How to see Bazel build output? - bazel

How do you view stdout of bazel build as it happens?
I want to see all the logs written to stdout during a bazel build.
No one of these allows it to show the ls command before after it has failed
$ bazel build --show_progress --worker_verbose --verbose_failures --verbose_explanations=true -s --test_output=streamed :build
name = "build",
cmd = "ls && sleep 60 && exit 1",
$ bazel build --show_progress --worker_verbose --verbose_failures --verbose_explanations=true -s --test_output=streamed :build
WARNING: --verbose_explanations has no effect when --explain=<file> is not enabled
INFO: Analyzed target //:build (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
SUBCOMMAND: # //:build [action 'Executing genrule //:build']
(cd /private/var/tmp/_bazel_kevinsimper/f9e6a72c146c5ad83b84a8ebf539f8b2/execroot/__main__ && \
exec env - \
PATH=/usr/local/sbin \
/bin/bash -c 'source external/bazel_tools/tools/genrule/; ls && sleep 60 && exit 1')
ERROR: /Users/kevinsimper/testproject/BUILD:1:1: Executing genrule //:build failed (Exit 1)
Target //:build failed to build
INFO: Elapsed time: 60.256s, Critical Path: 60.04s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully

There's no way to stream action stdout/stderr while it's executing, unless it's a test while using the --test_output=streamed flag.

You can follow an underhanded approach. If your build includes small number of lengthy actions, it is feasible to snoop for output in bazel-out/_tmp/actions/std{err,out}-* as it happens. This works for me with Bazel 3.1.0.


Unable to build electron using manual method

I am trying to build electron (master) using the appended script on Ubuntu 22.04. Its throwing the following error (e build doesn't report this error). I am using the latest depot_tools, gn and node.js. Please help:
root#acs-x86-node1-ghatwala-rhel:/electron/src# gn gen out/Release --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/\")"
ERROR at //electron/ Script returned non-zero exit code.
electron_version = exec_script("script/",
Current dir: /electron/src/out/Release/
Command: python3 /electron/src/electron/script/
Returned 1 and printed out: 0a>\n/electron/src/electron/script/lib/get-version.js:19\n throw new Error('Failed to get current electron version');\n ^\n\nError: Failed to get current electron version\n at module.exports.getElectronVersion (/electron/src/electron/script/lib/get-version.js:19:11)\n at [eval]:1:37\n at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:129:12)\n at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:307:38)\n at node:internal/process/execution:83:21\n at [eval]-wrapper:6:24\n at runScript (node:internal/process/execution:82:62)\n at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:104:10)\n at node:internal/main/eval_string:50:3\n\nNode.js v19.3.0\n"
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 516, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['node', '-p', 'require("./script/lib/get-version").getElectronVersion()']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
See //electron/build/args/ which caused the file to be included.
root_extra_deps = [ "//electron" ]
mkdir electron && cd electron
gclient config --name "src/electron" --unmanaged
gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --no-history
cd src
export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH=`pwd`/buildtools
gn gen out/Release --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/\")"
ninja -C out/Release electron

Building Drake From Source Fails With "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'yaml'"

