Ok to Monkey Patch Object class to create custom data formatters? - ruby-on-rails

My app has various data formatting rules such as if value == "-" then display "N/A" or if value == "NULL" then display "N/A" or if value.is_a? Numeric then value.round(2) and various other such rules. I currently have a helper method that does it as follows
def display_formatted
when '.'
Is it ok to MonkeyPatch the Object class to create a formatter like
class Object
def my_app_format
case self
when is_a?(Numeric)
# some rules
when "-"
# some other rule
Currently the code is littered with display_formatted(value) in hundreds of places and I want to add different formatters so I can use it as follows and on any data type and in plain Ruby not Rails!
Reason for patching it on the Object class is that the data type is not always known as the source data is not schematic so a field can have numeric or string values.

Yes and no. But mostly no.
As stefan mentions in the comment, "you're merely replacing foo_bar(obj) with obj.foo_bar". I agree that this assessment seems to generally sum up your changes.
This change would be "okay" in the sense that there are no obvious reasons for it to problematically change program behavior.
But there is a problem that monkey patching is generally frowned up and regarded as hacky. A big reason for this is that monkey patching can be done anywhere and it can be difficult to track down if you are not the person who wrote it. Even worse, it can also be the source of subtle and hard to track down bugs if replacing an existing function (although that is not the case here).
Ruby gives almost unlimited flexibility to programmers, but care must be taken with that flexibility.
On a purely technical level (will it work and keep correct functionality?) the answer is yes. On a more opinionated level (is this considered good practice?) I would say no - and that would be my advice (don't do it). In general, best practice is to avoid monkey patching unless there is a very good reason for it.


Monkey patching a core class with business logic with Rails

I have a monkeypatched of ActiveRecord find with some business logic, for example:
# lib/core_extensions/active_record/finder_methods/finder.rb
module ActiveRecord
module FinderMethods
def find(*args)
return super if block_given?
#... business logic code => my_error_control = true
raise "My Error" if my_error_control
retorn = find_with_ids(*args)
I have not seen many examples like this, and this causes me a doubt:
Where should finder.rb be?
In this example, this file is in lib/core_extensions/... but if it contains business logic, I think finder.rb should lives in the folder app/core_extensions/ isn't it?
Edited, after Sergio Answer
things like this, are a bad practice?
# lib/core_extensions/nil_class/image_attributes.rb
# suport for product images attributes
class NilClass
def main_image(size,evita_video)
Where should finder.rb be?
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. It only matters that this code gets loaded. This mix of patching base libraries and adding business logic there looks like something that MUST be documented thoroughly (in the project's wiki or something like that). And if it is documented, then it doesn't matter. The code is where the documentation says it is.
That being out of the way, here's a design suggestion:
when user seeks a Family Family.find(params[family_id],session[:company_id]), this find will compare the company of the family result family.company witht the parameter
Why not do something like this:
family = current_company.families.find(params[:family_id])
where current_company can be defined as #current_company ||= Company.find(session[:company_id])
Here, if this company doesn't have this family, you'll get an exception.
Same effect*, only without any patching. Much more futureproof. You can even add a couple of rubocop rules to ensure that you never write a naked Family.find.
* it's not like you add that patch and rest of your code magically acquires super-powers. No. You still have to change all the finders, to pass that company id.
It's the first time I see such case :). I'd put it in app/core_extensions and check if live reloading works correctly with it. If not, I'd move it to lib/. (It's just a heuristic)
Instead of extending NilClass I'd rather use regular NullObjects. It's really less surprising and easier to understand.

What's the "right" way to test functions that call methods on new instances?

