Docker containers with multiple bases? - docker

I don't really understand something basic about Docker, specifically if I wanted to build from multiple bases within the same Dockerfile. For example, I know that these two lines wouldn't work:
(well it would compile but then it seems to only include the image from X in the final build). Or perhaps I'm wrong and this is correct but I still haven't seen any other Dockerfiles like this.
Why would I want to do this? For instance, if X and Y are images I found on DockerHub that I would like to build from. For a concrete example if I wanted ubuntu and I also wanted python:
FROM python:2
FROM ubuntu:latest
What is the best way to go about it? Am I just limited to one base? If I want the functionality from both am I supposed to go into the docker files until I find something in common to both of them and build the image myself by copying the one of the dockerfile's code manually all the way through sub images until I reach the common base and add those lines to the other Dockerfile? I imagine this is not the correct way to do this as it seems quite involved and not in line with the simplicity that Docker aims to provide.

For a concrete example if I wanted ubuntu and I also wanted python:
FROM python:2
FROM ubuntu:latest
Ubuntu is Os, not a python. so what you need a Ubuntu base image which has python installed.
you can check offical python docker hub are based on ubuntu, so at one image you will get ubuntu + python, then why bother with two FROM? which is not also not working.
Some of these tags may have names like buster or stretch in them.
These are the suite code names for releases of Debian and indicate
which release the image is based on. If your image needs to install
any additional packages beyond what comes with the image, you'll
likely want to specify one of these explicitly to minimize breakage
when there are new releases of Debian.
So for you below question
What is the best way to go about it? Am I just limited to one base? If
I want the functionality from both am I supposed to go into the docker
yes, limit it one base image suppose your base image
So with this base image, you have python and ubuntu both. you do not need to make Dockerfile that have two FROM.
Also, you do need to maintain and build the image from scratch, use the offical one and extend as per your need.
For example
FROM python:3.7-stretch
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim
RUN pip install mathutils

Multiple FROM lines in a Dockerfile are used to create a multi-stage build. The result of a build will still be a single image, but you can run commands in one stage, and copy files to the final stage from earlier stages. This is useful if you have a full compile environment with all of the build tools to compile your application, but only want to ship the runtime environment with the image you deploy. Your first stage would be something like a full JDK with Maven or similar tools, while your final stage would be just your JRE and the JAR file copied from the first stage.


Docker - Upgrading base Image

I have a base which is being used by 100 applications. All 100 applications have the common base image in their Dockerfile. Now, I am upgrading the base image for OS upgrade or some other upgrade and bumping up the version and I also tag with the latest version.
Here, the problem is, whenever I change the base image, all 100 application needs to change the base image in their dockerfile and rebuild the app for using the latest base image.
Is there any better way to handle this?
Note :- I am running my containers in Kubernetes and Dockerfile is there in GIT for each application.
You can use a Dockerfile ARG directive to modify the FROM line (see Understand how ARG and FROM interact in the Dockerfile documentation). One possible approach here would be to have your CI system inject the base image tag.
ARG base=latest
FROM me/base-image:${base}
This has the risk that individual developers would build test images based on an older base image; if the differences between images are just OS patches then you might consider this a small and acceptable risk, so long as only official images get pushed to production.
Beyond that, there aren't a lot of alternatives beyond modifying the individual Dockerfiles. You could script it
# Individually check out everything first
for d in *; do
cd "$BASE/$d"
sed -i.bak "s#FROM me/base-image.*#FROM:me/base-image:$TAG/" Dockerfile
git checkout -b "base-image-$TAG"
git commit -am "Update Dockerfile to base-image:$TAG"
git push
hub pull-request --no-edit
There are automated dependency-update tools out there too and these may be able to manage the scripting aspects of it for you.
You don't need to change the Dockerfile for each app if it uses base-image:latest. You'll have to rebuild app images though after base image update. After that you'll need to update the apps to use the new image.
For example using advises from this answer
whenever I change the base image, all 100 application needs to change the base image in their dockerfile and rebuild the app for using the latest base image.
That's a feature, not a bug; all 100 applications need to run their tests (and potentially fix any regressions) before going ahead with the new image...
There are tools out there to scan all the repos and automatically submit pull requests to the 100 applications (or you can write a custom one, if you don't have just plain "FROM" lines in Dockerfiles).
If you need to deploy that last version of base image, yes, you need to build, tag, push, pull and deploy each container again. If your base image is not properly tagged, you'll need to change your dockerfile on all 100 files.
But you have some options, like using sed to replace all occurrences in your dockerfiles, and execute all build commands from a sh file pointing to every app directory.
With docker-compose you may update your running 100 apps with one command:
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml
but still needs to rebuild the containers.
with docker compose you can build too your 100 containers with one command, you need to define all of them in a compose file, check the docks for the compose file.

