Debugging in single file - ruby-on-rails

Sometimes, I want to debug and test my rails code in a single file, instead of running a full rails app.
Is there a way to add the rails methods to a single file for debugging?
For example, I wanted to test and play with the delegate_missing_to method, but can't without running inside my actual rails app.
For testing ActiveRecord, I can use require 'active_record', which works really well, but I don't have access to other methods.
Any solution?

Check out bug reporting test cases from rails.
These are basically rails app in a single file.


How to convert rails app to test files?

I like to create rspec test from working rails 5 app.
It' could be template to work on.
For example:
-scaffold will create test files template which is nice.
-Or simplecov to help increase test ratio (if I understand correctly)
-So if any tools that could run through each line of controller method and re-create each expected/result put in the test file.
Are there any gem or solution ?
Why ask this question?.
I understand this is not a purpose of test. However test is to save time in future and now as well. Many rails app don't have test, and to go back each line of running code will cost again, assuming the app is good at this stage. If we can have all test at this point and use it to control / run for future development that would be good
I found another gem that answer my question
But to use with Rails 5 it need to edit the path that created.

Add a basic UI layer to existing ruby app

First, I am fairly new to Ruby/RoR and so you'll have to forgive me for any wrong terminology, but hopefully I'll get my point across.
I built an ruby app that I am needing to add an extremely simple UI layer using rails. Read up on a previous post of mine that explains the project thoroughly to give you good an idea of what it does. Specifically take a look at the tree outline that I pasted in so you see the existing file structure for the project.
What I need to know, is how to convert this existing project into a rails app? My experience in building something with rails has always started out with rails new app_name, but never anything like this. Any tips would be appreciated.
I saw your parser script, and it is not a daemon (a program that keeps running indefinitely in the background), right?
If I'm right, then you have several options:
The easiest option
Just build a rails application using rails new app_name, and inside some controller action, make a system call to run your script
class SomeController
def some_action
succeeded = system(:ruby, '/path/to/main.rb', '/path/to/some.txt')
# Do some rendering stuff here based on the result of the system call
This approach is somehow nasty for me, and it's not performant because each system call reads your ruby script and compiles or interprets it then runs it.
The harder option
Refactor your script so that it's features can be wrapped into a gem.
Then you install that gem, require it in your rails app, and use it.
I saw your original ruby script is almost there, it shouldn't be that hard to make it become a gem.
Rails is just "something" on top of Ruby. Especially, you can use any plain ruby objects inside of Rails, anywhere, and this is nothing unusual (google "PORO").
In your case, I would make a simple Rails app in the way you have mentioned yourself with rails new. Then trivially refactor your existing code until you have a simple, standalone class that does what you need to be done but takes its input/output from simple ruby data structures (i.e., method arguments, return values, no global state, no file operations). Then you can use that class from inside your Rails controller (taking input from a HTML form, rendering output to HTML), and also from inside your script (reading input from a file or STDIN, rendering output to STDOUT).
Where you put that class is up to you. In the MVC paradigm, it is not "C" or "V", and one could argue about whether it's "M". So put it into app/models/ or lib/, whatever you like more.
These were great answers and I'm sure they would have worked perfectly. However, they were a little bit more complex than what I was looking for.
What I ultimately ended up doing was just cd into the directory above where the ruby app was located and then just simply ran rails new app_name. Rails will ask if you'd like to overwrite any files that exist already. From there I just integrated my script into the controller actions and created the views.

If you modify code in the Rails console will that affect a server running in parallel?

Is it possible to run "rails console" in one shell and then "rails server" in another and then have code changes in the console permeate to the running application? Presumably this isn't possible, but I'd just like to check if there is a way.
Edit: Both are running in the same environment. And by code changes I mean changes to class definitions (e.g. rewriting a method on the Post model).
If you modify any data, that will indeed permeate. However modifications to methods done on the fly by opening classes and "monkey-patching" them will not affect your running application - unless your modified method modifies data.
However, it is always advisable to run the console in a different environment with different data to avoid harming a running application.
If you are changing data in your console IN THE SAME ENVIRONMENT then it will be changed in the browser.

Is the rails console dynamic?

is the console in rails (~ rails c) dynamic? For example; if I open the console and then make changes to a model will it pick these changes up or do I have to exit out of the console and run rails c again for it to pick up the changes in the model?
You will need to call the reload! method in the console to reload the changes. This method's magic is automatically called by rails server in development mode.
As a comment's pointed out beneath and another answer here, if you change things to do with the environment of the application, such as adding new gems to the Gemfile, making changes to anything in config or adding a new plugin then you'll need to restart the console. Any changes to app will be reloadable with reload!
If you were using this particular way to test that a method was working, I wouldn't. Tests (as in, the Test::Unit or RSpec) variants are much nicer because you have a reproducible way of running them again and again. rails console is great for one-off testing, but if you want to write a maintainable application then write tests.

Testing Sinatra Applications inside Rails

I've created a simple application to assist me in learning Rails.
Because I like a challenge, I've also started to build, inside this application, a Sinatra app (to handle API calls without the overhead of the full Rails stack).
I've come to the point where I want to start testing both applications before I move any further, but I'm not sure where to write the tests for my Sinatra app. It's presently located under lib/api - should I create a tests folder underneath that, or use the main Rails test folder at the root?
You can test this sinatra app in request of rspec by example or by integration test.
In this part you just need define which url you want request and see the result.
