Using pythonnet to pass stream to .net DLL - stream

I'm working with a .NET DLL file processor, but can't seem to get the stream passing working. I have the following relevant methods.
EmbedFile(string): bool
EmbedFile(Stream): bool
When using the string version, it works as expected when given a filename.
However, I'm not sure what to pass to the stream version. I've tried io.BytesIO and a file handle, but both give me the following.
TypeError: No method matches given arguments for EmbedFile
What is the correct oject to pass to a .NET method that takes a Stream parameter?

I know this is a late reply, but have you tried importing a .NET class that inherits from Stream, then constructing an instance in Python.
import clr
from System import File
from System.IO import FileStream
def main():
path = "path\\to\\file.dat"
clrFile = File(path)
clrFileStream = FileStream(clrFile)
returnValue = EmbedFile(clrFileStream)
Note: this could require additional import(s) if more .NET parameters are present in the derived Stream's constructor.


Generate files with one input to multiply outputs

I'm trying to create a code generator that takes input a JSON file and generates multiple classes in multiple files.
And my question is, is it possible to create multiple files for one input using build from dart lang?
Yes it is possible. There are currently many tools in available on that have code generation. For creating a simple custom code generator, check out the package code_builder provided by the core Dart team.
You can use dart_style as well to format the output of the code_builder results.
Here is a simple example of the package in use (from the package's example):
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
final _dartfmt = DartFormatter();
// The string of the generated code for AnimalClass
String animalClass() {
final animal = Class((b) => b = 'Animal'
..extend = refer('Organism')
..methods.add(Method.returnsVoid((b) => b = 'eat'
..body = refer('print').call([literalString('Yum!')]).code)));
return _dartfmt.format('${animal.accept(DartEmitter())}');
In this example you can use the dart:io API to create a File and write the output from animalClass() (from the example) to the file:
final animalDart = File('animal.dart');
// write the new file to the disk
// write the contents of the class to the file
You can use the File API to read a .json from the path, then use jsonDecode on the contents of the file to access the contents of the JSON config.

