Using a subclass of UIViewController subclass with subclass of UIView subclass - ios

I have an MVC architecture of a certain view within my app. Now I want to create a subclass of the View and Controller part. The original UIViewController subclass is loaded with a UIView subclass from storyboard. How can I make my subclass of this UIViewController subclass use my subclass of the UIView subclass code when it loads its view?
Here's some more details about what I want to do. I currently have these classes:
which are connected with storyboard. I load an instance of ControlViewController using:
self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ControlViewController")! as! ControlViewController
Now what I want to do is subclass ControlView so that I can change some constraints and add a few extra subviews. Let's call this subclass ExpandedControlView. I also want to subclass ControlViewController because I want to add some extra actions from ExpandedControlView to the controller. This can be called ExpandedControlViewController.
Then I want to be able to instantiate ExpandedControlViewController and use ExpandedControlView like ControlViewController would with ControlView.

In storyboard, select the hierarchy view.
Then select your UIViewController's View in the hierarchy on the left, and select that view's class in the identity inspector on the right.
Or if you want to do it in code. Override viewDidLoad on ControlViewController, instantiate your custom view and set your ControlViewController's view property to your custom view.
ControlView *myCustomView = [[ControlView alloc]initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame];
self.view = myCustomView;
One caveat when doing this is that the layout of any subviews might change from the time loadView is called. So if you have subviews in your custom view, you should also override layoutSubviews in your custom view and set all your view's subviews' frame property again there.

Implement loadView in your view controller subclass and set the view property with instance of your custom view subclass.


When subclassing UIView with a XIB file, why do I need to have a contentView property as a subview to display the XIB?

So I have a subclass of UIView - let's call it CustomView - with a XIB file for the layout of its subviews.
In interface builder I set the Custom Class of the top level view to CustomView and made a class method to load the XIB and return that top-level view when I need to use it elsewhere in the app.
CustomView *customView = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: #"CustomView" owner: nil options: nil] firstObject];
return customView;
CustomView *firstCustomView = [CustomView newCustomView];
[self.view addSubview: firstCustomView];
This all works and I can access CustomView's outlets just fine, but it feels pretty hacky. Looking into the conventional way to initialise a UIView subclass with an associated XIB I found a single article using this same method, but the majority of tutorials use some variation of:
Set the File's Owner to the UIView subclass. (Don't set a custom class for the top-level view)
Add a contentView outlet to the class and set it to the top-level view in interface builder.
Make a method to load the Nib and add the contentView as a subview of the class.
Call this method in both initWithFrame: and initWithCoder:.
This works too, but I don't understand is why it's necessary to have a contentView property set to IB's top-level view as a subview. If CustomView is already a UIView why can't I just set itself to that top-level view? Wouldn't that be more straight forward? I feel like the more I try to understand it the less it makes sense.
Cheers for any help!

tableView initwithframe and storyboard

I'm trying to add a tableview as subview to my tableViewController, but I want to setup the cells in storyboard. It will be a static tableview.
This is the code for calling the tableview on button click.
- (IBAction)botaoAdicionar:(id)sender {
AtividadesPraticadasTableView *tableview = [[AtividadesPraticadasTableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 170, 320, 320) style:UITableViewStylePlain];
[self.view addSubview:tableview];
In the tableview class I have this:
#implementation AtividadesPraticadasTableView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
return self;
Now, I have a viewcontrollerin storyboard with a tableview, which the class of the tableviewI changed to this file AtividadesPraticadasTableView. It has three static custom cells in storyboard, therefore it opens a blank default tableview.
What am I missing?
Static table views are entirely contained within the storyboard, and require information from the storyboard to display their content.
You've defined a static table view controller in the storyboard, populated it and set the tableView's custom class to your custom class, but when you want to add the table view you are just instantiating a table view of that class. That isn't going to get any of the information you've added to the storyboard.
In addition, the static cells information is read and understood by the UITableViewController, not the UITableView, so you are at the wrong level there too.
You need to do the following:
Get a reference to the storyboard, either from your original view controller's storyboard property (if it is on the same storyboard as your static table) or using storyboardWithName:bundle:.
instantiate the table view controller from that storyboard, using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:. This will create a table view controller object containing all your static cells
Add this as a child view controller to your original view controller, using addChildViewController:
Add the table view controller's tableView as a subview
It may be simpler to add a container view in the storyboard to hold this view, and reveal it when the button is pressed, as Mike Slutsky suggested - this will do all of the instantiating and adding and child view controller-ing work for you, but the principle is still the same.
Also, adding a table view as a subview to a table view controller sounds very dodgy - a table view controller already has a table view as its view, and you can't really add subviews to that.
The thing your missing is the association between the programatically instantiated tableview and the UITableView that you put in your storyboard. You cannot just draw UITableViews in your storyboard and start instantiating new UITableViews in the controller's code and expect xcode to know which UITableView you wanted to use from the storyboard. Use an IBOutlet to connect a global variable for the controller to the UITableView in the storyboard, then the controller will know what you're trying to refer to. If you want that UITableView to appear on a button click, simply set the UITableView to hidden by default in the storyboard and then unhide it when the button is pressed.
The thing You are missing called manual. Check this protocol for TableView dataSource
P.S. Here good tutorial for storyboards

