Does containerization always lead to cpu, ram and storage cost savings as compared to VMs? - docker

Being a naive in the world of containers, and after reading a lot of literature online, I was wondering if someone could render some guidance.
I wanted to know if containers always lead to cost savings in terms of cpu, memory and storage when compared with the same application running inside a VM.
I can think of a scenario when it won’t when the scaleset in case of VM running inside an orchestrator like kubernetes is a high number leading to more consumption of compute.
I was wondering what is the general understanding here

Containerization is not about cost savings in terms of CPU/RAM/Storage, but a lot more.
When an app gets deployed on a VM, you need to have specific tools like Ansible/Chef/Puppet to optimize deployments, and you also need additional tools to monitor the load to increase/decrease the number of VMs running, you also need additional tools to provide WideIP support across the running services in case of a REST API, and the list goes on.
With Containers running on Kubernetes, you have all these features built in to some extent, and when you deploy Servicemesh framework like Istio, you get additional features which add lot of value with minimum effort including Circuit Breakers, retries, authentication, etc.


Guidance on when to chose virtual machines or physical machines over containers

There are many articles and videos comparing containers, virtual machines, physical machines. However almost all information is theoretical: containers are fast, VMs are secure, etc. But I could not find description of specific use cases or guidance on when to choose virtual machines, physical machines, but not containers. So, currently I cannot imagine situation when somebody gives recommendation to not use containers.
Could you please list specific applications or solutions when you would recommend using VMs, but not container?
Could you please list specific applications or solutions when you would recommend using OS over bare metal, but not containers or VMs?
Here is example of answer I would appreciate to get (note, that I am not sure if this information is correct):
Use case 1: Edge Router
Edge router is a router which connects organizational network to the Internet. Also, in this case it is assumed, that vendor of the router provides it not as device but as a software package (virtualized router).
Edge router most probably will be one of target of hacker's attacks. Thus security requirements come to the first place.
Containers are not recommended in this case. By default containers provide mediocre level of security. Strong security can be achieved with complex configuration (what configuration?) but this is more difficult than in case of VM or bare metal. In addition, high security level may require special hardened Linux kernel, however containers technology does not allow adjusting kernel configuration.
Virtual Machines would be a good choice if vendor of the router provides software as VM image or when organization has many edge routers (for example, many offices with internet access points), and has (or is ready to create) well-established process of preparation of VM images. In this case using VMs will simplify rollout, update and healing the virtualized edge router. VM also provides high security level; nevertheless is it still recommended to place such a VM in a separate server and to not share same server with other applications/VMs to avoid cross-VM attacks.
Physical machine would be a good choice if router vendor provides router's software as an application package (not as a VM) such as .rpm, and rollout, update and healing processes are not expected to take much efforts; this might be the case when when company has few routers (so updates can be performed manually or automated with tools like Ansible), and couple of hour of planned and unplanned downtime is acceptable.
Use case 2: ...
Thank you in advance.
The question is a bit vague so I'll try my best:
you'd usually allocate work to containers when you have a few separate applications with limited physical resources and you'd like to run them each with their own different environment (different runtime version, architecture and dependencies) which managing on a machine (physical or virtual) would be cumbersome.
you'd use a VM when you want specifically a feature that containers couldn't satisfy or it would just be a headache to set them up with it and a simple quick and easy VM could solve (and again you have limited resources you'd like to share between use cases)
and finally, a physical machine when performance is of the essence like I/O requests and latency around that.
you can also mix and match to match each tier needs:
we need to run many applications that VM would be too much of an overhead for them and containers would make their handling more automated and streamline so containers with k8s, but on the other hand, we want local storage offered to those containers to be very fast so we run the k8s cluster on physical machines.
if recoverability would be of the essence we would have used VM due to the options of snapshotting VM states over time.
It's all a big LEGO set you can mix and match depending on your use case and needs

Spark in standalone mode on a single computer : is it worth splitting it in masters and workers through docker containers (or another way)?

