Pull and push docker images without installed Docker - docker

We need to transfer large number of docker images from Azure DevOps to private container registry (this registry does not have access to the Internet). For this matter there is proxy machine with Windows Server with Azure Cli and access to the Azure DevOps, but we are restricted with installing Docker there.
Is there a way to pull docker images from Azure DevOps and push them into another container registry without installed Docker? Perhaps there is slim version of Docker or some official script.

You can basically save it as an archive, and reload it the same way.


Deploy docker to on-premise using azure CI-CD

I have created.NetCore Application and was successfully deployed to the local PC docker container.
Now I am trying to build it from Azure DevOps and publish it to one of my servers hosted on-premise.
Now I have no idea how to host it. Also not sure what is Docker Registry Service Connection & Container Registry Type.
My DevOps server is also hosted on-premise with no docker installed on it.
I have a docker account with one private repository.
Please suggest how to continue as I am getting the below error while building the image
open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.
Deploy docker to on-premise using azure CI-CD
If you want to deploy app to the local PC docker container, you can use Self-hosted Agent(Build Pipeline and Release Pipeline) or Deployment Group(Release Pipeline).
Note: we need set the self-agent on the server where have docker installed.
Then you could try the following pipeline settings.
Here is a blog about ASP.Net Application Deployment in Docker for Windows.
You could use Command Line Task to run the docker command. In this case, you can move the local build and deploy process to azure devops

How to deploy a Docker local registry open source on windows WITH web interface AND manage users permissions?

I'm novice in docker and I would like to deploy a docker private registry on my host (Windows10 usign docker for windows) with users permissions so I used TLS to securite it according to the doc from https://docs.docker.com/registry/deploying/
I have the docker private registry deployed and to push the user must do docker login command.
Now, I would like to connect a UI to my private registry and make it read only to be able to pull and for that I tried to setup Harbor, Portus and many other examples but they are not documented for windows.
I tried to use this project https://github.com/kwk/docker-registry-frontend but same thing.
All of these projects they bind files in volumes docker run -v pathToFiles:pathToFiles:ro but in windows it is not supported.
I tries to make modification in images and put the files into them and build a new images with docker commit but the UI still not work or not connected to my server.
So, what is the best way to deploy a docker private registry with the docker registry open source in docker for windows AND manage user permissions with auth ? Should I use a reverse proxy ? but how on windows?
I'm not using docker EE.
Thank you.

Docker image from loca dev machine on dev windows to linux machine

I have created a simple spring-boot app and created an image of it using docker build Dockerfile.
I want to upload this image to a Linux machine and spin up the container there, Where I could find the image of this app to push it to Linux machine?
I am using Docker toolbox to run docker commands on Windows 10 Home edition.
Thanks in advance.
In order to push a docker image you need a registry. Public images can be pushed through hub.docker.com. Private containers can be pushed through private registries. There are lots of registries like: nexus 3 & gitlab.
so in a nutshell you need to do:
install a docker registry on a machine which both your dev machine and prod machine can access
Configure the registry endpoints for access
login to the private registry through docker
Tag your image for the registry
push the image
go to the server
pull the image from the private registry
run it on the server
without a registry
build the image again on the linux machine
run it from the linux machine from the local build
good luck

Is the Docker engine installed on the server or client?

Is the Docker engine installed on the server to build off of the images it receives and then runs the containers that are built from it or is the engine installed on the client and then the building of images into containers is done there? Is the Docker engine installed on both the client and server and does different actions on each side?
Docker Engine is responsible for building, pulling, pushing the image and then running them as container. Docker Engine is installed on the server side and the client side just consist of the CLI used for issuing commands to Docker Engine. The Client uses Rest API to issue commands to server.
In your case both Machine A and Machine B will have Docker Engine. You will need the Docker Engine on Machine A to build the image and then push it to a repository (like Dockerhub). On Machine B you will need Docker Engine to pull the image and then create containers from it.

How to deploy docker container to Cloud Foundry?

My application is comprised of two separate docker containers. One being a Grails based web application and second being a RESTful Python Flask application. Both docker containers are sitting on my local computer. They are not hosted on docker hub. They are proprietary and I don't want to host them publicly.
I would like to try Cloud Foundry to deploy these docker containers and see how it works. However, from the documentation I get a sense that Cloud Foundry doesn't support deploying docker containers sitting on a local machine.
Is there a way to deploy docker containers sitting on a local computer to CloudFoundry? If not, what is a way to securely host the containers somewhere from CF can fetch them?
Is CloudFoundry capable of running a docker container that is a Python Flask application?
One option you have is to not use Docker images, and just push your code directly, one of the nice features of CF. PCF comes with a python buildpack which should automatically detect your Flask app.
Another option would be run your own trusted docker registry, push your images there, and then when you push your app, tell it to grab the images from your registry. If you google "cloud foundry docker registry" you get the following useful results you should check out:
