What is the difference between docker FROM and RUN apt-get? - docker

I see that some containers are created FROM official Apache docker image while some others are created from a Debian image with RUN apt get install. What is the difference? What is the best practice here and which one should I prefer?

This is really basic. The purpose of the two commands are different.
When you want to create an image of your own for your specific purpose you you go thru two steps:
Find a suitable base image to start from. And there is a lot of images out there. That is where you use the FROM clause... To get a starting point.
Specialize the image to a more specific purpose. And that is where your use RUN to install new things into the new image and often also COPY to add scripts and configurations to the new image.
So in your case: If you want to control the installation of Apache then you start of with a basic Debian image (FROM) and control the installation on Apache yourself (RUN). Or if you want to make it easy your find an image where Apache is alreay there, ready to run.


Docker best practice: use OS or application as base image?

I would like to build a docker image which contains Apache and Python3. What is the suggested base image to use in this case?
There is a offical apache:2.4.43-alpine image I can use as the base image, or I can install apache on top of a alpine base image.
What would be the best approach in this case?
FROM apache:2.4.43-alpine
<Install python3>
FROM alpine:3.9.6
<Install Apache>
<Install Python3>
Here are my rules.
rule 1: If the images are official images (such as node, python, apache, etc), it is fine to use them as your application's base image directly, more than you build your own.
rule 2:, if the images are built by the owner, such as hashicorp/terraform, hashicorp is the owner of terraform, then it is better to use it, more than build your own.
rule 3: If you want to save time only, choice the most downloaded images with similar applications installed as base image
Make sure you can view its Dockerfile. Otherwise, don't use it at all, whatever how many download counted.
rule 4: never pull images from public registry servers, if your company has security compliance concern, build your own.
Another reason to build your own is, the exist image are not built on the operation system you prefer. Such as some images proved by aws, they are built with amazon linux 2, in most case, I will rebuild with my own.
rule 5: When build your own, never mind from which base image, no need reinvent the wheel and use exis image's Dockerfile from github.com if you can.
Avoid Alpine, it will often make Python library installs muuuuch slower (https://pythonspeed.com/articles/alpine-docker-python/)
In general, Python version is more important than Apache version. Latest Apache from stable Linux distro is fine even if not latest version, but latest Python might be annoyingly too old. Like, when 3.9 comes out, do you want to be on 3.7?
As such, I would recommend python:3.8-slim-buster (or whatever Python version you want), and install Apache with apt-get.

How to instruct docker or docker-compose to automatically build image specified in FROM

When processing a Dockerfile, how do I instruct docker build to build the image specified in FROM locally using another Dockerfile if it is not already available?
Here's the context. I have a large Dockerfile that starts from base Ubuntu image, installs Apache, then PHP, then some custom configuration on top of that. Whether this is a good idea is another point, let's assume the build steps cannot be changed. The problem is, every time I change anything in the config, everything has to be rebuilt from scratch, and this takes a while.
I would like to have a hierarchy of Dockerfiles instead:
my-apache : based on stock Ubuntu
my-apache-php: based on my-apache
final: based on my-apache-php
The first two images would be relatively static and can be uploaded to dockerhub, but I would like to retain an option to build them locally as part of the same build process. Only one container will exist, based on the final image. Thus, putting all three as "services" in docker-compose.yml is not a good idea.
The only solution I can think of is to have a manual build script that for each image checks whether it is available on Dockerhub or locally, and if not, invokes docker build.
Are there better solutions?
I have found this article on automatically detecting dependencies between docker files and building them in proper order:
Actual makefile from Philippe's git repo provides even more functionality:

Docker containers with multiple bases?

