TCP connection issue by using BlueSocket framework on IOS - ios

Getting error of "Error code: -9989(0x-2705), Connection refused" by using BlueSocket framework and connecting between Mac and IOS.
Here is the logic:
I am treating Mac as a server:
// making TCP IPV4 socket
try self.listenSocket = Socket.create(family: .inet, type: .stream, proto: .tcp)
// start lisening port of 8888
try socket.listen(on: self.port)
// accept client connection when there is
let newSocket = try socket.acceptClientConnection()
// keep opening and reading data ....
iPhone as a client:
self.socket = try Socket.create(family: .inet)
try self.socket?.connect(to: ip, port: 8888)
try self.socket?.setReadTimeout(value: readWriteTimeOut)
try self.socket?.setWriteTimeout(value: readWriteTimeOut)
self.socket?.readBufferSize = Socket.SOCKET_MAXIMUM_SSL_READ_BUFFER_SIZE
client first time connect with the server works fine.
after the server receives data, client-side automatically closes the socket.
client tries to connect the server again to send back data by using same code above.
Then error displays!
I think by default when the server-side uses socket.listen, it has SO_REUSEADDR set to true
Need suggestions on how to resolve this issue. Thanks!

Just need to make sure while loop for socket.acceptClientConnection() is opening all the time....


How to get the remote host from a rsocket

I now receive an rsocket connection in my spring project, and then I want to get its remote address and port, how should I get it?Similar to using socket.getRemoteSocketAddress() to get the remote address of the socket.
public void connectMapping(RSocketRequester requester) {
// there is a resockt connect, how can i get the remote host from it
RSocket rSocket = requester.rsocket();
// TODO"host port");
Unfortunately, I think even if you grab the RSocketRequester in #ConnectMapping or #MessageMapping method it is an internal detail. io.rsocket.core.RSocketRequester via RequesterResponderSupport holds the DuplexConnection which represents a connection over tcp, web socket or in-process. It is not exposed via a public API.
This is a worthy request but you will need to file a feature request to get this added unless I'm missing something obvious.
It isn't clear that there is a hook in to let you see the DuplexConnection (tcp or web socket etc) as it's established.

Websocket : Starscream "masked and rsv data is not currently supported"

I am developing an iOS app which required to connect with web socket server.
I can successfully connect to server but when I send request on it, it drop off the connection.
I am using Starscream library for web socket.
As per server support team:
it does not support protocol compression, but in the headers below they're requesting "permessage-deflate" from us. We'll accept uncompressed messages just fine (it's just a flag on the packet) but due to the extension they asked for, messages we send out will be compressed with that flag set.
I send request as following using Swift
let dict = ["Parameter1":"value1","Parameter2":"value2"]
do {
let data = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(dict, options: NSJSONWritingOptions(rawValue: 0))
var jsonString: String = String(data: data, encoding: UInt())!
} catch {
It disconnect with server and print following message.
"websocket is disconnected: Optional("masked and rsv data is not currently supported")"
What the server support team meant is that the request from your WebSocket client application contained an HTTP header like below.
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate
So, if your application has a line like below, remove it.
socket.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = "permessage-deflate"
This error might also be thrown if the server doesn't accept the incoming connection (regardless of the reasons), or if the server crashed.
Basically, when this message shows up, the best action would be to check what is going on the server as you might be wasting time trying improve client code (it happened to me :)
For those facing this issue when trying to connect to the backend WebSocket, make sure the front end and the backend version of the are compatible. Running the following command fixed the issue for me.
pod update
Updated the both to the latest and solved the issue.
this will fix your issue I believe. just add "wamp" in the header like this.
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: URL)!)
request.setValue(["wamp"].joined(separator: ","), forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
socket = WebSocket(request: request)
socket.delegate = self