Kotlin File in Native iOS Project with Kotlin/Native

I would like to include a Kotlin file that only performs data processing and network operations in an existing iOS project, while keeping native iOS UI code.
While I thought that this may be achievable with Kotlin/Native, the iOS samples (1,2) that I found that use Kotlin/Native seem to take over the iOS UI code as well.
Is including a Kotlin file for data transfer in iOS possible with Kotlin/Native without touching the UI code, and if so, what are the steps to do so?
Yes, it is possible in a cross-platform project to transfer data between Kotlin and native iOS UI Code by using Kotlin/Native. This allows to have a common code base for the data model based on Kotlin, while e.g. continuing to use native UI code for iOS.
The original proof:
The project pointed me in the right direction, since it shows the essential steps to do so:
In a Swift UIViewController, it calls a wrapper function that shall receive a string from a Kotlin function. The call is mediated through a C++ layer, which itself starts the Kotlin runtime, passes the request to a Kotlin function, receives the string from it, and passes it back to the Swift UIViewController, which then displays it.
On the technical level, the project contains a script that compiles the Kotlin, C++, and Kotlin/Native part into a static library, which then can be called from the native iOS project.
To get the code to run, I had (after cloning from git) to perform a "git submodule sync" before running "./".
To transfer data with a data model based on Kotlin, I would like to have a generic function, that can pass data to Kotlin, modify that data, and return the result back to the native iOS code. As a proof of principle, that such a function can be build, I extended the project to not only receive a string from Kotlin, but send one to Kotlin, append it, and send the result back.
Extension of the project:
Since there were some roadblocks in this seemingly simple extension, I lay out the steps for anybody interested. If you follow along, you should get the following displayed:
The text may be stupid, but it tells you, what happens.
The changes in ViewController.swift in the function viewDidAppear are:
let swiftMessage: String = "Hello Kotlin, this is Swift!"
let cStr = swiftMessage.cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)
if let retVal = kotlin_wrapper(cStr) {
let string = String(cString: retVal)
You see the text that Swift sends to Kotlin in the wrapper function (in the end, the resulting 'string' variable will be displayed). One could directly pass the Swift String to the wrapper, but I wanted to highlight that the wrapper will consider the input and output as c-strings. Indeed, the file Kotlin Native-Bridging-Header.h inside the native iOS project now becomes:
extern const char* kotlin_wrapper(const char* swiftMessage);
On it goes to the file Launcher.cpp. Since the original file used a KString as result value of kotlin_main, I tried for some time to convert const char* to KString and pass that to kotlin_main. In the end I found, that it is much simpler to directly transfer the const char* variables to Kotlin, and do the transformation there with the functions that are given to us by Kotlin/Native.
My Launcher.cpp then became more compact than the original. Here is the complete file:
#include "Memory.h"
#include "Natives.h"
#include "Runtime.h"
#include "KString.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
extern "C" const char* kotlin_main(const char* swiftMessageChar);
extern "C" const char* kotlin_wrapper(const char* swiftMessageChar) {
RuntimeState* state = InitRuntime();
if (state == nullptr) {
return "Failed to initialize the kotlin runtime";
const char* exitMessage = kotlin_main(swiftMessageChar);
return exitMessage;
You see how the wrapper first starts the Kotlin runtime and then calls the function kotlin_main, which resides in the file kotlin.kt:
import konan.internal.ExportForCppRuntime
import kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer
import kotlinx.cinterop.ByteVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.cstr
import kotlinx.cinterop.nativeHeap
import kotlinx.cinterop.toKString
fun kotlin_main(cPtr: CPointer<ByteVar>): CPointer<ByteVar> {
val swiftMessage = cPtr.toKString()
val kotlinMessage = "Hello Swift, I got your message: '$swiftMessage'."
val returnPtr = kotlinMessage.cstr.getPointer(nativeHeap)
return returnPtr
The pointer is converted to a Kotlin String, and then used in the creation of the kotlinMessage (the example of a data transformation). The result message is then transformed back to a pointer, and passed through the wrapper back to the Swift UIViewController.
Where to go from here?
In principle, one could use this framework without touching the C++ layer again. Just define pack and unpack functions, that pack arbitrary data types into a string and unpack the string to the respective data type on the other side. Such pack and unpack functions have to be written only once per language, and can be reused for different projects, if done sufficiently generic. In practice, I probably would first rewrite the above code to pass binary data, and then write the pack and unpack functions to transform arbitrary data types to and from binary data.
You can use kotlin as a framework if you want, so the kotlin code stays in framework file so you can use some common code on both android and iOS without writing your complete iOS app in kotlin.
Use gradle to build your kotlin code in objc/swift compatible framework
In your build.gradle file
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_native_version = '0.5'
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-native-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_native_version"
group 'nz.salect'
version '0.1'
apply plugin: "konan"
konan.targets = ["iphone", "iphone_sim"]
konanArtifacts {
It will generate two .framework files, one for simulator other for the actual device, put the framework in your project and link that to your project as any other third party framework.
Cmd: ./gradlew build
Note: Every time you change your kotlin files build and replace your
framework file as well(you can create a shell script and add that to
build phases to do that automatically).
Cheers !!!