What is the difference between docker FROM and RUN apt-get?

I see that some containers are created FROM official Apache docker image while some others are created from a Debian image with RUN apt get install. What is the difference? What is the best practice here and which one should I prefer?
This is really basic. The purpose of the two commands are different.
When you want to create an image of your own for your specific purpose you you go thru two steps:
Find a suitable base image to start from. And there is a lot of images out there. That is where you use the FROM clause... To get a starting point.
Specialize the image to a more specific purpose. And that is where your use RUN to install new things into the new image and often also COPY to add scripts and configurations to the new image.
So in your case: If you want to control the installation of Apache then you start of with a basic Debian image (FROM) and control the installation on Apache yourself (RUN). Or if you want to make it easy your find an image where Apache is alreay there, ready to run.

What is the use case of docker Ubuntu images

I'm new to this containers. I have seen docker doing really awesome job in virtualization. what is the point of using OS images like Ubuntu, centos etc. For an example if I need to run a mysql server. I can pull it up and just simply run it. I don't think so i need a help of another os image. Can anyone clarify this ? Thanks.
These Linux-distribution images are useful as a base for further images. It’s common enough to build an Ubuntu-based image for some specific application, for example:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install ...
COPY . ./
CMD ["./myapp"]
To the extent that you might need, say, a PostgreSQL client library, getting it via a standard distribution package manager is much more convenient than building it from source.
You’re right that there’s basically no point in directly running these images.
(You’re also right that you don’t need a distribution: if you have a statically-linked binary, you can build an image FROM scratch that contains only the application itself and not common niceties like the system C library or a shell. I’ve mostly only seen this for Go applications; it can be very hard to use and debug otherwise if you’re not confident in Docker.)

How to compose it?

Target: build opencv docker
Dockerfile creation:
From Ubuntu14.04
From Python3.7
Which to choose and why?
I was trying to write dockerfile from scratch without copy paste from others dockerfile.
I would usually pick the highest-level Docker Hub library image that matches what I need. It's also worth searching the search box which will often find relevant things, though of rather varied ownership and maintenance levels.
The official Docker Hub images tend to have thought through a lot of issues around persistence and configuration and first-time setup. Compare "I'll just apt-get install mysql-server" with all of the parts that go into the official mysql image; just importing that real-world experience and reusing it can save you some trouble.
I'd consider building my own from an OS base like ubuntu:16.04 if:
There is a requirement that Docker images must be built from some specific distribution base ("my job requires everything to be built off of CentOS so I need a CentOS-based MySQL image")
I need a combination of software versions or patches that the Docker Hub image no longer supports (jruby: is no longer being built, so if I need OS updates, I need to build my own base image)
I need an especially exotic set of build options for whatever reason ("I have a C extension that only works if the interpreter is specifically built with UTF-16 Unicode support")
I need or want very detailed control over what version(s) of software are embedded; for example if it's something Java-based where there's a JVM version and a runtime version and an application version that all could matter
In my opinion you should choose From Python3.7.
Since you are writing a dockerfile for opencv which is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library so you may require python also in your container.
Now if you use From Ubuntu14.04 you may need to add python also in the dockerfile whereas with From Python3.7 that will become redundant and will also make the dockerfile a bit shorter.

Additional steps in Dockerfile

I have a Docker image which is a server for a web IDE (Jupyter notebook) for Haskell.
Each time I want to allow the usage of a library in the IDE, I have to go to the Dockerfile and add the install command into it, then rebuild the image.
Another drawback of this, I have to fork the original image on Github, not allowing me to contribute to it.
I was thinking about writing another Dockerfile which pulls the base one with the FROM directive and then RUNs the commands to install the libraries. But, as they are in separate layers, the guest system does not find the Haskell package manager command.
TL;DR: I want to run stack install <library> (stack is like npm or pip, but for Haskell) from the Dockerfile, but I dont want to have a fork of the base image.
How could I solve this problem?
I was thinking about writing another Dockerfile which pulls the base one with the FROM directive and then RUNs the commands to install the libraries. But, as they are in separate layers, the guest system does not find the Haskell package manager command.
This is indeed the correct way to do this, and it should work. I'm not sure I understand the "layers" problem here - the commands executed by RUN should be running in an intermediate container that contains all of the layers from the base image and the previous RUN commands. (Ignoring the possibility of multi-stage builds, but these were added in 17.05 and did not exist when this question was posted.)
The only scenario I can see where stack might work in the running container but not in the Dockerfile RUN command would be if the $PATH variable isn't set correctly at this point. Check this variable, and make sure RUN is running as the correct user?