I currently own only one computer, and I won't have another.
I run Spark on its CPU cores : master=local[5], using it directly : I set spark-core and spark-sql for dependencies, do quite no other configuration, and my programs start immediately. It's confortable, of course.
But should I attempt to create an architecture with a master and some workers by the mean of Docker containers or minikube (Kubernetes) on my computer ?
Will solution #2 - with all the settings it requires - reward me with better performances, because Spark is truly designed to work that way, even on a single computer,
or will I loose some time, because the mode I'm currently running it, without network usage, without need of data locality will always give me better performances, and solution #1 will always be the best on a single computer ?
My hypothesis is that #1 is fine. But I have no true measurement for that. No source of comparison. Who have experienced the two manners of doing things on a sigle computer ?
It really depends on your goals - if you always will run your Spark code on the single node with local master, then just use it. But if you intend to run your resulting code in the distributed mode on multiple machines, then emulating cluster with Docker could be useful, as you'll get your code running in truly distributed manner, and you'll able to find problems that not always are found when you run your code with the local master.
Instead of direct Docker usage (that could be tricky to setup, although it's still possible), maybe you can consider to use Spark on Kubernetes, for example, via minikube - there is a plenty of articles found by Google on this topic.
Having done testing on this with executor size, the cutover from when it makes sense to use more multiple executors is # CPUs > 32. AWS EMR spark runtime defaults to at least 4 CPUs per executor and Databricks always uses fat executors which means > 32CPUS on the 8xl instances. Your greatest limitation tends to be the JVMs garbage collection which caps the size of the heap. Local mode has a couple performance advantages compared to cluster mode.
full stage code gen has to be run on both the drive and every single executor. For short queries this can add several 100MS per stage.
driver <-> executor communication has latency.
shared memory between driver and executors. This reduces the chance of OOM and reduces the amount of spilling to disk.
People end up choosing to go with multiple executors/instances not because it would be faster than a single instance but because it is the only way to scale up in terms of data volume and parallization. (also for failure recovery)
If you're feeling ambitious there's a performance testing tool called TPC-DS that runs a set of dataprocessing queries against a standardized dataset
Also if you're feeling adventurous the spark code has a script to fire up a mini cluster on minikube if you want a quick and easy way to test this.

How can docker service really scale in one machine?

I can understand how it is helpful when scaling over multiple different machines.
But here we have just one single machine (or a node). However docker still supports scaling the service to run multiple tasks (each served by one container) like this:
docker service scale serviceName=num_of_replicas
Let's take an example of running a Web API. Really I don't see how scaling in this case can help. One machine hosting a web API can serve with its max power. Using multiple containers in it cannot help increase that maximum power. With the request handling pipeline of Web API, one server can handle multiple requests at the same time and independently as long as the server has enough resources (CPU, RAM). So we don't need multiple (unnecessary) tasks in this case with docker service scaling.
The only benefit I can see here is docker service scaling may provide a better isolation between tasks (containers) compared with serving all the requests by one same server (container).
Could you please let me know some other benefit of scaling docker service this way? Is there anything wrong with my assumption above?
Using multiple containers in it cannot help increase that maximum power.
That really depends on the implementation. Some non efficient implementations may use only single process/thread/cpu and scaling helps with their performance.
Another benefit: scaling on the single node will help also with high availability. There is always small nonzero chance for non recoverable error, out of memory issue, ... which may stop single container. So there will be downtime, until orchestration scheduler restarts container.

Why would one chose many smaller machine types instead of fewer big machine types?