I don't really understand something basic about Docker, specifically if I wanted to build from multiple bases within the same Dockerfile. For example, I know that these two lines wouldn't work:
(well it would compile but then it seems to only include the image from X in the final build). Or perhaps I'm wrong and this is correct but I still haven't seen any other Dockerfiles like this.
Why would I want to do this? For instance, if X and Y are images I found on DockerHub that I would like to build from. For a concrete example if I wanted ubuntu and I also wanted python:
FROM python:2
FROM ubuntu:latest
What is the best way to go about it? Am I just limited to one base? If I want the functionality from both am I supposed to go into the docker files until I find something in common to both of them and build the image myself by copying the one of the dockerfile's code manually all the way through sub images until I reach the common base and add those lines to the other Dockerfile? I imagine this is not the correct way to do this as it seems quite involved and not in line with the simplicity that Docker aims to provide.
For a concrete example if I wanted ubuntu and I also wanted python:
FROM python:2
FROM ubuntu:latest
Ubuntu is Os, not a python. so what you need a Ubuntu base image which has python installed.
you can check offical python docker hub are based on ubuntu, so at one image you will get ubuntu + python, then why bother with two FROM? which is not also not working.
Some of these tags may have names like buster or stretch in them.
These are the suite code names for releases of Debian and indicate
which release the image is based on. If your image needs to install
any additional packages beyond what comes with the image, you'll
likely want to specify one of these explicitly to minimize breakage
when there are new releases of Debian.
So for you below question
What is the best way to go about it? Am I just limited to one base? If
I want the functionality from both am I supposed to go into the docker
yes, limit it one base image suppose your base image
So with this base image, you have python and ubuntu both. you do not need to make Dockerfile that have two FROM.
Also, you do need to maintain and build the image from scratch, use the offical one and extend as per your need.
For example
FROM python:3.7-stretch
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim
RUN pip install mathutils
Multiple FROM lines in a Dockerfile are used to create a multi-stage build. The result of a build will still be a single image, but you can run commands in one stage, and copy files to the final stage from earlier stages. This is useful if you have a full compile environment with all of the build tools to compile your application, but only want to ship the runtime environment with the image you deploy. Your first stage would be something like a full JDK with Maven or similar tools, while your final stage would be just your JRE and the JAR file copied from the first stage.

How to find a Docker image on Docker Hub?

I am new to Docker. Using Kitematic, how can I setup a Docker container containing the following?
Apache, Memcached, MySQL, Nginx, PHP FPM
Should I find one single image with all these? If so, how do I find that on https://hub.docker.com? It doesn't seem possible to filter by above requirements.
Or should I install these as separate containers?
I don't know anything about kitematic but I can give you some general information though to clear things up.
General concensus is to run only a single process per container. There are lot's of discussions and information around why this would be good or bad, one such discussion for example: https://devops.stackexchange.com/questions/447/why-it-is-recommended-to-run-only-one-process-in-a-container.
That said, these are the images I would choose for an environment with the software you described above:
Memcache: https://hub.docker.com/_/memcached
MySql: https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql
Nginx: https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx
PHP FPM: https://hub.docker.com/_/php
How do I get these images? I go to hub.docker.com and search for the software I want, I then start with the official images and see if they suite my needs. If they do, great! Otherwise, I would look for non-official images and eventually if I don't find what I want I will extend the existing images by creating a custom image, based on one from hub.docker.com
Some more explanation about the last one, PHP. PHP is distributed with multiple tags. By going to the docker hub page ('description'-tab) you can see the supported tags. Clicking the tag you are interested in will lead you to a github repo where the Dockerfile is hosted. This file contains the commands, used to construct the image you are researching. You can check all the tags to see which one installs the software you need. For example, there are PHP tags where apache is installed (i.e. 7-apache) and there are tags where FPM is installed (i.e. 7-fpm).
Hope this will help you with the research about what images to use!
You need to run those images within the same docker network, tough a docker-compose (and is associated docker-compose.yml) such as this one.
The docker-compose support in Kinematic UI though... is still an open issue.
you cant find all of these containers as one image.. all you can do is create a docker-compose file and add all those independent images into the compose file.
This way you can handle all your containers as a service in a single with there dependencies too..
For further info refer to https://docs.docker.com/compose/

Extending an existing Docker Image on Docker Hub

I'm new to Docker and trying to get my head around extending existing Images.
I understand you can extend an existing Docker image using the FROM command in a Dockerfile (e.g. How to extend an existing docker image?), but my question is -- in general, how can I install additional software / packages without knowing what the base operating system is of the base image or which package manager is available?
Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
The best practice is to run the base image you want to start FROM (perhaps using docker exec) and see what package managers are available (if any). Then you can write your Dockerfile with the correct software installation procedure.
Think of it the same way you'd add software to any computer: you'd either log into it yourself and poke around, or write an installation program that can handle all of the expected variations.
In most cases, the source Dockerfile is provided and you can walk the chain backwards and gain a better understanding as you do.
For example, if we look at the official Redis image we see the information tab says
Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links
2.6.17, 2.6 (2.6/Dockerfile)
2.8.19, 2.8, 2, latest (2.8/Dockerfile)
So if you're interested in building off redis:latest you'd follow the second link and see that it in turn is built off of debian:wheezy.
Most user-created images will either include their Dockerfile on the hub page or from a link there.
