Is the rails console dynamic? - ruby-on-rails

is the console in rails (~ rails c) dynamic? For example; if I open the console and then make changes to a model will it pick these changes up or do I have to exit out of the console and run rails c again for it to pick up the changes in the model?

You will need to call the reload! method in the console to reload the changes. This method's magic is automatically called by rails server in development mode.
As a comment's pointed out beneath and another answer here, if you change things to do with the environment of the application, such as adding new gems to the Gemfile, making changes to anything in config or adding a new plugin then you'll need to restart the console. Any changes to app will be reloadable with reload!
If you were using this particular way to test that a method was working, I wouldn't. Tests (as in, the Test::Unit or RSpec) variants are much nicer because you have a reproducible way of running them again and again. rails console is great for one-off testing, but if you want to write a maintainable application then write tests.


Debugging in single file

Sometimes, I want to debug and test my rails code in a single file, instead of running a full rails app.
Is there a way to add the rails methods to a single file for debugging?
For example, I wanted to test and play with the delegate_missing_to method, but can't without running inside my actual rails app.
For testing ActiveRecord, I can use require 'active_record', which works really well, but I don't have access to other methods.
Any solution?
Check out bug reporting test cases from rails.
These are basically rails app in a single file.

How to make rails code reloaded each request

I'd like to play with rails code to understand it deeper and how everything works internally. And it could be very nice to change rails code and see the changes after reloading page (by default I need to restart server), what is the right way?
you shouldn't need to restart your server just refresh your page, except for adding migrations
also you can play with your rails app interactively using the rails console similar to irb
just type rails console or rails c into your app directory

Debugging in rails 3

i want to debug ROR without going through the effort of putting inspect method for every relevant object in the controller as well in the there a better way as we have in Java (Run time debugger using eclipse).i know that I can Use Rails.logger and also make use of rails Console(irb`).i am even aware of debugging/inspecting elements in erb/rb file.Still is there a better,quick and reliable way to debug a Rails app.
There is much better, see this railscats.
It presents two great gems, especially Better Errors
Otherwise, you could use pry with rails, see this railscast.
you can also use pry-rails, pry-debugger and then use binding.pry method in your code and then while using your app you have Rails console available in rails server
Add this lines to your application's Gemfile
group :development do
gem 'ruby-debug19'
then run cammand
bundle install
add debugger within your controller or model method, stop the rails server and restart again. Whenever rails found word debugger it stops control at that point. You can easily debug your value or object.
Hope this will helps you.

run ruby script in rails application

This may be a stupid question but I was just wondering where, or if its possible to run a ruby script which is kind of unrelated to the rails application I would like it to run in. To clarify, I am working on an automation test suite that is written mainly in bash, but I want to create a front end (my rails application) that allows other users to run automated tests not through the command line. So I guess basically I want a user to select certain parameters, from a database or form fields, then take those parameters and pass them to a ruby script which calls my bash automation script.
I hope this is clear. Thanks!
If you want to call a script from a rails app it gets complex. You would want to use a background job or some sort of queue to run these jobs because they do block the server and your users would be waiting for the call to complete and the results to load, most likely hitting a timeout.
See delayed_job
and you might want to try creating a small wrapper script in ruby that can interface with your application.
Good luck!
for short tasks you should use system or popen
when tasks are longer then they are still needed in case of delayed_job
You can add a script to your scripts folder in the root of your rails app. Start your script like this:
your script can be [name here].rb
The reason why we load in the environment is so we can use rails models and rails related things in your script:
#!/bin/env ruby
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = "production" # Set to your desired Rails environment name
require '/[path to your rails app on your server]/config/environment.rb'
require 'active_record'
If you want to run this on your server, then you have to edit your crontab on your server. Or you can use the whenever gem (which I''m having trouble with, but the entire universe doesn't). Conversely, if you have heroku, then there's the heroku scheduler that makes running scripts easy.
You can run Ruby code with rails runner.
… let us suppose that you have a model called “Report”. The Report model has a class method called generate_rankings, which you can call from the command line using
$ rails runner 'Report.generate_rankings'
Since we have access to all of Rails, we can even use the Active Record finder method to extract data from our application.
$ rails runner 'User.pluck(:email).each { |e| puts e }'
Example taken from The Rails 5 Way by Obie Fernandez.

If you modify code in the Rails console will that affect a server running in parallel?

Is it possible to run "rails console" in one shell and then "rails server" in another and then have code changes in the console permeate to the running application? Presumably this isn't possible, but I'd just like to check if there is a way.
Edit: Both are running in the same environment. And by code changes I mean changes to class definitions (e.g. rewriting a method on the Post model).
If you modify any data, that will indeed permeate. However modifications to methods done on the fly by opening classes and "monkey-patching" them will not affect your running application - unless your modified method modifies data.
However, it is always advisable to run the console in a different environment with different data to avoid harming a running application.
If you are changing data in your console IN THE SAME ENVIRONMENT then it will be changed in the browser.
