Find pages with tag - umbraco

In a Umbraco 7 solution, i have a Tags Content picker on all pages. Pages can with this, set tags on each page.
I then want to get alle pages, within the intire site, that has, lets say tag 111 (id, not name).
I have tried with:
var ids = Model.MacroParameters["tags"]; //the tags to show
CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1).Descendants().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.tags.ToString()));
But that gives me the error:
Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type
Whats the correct way?

Solved it with;
Umbraco.Content(rootId).Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);

You have a few options, depending on whether you prefer a dynamic or strongly typed view model.
Strongly Typed API
Umbraco.TypedContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where(x => x.tags.Contains(ids));
Dynamic API
Umbraco.ContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
Please note that the Contains statement may give you inconsistent results, as the tags property seems to be returning a comma separated list. In that case you can try splitting the string or install the Core Property Value Converters package and get the tags as IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>

Always try to avoid using Descendants, especially on the root node.
To get the tags for a property:
ApplicationContext.Current.Services.TagService.GetTagsForProperty(Model.Content.Id, "propertyname")
To find content with a specific tag:


ExtJs6: Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated_id') returns an empty array if the component has an itemId

I have some ExtJs component.
I set itemId for it, but id is autogenerated.
Now Ext.getCmp('autogenerated-id') returns my component.
But Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated-id') returns an empty array.
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[id=assets-information-form-1918]') again returns my component. :)
I use ExtJs 6.5.3 classic.
It seems like itemId config property hides autogenerated id from Ext.ComponentQuery, so they become mutually exclusive.
I don't need other means for search or advice to set id for the component, to write letter to Sencha support or to write post on their forum.
I need:
Means to force my Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated-id') to
find the Component for which getId() returns 'autogenerated-id'.
If it is not possible by design, I need a link to some documentation
describing this behavior, a link to some bug report, or a filename and line number in ExtJs sources + a little snippet copy/paste from there.
From the documentation
Summary Provides searching of Components within Ext.ComponentManager
(globally) or a specific Ext.container.Container on the document with
a similar syntax to a CSS selector. Returns Array of matching
Components, or empty Array.
Ext.ComonpentQuery.query('#itemId') returns and array. Your cold above is using the auto-generated id of the component. The # indicates to query based on the component itemId and not the component id.
which will return an array, as noted in the documentation.
This is shorthand reference to Ext.ComponentManager#get. Looks up an
existing Ext.Component by id
Therefore it returns the component object.
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#itemId')[0] would return the first object in the array.
Ext.ComponentQuery is the Sencha preferred method because it is more powerful when used as it does return an array so you an also query items by xtype and other attributes.

Get child node by name in Umbraco 7.8.1

My Content structure is:
-Home (the site root node)
-About Us
-Our Sevice1
-Our Sevice2
-Our Sevice3
I created a macro for Our Services.
In macro, I want Our Sevice1, Our Sevice2, Our Sevice3...
But in the list variable About Us also come but I don't want it
I want only our service name of the child node
var list= CurrentPage.Children();
About Us also come on the list but I don't want it.
The reason that you see the About Us page in the collection is because you use the Children method.
With the Children method you ask for the direct child nodes of a parent node traversing one level down. So in this case you ask for all direct children of the home page so this works like expected.
What you are trying to achieve is a collection of of all Service nodes. To accomplish this you could do something like this.
Make sure that you have a seperated Document Type for your service nodes ( like for example doc type Service Page ).
Then you can do the following:
var servicePages = CurrentPage.ServicePages;
You can view the docs about it here:
But all of this is using dynamic syntax, this will be removed in future versions of Umbraco. So I suggest you go and use the strongly type syntax.
Then this can be changed by:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.DocmentTypeAlias == "servicePage");
What this does is take the IPublishedContent object of the current page you are on, which is the Home Page then you take all children which has a document type alias of type servicePage.
Like #Mivaweb mentioned, it's better to not use dynamics (I think for performance in addition to being removed in the future).
However, I don't think you have to create a separate doc type, although that will work too. The predicate for the Where method should handle other expressions such as:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Our Sevice"));

How do you get the value of a data attribute within an event-based rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM)?

I have an event-based rule configured to fire on click of an element with a specific class. On click, I would like to capture the value of a data attribute that exists. The DTM documentation says you can capture attribute values using this syntax:
Example HTML:
On click of links with the class "test", I would like to store the value of "event name" within an eVar. When I used the above syntax however, the syntax is converted to a string and in the Adobe server call as:
What is the best way to dynamically grab the value of an attribute of an HTML element on click within DTM?
DTM documentation says you can do that, but in practice I too have found that it doesn't seem to work as advertised most of the time, and will instead populate it with a literal (un-eval'd) string like that.
So what I do instead is under Conditions > Rule Conditions I create a Custom condition. In the Custom condition, I add the following:
// example to get id
// example to get href
return true;
Basically I create on-the-fly data elements using javascript, and then return true (so the condition doesn't affect the rule from triggering).
Then I use %this_id%, %this_href%, etc. syntax from the data element I created, in the Adobe Analytics section variable fields.
The easist way to capture the values of a data attribute against an eVar or prop on the element clicked using DTM is to set the input as the following:
For example, if there was a data attribute on an element of data-social-share-destination='facebook' simply input %this.getAttribute(data-social-share-destination)%. This will then capture the value of 'facebook'
More detail on data attributes can be found at
I found a solution. The best way to grab the value of an attribute on click is to use this syntax:
The key is to not use quotes around the attribute name AND ensure the attribute has a value.
If the attribute is missing, the expression is not replaced by an empty string as one would normally expect from experience in other platforms, but instead will display the raw un-interpolated code.

How to update value in angular ui typeahead directive if no matching option is found

I've an array of objects containing title and salary which is used in typeahead directive.
I display department name and get entire object as value.
If none of the options match, I want user entered string to be converted to object still. Is there any way to update that?
This answer is pretty late, but I would just use ng-blur (to trap the end of the users input) along with a variable bound to typeahead-no-results. Then test if the variable is true in the method bound to ng-blur, and, if so, make an object out of the String supplied by the user and push it to your data source. Simple example found here.

Any reason for URLEncodedUtils.parse return List< NameValuePair >,%20java.lang.String)
why not return Map< String, List< String > >
if it returns Map, user can easily query by key to get whatever they want.
otherwise user should iterator the whole list to find what they want.
Because this is a list. If you read carefully the explanation, says:
Returns a list of NameValuePairs as built from the URI's query portion. For example, a URI of would return a list of three NameValuePairs, one for a=1, one for b=2, and one for c=3.
That means that you cannot use a list to acces by value, because these type of data structures aren't designed for that. They doesn't have any "key" to use.
In this website, Jon Skeet wrote a very clear answer about you cannot use a shortcut to acces a List<NameValuePair> value using a name or a key or for similar structures.
Here you can check the post: Get ArrayList<NameValuePair> value by name
Inside of the same post, you'll see different options to solve your problem. (Or could guide to you to find the solution)
