question about camera geometric distortion correction - opencv

In OpenCV implementation, instrinsic parameters of the camera is used to correct geometric distortion.
So camera calibration is performed to obtain instrinsic parameters using multiple chessboard images.
Currently I learned that geometric distortion can be corrected using only one chessboard image.
I try to figure out how it is done, but still can't find one way to do it.
I find the two above links. It describes the radial distortion. However we can't
guarantee that the camera is parallel to the chessboard when capturing the chessboard.
I can detect the corners of the chessboard, but some corners is distorted, so I can't
fit lines because fitting can only handle noise.
Any help are appreciated.

Please take a look at this paper and this paper. Moreover, this paper proves that you can correct distortion using single image without calibration target based on identifying straight lines on image such as edges of the buildings.
I don't know whether this functionality is implemented in OpenCV but the math in those papers is should be relatively easy to implement it using OpenCV.


Reconstruct 3D points from two images, given camera movement

I am trying to reconstruct the real-world coordinates of 3D points from two images taken from the same camera. The camera is not calibrated, but the movement (translation and rotation) is known. In short:
No calibration
Extra constraints other than image point correspondences:
Known camera translation and rotation
Same camera used in all views
I understand that, from image point correspondences alone, a scene can be reconstructed only up to a projective transformation. With more constraints, an affine or similarity reconstruction may be done. In my case, I need a similarity reconstruction.
Given the above constraints, is a similarity reconstruction possible? If possible, how should I go about doing it?
I have tried to attack the problem from a few angles. Since I am not mathematically fluent, I try to use opencv as much as possible.
findFundamentalMat() from the two images, hopefully extract the two camera matrices somehow, then triangulatePoints(). As you could have guessed, I got stuck in the middle, unable to obtain camera matrices from fundamental matrix.
The textbook "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" (by Hartley and Zisserman) gives an expression (p.256, Result 9.14) that expresses the camera matrices in terms of fundamental matrix and one of the epipoles. However, without knowing the camera's intrinsic parameters (requirement: no calibration), I don't see how I can get the epipole.
I also try to treat my problem as a stereo system and use opencv's stereo*** functions. But they all seem to require human intervention to calibrate, which violates my requirement.
So, that's why I ask the question here today. The key is still, given those extra constraints, is a similarity reconstruction possible? I am not smart enough to understand the wealth of knowledge out there, and not able to come up with my own solution. Any help is appreciated.

opencv: Correcting these distorted images

What will be the procedure to correct the following distorted images ? It looks like the images are bulging out from center. These are of the same QR code, and so a combination of such images can be used to arrive at a single correct and straight image.
Please advice.
The distortion you are experiencing is called "barrel distortion". A technical name is "combination of radial distortion and tangential distortions"
The solution for your problem is openCV camera calibration module. Just google it and you will find documentations in openCV wiki. More over, openCV already has built in source code examples of how to calibrate the camera.
Basically, You need to print an image of a chess board, take a few pictures of it, run the calibration module (built in method) and get as output transformation matrix. For each video frame you apply this matrix (I think the method called cvUndistort()) and it will straighten the curved lines in the image.
Note: It will not work if you change the zoom or focal length of the camera.
If camera details are not available and uncontrollable - then your problem is very serious. There is a way to solve the distortion, but I don't know if openCV has built in modules for that. I am afraid that you will need to write a lot of code.
Basically - you need to detect as much as possible long lines. Then from those lines (vertical and horizontal) you build a grid of intersection points. Finally you fit the grid of those points to openCV calibration module.
If you have enough intersection points (say 20 or more) you will be able to calculate the distortion matrix and un-distort the image.
You will not be able to fully calibrate the camera. In other words, you will not be able to run a one time process that calculates the expected distortion. Rather - in each and every video frame, you will calculate the distortion matrix directly - reverse it and un-distort the image.
If you are not familiar with image processing techniques or unable to find a reliable open source code which directly solves your problem - then I am afraid that you will not be able to remove the distortion. sorry