I am following the instructions here: I already ran
in my python virtualenv (drake-venv) and it succeeded. I then managed to build and run the inclined plane example with Bazel. But trying to build some of the other examples results in errors involving YAML like this:
(drake-venv) benq:acrobot % bazel build acrobot_input --subcommands --verbose_failures --sandbox_debug
INFO: Analyzed target //examples/acrobot:acrobot_input (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
SUBCOMMAND: # //examples/acrobot:acrobot_input_codegen [action 'Action examples/acrobot/gen/', configuration: f8bba554e4e3784a5a24e83c682b75e9b6104059526c94f74d854527a53436a6, execution platform: #local_config_platform//:host]
(cd /private/var/tmp/_bazel_benq/a35a7fa5c4830c980dbc52ab349cb0bc/execroot/drake && \
exec env - \
bazel-out/host/bin/tools/vector_gen/lcm_vector_gen '--src=examples/acrobot/acrobot_input_named_vector.yaml' '--out=bazel-out/darwin-opt/bin/examples/acrobot/gen/' '--out=bazel-out/darwin-opt/bin/examples/acrobot/gen/acrobot_input.h' '--include_prefix=drake')
# Configuration: f8bba554e4e3784a5a24e83c682b75e9b6104059526c94f74d854527a53436a6
# Execution platform: #local_config_platform//:host
ERROR: /Users/benq/Documents/drake/examples/acrobot/BUILD.bazel:30:28: Action examples/acrobot/gen/ failed: (Exit 1): sandbox-exec failed: error executing command
(cd /private/var/tmp/_bazel_benq/a35a7fa5c4830c980dbc52ab349cb0bc/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/176/execroot/drake && \
exec env - \
TMPDIR=/var/folders/s0/tfqtn2s54135x0qzt5kxnzs00000gn/T/ \
/usr/bin/sandbox-exec -f /private/var/tmp/_bazel_benq/a35a7fa5c4830c980dbc52ab349cb0bc/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/176/ /var/tmp/_bazel_benq/install/ebbb2540c6000feeb8873385c487a79c/process-wrapper '--timeout=0' '--kill_delay=15' bazel-out/host/bin/tools/vector_gen/lcm_vector_gen '--src=examples/acrobot/acrobot_input_named_vector.yaml' '--out=bazel-out/darwin-opt/bin/examples/acrobot/gen/' '--out=bazel-out/darwin-opt/bin/examples/acrobot/gen/acrobot_input.h' '--include_prefix=drake')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_benq/a35a7fa5c4830c980dbc52ab349cb0bc/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/176/execroot/drake/bazel-out/host/bin/tools/vector_gen/lcm_vector_gen.runfiles/drake/tools/vector_gen/", line 10, in <module>
import yaml
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'yaml'
Target //examples/acrobot:acrobot_input failed to build
INFO: Elapsed time: 1.059s, Critical Path: 0.58s
INFO: 5 processes: 5 internal.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
But I'm not sure why this is happening considering that importing yaml in Terminal works:
(drake-venv) benq:acrobot % which python
(drake-venv) benq:acrobot % python --version
Python 3.9.10
(drake-venv) benq:acrobot % python -c 'import yaml'
(drake-venv) benq:acrobot %
I've already tried reinstalling PyYaml but that didn't help.
Relevant Info:
Operating System: macOS Monterey (12.3)
Architecture: x86_64
Python: Python 3.9.10
Bazel version:
% which bazel; bazel version
Build label: 5.0.0-homebrew
Build target: bazel-out/darwin-opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar
Build time: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1980 (315532800)
Build timestamp: 315532800
Build timestamp as int: 315532800
Bazel C++ compiler: Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.0.21.2)
Git revision: 06dd087b40
The lcm_vector_gen in the error message is a code-generation tool that's run as part of the build.
It's probably not obeying your which python, but instead using the hard-coded /usr/local/bin/python3.9 from
We don't run or test our builds within a virtual environment, so you've stumbled into a novel situation.
Possibly editing that bzl file linked above (interpreter_paths.bzl), to point MACOS_I386_INTERPRETER_PATH to your venv python (/Users/benq/Documents/drake/drake-venv/bin/python), would fix the error.