I seem to have encountered literature alluding to it being bad practice to use RSpec's any_instance_of methods (e.g. expect_any_instance_of). The relish docs even list these methods under the "Working with legacy code" section (http://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/3-4/docs/working-with-legacy-code/any-instance) which implies I shouldn't be writing new code leveraging this.
I feel that I am routinely writing new specs that rely on this capability. A great example is any method that creates a new instance and then calls a method on it. (In Rails where MyModel is an ActiveRecord) I routinely write methods that do something like the following:
def my_method
my_active_record_model = MyModel.create(my_param: my_val)
I generally write my specs looking for the do_something_productive being called with use of the expect_any_instance_of. e.g.:
expect_any_instance_of(MyModel).to receive(:do_something_productive)
The only other way I can see to spec this would be with a bunch of stubs like this:
my_double = double('my_model')
expect(MyModel).to receive(:create).and_return(my_double)
expect(my_double).to receive(:do_something_productive)
However, I consider this worse because a) it's longer and slower to write, and b) it's much more brittle and white box than the first way. To illustrate the second point, if I change my_method to the following:
def my_method
my_active_record_model = MyModel.new(my_param: my_val)
then the double version of the spec breaks, but the any_instance_of version works just fine.
So my questions are, how are other developers doing this? Is my approach of using any_instance_of frowned upon? And if so, why?
This is kind of a rant, but here are my thoughts:
The relish docs even list these methods under the "Working with legacy code" section (http://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/3-4/docs/working-with-legacy-code/any-instance) which implies I shouldn't be writing new code leveraging this.
I don't agree with this. Mocking/stubbing is a valuable tool when used effectively and should be used in tandem with assertion style testing. The reason for this is that mocking/stubbing enables an "outside-in" testing approach where you can minimize coupling and test high level functionality without needing to call every little db transaction, API call, or helper method in your stack.
The question really is do you want to test state or behavior? Obviously, your app involves both so it doesn't make sense to tether yourself to a single paradigm of testing. Traditional testing via assertions/expectations is effective for testing state and is seldom concerned with how state is changed. On the other hand, mocking forces you to think about interfaces and interactions between objects, with less burden on the mutation of state itself since you can stub and shim return values, etc.
I would, however, urge caution when using *_any_instance_of and avoid it if possible. It's a very blunt instrument and can be easy to abuse especially when a project is small only to become a liability when the project is larger. I usually take *_any_instance_of as a smell that either my code or tests, can be improved, but there are times wen it's necessary to use.
That being said, between the two approaches you propose, I prefer this one:
my_double = double('my_model')
expect(MyModel).to receive(:create).and_return(my_double)
expect(my_double).to receive(:do_something_productive)
It's explicit, well-isolated, and doesn't incur overhead with database calls. It will likely require a rewrite if the implementation of my_method changes, but that's OK. Since it's well-isolated it probably won't need to be rewritten if any code outside of my_method changes. Contrast this with assertions where dropping a column in a database can break almost the entire test suite.
I don't have a better solution to testing code like that than either of the two you gave. In the stubbing/mocking solution I'd use allow rather than expect for the create call, since the create call isn't the point of the spec, but that's a side issue. I agree that the stubbing and mocking is painful, but that's usually what I do.
However, that code has just a bit of Feature Envy. Extracting a method onto MyModel clears up the smell and eliminates the testing issue:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.create_productively(attrs)
def my_method
# in the spec
expect(MyModel).to receive(:create_productively)
create_productively is a model method, so it can and should be tested with real instances and there's no need to stub or mock.
I often notice that the need to use less-commonly-used features of RSpec means that my code could use a little refactoring.
def self.my_method(attrs)
create(attrs).tap {|m| m.do_something_productive}
# Spec
let(:attrs) { # valid hash }
describe "when calling my_method with valid attributes" do
it "does something productive" do
expect(MyModel.my_method(attrs)).to have_done_something_productive
Naturally, you will have other tests for #do_something_productive itself.
The trade-off is always the same: mocks and stubs are fast, but brittle. Real objects are slower but less brittle, and generally require less test maintenance.
I tend to reserve mocks/stubs for external dependencies (e.g. API calls), or when using interfaces that have been defined but not implemented.

Rails static data set

What is the best way to handle a static data set (non-dynamic)?
For instance, let's say you have a model that has a set of 10 different instances, each of which is unique, but none of which will ever change throughout the lifetime of your application. It seems overkill to create an activerecord model and store this data in the database, but it seems ugly to create a generic class and store this data in the code.
What is accepted as a best practice?
You have a Rate and a User. A User can have a level from 1-10, when the level changes, the rate changes. The rate might have other information, so simply storing it as an attribute on the User might be more trouble than it's worth. Would it make sense to tie it to a Rate or to create it as a method on the User like this:
def rate
case self.level
when 1:
{ value: "foo", something: "bar", else: "baz" }
when 2:
# etc
It seems that neither of the solutions are ideal, but I'm not sure if there is something else ideal that could happen.
I would store this information in a YAML file. You could use the RailsConfig gem and create a YAML file like
some: value
another: value
some: second value
another: second value
And then access it with
rate = 2
val = Settings.level[rate.to_s].some
(I'm not completely sure with numbers as keys in YAML, maybe you have to escape them)
I use constants in this cases: constants do not change after the declaration, but the declaration can be dynamic:
OS =
when /linux/ then :linux
when /osx/ then :osx
when /windows/ then :windows
else :unknown
Performance should be better when using constants for static values, because they should be memoized (and because staticity should be their purpose, so probably Ruby implementations trust about it; I read something about JRuby and constants implementation, I'll post it if I'll find. EDIT I found it: http://blog.headius.com/2012/09/avoiding-hash-lookups-in-ruby.html).

