How to be able to use System Entity, in fulfillment, in Dialogflow? - google-assistant-sdk

I am getting undefined, when using agent.parameters.geo-country while using the System entity #Sys.geo-country.
This is the error I am getting.

JSON property syntax (x.y.z) doesn't like the dash. In order to get around that, you can use the alternative bracket syntax (x['y']['z'])
In your case, you could use agent.parameter['geo-country'].
Another thing you can do instead is look at the name of the paramter, and change it if you want.
For example, in the case below, the entity type is #sys.any, but I've named it to search. This means I could instead use which may be more useful to me.


How to update value in angular ui typeahead directive if no matching option is found

I've an array of objects containing title and salary which is used in typeahead directive.
I display department name and get entire object as value.
If none of the options match, I want user entered string to be converted to object still. Is there any way to update that?
This answer is pretty late, but I would just use ng-blur (to trap the end of the users input) along with a variable bound to typeahead-no-results. Then test if the variable is true in the method bound to ng-blur, and, if so, make an object out of the String supplied by the user and push it to your data source. Simple example found here.

Find pages with tag

In a Umbraco 7 solution, i have a Tags Content picker on all pages. Pages can with this, set tags on each page.
I then want to get alle pages, within the intire site, that has, lets say tag 111 (id, not name).
I have tried with:
var ids = Model.MacroParameters["tags"]; //the tags to show
CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1).Descendants().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.tags.ToString()));
But that gives me the error:
Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type
Whats the correct way?
Solved it with;
Umbraco.Content(rootId).Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
You have a few options, depending on whether you prefer a dynamic or strongly typed view model.
Strongly Typed API
Umbraco.TypedContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where(x => x.tags.Contains(ids));
Dynamic API
Umbraco.ContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
Please note that the Contains statement may give you inconsistent results, as the tags property seems to be returning a comma separated list. In that case you can try splitting the string or install the Core Property Value Converters package and get the tags as IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>
Always try to avoid using Descendants, especially on the root node.
To get the tags for a property:
ApplicationContext.Current.Services.TagService.GetTagsForProperty(Model.Content.Id, "propertyname")
To find content with a specific tag:

Sorting a NSSet of NSManagedObjects by a NSDate yields error

I am trying to pull in a RSS feed and sort by pubDate. When I examine the 'updated' property, most of the time it is correct and give me a proper date but when I try to convert from a set to a sorted array, I get random results from the sort. I've tracked this down to the fact that when sort is doing it's comparesion, the property (which is an NSDate, see figure1) is coming in and being compared as a __nscfnumber! (also figure2)
Any help or idea would be much appreciated.
I assume the comparator block is just for diagnostic purposes? You don't actually need to supply a comparator for NSDate or any of the provided attribute type classes.
If the debugger is reporting that the date1 object is of a NSNumber-cluster class type, then somewhere a NSCFNumber instance is being assigned to to the updated attribute. The debugger ignores factors like a cast and instead simply asked the object what its class is. If the object says it is a NSCFNumber then it is, regardless of how the code treats it otherwise.
Why that happens, I can't say based on the code provided.
You might try logging the value and class of the updated attribute before you attempt the sort to see if it reports properly. I would also recommend decomposing the entire line. Nesting all those method calls will work of course but it is error prone and hard to debug.

GWT JSONObject adding an additional incorrect key when converting overlay type to json string

I'm encountering the following problem - I have simple GWT overlay types, and I'm trying to convert one to a JSON string on the client; I'm simply doing:
new JSONObject(this).toString();
The conversion works, but it adds an additional, incorrect key to the json string, such as:
{"key1":"value1", "key2":value2, "$H":1}
where "$H":1 doesn't correspond to anything in my overlay type.
Any idea why this is?
Any help is appreciated on this, thanks.
This issue is define in this link
The $H property comes from the
implementation of
JavaScriptObject#hashCode() (in
In your case, this is due to
AbstractEditableCell maintaining a map
of value keys to their "view data",
and your use (I guess) of the default
ProvidesKey implementation
(SimpleProvidesKey) which directly
returns the item.
So, when rendering, the EditTextCell
calls getViewData, which looks up the
key in the map (and thus needs the
hashcode of the key, hence the call to
hashCode), and the key is your JSO
(hence the new $H property).
I believe that giving a ProvidesKey
implementation (in you case, returning
the name property for instance) to the
Celltable would solve your issue.

Using OGNL to return data from a Map<String,Object>

Using Struts 2.1.6, xwork 2.1.2 and ognl 2.6.11
In my struts action I have a Map that I am fetching elements from using OGNL. If the key I am using to fetch with does not exist in the map then OGNL returns an empty object array, that OGNL converts to a string and I get the object reference java.lang.Object#6.... This occurs in several places and seems to be the the map having the value generic specified as an Object. This is not something I can change.
I have traced the problem for a while, but when I ended up deep into the guts of the OGNL code and I did not see a light at the end of the tunnel. Currently I am going to go with an ugly hack of checking the string return to see if it starts with "java.lang.Object#" and if so return an empty string. I don't like the solution but thats what time permits.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Also, where did OpenSymphony go? updates to their webiste appear to have dried up, the user forums say they are being converted to Google Groups no later than Nov-12-09
This is a problem with null values: if value is null, default behavior is to create a value using default constructor. Since the value type of your map is Object, new Objects are created where null is.
In order to stop this behavior:
use #CreateIfNull( value = false )
use mapName_CreateIfNull=false in file.
