How to get __metatable function to be called? - lua

My goal
Get getmetatable to return the return value of the function assigned to the __metatable field.
local x, m = {}, {__metatable = function() return nil end};
setmetatable(x, m);
io.write("Let's get the metatable:", tostring(getmetatable(x)), "\n");
But I'm getting the actual function rather than return.
So how do I get it to be called so I can get nil? So it seems like it has no metatable?

Just rewrite getmetatable to work the way you want it to ;)
do local getmetatable = getmetatable
function _G.getmetatable(tab)
local meta = getmetatable(tab)
if type(meta)=='function' then
return meta(tab)
return meta
Alternatively, you could just set __metatable to false. This would work for code written like if getmetatable(foo) then, but would break to code like if getmetatable(foo) == false. Arguably, the first is the one you should use, but there's likely someone out there doing the second one.
That'd also hint to the user that there is a metatable, it's just none of their busyness to mess with it.


Writing function to check state's machine current state [Lua/Love2d]

I'm learning game development with LÖVE2D and Lua and lately I've been using a state machine class. I haven't coded the class myself, but I've went through the code and I think I pretty much got it, besides this one problem.
The thing is, I'm trying to prompt the class for its current state, just so I can use it inside an if, but no matter what, I cannot get it right.
Here's the relevant code of the class:
StateMachine = Class{}
function StateMachine:init(states)
self.empty = {
render = function() end,
update = function() end,
enter = function() end,
exit = function() end
self.states = states or {} -- [name] -> [function that returns states]
self.current = self.empty
function StateMachine:change(stateName, enterParams)
assert(self.states[stateName]) -- state must exist!
self.current = self.states[stateName]()
What I'm basically trying to do is:
function StateMachine:is(stateName)
if self.current == self.states[stateName] then
-- this never executes
return true
return false
I've tried changing self.states[stateName] to other things to test it out and also tried printing stuff to the console to see why the comparison is never true. It seems self.current returns a pointer to a table and thus never matches whatever is on the other side of the comparison operator.
Thanks for your help!
self.current is set to the return value of self.states[stateName] in StateMachine:change
function StateMachine:change(stateName, enterParams)
self.current = self.states[stateName]() -- note the () indicating the call
This means, unless the return value is self, self.current will not be equal to the function or object self.states[stateName] that it is compared to in StateMachine:is
function StateMachine:is(stateName)
if self.current == self.states[stateName] then -- here we are comparing the function to the return value
I would suggest expanding your state object to have a :getName function that would return the stateName or to store the name in your StateMachine under a key such as currentStateName.
I had the exact same question & I'd like to add--perhaps some of the comments explain this in language I just didn't understand :D--but in the getCurrentState function I created I had to do this:
function StateMachine:getCurrentState()
variable = self.currentStateName
return variable
where ofc variable is just some placeholder. but I had to grab the reference that self.currentStateName was pointing to, otherwise the comparison always failed.

How to pass a table key in a function for use in a for loop?

For some reason it doesn't appear to work to pass in a table key as a function argument, what is the trick to do this?
I'm trying to wrap the for loop iteration technique in vanilla Lua into a function that has three arguments: (1) the table to iterate, (2) the table_key to check each time, and (3) the value to find. If a match is found, return it, otherwise return nil.
function table_find_match(table, table_key, match_value)
for i=1, #table do
local this = table[i]
if this[table_key] == match_value then
return this[table_key]
return nil
local table_example = {
key_example = "string_value_1"
key_example = "string_value_2"
local result = table_find_match(table_example, key_example, "string_value_1")
Found a solution, if I pass in the table key as a string it works, such as
table_find_match(table_example, "key_example", "string_value_1")
but I really dislike having to convert it into a string, if anyone knows any other workaround to this please share
If you pass it like table_find_match(table_example, key_example, "string_value_1")
the key_example is now considered as a (nil) variable if not defined before executing, so it has to be like
local key_example = "key_example"
local result = table_find_match(table_example, key_example, "string_value_1")

lua metatables - first parameter in __index function

I'm trying to learn metatables in Lua and I came across the following example: -
local my_metatable = {}
local my_tab = {}
setmetatable(my_tab, my_metatable)
-- Set the __index metamethod:
my_metatable.__index = function (tab, key)
print("Hello, " .. key)
return "cruel world"
-- Trigger the __index metamethod:
print("Goodbye, " .. my_tab["world"])
The result is:-
Hello, world
Goodbye, cruel world
My question is - what does the variable tab do, in my_metatable.__index = function (tab, key). I can change it to anything and it doesn't affect the program in any way.
The tab parameter is passed an argument of the table itself.
For example, given your code my_tab["world"], the parameters tab and key will be passed the arguments my_tab and "world" respectively. Because you didn't use the table in your __index function, it didn't affect anything.
Here is a basic example of what it might be used for. Let us consider a special Array table that acts like an array but has some additional information:
Array = {
length = 0,
array = {}
mt = {
__index = function(tab, index)
return tab.array[index]
setmetatable(t, mt)
--now when Array[3] is written, what will actually be returned is Array.array[3]
print(Array[3]) --will actually print Array.array[3]
This isn't actually the best way to implement this functionality, but hopefully this gives you an idea of why the tab parameter exists and what __index can be used for as a result.