Undistorting/rectify images with OpenCV

I took the example of code for calibrating a camera and undistorting images from this book:
As far as I understood the usual camera calibration methods of OpenCV work perfectly for "normal" cameras.
When it comes to Fisheye-Lenses though we have to use a vector of 8 calibration parameters instead of 5 and also the flag CV_CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL in the method cvCalibrateCamera2.
At least, that's what it says in the OpenCV documentary
So, when I use this on an array of images like this (Sample images from OCamCalib) I get the following results using cvInitUndistortMap:
Since the resulting images are cut out of the whole undistorted image, I went ahead and used cvInitUndistortRectifyMap (like it's described here So I got the following results:
And now my question is: Why is not the whole image undistorted? In some pics of my later results you can recognize that the laptop for example is still totally distorted. How can I acomplish even better results using the standard OpenCV methods?
I'm new to stackoverflow and I'm new to OpenCV as well, so please excuse any of my shortcomings when it comes to expressing my problems.
All chessboard corners should be visible to be found. The algorithm expect a certain size of chessboard such as 4x3 or 7x6 (for example). The white border around a chess board should be visible too or dark squares may not be defined precisely.
You still have high distortions at the image periphery after undistort() since distortions are radial (that is they increase with the radius) and your found coefficients are wrong. The latter are wrong since a calibration process minimizes the sum of squared errors in pixel coordinates and you did not represent the periphery with enough samples.
TODO: You have to have 20-40 chess board pattern images if you use 8 distCoeff. Slant your boards at different angles, put them at different distances and spread them around, especially at the periphery. Remember, the success of calibration depends on sampling and also on seeing vanishing points clearly from your chess board (hence slanting and tilting).

Calculating distance to plane and square's corners from image

I'm taking camera images of white paper with black square that has specified size (e.g. 10 cm). Image is taken with different distance to paper plane and with different camera angle.
Now I need to deduce from those images camera rotation, camera translation and distance to paper plane as well distance to squares corners.
I'm quite new to image processing so maybe somebody can direct me to some keywords, algorithms or basic math to look for or even OpenCV functions to investigate. On the paper there will be always some primitive objects like squares so I don't need some algorithms that will work any arbitary image but I will definitely need a fast algorithm.
To calculate camera rotation and translation you need to follow sevral steps that are always the same in this kind of problems:
Run a detector on a sample of the image (FAST)
Run a detector on all images you want to process, could be a frame captured from video.
Generate descriptors of points detected (SIFT).
Match descriptors with a matcher (flannMatcher)
Find homography form matched pairs (findHomography())
Find camera pose from homography.
You have some links to the methods in this tutorial.

Image is warped after stereo rectification

I'm currently implementing the stereovision with OpenCV. Now I'm using the Stereo_Calib sample to remove the distortion en rectify the image. Removing the distortion works fine.
But when I apply rectification, the image is very warped.
This is the code to rectify the images. The parameters rmap are calculated in the same way as in the Stereo_calib example (see here)
void StereoCalibration::StereoRectify(Mat &imageLeft, Mat &imageRight)
Mat imLeft, imRight;
remap(imageLeft, imLeft,DistLeft.rmap[0], DistLeft.rmap[1], CV_INTER_CUBIC);
remap(imageRight,imRight, DistRight.rmap[0], DistRight.rmap[1], CV_INTER_CUBIC);
imageLeft = imLeft;
imageRight = imRight;
I realise this question is a few years old however, I have recently had a similar issue. Building on morynicz answer about "bad chessboard" patterns to calibrate stereo images, I found that even with a slight deformation in your chessboard pattern, for example that it isn't flat, can produce large warping in the stereo image pair on rectification. The algorithms in OpenCV, for instance, assume a flat chessboard pattern is being presented such that any physical deformation in that pattern will be wrongly attributed to distortions in the camera optics (or in the relative orientations of the two camera sensors). The algorithms will then try really hard to remove this false distortion leading to very warped images.
To avoid this problem, were possible, use a tablet (or other electronic screen) to display the chessboard pattern as it is then guaranteed to be flat.
Additionally, you should check that the images you are using to calibrate the stereo pair are in focus and have no motion blur or image tearing.
If using OpenCV to do the rectification do some experimentation with the flags used in the stereoCalibrate function as this may lead to a more "optimised" rectification for your particular application.
For anyone looking for help on this, I was dealing with very large scale resolution images and was getting very low reprojection error rate with good calibration images. I was getting very warped stereo pairs after rectification and a really bad depth map.
One thing to try is if your images are warped you might need to down-sample them.
Another thing to try is to combine the flags in stereoCalibrate instead of just choosing one.
Something like this worked for me :
object_points, image_points_left,image_points_right,
camera_matrix_right, dist_right,
I had the same problem, and I think that the issue was bad chessboard used to calibration or mixing up the maps.
I started working on opencv stereo image calibration and rectification recently and I was getting similar images. Although it is true to make sure the board is straight and it is true that we need to take multiple images on the corners and in the middle of the camera at different x,y,z and skew positions, what did the trick for me was the flags in stereoCalibrate. I used all the flags specified in the opencv docs except for INTRINSIC_GUESS and it started very nice undistorted and rectified images.