How to get a field's type by using CDT parser

I'm trying to extract c++ source code's info.
One is field's type.
when source code like under I want to extract info's Type when is called.
Info info;
//skip; //<- from here
Trough making a visitor which visit IASTName node, I tried to extract type info like under.
public class CDTVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
public CDTVisitor(boolean visitNodes) {
public int visit(IASTName node){
// this not work properly.
//result is "org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemType#86be70a"
return 3;
Assuming the code is in fact valid, a variable's type resolving to a ProblemType is an indication of a configuration problem in whatever tool or plugin is running this code, or in the project/workspace containing the code on which it is run.
In this case, the type of the variable info is Info, which is presumably a class or structure type, or a typedef. To resolve it correctly, CDT needs to be able to see the declaration of this type.
If this type is not declared in the same file that's being analyzed, but rather in a header file included by that file, CDT needs to use the project's index to find the declaration. That means:
The AST must be index-based. For example, if using ITranslationUnit.getAST to create the AST, the overload that takes an IIndex parameter must be used, and a non-null argument must be provided for it.
Since an IIndex is associated with a CDT project, the code being analyzed needs to be part of a CDT project, and the project needs to be indexed.
In order for the indexer to resolve #include directives correctly, the project's include paths need to be configured correctly, so that the indexer can actually find the right header files to parse.
Any one of these not being the case can lead to a type resolving to a ProblemType.
Self response.
The reason I couldn't get a binding object was the type of AST.
When try to parse C++ source code, I should have used ICPPASTTranslationUnit.
There is no code related this, I used IASTTranslationUnit as a return type of AST.
After using ICPPASTTranslationUnit instead of IASTTranslationUnit, I solved this problem.
Yes, I figure it out! Here is the entire code which can index all files in "src" folder of a cpp project and output the resolved type binding for all code expressions including the return value of low level API such as memcpy. Note that the project variable in following code is created by programatically importing an existing manually configured cpp project. I often manually create an empty cpp project and programatically import it as a general project (once imported, Eclipse will automatically detect the project type and complete the relevant configuration of CPP project). This is much more convenient than creating and configuring a cpp project from scratch programmatically. When importing project, you'd better not to copy the project or containment structures into workspace, because this may lead to infinitely copying same project in subfolder (infinite folder depth). The code works in Eclipse-2021-12 version. I download Eclipse-For-cpp and install plugin-development and jdt plugins. Then I create an Eclipse plugin project and extend the "org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications" extension point.
In another word, it is an Eclipse-Application plugin project which can use nearly all features of Eclipse but do not start the graphical interface (UI) of Eclipse. You should add all cdt related non-ui plugins as the dependencies because new version of Eclipse does not automatically add missing plugins any more.
ICProject cproject = CoreModel.getDefault().getCModel().getCProject(project.getName());
// this code creates index for entire project.
IIndex index = CCorePlugin.getIndexManager().getIndex(cproject);
IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src");
IResource[] rcs = folder.members();
// iterate all source files in src folder and visit all expressions to print the resolved type binding.
for (IResource rc : rcs) {
if (rc instanceof IFile) {
IFile f = (IFile) rc;
ITranslationUnit tu= (ITranslationUnit) CoreModel.getDefault().create(f);
index.acquireReadLock(); // we need a read-lock on the index
ICPPASTTranslationUnit ast = null;
try {
ast = (ICPPASTTranslationUnit) tu.getAST(index, ITranslationUnit.AST_SKIP_INDEXED_HEADERS);
} finally {
if (ast != null) {
ast.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
public int visit(IASTExpression expression) {
// get the resolved type binding of expression.
IType etp = expression.getExpressionType();
System.out.println("IASTExpression type:" + etp + "#expr_str:" + expression.toString());
return super.visit(expression);

