Xamarin Forms iOS default app icon white background - ios

I am trying to distribute my xamarin forms application (iOS) using appcenter.ms and the app icon initially when it is installing it seems to be the right one however when the installation is finished my app icon is replaced by the default app icon of iOS (white background). The app works fine, Push Notifications work fine, the issue is only those icons: home app icon, notification icon, settings icon, etc. I haven't used TestFlight at all. I have only used appcenter and visual studio 2017 15.9.13. Any ideas why are those icons replaced by the default white background one?
App Icon during Installation App Icon when Installation is finished
I am using Asset Catalogs:
Solution Asset Catalogs Screenshot
Info.plist: 2 entries added:
2 entries added screenshot
Resources folder structure and files:
Resources folder structure screenshot
Info.plist Visual Assets:
Info.plist Visual Assets screenshot
This is part of the appcenter logs. I don't see any problem regarding icons during build:
Copying file from '/Users/vsts/agent/2.155.1/work/1/s/My.APP/obj/iPhone/Release/actool/bundle/AppIcon40x40#2x~ipad.png' to '/Users/vsts/agent/2.155.1/work/1/s/My.APP/bin/iPhone/Release/My.APP.app/AppIcon40x40#2x~ipad.png'
Copying file from '/Users/vsts/agent/2.155.1/work/1/s/My.APP/obj/iPhone/Release/actool/bundle/AppIcon76x76~ipad.png' to '/Users/vsts/agent/2.155.1/work/1/s/My.APP/bin/iPhone/Release/My.APP.app/AppIcon76x76~ipad.png'


I can't submit my App store App because it doesn't see the assets folder. What is the solution?

I'm a rookie. I'm new to swift. that's why I can't do some things. I need your help. What should I write in my plist file so that I can access the assets folder and transfer my application to the app store store. I have a simple application on this link, it is my first attempt. I want to send this to the app store. Can you download and check my application or can you make the solution in the application and forward it to me? Very happy if you help.
-"App Store Connect Process Error ERROR ITMS-90704:" Missing Application Icon. PNG format 1024 An app icon of x1024 pixels must be added to the Asset Catalog of apps created for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, it cannot be submitted for review
-Operation Error ERROR ITMS-90023: "Package icon is missing. .png format for iOS versions of iPad Pro, does not include an app icon exactly '167x167' pixels for iPad To support older operating systems, including icon maker.plist in the next package from Allah catalog
It seems that your project is missing the "Assets.xcassets" folder(directory). so this might be the error you are facing
Please verify the below things
Make sure the Assets.xcassets is there is project.
Verify that in your project target (under Deployment info) For App Icons and Launch Image option AppIcon is selected. Please refer the following screen shot.
Does app icon is added in Assets.xcassets?.
You need to add App icon with 1024 x1024 size with non-transparent background.
NOTE: Transparent background will not be working as it will throw error while uploading.

IOS App deploy: Missing Marketing Icon

I'm updating an IOS App for IPhone that is already deployed in the App Store.
I'm developing with Visual Studio 2017 from Windows, with a Mac in the same LAN network for the build.
The project is a Xamarin Forms project.
When I try to publish my project in the app store I receive an error that the app doesn't contains the Marketing Icon in resolution 1024x1024px.
I've tried to upgrade all: Visual Studio, Xamarin (also in the Mac) but nothing is changed.
If I select the image in the file Info.plist -> iTunes Artwork I receive an error message: "Multiple itunesartwork files with the same dimensions detected" (iTunesArtwork#2x.png was present in Resources directory of the project).
If I delete iTunesArtwork#2x.png in the Resources folder I receive a different error that the .png image of the icon is not present.
I don't know what I can do, how I can exit from this deadlock situation?
This is my asset catalog. (sorry if my Visual Studio is an italian version)
If I try to open it nothing happens:
And this is a screenshot of my Info.plist file opened:
You will need to add a 1024x1024 icons into your asset catalogs. Asset catalog will be the file that end with *.xcassets
If you do not have the file in your project, you should add it in. You should be using the asset catalog file to store all your app icons and images.
============ EDITED ===============
If you already have existing asset catalog but not able to open it. You should:
Backup your asset catalog folder
Remove existing asset catalog from solutions
Create a new asset catalog and import back the icons