In a clustering high-performance computing framework such as Google Cloud Dataflow (or for that matter even Apache Spark or Kubernetes clusters etc), I would think that it's far more performant to have fewer really BIG machine types rather than many small machine types, right? As in, it's more performant to have 10 n1-highcpu-96 rather than say 120 n1-highcpu-8 machine types, because
the cpus can use shared memory, which is way way faster than network communications
if a single thread needs access to lots of memory for a single threaded operation (eg sort), it has access to that greater memory in a BIG machine rather than a smaller one
And since the price is the same (eg 10 n1-highcpu-96 costs the same as 120 n1-highcpu-8 machine types), why would anyone opt for the smaller machine types?
As well, I have a hunch that for the n1-highcpu-96 machine type, we'd occupy the whole host, so we don't need to worry about competing demands on the host by another VM from another Google cloud customer (eg contention in the CPU caches
or motherboard bandwidth etc.), right?
Finally, although I don't think the google compute VMs correctly report the "true" CPU topology of the host system, if we do chose the n1-highcpu-96 machine type, the reported CPU topology may be a touch closer to the "truth" because presumably the VM is using up the whole host, so the reported CPU topology is a little closer to the truth, so any programs (eg the "NUMA" aware option in Java?) running on that VM that may attempt to take advantage of the topology has a better chance of making the "right decisions".
It will depend on many factors if you want to choose many instances with smaller machine type or a few instances with big machine types.
The VMs sizes differ not only in number of cores and RAM, but also on network I/O performance.
Instances with small machine types have are limited in CPU and I/O power and are inadequate for heavy workloads.
Also, if you are planning to grow and scale it is better to design and develop your application in several instances. Having small VMs gives you a better chance of having them distributed across physical servers in the datacenter that have the best resource situation at the time the machines are provisioned.
Having a small number of instances helps to isolate fault domains. If one of your small nodes crashes, that only affects a small number of processes. If a large node crashes, multiple processes go down.
It also depends on the application you are running on your cluster and the workload.I would also recommend going through this link to see the sizing recommendation for an instance.

How many containers should exist per host in production? How should services be split?