Complex search screens in Rails 3

I need to implement some search functionality within a Rails application. Most of the stuff I have found is generally aimed at simple plain-text search. I am trying to implement something much more specific. The sort of functionality I am looking to create is this (from a C application):
The form just submits the data entered by the user. So I need to translate strings like "3..7" into SQL conditions for the where method e.g.
TestLine.where( "test_int >= ? and test_int <= ?", MinInt, MaxInt )
It seems like this is something that already exists somewhere. The exact format expected is not too important, as the users are not shared between the Rails and C applications. How would this be done?
FWIW the specific functionality you describe is actually supported directly. Well.. almost. From the docs:
A range may be used in the hash to use the SQL BETWEEN operator:
Student.where(:grade => 9..12)
Of course then it's a matter of translating the user's string input to a Range, which isn't very complex, e.g.:
def str_to_range str
str =~ /(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/
Range.new *$~.captures.map(&:to_i)
It would probably make the most sense in a scope on your model. (Of course a shortcut would be to simply eval '9..12' but evaling input from the end user is a really, really bad idea.)
Give a look at thinking sphinx(http://freelancing-god.github.com/ts/en/). It might make your task a lot easier. You can search in that:

When you say Ruby is reflective, does this mainly refer to "duck typing"?

I was reading a text describing Ruby and it said the following:
Ruby is considered a “reflective”
language because it’s possible for a
Ruby program to analyze itself (in
terms of its make-up), make
adjustments to the way it works, and
even overwrite its own code with other
I'm confused by this term 'reflective' - is this mainly talking about the way Ruby can look at a variable and figure out whether it's an Integer or a String (duck typing), e.g.:
x = 3
x = "three" # Ruby reassigns x to a String type
To say Ruby is "reflective" means that you can, for instance, find out at runtime what methods a class has:
>> Array.methods
=> ["inspect", "private_class_method", "const_missing",
[ ... and many more ... ]
(You can do the same thing with an object of the class.)
Or you can find out what class a given object is...
>> arr = Array.new
=> []
>> arr.class
=> Array
And find out what it is within the class hierarchy...
>> arr.kind_of?
>> arr.kind_of? Array
=> true
>> arr.kind_of? String
=> false
In the quote where they say "it’s possible for a Ruby program to analyze itself" that's what they're talking about.
Other languages such as Java do that too, but with Ruby it's easier, more convenient, and more of an everyday part of using the language. Hence, Ruby is "reflective."
No, it means that you can issue a ruby command to get information about, well, just about anything. For example, you can type the command File.methods() to get a listing of all methods belonging to the File module. You can do similar things with classes and objects -- listing methods, variables, etc.
Class reopening is a good example of this. Here's a simple example:
class Integer
def moxy
if self.zero?
self - 2
elsif self.nonzero?
self + 2
puts 10.moxy
By reopening a standard Ruby class - Integer - and defining a new method within it called 'moxy', we can perform a newly defined operation directly on a number. In this case, I've defined this made up 'moxy' method to subtract 2 from the Integer if it's zero and add two if it's nonzero. This makes the moxy method available to all objects of class Integer in Ruby. (Here we use the 'self' keyword to get the content of the integer object).
As you can see, it's a very powerful feature of Ruby.
EDIT: Some commenters have questioned whether this is really reflection. In the English language the word reflection refers to looking in on your own thoughts. And that's certainly an important aspect of reflection in programming also - using Ruby methods like is_a, kind_of, instance_of to perform runtime self-inspection. But reflection also refers to the the ability of a program to modify its own behavior at runtime. Reopening classes is one of the key examples of this. It's also called monkey patching. It's not without its risks but all I am doing is describing it here in the context of reflection, of which it is an example.
It refers mainly at how easy is to inspect and modify internal representations during run-time in Ruby programs, such as classes, constants, methods and so on.
Most modern languages offer some kind of reflective capabilities (even statically typed ones such as Java), but in Ruby, it is so easy and natural to use these capabilities, that it really make a real difference when you need them.
It just makes meta-programming, for example, an almost trivial task, which is not true at all in other languages, even dynamic ones.