Should i create a view ( consisting UIButton, UILabel etc) in a separate UIView class or inside UIViewController?

I have a UIViewController say viewControllerA which contains some view element like UIButton, UILabel etc. Now my question is should I create those view elements in a separate UIView class and then add in UIViewController, or should I create those view elements directly inside the UIViewController. Accordingly to MVC isn't it appropriate to create view elements inside a separate UIView class and then add this in UIViewController?
The standard place to build the view hierarchy in a UIViewController is in the -viewDidLoad method. That method gets called whenever the UIViewController's view is created. The view controller's view will be loaded from the NIB/Storyboard if applicable; your outlets will be wired up; and then -viewDidLoad is called for you to perform further customization:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UILabel *aLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,100.0,40.0)];
[self.view addSubView:aLabel];
In Cocoa/Cocoa Touch you don't always want to subclass everything the way you would in, say, Java. There are often other preferred means of extending the functionality in built-in classes such as Objective-C categories, delegation, and pre-defined properties.
It's certainly possible to do this sort of thing another way, but this is the most "Cocoa-like" way to do it. Actually, the most "Cocoa-like" way would be to create the view hierarchy in Interface Builder, but if you want to do it programmatically this is the usual way.

Defining custom UIViews in storyboard

I want to show my own custom UIView in storyboard. By far I have done following but my custom view is not showing up.
Dragged and dropped a UIView instance in my screen.
Defined the class for this UIView as my custom class.
Have connected this UIView with an IBOutlet in my view controller.
I even tried with below code in viewWillAppear.
self.myView = [[MyCustomView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
This works if I create an instance of my custom view and add as a subview to my IBOutlet property for my view. So, below code is working but I want to keep track of only my IBOutlet iVar and do not want to play with another object for changes on my custom view:
self.myExtraView = [[MyCustomView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self.myView addSubview:self.myExtraView];
Any idea how to do this in a better way so that I could have just one reference of my custom view and could change properties on it as per will.
Found the issue. With storyboard we must initialize anything in initWithCode method. I was implementing the regular init method.

Adjusting a Child ViewController inside another viewController

I am trying out an application using a child ViewController inside another viewController.
I have a VC and I am instantiating another VC with its own xib inside the outer VC.
I am adding it as a child using the new iOS 5 method addChildViewController and also I have added its view as a subView.
But how do I control its position and size inside the parent view controller ?
should I modify the frame of the child controller's view ?
or I have to adjust the freeform view in the xib itself ?
Also in my current implementation, the child view starts behind the status bar of the parent viewcontroller's view.
Any idea on how to systematically implemement something like this ?
#define SUBVIEWS_FRAME CGRectMake(0,20,100,100) // whatever frame you need
- (void)addChildViewController:(UIViewController *)childController{
[childController.view setFrame:SUBVIEWS_FRAME];
[super addChildViewController:childController];
Simply just add a view in parentViewController #synthesize that view like childView. now add your childViewController as a subView in childView of parentViewController. it will simple to adjust using parentViewController View on nib file. If you have a large childViewController then please use UIScrollView instad of UIView
