'Branch.h' file not found Xcode error for Ionic 3 app - ios

When I am trying to build my Ionic 3 app in ios device from Xcode, I am getting the following error.
'Branch.h' file not found
The error appears in file BranchSDK.h inside the Plugins folder of IOS.
There are old threads on Github regarding this error but I am unable to solve it.

Please try following solution:
Please make sure that you are opening xcworkspace instead of xcodeproj.
Please remove the existing SDK integration, start a fresh and make sure to use the latest version. You can follow this link for more details:
Delete derived data from Xcode as suggested in this link.
Config.xml is an important part of your project configuration, please make sure to cross confirm it from the Branch Dashboard. Please follow our troubleshooting guidelines to make sure you are not missing anything.
In case following solution does not works for you please write to support#branch.io.


File Not Found When Launching TreasureHunt

I am following the Google Developer's guide for building a virtual reality application for the iPhone. I followed the initial steps and believe I have everything that is necessary installed. When I try to build the app from Xcode on my iPhone, I receive the file not found error on the "#import "GCSCardboardView.h"" statement in the TreasureHuntRenderer.h file. Am I missing a file or has the name of this library changed since the guide was published?

iOS Builds: This build is invalid in iTunes connect

I recently uploaded an app to the app store and its been processing for a few days now. I went in this morning to check everything out, and on the top bar of iTunes connect, i clicked on iOS builds to see how everything was going and I got a red circle with an exclamation point in it. When I clicked on it, it says "This build is invalid". Does anyone know the cause of this?
Check your email, it tells you exactly what is wrong. In itunes connect it simply says "This build is invalid" which is kind of useless. If you check your email it will most likely be a testflight issue as you included the sdk in your build and its integrated into itunes connect now:
"TestFlight SDK - TestFlight no longer requires an SDK to enable beta testing, crash reporting and analytics. To continue using TestFlight, set up Beta Testing in iTunes Connect and remove references to the SDK from the following executables:"
I was facing the same problem. I solved it by good luck after couple of hours of struggle. This issue was due to cocoa pods. Actually I installed "Alamofire" through cocoapods versions "0.38". I updated the pods for Alamofire 3.1.2. This build successfully got uploaded to the itunes connect but was declared as invalid in itunesConnect.
This reason was Alomofire 3.1.2 required cocoapods version 0.39. But I updated it using 0.38. So it was the issue.
Fix: Normal updating cocoapods by using the cpmmand $ gem install cocoapods, and then updating alamofire would not fix the problem. You will have to :
1. Update cocoapods using $ gem install cocoapods.
2. Delete the existing pod references from your project.
3. Reinstall pods using pod install command.
4. Done
You could validate the app archive trough Xcode and get details of what is the problem. The archives are currently found under Window->Organizer. To validate it you can click the "Validate..." button under the "Upload to App Store..." button. This may help you if you didn't get an email with details for the problem as was my case.
I got the same problem too. and It turns out that I archive the build with Reveal framework reference. I think that's the problem.
In the pass, I made the same mistake and Xcode shows detail error info during uploading. Now it seems not.
I got the same problem too. I write a App with Objective-C and use ios-charts(is swift),and I need to support iOS7,so it is troublesome... and when I upload app to AppStore I get the problem. I submit it again ,but still the problem. then I despair to clean the project and reset the codesiganature,what... that work! I just hehele ... enter image description here
In my case I just Drag and Drop The SDK In folder include info.plist file which is not in use. That's create the issue for me. So find the unused info.plist file and delete it from the Source code. Clean the project folder and Re upload.
Recently I faced the same issue on iTunes Connect and I received an email from apple regarding to TestFlight SDK that I forgot to remove from my project bundle. It says 'TestFlight no longer requires an SDK to enable beta testing' so after removing SDK clean the code, make archive again and upload. That't it!

Why am I getting 'Braintree/BTUICTAControl.h' file not found error on Braintree manual integration?

I get the following build error after implementing step number four "Add the Braintree SDK code to project" from the Manual Integration Without CocoaPods guide.
braintree_ios/Braintree/UI/Braintree-Payments-UI.h:3:9: 'Braintree/BTUICTAControl.h' file not found
Tested in
New Objective-C iOS app project.
In Xcode 6.1 (6A1042b) and 6.3 (6D543q)
How can I fix this build error?
I work on the Braintree iOS SDK.
I believe using the name Braintree instead of Braintree SDK for the framework target name will resolve this particular issue. I recently updated the manual docs accordingly.
We recommend that you integrate using CocoaPods if at all possible, as it handles all this complexity for you.
Note also that I've responded on the issue you posted on GitHub. Let's resolve this there. Thanks!
Have you tried manually downloading the zip file and not using git?
Try following the second bullet point from the first step.

'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' not found when Archiving in Xcode (from Worklight)

I'm suffering this error message when trying to Archive my app prior to submission to the App Store.
The full error is:
In file included from /Users/Kevin/Documents/workspace/SongLink2/apps/SLPhone/iphone/native/Classes/CDVMainViewController.m:14:
In file included from Classes/CDVMainViewController.h:15:
/Users/Kevin/Documents/workspace/SongLink2/apps/SLPhone/iphone/native/WorklightSDK/include/MainViewController.h:34:9: fatal error: 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
#import <Cordova/CDVViewController.h>
1 error generated.
I'm using Worklight 6.2 to generate the project having added both Android and iPhone environments). I then switch to Xcode 6 to Run my app. This is successful for Run but fails when I Product->Archive with the error.
I've recently upgraded everything to:
IBM Worklight Studio
Xcode 6.0.1 (6A317)
... but with no success.
I've tried:
Changing Header>Search Paths: but this had no effect. This also suggest reinstalling Cordova but I'm unsure how to do this in a Worklight environment.
Perform Product->Clean with no effect. This discussion also suggested running ./update_cordova_subproject /path/to/your/project but I don't know where Worklight installed cordova to try it.
Many discussions suggest Xcode->Preferences->Locations->Advanced and make sure it's set to Unique... but I'm already set to this value.
similar: but this didn't seem to get resolved
Please help me on my last step to app store submission!
In looking at the Header Search Path(s) I noticed I'd introduced an extra double quote which was causing Xcode some confusion! Once I removed that it worked fine.
Many thanks
I experienced this problem and the solution was a classic XCode mystery incantation to add to your search path:
Found on this website:

XCode & Facebook IOS SDK - Instructions incorrect

I am following this guide.
For setting up the Facebook IOS SDK for my XCode project..
I got to the part that says to run
% ~/facebook-ios-sdk/scripts/build_facebook_ios_sdk_static_lib.sh
in the terminal..
I tried that and it didn't work, so i went to find that script file manually and it isn't in the folder specified.. My questions is am i missing something? or does anyone know if the file was renamed?
You're right, this script is not included in the newest version on github.
However you can download the SDK and use it as described in the "Getting Started" section - Start a new Xcode Project. So far I had no issues with the SDK 3.0 and ARC in my project.
That script is there in my instance. Is it possible that the facebook-ios-sdk directory isn't in the top level of your home directory as in /Users/yourusername/facebook-ios-sdk? It needs to be there for you to follow the instructions verbatim.
