FBAudienceNetwork for iOS Static or Dynamic? - ios

I use Facebook for iOS with Admob Mediation. The Admob Manual offers
"Download the latest version of the Facebook Audience Network SDK for iOS and link FBAudienceNetwork.framework in your project."
I downloaded FBAudienceNetwork-5.5.0 and see two paths "Dynamic" and "Static". oth of these folders contain FBAudienceNetwork.framework.
What is their difference? No readme in archive. No readme in archive. I tried to search but can not find.


Missing dylibs from Framework location

After successfully building and archiving app, I'm trying to upload it to iTunes Connect, using Xcode Organizer.
The application successfully passes the validation and it uploading to iTunes Connect.
But then iTunes Connect sends me mail:
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "[APP_NAME]". Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
Invalid Swift Support - The expected dylibs are missing from the app’s
Framework location, such as /Payload/[APP_NAME].app/Frameworks.
All the Frameworks and Libraries are linked to project.
Since app works on React Native and uses some Swift Libraries, I setted these values:
For main project: Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = Yes
For custom framework: Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = No
What I'm doing wrong? If app building and working on simulator.
P.S.: Also, i use these libraries: Google Signin and FacebookSDK, and they are both linked.

Necessary to link libraries with AdMob & Firebase?

I'm currently adding AdMob banner ads to an iOS app.
I was following some tutorials online that explained that it was necessary to "Link Binary With Libraries" by adding the following frameworks.
The SDK library references the following iOS development frameworks
which may not already be part of your project:
However on Google's current Get Started AdMob page there is no mention of the linking of these frameworks. Does this mean that this step can now be ignored?
Usually, yes, you can ignore that step. If you're importing the Google Mobile Ads SDK as a framework, it should handle the dependencies for you.
On a related note, if you're comfortable using Cocoapods for dependency management, there's an iOS screencast in this video that will walk you through setting up AdMob with Firebase in your app.

How can I found facebookSDK.framework on facebookSDK v4.0.1?

So I've downloaded facebookSDK pkg, and I already installed it to on my document folder. But I can't find facebookSDK.framework inside the folder, I need it for my iOS project. Where I can find it?
Pretty sure the framework you are after is FBSDKCoreKit.framework. If you are manually adding the framework this is found in the folder you have installed in your documents folder. This includes the ability to see:
- Sharing
- Login with Facebook
- App Events
- Graph API calls
Information found on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/getting-started
If you are working on an old app which is using FacebookSDK previous framework then you need to download that old version like 3.XX but if you are developing a new app and integrating new Facebook then you need to use FBSDKCoreKit.framework that is in v4.0.1
Some functions in never version are modified.
For details study the Facebook documentation
The above two answers are correct. Refer these if you want more clarification
First One
Second One

How to use GoogleDrive and GooglePlus API in one app in iOS?

I am developing an app that google-drive-sdk has been successfully integrated onto, but now I want to share my app on google-plus so I used Google+ SDK, and it conflicts with GoogleDrive SDK.
I used GTLDriveFile Class for GoogleDrive,
and I followed these steps for installing GoogleDrive.
It works fine with just GoogleDrive SDK. But if I add Google+ SDK then it'll conflict with GoogleDrive SDK. I've tried lots of time and searched on Google but I can't find anything.
I only found these links:
1: (SO) How to implement Google Drive and Google Plus sdk in ios project
2: (YouTube) Google Drive SDK: using the Google+ Sign-In button with Drive on iOS
It displays duplicate symbols for architecture i386
If I delete one file then it will display the same error in another file because in following folder
GTL->GTL Source->Common->Objects
which has all the files, which are already available in
And if I deleted all the .h files from the GTL folder then it won't work either, it gives a 'file not found' error.
Can anyone help me?
If I had not added GoogleOpenSource.framework but I added only GooglePlus.framework then it gives me error like....
Thanks in advance!
You should be able to drop the GoogleOpenSource.framework - that just includes the Plus relevant parts of GTL and GTM which you're likely to be bringing in as part of the Drive client library. If you need any files from it, you can find the source version of whats included within the original SDK zip you downloaded.
To be clear:
Delete GoogleOpenSource.framework from your projectList item
If there are any errors on missing files, bring those in individually from the open source folder in the Google+ SDK zip. Include both the .m and .h files
It's much more simpler than #Ian's answer. No offence #Ian. :)
SVN checkout from http://google-api-objectivec-client.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
After checkout completes, Go to Source folder and open GTL.xcodeproj.
See the image

iOS - Google AdMob v6.12.0 - "idfa class missing, won't collect idfa"

I'm using Google AdMob (DFP & Mediated Interstitials) for a project in iOS 8 (target iOS 7).
And even though I've included what I think are all the necessary Frameworks for AdMob v6.12.0 (according to the AdMob site), I'm seeing the following warning message in Xcode:
"idfa class missing, won't collect idfa"
According to AdMob's release notes, v6.12.0 SDK uses Apple's idfa...
"The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer
program license agreement."
( http://tinyurl.com/n4f3fn7 )
So... I'm stumped by this warning message in the Xcode console.
Should I disregard this message? What could I be missing here?
FYI -- Here is a list of the Frameworks I'm including in my Project:
All you have to do is to add libAdIdAccess.a to your project. It is part of GoogleAnalyticsServicesiOS_3.09 delivery.
You need to add AdSupport.framework
That line only says that it cannot access to idfa
