xcode view became modal when connected as segue - ios

I'm pretty new to Swift/xCode and now I'm stuck with a very (for me) strange behaviour. When I connect a button inside a view to perform a segue, the target view became modal.. what I'm doing wrong?
Please take a look to below gif that show the problem and my setup

LoginViewController should be managed by a NavigationController to make it work. If you try to show some view controller without having a NavigationController in the navigation flow, it will appear as a modal. So embed LoginViewController as the RootViewController of a NavigationViewController


SplitviewController in navigationviewcontroller

Hey I am building my first ios application using xcode. I'm a total noob in xcode and swift and I am trying to use the storyboards to set-up my app. Here's a link to the prototype http://adobe.ly/1q5Imf6.
Basically my issue is where I want to do the split view on the resellers page. I want to use the splitviewcontroller only on the page, so after an intro viewcontroller in a navigation controller. like this
I read somewhere that a splitviewcontroller must be the initial view controller, however this works if I use segues that pop up modally. But when I do that I don't really have a navigation bar anymore on the page. I only have the splitview, but there must be the option to go back.
Am I doing this completely wrong or is there a simple fix to get what I want?
If you want to present your UISplitViewController modally, then you need to wrap into UINavigationController. After it you can add UIBarButtonItem in your UISplitViewController and set an action to dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

Navigation Controller Header is not showing

So, here I basically have this layout
but when I build successfully I am not able to see the title of the navigation controller.
What can I do?
This is what you want to emulate:
Set the UITabBarController as is Initial View Controller
add a relationship to each scene, whether it is a UINavigationController or not
If a scene is a UINavigationController, it will behave like any root navigation controller, with its own view stack, back button, an so forth.
Running the app above, then tapping on Item 2 will present this navigation controller:
If you cannot make the UITabBarController the initial View Controller at launch, you can make it become root later on using this technique:
let newViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("id")
as? UIViewController
self.view.window?.rootViewController = newViewController
This will present the architecture above, albeit without animation (nor any way to navigate back). Perfect for onboarding or login screens.
Tested on Xcode 7+, iOS 9+
Make your TabBar Controller the initial view, And make sure to remove the navigation controller that's linked to it, Then it should work fine.

Switching UINavigationViewController to UITabBarController with Segues

I am changing my app to use UITabBarController instead of UINavigationViewController. I replaced controllers accordingly and app launches with tabs successfully. Later in the code I came across some difficulties using segues where lines like
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"ImageViewController" sender:self];
won't work producing error
"Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController"
When I embedded UINavigationController into the initial FirstViewController, line above worked fine. I need that line to switch between views and pass some data to another view controller.
The problem is that using segue identifier to go to SecondViewController hides TabBar navigation (unless I wrap SecondViewController in UINavigationController again and so on). That is not the solution.
Question: How to use UITabBarController and still take advantage of segues while keeping tab navigation visible?
"Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController"
Sounds to me like you are using a push segue somewhere outside a navigation controller. Try to select all "segue bubbles" in interface builder that are not inside a navigation controller:
and check the segue's style in the right pane:
If the style is set to the value push as shown above change it to modal or custom:
There is something wrong with your connections. If you are using interface builder (storyboard) then your connections should look like this. See pic
Notice you are missing UINavigation Title headers. Also the gray area below on each view controller means that space is reserved for images for UITabBarController
Another problem is your UIToolBar. Looks like its sitting on top of where UITabBar will be displayed. That may/may not get your app rejected by apple since you already have a UINavigationController and UITabBarController. If you need more buttons/options on that page make them UIButtons instead.

Using my NavigationController with my ECSlidingViewController

What I'm trying to do
If started creating my App. I've got a NavigationController as my rootViewController. When the app is started it will open my LoginViewController. In there I do the Login-Procedure, if everything is fine. I'll start my ECSlidingViewController. Which has a Menu (UITableView) and a MainView (UITableView).
Until here everything is working fine. I can swipe and it show's my menu. Now the problem is starting. When I press a menu-item it perfectly starts my new ViewController and show's the content. But there it still show's the same NavigationBar - like in the ECSlidingViewController. So I got no possibility to tell the user what he is looking at, also I need to show him sometimes new options in the NavigationBar.
How can I fix this problem? I'd always like to show the NavigationBar of the specific ViewController I'm actually using. If you guy's have some Codesnippets or a good Idea how to handle this problem. Please leave a comment bellow.
If you need codesnippets or something else, tell me I'll upload it! Thank you in advance!
This is how I start my ECSlidingMenu:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"loginPush" sender:self.view];
This is how I'll start a new ViewController:
UIViewController *newTopViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:identifier];
You want to change your structure so that the ECSlidingViewViewController is the root view controller. This can either be from the start of the app or you can switch the root after login. The top view controller of the sliding controller should then be a navigation controller and you should set the root and push other view controllers into that navigation controller.
What you currently have breaks the link between the view controllers and the navigation controller because only the sliding view controller is pushed into the stack and its title (nothing about its navigationItem ever changes).
Probably the easiest solution would be to change the initial view controller in the storyboard (to the sliding view controller). In this case the login view would be presented as the root view of the navigation controller (which would be the top view). Then, after login you push the next view controller and then (after the animation completes) remove the login view controller from the nav stack.

ViewController to NavigationController and back

I have one problem for which im not sure how to solve. Currently i have main UIViewController with some buttons. This is the initial view that is created with app. On it, one button calls storyboards segue with style Modal on ViewController which is part of UINavigationController. After that few other viewcontrollers are handled within the UINavigationController via segues and getting back via navigationController:popViewControllerAnimated. What i dont know is how to get back from UINavigationController to first UIViewController. I tried, when I'm on first one on navigationctrl,
[self removeFromParentViewController];
yet that only removes the view but it seems that UINavigationController somehow stays alive as result is black screen. Creating unconnected segue and call it from code would be possibility, but im not sure if that is the proper way. Would that leave navigation controller alive ?
Is there any reason you are using a UIViewController first and THEN a UINavigationController?
Why not change this so that the UINavigationController is the initial view controller and then drive everything from there.
If you want the first view to not have a nav bar then you can hide it easily.
That way you can move around through all views by popping and pushing through the UINavigationController.