Unmanaged C# calls to a static library

I'm using swig to generate C# wrappers for some C code base to be used from C#. When I run swig, it generates a wrapper c file that exposes all the functionality to the generated PInvoke C# file... For example:
// This is in KodLogic_wrap.c
SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) { ... }
// This is in KodLogicPInvoke.cs
[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("KodLogic", EntryPoint="CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set")]
This works great when I am building a dynamic library. However, I need to support iOS now, so I've prepared a static library, and passed in the -dllimport '__Internal' option to swig for that to work.
Unfortunately, I am getting linking errors such as:
"_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set", referenced from:
RegisterMonoModules() in RegisterMonoModules.o
(maybe you meant: _CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set)
Indeed, I did mean "CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set", but that's the point of the "entrypoint" argument?
So, since this error is thrown by the Xcode project Unity generated, I am not quite sure what's the source of the failure. Does it fail for static libraries? Is this something to be fixed on Unity side or swig side?
Update: After digging more into this, I think I have a slight idea of what's going on here..
The main issue seems to be from the AOT compiler, which tries to compile all the CS code to an ARM assembly. This seems to be required for iOS, so during Unity's AOT compilation, it generates a file RegisterMonoModules.cpp, which attempts to define access functions to the native code. RegisterMonoModules.cpp doesn't honor the entrypoint parameter, which causes undefined symbol errors to be thrown...
Still attempting to find a proper workaround.
The main issue seems to be from Unity, and not Swig nor Mono. As mentioned above, Unity performs AOT compilation that doesn't honor the entry point argument. This produces cpp code that calls the function name, not the entry point name..
I've confirmed this by switching the scripting backend to IL2cpp, and the entry point name was honored there.
Let's switch over to callbacks. Not exactly related to the question, but it definitely fits the context of Unity + Native plugins + iOS.
AFAIK, you can't have a managed method marshaled to native land on iOS using Mono 2x. I previously had to delete all the string callback and exception handlers from the swig generated files. Fortunately, IL2Cpp supports callbacks, after a little tweaking:
Add using AOT;
Decorate callbacks with [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(method_signature))]
You can use this script, just use it to process the generated swig files:
def process_csharp_callbacks(pinvoke_file):
"""Process PInvoke file by fixing the decorators for callback methods to use:
# prepare requirements
with open(pinvoke_file) as f:
content =
callback_methods_regex = re.compile(r"( +)static (?:void|string) (?:SetPending|CreateString)\w*\([\s\w\,]+\)")
callback_decorator = "[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(ExceptionDelegate))]"
callback_arg_decorator = "[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(ExceptionArgumentDelegate))]"
callback_str_decorator = "[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(SWIGStringDelegate))]"
# add use AOT
content = content.replace("\n\n", "\nusing AOT;\n", 1)
# fix callback methods
def method_processor(match):
match_string =
indentation = match.captures(1)[0]
if match_string.find(",") != -1:
fix = callback_arg_decorator
elif match_string.find("static string") != -1:
fix = callback_str_decorator
fix = callback_decorator
return indentation + fix + "\n" + match_string
content = callback_methods_regex.sub(method_processor, content)
# write it back
with open(pinvoke_file, "w+") as f:
For anyone looking for help converting their generated swig CSharp PInvoke file to something mono 2x scripting backend will allow, stick this somewhere in your build process, after the CSharp files are generated:
pinvoke_template = """{extern_prefix} CSharp_{method_signature};
{normal_prefix} {method_signature} {{
def process_csharp_wrapper(csharp_dir):
"""Reads the PINVOKE csharp file, and performs the following:
1. Remove EntryPoint="xxx" from the decorators
2. Make the methods match their native counterpart name
3. Add a C# method with the original name, for compatability
# prepare requirements
pinvoke_file = os.path.join(csharp_dir, "KodLogicPINVOKE.cs")
with open(pinvoke_file) as f:
content =
decorator_regex = re.compile(r', EntryPoint=".*?"')
method_regex = re.compile(r"(public static extern \w+[\w:\.]+)\s(([^S]\w+)\((?:([\w:\. ]+)\,?)*\));")
# fix decorators
content = decorator_regex.sub("", content)
# fix method definitions
def method_processor(match):
extern_prefix = match.captures(1)[0]
return pinvoke_template.format(
normal_prefix=extern_prefix.replace("extern ", ""),
return_statement=("return " if extern_prefix.find("void") == -1 else ""),
method_args=", ".join(map(lambda s: s.strip().split()[1], match.captures(4)))
content = method_regex.sub(method_processor, content)
# write it back
with open(pinvoke_file, "w+") as f:

The type 'XmlProvider' is not defined

I'm trying to use the FSharp.Data third party library but am getting an error The type 'XmlProvider' is not defined on the XmlProvider class.
namespace KMyMoney
open FSharp.Data
module Read =
let xml = File.ReadAllText("KMyMoneySampleFile.xml")
type KMyMoneySource = XmlProvider<xml>
I'm using NuGet to get the library. Library is 'FSharp.Data 1.1.8'
When I type FSharp.Data. There are four options given: Csv, FreebaseOperators, Json, and RuntimeImplementation.
Am I missing something? I'm relatively new to F#. So, sorry for the simple question. I've looked on GitHub but haven't seen any mention of this problem. I am creating a library in F#.
The parameter between <> is the Sample parameter of the type provider, which has to be a compile time constant. That sample is used to infer the structure of the xml.
Try this instead:
namespace KMyMoney
open FSharp.Data
module Read =
type KMyMoneySource = XmlProvider<"KMyMoneySampleFile.xml">
and then do
let xml = KMyMoneySource.Load("KMyMoneySampleFile.xml")
or if you're reading the same file you used as the XmlProvider sample parameter, just do this:
let xml = KMyMoneySource.GetSample()
Note that Type Providers are a feature of F# 3.0, so this only works in VS2012 or upper. If you're using VS2010, you'll just get a bunch of syntax errors.
The data has to be available at compile-time which is achieved by putting a file reference in the angle brackets like this (notice that it is a string literal containing a file path, not a string binding containing the data). You can also achieve this by putting a string literal containing the format in the brackets:
type Stocks = CsvProvider<"../docs/MSFT.csv">
let csv = new CsvProvider<"1,2,3", HasHeaders = false, Schema = "Duration (float<second>),foo,float option">()
See here for more information.
Check out this link. Basically you need to add System.Xml.Linq.dll also as reference to your project.