I'm trying to understand the benefits of Docker better and I am not really understanding how it would work in production.
Let's say I have a web frontend, a rest api backend and a db. That makes 3 containers.
Let's say that I want 3 of the front end, 5 of the backend and 7 of the db. (Minor question: Does it ever make sense to have less dbs than backend servers?)
Now, given the above scenario, if I package them all on the same host then I gain the benefit of efficiently using the resources of the host, but then I am DOA when that machine fails or has a network partition.
If I separate them into 1 full application (ie 1 FE, 1 BE & 1 DB) per host, and put extra containers on their own host, I get some advantages of using resources efficiently, but it seems to me that I still lose significantly when I have a network partition since it will take down multiple services.
Hence I'm almost leaning to the conclusion that I should be putting in 1 container per host, but then that means I am using my resources pretty inefficiently and then what are the benefits of containers in production? I mean, an OS might be an extra couple gigs per machine in storage size, but most cloud providers give you a minimum of 10 gigs storage. And let's face it, a rest api backend or a web front end is not gonna even come close to the 10 gigs...even including the OS.
So, after all that, I'm trying to figure out if I'm missing the point of containers? Are the benefits of keeping all containers of an application on 1 host, mostly tied to testing and development benefits?
I know there are benefits from moving containers amongst different providers/machines easily, but for the most part, I don't see that as a huge gain personally since that was doable with images...
Are there any other benefits for containers in production that I am missing? Or are the main benefits for testing and development? (Am I thinking about containers in production wrong)?
Note: The question is very broad and could fill an entire book but I'll shed some light.
Benefits of containers
The exciting part about containers is not about their use on a single host, but their use across hosts connected on a large cluster. Do not look at your machines as independent docker hosts, but as a pool of resource to host your containers.
Containers alone are not ground-breaking (ie. Docker's CTO stating at the last DockerCon that "nobody cares about containers"), but coupled to state of the art schedulers and container orchestration frameworks, they become a very powerful abstraction to handle production-grade software.
As to the argument that it also applies to Virtual Machines, yes it does, but containers have some technical advantage (See: How is Docker different from a normal virtual machine) over VMs that makes them convenient to use.
On a Single host
On a single host, the benefits you can get from containers are (amongst many others):
Use as a development environment mimicking the behavior on a real production cluster.
Reproducible builds independent of the host (convenient for sharing)
Testing new software without bloating your machine with packages you won't use daily.
Extending from a single host to a pool of machines (cluster)
When time comes to manage a production cluster, there are two approaches:
Create a couple of docker hosts and run/connect containers together "manually" through scripts or using solutions like docker-compose. Monitoring the lifetime of your services/containers is at your charge, and you should be prepared to handle service downtime.
Let a container orchestrator deal with everything and monitor the lifetime of your services to better cope with failures.
There are plenty of container orchestrators: Kubernetes, Swarm, Mesos, Nomad, Cloud Foundry, and probably many others. They power many large-scale companies and infrastructures, like Ebay, so they sure found a benefit in using these.
Pick the right replication strategy
A container is better used as a disposable resource meaning you can stop and restart the DB independently and it shouldn't impact the backend (other than throwing an error because the DB is down). As such you should be able to handle any kind of network partition as long as your services are properly replicated across several hosts.
You need to pick a proper replication strategy, to make sure your service stays up and running. You can for example replicate your DB across Cloud provider Availability Zones so that when an entire zone goes down, your data remains available.
Using Kubernetes for example, you can put each of your containers (1 FE, 1 BE & 1 DB) in a pod. Kubernetes will deal with replicating this pod on many hosts and monitor that these pods are always up and running, if not a new pod will be created to cope with the failure.
If you want to mitigate the effect of network partitions, specify node affinities, hinting the scheduler to place containers on the same subset of machines and replicate on an appropriate number of hosts.
How many containers per host?
It really depends on the number of machines you use and the resources they have.
The rule is that you shouldn't bloat a host with too many containers if you don't specify any resource constraint (in terms of CPU or Memory). Otherwise, you risk compromising the host and exhaust its resources, which in turn will impact all the other services on the machine. A good replication strategy is not only important at a single service level, but also to ensure good health for the pool of services that are sharing a host.
Resource constraint should be dealt with depending on the type of your workload: a DB will probably use more resources than your Front-end container so you should size accordingly.
As an example, using Swarm, you can explicitely specify the number of CPUs or Memory you need for a given service (See docker service documentation). Although there are many possibilities and you can also give an upper bound/lower bound in terms of CPU or Memory usage. Depending on the values chosen, the scheduler will pin the service to the right machine with available resources.
Kubernetes works pretty much the same way and you can specify limits for your pods (See documentation).
Mesos has more fine grained resource management policies with frameworks (for specific workloads like Hadoop, Spark, and many more) and with over-commiting capabilities. Mesos is especially convenient for Big Data kind of workloads.
How should services be split?
It really depends on the orchestration solution:
In Docker Swarm, you would create a service for each component (FE, BE, DB) and set the desired replication number for each service.
In Kubernetes, you can either create a pod encompassing the entire application (FE, BE, DB and the volume attached to the DB) or create separate pods for the FE, BE, DB+volume.
Generally: use one service per type of container. Regarding groups of containers, evaluate if it is more convenient to scale the entire group of container (as an atomic unit, ie. a pod) than to manage them separately.
Sum up
Containers are better used with an orchestration framework/platform. There are plenty of available solutions to deal with container scheduling and resource management. Pick one that might fit your use case, and learn how to use it. Always pick an appropriate replication strategy, keeping in mind possible failure modes. Specify resource constraints for your containers/services when possible to avoid resource exhaustion which could potentially lead to bringing a host down.
This depends on the type of application you run in your containers. From the top of my head I can think of a couple different ways to look at this:
is your application diskspace heavy?
do you need the application fail save on multiple machines?
can you run multiple different instance of different applications on the same host without decreasing performance of them?
do you use software like kubernetes or swarm to handle your machines?
I think most of the question are interesting to answer even without containers. Containers might free you of thinking about single hosts, but you still have to decide and measure the load of your host machines yourself.
Minor question: Does it ever make sense to have less dbs than backend servers?
Consider cases where you hit normal(without many joins) SQL select statements to get data from the database but your Business Logic demands too much computation. In those cases you might consider keeping your Back-End Service count high and Database Service count low.
It all depends on the use case which is getting solved.
The number of containers per host depends on the design ratio of the host and the workload ratio of the containers. Both ratios are
Throughput/Capacity ratios. In the old days, this was called E/B for execution/bandwidth. Execution was cpu and banwidth was I/o. Solutions were said to be cpu or I/o bound.
Today memories are very large the critical factor is usually cpu/nest
capacity. We describe workloads as cpu intense or nest intense. A useful proxy for nest capacity is the size of highest level cache. A useful design ratio estimator is (clock x cores)/cache. Fir the same core count the machine with a lower design ratio will hold more containers. In part this is because the machine with more cache will scale better and see less saturation at higher utilization. By
