iOS Swift game crashing on everyones iPhone, except mine - ios

I've been developing a small "Cookie Clicker" style game for a while now and all of the sudden, the app will instantly crash upon opening. It doesn't crash on my own phone that I've been running the tests on, however, anyone that downloads it from TestFlight cannot even open it. It runs perfectly on the Xcode simulator as well.
Out of desperation, I completely backtracked the update that started the crashes (deleted all the new code for the menu I was working on) but it STILL CRASHES.
I don't want to copy/paste the code here because it is 16,000+ lines and I don't even know which aspect could be affecting it. I am using Xcode 11 and Swift.
If anyone has encountered this problem before and knows even where to start looking for the problem, any help is appreciated.

You need to download the crashlogs from Testflight, re-sybolicate them, and see where it's crashing. Download them from where you manage TestFlight. Here's an example:
Inside the download is generally two files:
crashlog.crash -- this is the actual crash
feedback.json -- any input provided by the user when it crashed
The .crash file can be re-symbolicated in Xcode as needed and you can see exactly which line caused the crash.


App gets hang when opened from app store

I have an app live on appstore. When I install the app in any device & open it by tapping on appIcon. It works perfectly, But when i open the app from appStore by tapping on Open button. App is launched but gets stuck on launch screen.
Launch screen does not go away & because of that I am unable to use the app. The issue is same in iOS-10 and iOS-11.
Here are possible solutions you can try out to resolve your issue :
First try to test your app in debug environment by adding exception break points & see if it generates any exception or not
Second thing is use crashlytics tool in your app so if any such issue occur when your app crashes or stuck due to exception than it
will automatically submit report to you. Its very effective tool.
Enable exception break points like this :
If you still unable to get resolve the issue by above solutions than do 1 thing. From didFinishLunaching method comment all SDK
initialisations or any thing that you think could causing the issue
Now make a distribution build & upload to app store & do beta testing test flight
Once its make sure it works fine than you should uncomment 1 by 1 statements & get reach to the statement that causing the issue
Hope it will help you.

IOS 9 App Freeze(Button no response) with “BKSendHIDEvent” error in Ionic

I have read some articles like app freeze with BKSendHIDEvent error:
iOS 9 App freeze with console log "BKSendHIDEvent", but my problem is slightly different from this one. Since I use ionic to build the ios app, I don't know how to trouble shoot the detailed error in xCode.
My problem is that when the app first runs within the xcode, everything works fine, but if I stop the debug and reopen the app from the simulator, no button responses at all. The whole app stucks at this stage.
I checked the simulator system log, it shows this:
BTW, when I kill the app(flick up the app) while it is still debugging, the xcode says this, I don't know if this was the issue:
I have also tried to get further information from the web inspector, but this does not response either. I could not reload the page by
There are no window object at all...:
So I'm totally lost here. I don't know how to further trouble shoot this error. Can anyone please point me to a correct direction? I have no idea why the web inspector shows nothing here and how to get the detailed error info in xCode.
Thanks in advance!
After several search, here is the fix:
App Freeze
But I still do not know how to trouble shoot, in the issues above, they mentioned race condition, how to debug this?

Unity iOS app's screen goes black on startup, but still appears to be running

I'm using Unity Pro 4.5.3f3 + iOS Pro 4.x, Xcode 5.1.1, and tested with an iPhone 4S and 5 running iOS 7.1.2.
I recently took over development of an iOS app from a departing coworker at my game studio, and I'm attempting to compile the app in Xcode on my own machine for the first time. I have followed his instructions for which extra Obj-C code to add manually. The app works perfectly in Unity. Everything builds in Xcode without errors.
When the app runs, I see the custom splash screen loading as intended, but then the screen goes completely black. The app appears to be running fine...I can hear its sounds playing and it even responds when I tap the screen in areas where I know the buttons are supposed to be. There are no errors thrown to the log. But it doesn't display any graphics at all!
I suspect the Prime[31] plugin has something to do with it, as I get a strange log output saying Prime[31] didn't recognize several other plugins. And I can't delete it to test my theory, because way too many scripts depend on it.
Does anyone know how to fix this? I have lots of tasks to do for this app and I can't let something like this slow me down.
I encountered this issue last night when trying to configure my app to be compatible with Facebook Canvas.
Below is the line of code that was breaking:
FB.Canvas.SetAspectRatio(9,16, FBScreen.CenterHorizontal(), FBScreen.CenterVertical());
To fix my issue I surrounded the line with the UNITY_WEBPLAYER preprocessor directive like so:
FB.Canvas.SetAspectRatio(9,16, FBScreen.CenterHorizontal(), FBScreen.CenterVertical());
Doing this causes that line of code to only be compiled and run in the web player, and not on the mobile device. Hope that helps!

