What is val function and what does this ‴return $('#q').val();‴ mean in this code? - g1ant

Is it like val function is predefined?
selenium.open chrome url msn.com timeout 30000
list.create text aa result ♥list
selenium.callfunction search q by id functionname val parameters ♥list type jquery
selenium.runscript script ‴return $('#q').val();‴
dialog ♥result

val() is a method in jQuery that lets you set or get the value of a given HTML element (Documentation here). #q is the ID of the search field over at msn.com, so what that script does is it retrieves the value typed out in that field. Since it's usually empty when the site is just loaded up, you would get an empty dialog box when calling dialog ♥result.


Twilio studio plus function, can't use string.split()

I can't split up a string using Functions. This is an SMS app in Studio:
User texts his full name to Twilio, I call a function and add the Liquid variable with their full name and send it to a Function where I want to return only the first name.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
var firstName = event.fullName.split(' ');
callback(null, firstName[0]);
error message:Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
First, your code for the function is fine, except that event.fullName is undefined because is not being passed from the Studio.
In Studio, add a fullName parameter to the function call. The value for the parameter is {{trigger.message.Body}} (to pass the incoming message text body to the function), then you will be able to access it in your function.
Note: In the "Function Parameters" section of the "RUN FUNCTION" widget there are two "Save" buttons, you will need to click them both, first the one for the parameters, then the (red) one for the widget.
Here is a screen capture which might help you

Determining the type of a standard jQueryUI widget

I am having trouble determining the type of a given jQueryUI widget instance.
The jQueryUI documentation for the Widget Factory suggests two techniques. From the "Instance" section:
The widget's instance can be retrieved from a given element using the
instance() method. [...]
If the instance() method is called on an element that is not
associated with the widget, undefined is returned.
the :data selector can also determine whether an element has a given
widget bound to it.
Based on their examples, let's say I initialize a datepicker and later code checks if it is a datepicker:
<p>Date: <input type="text" id="datepicker"> </p>
$(function() {
// ...
var i = $("#datepicker").progressbar("instance"); // i is undefined as expected
var b = $("#datepicker").is(":data('ui-datepicker')"); // b = false, not sure why
var i2 = $("#datepicker").datepicker("instance"); // this throws an exception
Based on the documentation I expected the .is call to return true, and the last line to return the instance (not throw an exception.)
JSFiddle is here. (You will need to open the browser's console to see the logged output.)
It turns out the techniques I listed above do work for many jQueryUI widgets, e.g. button, progressbar.
But datepicker is kind of weird. Looking at the DOM after a datepicker is initialized, I see the datepicker is inserted as a new element after the named element.
To get the datepicker widget instance I'd need to navigate the DOM starting from the named element. To check if the input field has a datepicker on it we can simply check the element for the class hasDatepicker:
var isDatePicker = $("#datepicker").is(".hasDatepicker");
This works with jQueryUI 1.11.2, and based on other SO questions it's been working since 2009. So I guess it's a reliable technique, but I'm not sure if its documented anywhere, or guaranteed for future versions.

How to get 'href' value of <a> element with jquery

How to get href value of <a> element and store it to a variable with jquery mobile?
This is my snippet code:
$('a').live('click', function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
console.log("href value: |"+href);
Here is sample:
In my log cat (btw I am using jquery mobiel for phonegap), it returns : href value: |#
What i want is, something like this in my logcat:
href value: | 117.xx.xx.xx/timesheet/file.pdf
I'm using phonegap 2.9
Based on the symptoms you describe, it seems as though the a tag firing the click event has an href of #. Possibly some other tag wrapping your intended anchor? Try a more specific selector and see if that works, maybe something like:
$('#myLink').live('click', function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
console.log("href value: |"+href);
With this for a link:
If it still gives you a #, then is it possible that the href value is populated after your click event is firing (possibly by some other javascript)?
Finally, solved. After frustating with jquery 'live' and 'on', I'm using plain Javascript function to get value of link in attribute: getAttribute('href'). And that worked!! Anyway, thank's for all the answer.

Worklight - Enable Translation

From the Worklight tutorial - 05_05_Enabling_translation.pdf (Sample app), we can
1. Define the translated message in messages.js
2. Reference the message in HTML as the ID of an HTML element with class="translate" or as a JavaScript object property Messages.<ID>.
3. Implement a languageChanged function to set a new value of Messages.<ID> and update the content to selected language.
In the example - languageChanged(lang) function:
is used to update the content to selected language.
From my understanding, it is required to write the above line of codes to update the content to selected language.
Is there a better way to update the content if there are lots of elements?
You can easily iterate over all elements by using jQuery selectors and update text, e.g. something like
$(".translate").each(function(index, element){
element = $(element);
var elementId = element.attr("id");

cucumber , jQuery and redirects

I have a select tag on my page, I have made via jQuery on domready a listener for the change event. In this listener I redirect the user to the same page with a parameter in the url.
When I test the functionality manual, it works very well.
When I run the test, it fails, the redirect doesn't work.
How I can make it work ?
When I select "2010" from "year_select"
And I wait 5 seconds
Then "2010" should be selected for "year_select"
Then I should see "time_sheet?year=2010" with html
The test fails, I see time_sheet?year=2011 (the default value) in my html source, manual I see the correct value. It is not updated via Javascript, but according to te year variable passed in the url (after the redirect)
My jQuery code:
var yearSelect = jQuery("#year_select");
window.location = "/time_sheet_admin?year="+yearSelect.val();
What I make wrong ?
I think u have missed out _admin in the scenario. Use time_sheet_admin instead of time_sheet in the scenario. If my suggestions is useless sorry for that.
What I usually do for testing complex JS stuff is to put them in a function and then test if that function was called:
selectChanged = function() {
window.location = "/time_sheet_admin?year="+jQuery("#year_select").val();
*note no need for the variable assignment because you only called it once.
then in your feature:
Then I should see "time_sheet?year=2010" in the url
step definition:
When /Then I should see "time_sheet?year=2010" in the url/ do |seconds|
