Use mouse and keyboard at the same time - g1ant

Is it possibile to use mouse and mouse at the same time?
I have to select a few row in windows program. You can make in by holding <> and on window element.

Sure, it's possible. I prepared an example for you.
Open File Explorer window (for example Desktop folder) and make sure you have some files/folders there. window command will bring the window to the front.
Choose Insert/Mouse Position from the menu, click any file/folder in the File Explorer and choose "Yes" in the "Absolute position?" dialog that will be shown after you click on something on the screen.
Argument type with the value down means that the mouse button will be held pressed. Argument button with the value right means that it will be the right mouse button.
Use keyboard command to press SHIFT and add down keyword which means that the Shift button will be held pressed.
Then, "unclick" the right mouse button and "unclick" SHIFT like below by using the up keyword.
window ✱Desktop✱ position ⟦point⟧653⫽608 relative false type down button right
keyboard ⋘SHIFT down⋙ position ⟦point⟧653⫽608 relative false type up button right
keyboard ⋘SHIFT up⋙
You can see that the automation works if a context menu appears with more options, for example "Copy as path".
You can do similar with your windows program.


How do I 'revert to inherited' if control is not clickable?

Assume the following situation:
FrmBase has a TPanel named PnlClient, align alClient
FrmDescendant inherits from FrmBase
In FrmDescendant I change a PnlClient property
In FrmDescendant I place another control (say another TPanel named PnlDescendant) on PnlClient and align it alClient.PnlDescendant now completely covers PnlClient
I place lots of other components on PnlDescendant, not necessarily aligned, so I'm afraid to change PnlDescendant (e.g. setting align to alNone and resizing) and lose positions
How can I execute 'revert to inherited' for PnlClient?
There's nothing in the main menu, or in the popup menu for the controls in the Structure View...
Currently using Delphi 10.4.1 Sydney
This is easy for a keyboard user like myself:
Click on PnlDescendant in the form editor to make it the focused and selected control.
Press Esc to select its parent, PnlClient.
Press the Menu key on your keyboard to display the context menu of PnlClient. If you have a cheap keyboard without a Menu key, press Shift+F10 instead.
Click on "Revert to Inherited". (Or, much faster: press the menu item's underlined character, probably I.)
(But notice that this will remove PnlDescendant completely. Probably you didn't want that, but that's how it works.)

Is it possible to open a menu when a button is clicked in Rad Studio

It is possible to do in most other environments, but i'm unable to find a way to do this with Embarcadero.
The closest thing that was found is setting the DropDownMenu property on a button with bsSplitButton property... however this has a problem that it only works with Vista (so in fact i cannot even test if it works at all).
Alternatively it is currently possible to add a regular right button drop down.
Is there a way to connect button's left button click event to a specific drop down menu?
Your button's OnClick event handler can call the Popup() method of a TPopupMenu component. You do not have to assign the PopupMenu to the button unless you want it to handle right-clicking.

How to have a list of options when clicking a TButton on Firemonkey?

I know that TButton on firemonkey let me add a TPopUp Menu. But it only works when you right click it.
I need make it open right below the button when you do the normal click.
PopupMenu.PopUp(X, Y) is based on the form I believe. How to translate the X,Y of the button (that is deep inside other layouts) to the same coordinate?
And when clicking and the PopUp is shown some weird behavior happens with the selection bar of the popup menu that disappear. The button keeps pressed, that is good.
Look here:
Is an example for mobile, but you use in desktop too.

combobox steal keyboard from main window in pyqt

I'm writing a small pyqt program. I want the main window to to react to arrow movement. I added an event to my MainGui class, keyPressEvent, that handle this. The event work fine as long as I don't press certain buttons such as Key_Up or Key_Down are directed to my (currently only) QComboBox and not to my mainGui. I tried to give the focus to mainGui after each paintEvent but then I need to double click on buttons/comboBox.
Then I tried to use the MousePressEvent to check if a certain element is under the mouse. This work fine with the comboBox, but not with the button.
So, how can I direct key events to the mainGui or give the focus to QButtons?
I used eventFilter to identify when the mouse enter the QPushButton and give it focus:
def eventFilter(self,source,event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.HoverMove:
if self.execButton.underMouse():
else :
keepFocus is a flag I initialized in the __init__ function of the class. I added this part at the paintEvent function
if self.keepFocus:
self.keepFocus = True
Now, I keep the focus at the MainGui and I only give it to the button when the mouse hove over it. If I do another action (like pressing a mouse button or a keyboard key) the focus is given back to the MainGui. This will create some buggy filling (For example, I need to press twice a keyboard key before the first response) but this is workable.

Mimic outside click on a popup menu

You know how in a popup menu if you click outside of the menu the popup disappears? Well I would like to reproduce that.
Currently I am having a panel created with some components on it when a button is clicked. The panel and sub components go away when you click a certain button on the panel. However I want it to go away if you click anywhere outside of the panel.
I think you would need to install and application-wide mouse message hook, and if your panel is visible and the coordinates of the mouse event are outside of your panel bounds, then hide the panel. Also handle the WM_ACTIVATE message in your form.
[Edited: removed answer involving SetCaptureControl() because the bahaviour is not appropriate in this circumstance]