Why does my app work in the simulator but get stuck on the splash screen when I run it on my iPhone?

My app runs fine on the simulator. However, when I run it on my iPhone, it gets as far as displaying the splash screen and then just stays there. It's an iPhone 3GS and the software version is 5.0.1. That's what happens when Debugger = None. When Debugger = GDB, I get an error message, 'Thread 1: Program received signal: "SIGABRT"', which I have learned can mean almost anything. I'm running Xcode 4.2.1.
I'm coming off a long hard night of battling with this error message, which appeared seemingly out of nowhere in a stable mature app. I tried to roll back with time machine, I deleted the Derived data for my project in Organizer a few times and did some of the other stuff recommended in this thread.
XCode 4 hangs at "Attaching to (app name)"
It got ugly. For a while, I couldn't even reboot my machine. Eventually, I was able to relaunch finder and suddenly the Simulator was working again. Two more pieces of information, I used to have to click allow in two dialog boxes when running on my phone but now it's only one (the one about code signing, I forget what the other one was about). Second, I find all the build architecture target stuff confusing but I set all my Base SDKs to be latest iOS. Lastly, I tried Product --> Clean and then Build but that didn't fix it. As you may have gathered, I'm getting my butt kicked. Any help would be much appreciated.
Many times I have experienced Xcode going "crazy" with a physical device connected. At times I saw the behavior you describes; other the app simply refused to start;
In all of those cases, I could fixed it in either of two ways:
disconnect the iphone and connect it again;
reboot the device.
This is a very common problem that is easily fixable.
1) remove the app from the device
2) reboot the device
3) close Xcode and you must restart, logging out will not work

ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate

I'm having trouble with the iOS simulator. I'm currently on 10.7 and was using the simulator to test my website. During the testing, I switched the iOS version via the tool bar, and the application froze and quit. Upon restarting, I get the following error message, with a finder window, inviting me to choose an application:
"ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate"
Here's what I've tried to fix the issue:
1: Attempt to identify the application it needs, but the only thing i could see to open was a printer app and the ios simulator app, which just results in a "only one iOS simulator can run at a time" error message.
2: Restart the Mac.
3: Download the new Xcode tools from the app store.
4: Restart again.
None of this has helped, and I'm really stuck without it at the moment. If anyone knows how to resolve the problem, I would be grateful to hear any suggestions. Thanks.
Give this a shot.
Open up a new shell, and shoot of this command: sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all (assuming thats the location of the instal).
Then run the Xcode installer you got from the app store.
This removes all the plist files that were also installed with xcode, which aren't removed when you simply reinstall. This is as close as you can come to a complete xcode refresh without reinstalling your OS.
Here's an alternative solution that worked for me... the answer selected here did not. I created a blank, "hello world" project and simply ran it. When you run the app, it sends the app to the simulator and voila! iOS Simulator has an app to simulate. From that point forward, you should be able to open the iOS Simulator without a problem.
After a while longer trying various things, it seems like I may have fixed it.
When asking for an application to open, I opened Xcode, and (weirdly) that opened up and left the testing shell visible, with the tool bar intact. I then selected the current version from the device options and hit the home button, and suddenly everything appeared.
Weird thing to have suddenly happened, but there you go.
I still can't test in iOS 3, so that's a bit of a problem, but not a disaster either!