IBM Worklight - How to replace the default app icon for iPhone? [duplicate]

I want to change the application icon from the default one to custom one.
I'm using this element in application-descriptor.xml
but nothing changes.
There is still a default image in Worklight Console and iPad, that i deploy to the iOS Simulator.
The thumbnailImage element in application-descriptor.xml does not control the application icon you see in a device/simulator.
For changing the application icon in Worklight Console, see my answer in this question: IBM Worklight - Thumbnail image from project is not updated in Worklight Console.
For changing the application icon of the application itself, in iOS:
Open the iphone\nativeResources\Resources folder
Copy your icon(s) to the folder
Right-click on the application folder and choose:
Run As >> Build All and Deploy or
Run As >> Xcode project (if on Mac)
Build the generated Xcode project in Xcode
Run on device / iOS Simulator
The size and filename of the icon varies depending on which icon you want to change.
Follow Apple's guidelines in this article: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines.
Basically, look the naming convention as seen in iphone\native\Resources (not to be confused with the other path I mentioned above). Your icon filename must match the name of the existing icon in order to replace it during the build operation.

Why PhoneGap always shows default splashscreen image?

I'm testing a sample iOS app now, although I set all new launch images in Xcode (Summary tab of Project Target screen), PhoneGap 3.0 keeps showing its default splashscreen. Why? even when splashscreen is a plugin and not included by default in PhoneGap 3.0 now.
iOS document say about launch images but not splashscreen, and it even strongly recommend us to use a "first screen" similar as launch image, not something like about screen. Are these same?
It's not about cleaning or caching issues at all. The problem is PhoneGap includes all possible launch images in project template by default. These files are under Resources folder and copied to bundle's root folder on build event. Although I properly selected my own launch images in Xcode (Target/Summary screen), default PhoneGap's specific files e.g. Default~iphone.png overridden my files :(
Once issue is identified, you can fix it someway, but I prefer below steps:
Delete all default icons and splashscreen files under /platforms/ios/AppName/icons and /splash folders. You surely don't need these placeholder images.
In Xcode, select Targets/AppName, then tab Build Phases, delete all file names of images in the above step in section Copy Bundle Resources.
Add your own images files for app icon and launch images here.
Edit Info.plist file (file AppName-Info.plist under /platforms/ios/AppName/) to include your images, you will need to use CFBundleIcons and UILaunchImageFile keys. Go to iOS developer site for reference.
Splashscreen and launch image are the same thing.
You probably did everything right but iOS (especially in the simulator) often just doesn't change those things (splashscreen, icon etc.) during development process. Try to delete your app, clean your project (in Xcode: Product -> Clean (shift+cmd+k)) and reinstall your app.

IBM Worklight - Can't change app icon in both Worklight Console and device

I want to change the application icon from the default one to custom one.
I'm using this element in application-descriptor.xml
but nothing changes.
There is still a default image in Worklight Console and iPad, that i deploy to the iOS Simulator.
The thumbnailImage element in application-descriptor.xml does not control the application icon you see in a device/simulator.
For changing the application icon in Worklight Console, see my answer in this question: IBM Worklight - Thumbnail image from project is not updated in Worklight Console.
For changing the application icon of the application itself, in iOS:
Open the iphone\nativeResources\Resources folder
Copy your icon(s) to the folder
Right-click on the application folder and choose:
Run As >> Build All and Deploy or
Run As >> Xcode project (if on Mac)
Build the generated Xcode project in Xcode
Run on device / iOS Simulator
The size and filename of the icon varies depending on which icon you want to change.
Follow Apple's guidelines in this article: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines.
Basically, look the naming convention as seen in iphone\native\Resources (not to be confused with the other path I mentioned above). Your icon filename must match the name of the existing icon in order to replace it during the build operation.
