Objective C - Add UIView to superview of UIView custom class programmatically - ios

I have an XIB for my UIViewController. Above my ViewController I want to add a UIView Custom Class.
Now I need a dark view between the UIViewController and my Custom UIView.
I wanted to implement the Dark View inside the UIView custom class using
[self.superview addsubview: _darkView]
I tried to do this but it doesn't seem to work ...
You can tell me how to solve this thing programmatically by working only from my uiview custom class ? Sorry for the stupid question but I can't solve this thing

You can try to add subview on window
[self.window addSubview: _darkview];
Let me know if it works for you or not.


Scroll view not working in drag and drop approach. why?

If we add scroll view to storyboard it will visible on VC, but it not scrolled Why? Can any one please tell me the answer......
To make it work you need to do following.
Set the delegate property of your UIScrollView.
Set its contentSize.
Make your controller to follow the delegate of UIScrollView by adding <UIScrollViewDelegate>. in your class interface declaration.
I hope you have created your UIScrollView outlet then add this code in your viewDidLoad method.
self.myScrollView.delegate = self;
[self.myScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(WIDTH, HEIGHT)];

Using a subclass of UIViewController subclass with subclass of UIView subclass

I have an MVC architecture of a certain view within my app. Now I want to create a subclass of the View and Controller part. The original UIViewController subclass is loaded with a UIView subclass from storyboard. How can I make my subclass of this UIViewController subclass use my subclass of the UIView subclass code when it loads its view?
Here's some more details about what I want to do. I currently have these classes:
which are connected with storyboard. I load an instance of ControlViewController using:
self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ControlViewController")! as! ControlViewController
Now what I want to do is subclass ControlView so that I can change some constraints and add a few extra subviews. Let's call this subclass ExpandedControlView. I also want to subclass ControlViewController because I want to add some extra actions from ExpandedControlView to the controller. This can be called ExpandedControlViewController.
Then I want to be able to instantiate ExpandedControlViewController and use ExpandedControlView like ControlViewController would with ControlView.
In storyboard, select the hierarchy view.
Then select your UIViewController's View in the hierarchy on the left, and select that view's class in the identity inspector on the right.
Or if you want to do it in code. Override viewDidLoad on ControlViewController, instantiate your custom view and set your ControlViewController's view property to your custom view.
ControlView *myCustomView = [[ControlView alloc]initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame];
self.view = myCustomView;
One caveat when doing this is that the layout of any subviews might change from the time loadView is called. So if you have subviews in your custom view, you should also override layoutSubviews in your custom view and set all your view's subviews' frame property again there.
Implement loadView in your view controller subclass and set the view property with instance of your custom view subclass.

IOS Adding subview from other class programatically

i've tried to create a custom view which works like a bottom bar and it worked
Right now this function is required on multiple classes, so i try writing it into a new class and import it which likes:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface bottomBarLauncher : UIViewController
And implement it as :
-(void) launchBottomBar{
for (UIView *subView in [topView subviews]) {
[subView removeFromSuperview];
UIView *btnBarView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, self.view.frame.size.height - 53.3, 320, 53.3)];
btnBarView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
[self.view addSubview:btnBarView];
Now here's the problem, while i try implement it on a new view like follows:
#import "BottomBarProtocol.h"
#interface NewView()
BottomBarLauncher *btnBar;
[btnBar launchBottomBar];
and nothing happens, i think the problem was with
[self.view addSubview:btnBarView];
but i have no idea how to select the current view as target which i can add subview onto.
First a suggestion, looking at your requirements/code I think you want to create custom view. For creating a custom view, create a class which inherits from UIView rather than creating a UIViewController.
Now moving to the code, your btnBar is a UIViewController which has its own view self.view so when you call this [btnBar launchBottomBar] internally you are adding the bottom bar on self.view that is your btnBar controllers view and not on NewView controllers view. Hope you understand what I am pointing out.
Here you are missing out few calls,
btnBar.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,self.view.bounds.size.height-40,self.view.bounds.size.width,40); // Add suitable frame.
//This call will add the btnBar's view as subview onto your current view controller's view.
[self.view addSubView:btnBar.view];
This is not correct/recommended way and you can face serious challenges regarding memory leaks. To avoid those mistakes, as I suggested, create a custom UIView instead. Take a look around on how to create custom views.
Hope that helps!
You can return the UIView form launchBottomBar method and add as a subView in your current ViewController class
Make custom class and delegate and add that view in window and set its frame so that it is not visible and set its frame and slide from bottom when needed so you can use it in all view controller.

Defining custom UIViews in storyboard

I want to show my own custom UIView in storyboard. By far I have done following but my custom view is not showing up.
Dragged and dropped a UIView instance in my screen.
Defined the class for this UIView as my custom class.
Have connected this UIView with an IBOutlet in my view controller.
I even tried with below code in viewWillAppear.
self.myView = [[MyCustomView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
This works if I create an instance of my custom view and add as a subview to my IBOutlet property for my view. So, below code is working but I want to keep track of only my IBOutlet iVar and do not want to play with another object for changes on my custom view:
self.myExtraView = [[MyCustomView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self.myView addSubview:self.myExtraView];
Any idea how to do this in a better way so that I could have just one reference of my custom view and could change properties on it as per will.
Found the issue. With storyboard we must initialize anything in initWithCode method. I was implementing the regular init method.

adding subviews in uiviewcontroller make it goes will

I have a custom UIView that I need to add as a subview in a UIViewController.
But if I use [self.view addSubview:newView]; the app goes in a infinity loop and doesn't start. But if I use self.view = newView then it works. But I need it as a subview.
The UIView contains a grid layout of custom button.
I guess you do that in the loadView method. You must not call the view method of the view controller in loadView because that will itself call loadView! However calling setView: (e.g. self.view = newView) is okay.
My suggestion is to add the subview in viewDidLoad.