Graphstory and Neo4jphp

I have succesfully used neo4jphp library with graphenedb with this simple steps as per documentation (considering that graphenedb does not require https)
require('vendor/autoload.php'); // or your custom autoloader
// Connecting to a different port or host
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client(url, port);
// Connecting using HTTP and Basic Auth
->setAuth('username', 'password');
// Test connection to server
However, when trying to connect to a graphstory instance (of course they both work fine if I call the rest api from browser, the neo4j console works fine etc.) which requires https as follows
require('vendor/autoload.php'); // or your custom autoloader
// Connecting to a different port or host
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client(url, port);
// Connecting using HTTPS and Basic Auth
->setAuth('username', 'password');
// Test connection to server
I get the following error. They should be identical, I can't get why.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Everyman\Neo4j\Exception' with message 'Can't open connection to' in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Transport/Curl.php:91
Stack trace:
#0 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Transport.php(95): Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl->makeRequest('GET', '/', NULL)
#1 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Command.php(64): Everyman\Neo4j\Transport->get('/', NULL)
#2 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Client.php(828): Everyman\Neo4j\Command->execute()
#3 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Client.php(464): Everyman\Neo4j\Client->runCommand(Object(Everyman\Neo4j\Command\GetServerInfo))
#4 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/story.php(20): Every in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/graphene/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Transport/Curl.php on line 91
It seems to me that neo4jphp is not configuring the TLS part in the cURL request.
I fixed it by downloading the certificate bundle from (ca_bundle.crt) and adding the following line to Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl.php, function makeRequest:
$options[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = "your/path/to/ca-bundle.crt";
I've created an issue on GitHub for this:
I'm the CTO/Lead Dev at Graph Story. Sorry to hear you're having troubles. I've actually just taken a look at your instance and things seem OK from the server side.
Without additional info it's hard to say if there's an issue with your sample connection code. Considering that you've used that same library to connect to GrapheneDB in the past, I think the chances an error in the sample code is low.
Based on the current state of your instance and on the exception thrown by Neo4jPHP, my guess is that port 7473 may be blocked on your network. You can confirm that with local tech support or by switching to a network where you know port 7473 is open and trying to connect again.

LuaSocket (UDP) not receiving datagrams

I'm experimenting with LuaSocket for a project I'm working on. I've chosen UDP as my protocol.
Looking for docs and tutorials online, I've attempted to create a client-server pair for testing and learning.
According to what I've read, the following code should work. However, only the server seems to be working properly. The client sends a message, but it will not receive the reply from the server.
Thank you for any help anyone can provide.
-- Server
#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1
local socket = require("socket")
udp = socket.udp()
udp:setsockname("*", 53474)
while true do
data, ip, port = udp:receivefrom()
if data then
print("Received: ", data, ip, port)
udp:sendto(data, ip, port)
-- Client
#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1
local socket = require("socket")
udp = socket.udp()
udp:setpeername("", 53474)
data = udp:receive()
if data then
print("Received: ", data)
The timeout value you set is 0, which causes the client timeout every time.
To fix it, give it a positive timeout value:
Or set it to nil or a negative value, so it blocks indefinitely:

How to check server connection

i want to check my server connection to know if its available or not to inform the user..
so how to send a pkg or msg to the server (it's not SQL server; it's a server contains some serviecs) ...
thnx in adcvance ..
With all the possibilities for firewalls blocking ICMP packets or specific ports, the only way to guarantee that a service is running is to do something that uses that service.
For instance, if it were a JDBC server, you could execute a non-destructive SQL query, such as select * from sysibm.sysdummy1 for DB2. If it's a HTTP server, you could create a GET packet for index.htm.
If you actually have control over the service, it's a simple matter to create a special sub-service to handle these requests (such as you send through a CHECK packet and get back an OKAY response).
That way, you avoid all the possible firewall issues and the test is a true end-to-end one. PINGs and traceroutes will be able to tell if you can get to the machine (firewalls permitting) but they won't tell you if your service is functioning.
Take this from someone who's had to battle the network gods in a corporate environment where machines are locked up as tight as the proverbial fishes ...
If you can open a port but don't want to use ping (i dont know why but hey) you could use something like this:
import socket
host = ''
port = 55555
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((host, port))
while 1:
clientsock, clientaddr = s.accept()
which is nothing more then a simple python socket server listening on 55555 and returning alive