Buildroot error : failed to generate boot.vfat

I am trying to compile some personal python libraries to Buildroot for an embedded device. Here is one of my makefiles :
LXML_SITE = /home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/package/CNES/lxml/lxml
LXML_SETUP_TYPE = setuptools
LXML_DEPENDENCIES = libxml2 libxslt zlib
HOST_LXML_DEPENDENCIES = host-libxml2 host-libxslt host-zlib
--xslt-config=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/xslt-config \
--xslt-config=$(HOST_DIR)/bin/xslt-config \
$(eval $(python-package))
$(eval $(host-python-package))
As you can see, the makefile is almost exactly the default make file for python-lxml. It is also the case for my other libraries. I only changed the source and the method to have buildroot go into my local library.
Here's what I get as an error :
>>> Executing post-image script board/zynq/
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): adding file 'u-boot.img' as 'u-boot.img' ...
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): cmd: "MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1 mcopy -bsp -i '/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/boot.vfat' '/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/u-boot.img' '::'" (stderr):
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): adding file 'devicetree.dtb' as 'devicetree.dtb' ...
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): cmd: "MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1 mcopy -bsp -i '/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/boot.vfat' '/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/devicetree.dtb' '::'" (stderr):
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): adding file 'uImage' as 'uImage' ...
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): cmd: "MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1 mcopy -bsp -i '/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/boot.vfat' '/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/uImage' '::'" (stderr):
Disk full
INFO: vfat(boot.vfat): cmd: "rm -f "/home/mso-aerosat/Desktop/cecilia_workspace/Buildroot/buildroot-2021.02.7/output/images/boot.vfat"" (stderr):
ERROR: vfat(boot.vfat): failed to generate boot.vfat
make[1]: *** [Makefile:836: target-post-image] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:84: _all] Error 2
And finally here is the script :
# By default U-Boot loads DTB from a file named "devicetree.dtb", so
# let's use a symlink with that name that points to the *first*
# devicetree listed in the config.
FIRST_DT=$(sed -n \
's/^BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_INTREE_DTS_NAME="\([a-z0-9\-]*\).*"$/\1/p' \
[ -z "${FIRST_DT}" ] || ln -fs ${FIRST_DT}.dtb ${BINARIES_DIR}/devicetree.dtb
support/scripts/ -c board/zynq/genimage.cfg
Here is the link to the source code from github, in case you'd need to see other scripts :
How can I solve the problem ? If I change the menuconfig to not add the libraries, it works without an error. But as soon as I add those, it won't. Any advice please ?
Thank you !
So I did make clean and then make again and the error was removed but I still don't have my customized libraries in ouput/target. They are correctly added in output/built though. I don't know why Buildroot doesn't treat them until the end of the process...

Bazel: why lint failed for variable reference?

I had this genrule in BUILD file, but bazel build failed for the error of:
in cmd attribute of genrule rule //example:create_version_pom: $(BUILD_TAG) not defined
name = "create_version_pom",
srcs = ["pom_template.xml"],
outs = ["version_pom.xml"],
cmd = "sed 's/BUILD_TAG/$(BUILD_TAG)/g' $< > $#",
What's the reason, and how to fix it please?
The cmd attribute of genrule will do variable expansion for Bazel build variables before the command is executed. The $< and $# variables for the input file and the output file are some of the pre-defined variables. Variables can be defined with --define, e.g.:
$ cat BUILD
name = "genfoo",
outs = ["foo"],
cmd = "echo $(bar) > $#",
$ bazel build foo --define=bar=123
INFO: Analyzed target //:foo (5 packages loaded, 8 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:foo up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.310s, Critical Path: 0.01s
INFO: 2 processes: 1 internal, 1 linux-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 2 total actions
$ cat bazel-bin/foo
So to have $(BUILD_TAG) work in the genrule, you'll want to pass
Unless it's that you want BUILD_TAG replaced with literally $(BUILD_TAG), in which case the $ needs to be escaped with another $: $$(BUILD_TAG).
Note that Bazel also has a mechanism for "build stamping" for bringing information like build time and version numbers into the build:
Using --workspace_status_command and --embed_label are a little more complicated though.

Sending Codacy code coverage with Fastlane

I'm trying to send the code coverage report that is created by Slather to Codacy using Fastlane. This is the lane:
desc "Do A Slather and send to Codacy"
lane :code_coverage do |options|
slather(output_directory: "SlatherReports", scheme: "MyApp", configuration: "Debug", workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace", proj: "MyApp.xcodeproj", cobertura_xml: true, use_bundle_exec: true)
ENV["CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN"] = options[:codacy_token]
sh "bash <(curl -Ls -r SlatherReports/cobertura.xml)"
The Slather worked but the bash script didn't. It returned this error:
[06:40:19]: Exit status of command 'bash <(curl -Ls -r SlatherReports/cobertura.xml)'
was 2 instead of 0. sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token
`(' sh: -c: line 0: `bash <(curl -Ls -r SlatherReports/cobertura.xml)'
So, how do I fix this? Thanks.
I've found the answer myself. And it's a very simple one (why didn't I think of this earlier?). I just put the whole bash <(curl -Ls -r SlatherReports/cobertura.xml) line into a different bash script file and call it instead. LOL.
