Lua Metatables - calling functions with colon syntax - lua

I have the following problem, somebody can help me?
comp = {}
comp.__index = function(obj,val)
if val == "insert" then
return rawget(obj,"gr")["insert"]
return rawget(obj, val)
end = function()
local ret = {}
setmetatable(ret, comp) = display.newGroup()
return ret
local pru ="wakatuBlue.png"))
This line works, but I don't want to access the insert method using the gr property, I want to call the insert method directly and the metatable __index function does the work
This line doesn't work and I get this error: "bad argument #-2 to 'insert' (Proxy expected, got nil)", but this is the way that I'm looking to use

Do you want something like this?
comp = {}
comp.__index = function(obj,val)
if val == "insert" then
return rawget(obj,"gr"):insert(val)
return rawget(obj, val)

__index works just fine; it's because your last call is interpreted as:
pru.insert(pru, display.newImage("wakatuBlue.png"))
whereas you want/need it to be:
pru.insert(, display.newImage("wakatuBlue.png"))
You either need to call it like this or explain what you are trying to do.


Lua: Workaround for boolean conversion of a class variable when enclosed in parentheses

In the below code, can anyone explain why does t1:print() works but (t1):print fails. I am attempting to make something like (t1 * 3):print() work without using an intermediate variable.
function classTestTable(members)
members = members or {}
local mt = {
__metatable = members;
__index = members;
function mt.print(self)
return mt
TestTable = {}
TestTable_mt = ClassTestTable(TestTable)
function TestTable:new()
return setmetatable({targ1 = 1}, TestTable_mt )
TestTable t1 = TestTable:new()
t1:print() -- works fine.
(t1):print() -- fails with error "attempt to call a boolean value"
Lua expressions can extend over multiple lines.
Will print 3
actually is equivalent to
local a = t1:print()
local b = a(t1)
So you're calling the return value of t1:print()
To avoid that follow Egors advice and separate both statements with a semicolon.

How to get __metatable function to be called?

My goal
Get getmetatable to return the return value of the function assigned to the __metatable field.
local x, m = {}, {__metatable = function() return nil end};
setmetatable(x, m);
io.write("Let's get the metatable:", tostring(getmetatable(x)), "\n");
But I'm getting the actual function rather than return.
So how do I get it to be called so I can get nil? So it seems like it has no metatable?
Just rewrite getmetatable to work the way you want it to ;)
do local getmetatable = getmetatable
function _G.getmetatable(tab)
local meta = getmetatable(tab)
if type(meta)=='function' then
return meta(tab)
return meta
Alternatively, you could just set __metatable to false. This would work for code written like if getmetatable(foo) then, but would break to code like if getmetatable(foo) == false. Arguably, the first is the one you should use, but there's likely someone out there doing the second one.
That'd also hint to the user that there is a metatable, it's just none of their busyness to mess with it.

How do I invoke a class method using pcall in lua?

How do I invoke a class method using pcall in Lua?
I tried pcall(instance:method, arg) but it doesn't work.
I also tried pcall(instance.method, instance, arg) but that doesn't work either.
I googled for a solution but I couldn't get one.
An example:
local ValueOwnerMap = {}
ValueOwnerMap.__index = ValueOwnerMap
function ValueOwnerMap:create(key_prefix)
local instance = {}
setmetatable(instance, ValueOwnerMap)
instance.key = key_prefix .. ':value-owner-map'
return instance
function ValueOwnerMap:get(value)
return'HGET', self.key, value)
function ValueOwnerMap:put(value, owner_id)
return'HSETNX', self.key, value, owner_id)
function ValueOwnerMap:del(value)
return'HDEL', self.key, value)
local value_owner_map = ValueOwnerMap:create('owner:key')
local success, data = pcall(value_owner_map:put, 'a_value', 'a_owner_id')
instance:method(arg) is sugar for instance.method(instance,arg). So try
pcall(value_owner_map.put, value_owner_map, 'a_value', 'a_owner_id')
The following line replaces the last line of the block in the question. It works.
local success, data = pcall(function () value_owner_map:put('a_value', 'a_owner_id') end)
Thank you all for sharing
pcall (f, arg1, ···)
Calls function f with the given arguments in protected mode. This means that any error inside f is not propagated; instead, pcall catches the error and returns a status code. lua ref
But Calls for functions in protected mode have some limitations especially when you are using ':' operator 'so-called synthetic sugar' of lua.
one way to WAR this limitation is to put inside a function
pcall(function () value_owner_map:put('a_value', 'a_owner_id') end)
This approach also catches the errors as usual:
local ok, msg = pcall(function () error('Phony Error') end)
if ok then
print("No error")
print("Got error".. tostring(msg))
-- Result:
-- Got error test.lua:53: Phony Error

attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)

No matter how I approach Lua, I run into this error all the time, so I must not understand something inherit to the language:
attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)
I've seen the error here a few times as well but the problem doesn't seem clear to me.
Here's my module:
Actor = {
x = 0,
mt = {},
new = function()
local new_actor = {}
new_actor.x = Actor.x =
return new_actor
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
I'm using Löve.
require "game/actor"
local a = Actor:new() --works fine
function love.load()
a.x = 10
print(a.x) --output: 10
a:test(11, 12) --error: attempt to call method 'test' (a nil value)
I'm also not sure when it's appropriate to use the previous styling over this in a module.
Actor = {
x = 0
} = {}
I'm honestly not sure what is more correct than the other but considering I run into a simple error either way, there's probably something I'm missing entirely?
It looks like you're trying to instance a kind of class made of metatables. You basically need to assign new_actor's metatable with (Resuming the problem: when you're indexing new_actor you're not indexing Actor in this case)
Even if the metatable is being added, it won't work until you put the meta "__index" event to index a table containing your class methods/values, in this case: = {
__index = Actor
I'd suggest moving your class methods/values into a new table, like Actor.prototype, Actor.fn, etc... avoiding conflicts:
Actor.fn = {
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
}; = {
__index = Actor.fn
More about metatables in Lua 5.3 manual.

Lua - Can a function be called from a table value and its value returned

I'm asking for help regarding this matter as I cannot quite get the grasp of if it is possible let alone if I am just doing it wrong.
my = {
Question = AskQuestion()
function AskQuestion()
return "What do you want to know?"
My intention is to do, print(my.Question) and have it return "What do you want to know?", So far I have just ran into headaches and errors trying to get this to work.
Further on should this be solved I can presume rather than figuring it out myself I may as well ask in addition. What about passing on a value to the function.
my = {
Answer = MyAnswer(vAnswer)
function MyAnswer(vAnswer)
if vAnswer == "42" then return "Life.." end
So here I would want to do, print(my.Answer(42)) and it return "Life.."
Just invert your declaration:
function AskQuestion()
return "What do you want to know?"
my = {
Question = AskQuestion()
Since Lua is interpreted you have to have everything defined before you can use.
When setting a variable you don't need to pass the (vAnswer) because it is not a defition, it is just a existing-function usage, so change to:
function MyAnswer(vAnswer)
if vAnswer == "42" then return "Life.." end
my = {
Answer = MyAnswer
I am assuming here that you are using a different my table, but you should get the picture.
A function is a first class entity in Lua so you can set a variable or table field to be a function:
function f() end -- do nothing
a = f
Then a refers to f, you can do to/with a as you can with f, such as calling it:
a() -- calls f()
Then you can set a to be another function, and call it:
function g(x) end
a = g -- a is now function g
a(1) -- calls g(1)
Everything in the above examples can be done with table fields too:
tt = {
f = function() print('hi') end,
g = function(x) print(x) end
tt.f() -- calls tt.f function
a = tt.f
a() -- calls tt.f
tt.h = a
tt.h() -- calls tt.f
tt.f = print -- now tt.f is print function
tt.f('bye') -- prints 'bye'