How to save boolean conditions and evaluate later

I need to create a structure. The structure must contain an array of "boolean conditions". Something like this:
function ReturnStructure ()
local structure = {
{A < 10},
{B == "smth"},
return structure
structure = ReturnStructure()
print(structure[1][1]) -- prints true or false depending on the value of A
In fact these tables contain true or false, not conditions, because when we call function ReturnStructure and it creates a local table structure, all conditions in the fields will be executed. I want to create a structure whose fields will contain not boolean values, but something that I can execute (when I want to do it) and get a boolean value. I can achieve this by using anonymous functions:
function ReturnStructure ()
local structure = {
{function() return A < 10 end},
{function() return B == "smth" end},
{FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse, params}, -- I don't call function in this line, a just put its adress and parameters to table.
return structure
structure = ReturnStructure()
print(structure[1][1]) -- prints function: 0x109bdd0
print(structure[1][1]()) -- prints true or false. I execute condition in this string.
So, there is a code which works as I want it to, but it seems very ugly.
I want to hear some ideas on how to create a simpler and more beautiful table, without printing function () return ... in every field. I think that I should use a simple OOP implementation to create my structure as an object, but I don't know how to do it. I also will be happy to get some references to methods, implementations, articles etc., which can help me to find some ideas.
I want to hear some ideas on how to create a simpler and more beautiful table, without printing function () return ... in every field.
There aren't. If Lua had C#'s lambda syntax, you could write:
local structure = {
() => A < 10,
() => B == "smth",
() => FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse(params),
But Lua likes to keep things small and simple, to avoid adding size and complexity to the language and its implementation, so we have one syntax for one function type.
You could store them as strings, then compile and run them later, but that's choosing form over function. You don't want to be invoking the compiler unnecessarily.
local structure = {
'A < 10',
'B == "smth"',
So your original solution is better. I don't particularly like the way that the first two items defer evaluating their arguments, while your third example evaluates the parameters at compile time. It would be more consistent to treat the FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse the same
local structure = {
function() return A < 10 end,
function() return B == "smth" end,
function() return FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse(param1) end,
This also means you don't need to put them in tables. Each is just a function you call, which simplifies the calling code as well.
If you really wanted to evaluate FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse's arguments at compile time, I'd write a utility routine to build a closure from a function and its arguments:
local function bind(f, ...)
local args = {...}
return function() f(unpack(args)) end
Then use that to bind the function to its args:
local structure = {
function() return A < 10 end,
function() return B == "smth" end,
bind(FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse, param1, param2, param3),
Then everything in your table is simply a function so you don't need special handling
function ReturnStructure ()
local structure = {
{'A < 10'},
{'B == "smth"'},
{FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse, 'parameter'},
local function call_me(f, ...)
return (type(f)=='function' and f or
assert((load or loadstring)('return '..f)))(...)
return setmetatable({}, {
__index =
if structure[k] then
return call_me((table.unpack or unpack)(structure[k]))
__newindex = function(t,k,v) structure[k] = v end
A = 2
B = "anything"
function FunctionReturnsTrueOrFalse(par)
return #par > 5
structure = ReturnStructure()
print(structure[1]) -- true
print(structure[2]) -- false
print(structure[3]) -- true
structure[4] = {'1==0'}
print(structure[4]) -- false

Lua Metatables - calling functions with colon syntax

I have the following problem, somebody can help me?
comp = {}
comp.__index = function(obj,val)
if val == "insert" then
return rawget(obj,"gr")["insert"]
return rawget(obj, val)
end = function()
local ret = {}
setmetatable(ret, comp) = display.newGroup()
return ret
local pru ="wakatuBlue.png"))
This line works, but I don't want to access the insert method using the gr property, I want to call the insert method directly and the metatable __index function does the work
This line doesn't work and I get this error: "bad argument #-2 to 'insert' (Proxy expected, got nil)", but this is the way that I'm looking to use
Do you want something like this?
comp = {}
comp.__index = function(obj,val)
if val == "insert" then
return rawget(obj,"gr"):insert(val)
return rawget(obj, val)
__index works just fine; it's because your last call is interpreted as:
pru.insert(pru, display.newImage("wakatuBlue.png"))
whereas you want/need it to be:
pru.insert(, display.newImage("wakatuBlue.png"))
You either need to call it like this or explain what you are trying to do.
