a policy.html.erb file under the views/shop folder. Finally, add this to the routes.rb file:
get 'shop/test/about', to: 'shop#about'
Consider the getting started guide, which covers all this.

How do I add access controls to named routes in config/routes.rb?

I use require_admin! frequently in my controllers. It works great.
Now, I want to add named route like so:
# config/routes.rb
match "poniesandrainbows" => redirect("")
# ^sadly, not really a website, btw.^
How do I restrict access to that route? Is this possible? Obviously it redirects to a public URL, but I still want to keep the route private.
You cannot restrict access from routes.
The safest way to match "poniesandrainbows" with a controller where you can use require_admin! and then redirect them to the public url.
You can try to solve the problem on the front end. Maybe only show the link to admin users.
It won't stop other users to paste the link directly to their browser url though
That kind of functionality should be encapsulated in the controller. The router handles the plumbing of passing a request to the correct controller. It is the controller's job to correctly figure out how to process the request. In this cause, the controller would use the auth service (such as require_admin!) to determine if the user is allowed to be redirected or if they are doom to another fate.
It is actually possible although as the other posters mentioned very rarely a good idea. You can read about how in this blog post: (scroll down to the routes section)
