MVN clean install getting failed while downloading dependencies through POM.xml
I have tried all the guidelines while configuring project and selected option to resolve dependency while configuring build step
clean install
Expected outcome is all dependencies should be downloaded mentioned in POM.xml file and build should be successful as I do in terminal. While I create build using jenkins its not able find any of dependency or sometimes it gives "< packagename.jar> zip end header not found"
One of my dependency jar file was corrupted and was causing the issue.Fixing that jar file resolved the issue.
I cannot seem to find a real solution for my problem anywhere.. After following the Capacitor documentation and creating successfully an app as well as a plugin, i've linked them both using the following commands:
in plugin directory:
-npm run build
-npm link
in app's directory:
-npm link plugin-name
-npm install
-npx cap sync
I open the app's workspace and want to run it on my device but instead I am getting an error in the added plugin of the app, that a certain library I'm using in it does not exist.
Plugin builds normally and has no issues. This occurs only after I'm linking both plugin and app. Am I doing something wrong?
The error I'm getting inside the plugin's file.
Those are the frameworks linked to the capacitor app.
As of this moment I have solved the issue I had. Shamefully there aren't really any precise documentation regarding the subject so I'll try to answer as best I can:
My issue got resolved when I updated the dependencies inside the .podspec file inside my plugin's folder.
The specific package I wish to use with the plugin, should be specified inside the .podspec file i.e. :
s.dependency 'PicUPSDKv3' should be added.
After running -npx cap sync on my main project's folder, all pods were initialized correctly and I was able to build and run the project alongside the plugin without any errors.
Running npm install unlinks whatever is linked.
You should change the order, first npm install and then npm link plugin-name.
But it's better if instead of linking the plugin you install it from its local folder.
I am getting the following error when building the android project generated by Zebble for Xamarin.
I followed the steps in -READ-ME-NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! text file. When I did build the android project, this is error I got:
The command "Zebble" update-schema auto" exited with code -1.
Some additional error log I found from Build output:
EXEC : error : Failed to update the xml schema for intellisense: Failed to find the UWP exe file. Searched all EXE files inside: E:\Labs.NET\Xamarin\TestZebble\TestZebbleApp\Run\UWP\bin
Could you please tell me what has gone wrong.
Hope this helps:
Remove all zebble folders from nuget packages folder.
Remove the Run\Android\Zebble.exe file.
Update the zebble nuget to latest version.
Set the Android project as startup project.
From Build > Configuration Manager be sure that Build and Deploy are enabled for android project.
Rebuild the solution.
I want to try polymerize so I have found and use that post. But I met issues when try command
pub run polymerize:polymerize build
It works some time and then return bazel's error:
2017.35.08 16:35:06.015 polymerize [INFO]: Running bazel ...
____Loading package:
ERROR: while parsing ':all': error loading package '': Encountered error while reading extension file 'BUILD.test_app.bzl': no such package '#build_files//': No WORKSPACE file found in /private/var/tmp/_bazel_kelegorm/df7a1dbca8a607bc3485e726bb483b2b/external/build_files.
How can I solve that problem? Why it happens? Why I can't find any mention about that error? What have I missed?
There was a problem with newest bazel versions. Just upgrade to latest polymerize (v. 0.8.6+1) and it should work again.
To start from a clean workspace just do a :
git clone
cd todo_ddc
pub get
pub run polymerize:polymerize build
I try to use Realm database(version 0.74.1) in Xamarin.Android project. When I do build all is ok, but when I try to run project i get error
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.Common.targets: Error: Error executing task BuildApk: /{SolutionPath} /packages/Realm.0.74.1/lib/MonoAndroid44/arm64-v8a/
what I can do in this situation?
The APK is not built during the default build phase so you only get verification that libraries are in the right place when you run the debugger, or explicitly build an APK.
Can you check if the file is actually in that location in the packages directory? It should have been put there by NuGet.
Also, is there just one Android target in the solution or have you created a PCL and Android target. The NuGet needs installing into both.
cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview seems to be broken out-of-the-box. Tested with cordova 5.1.1 and 6.1.1 on OSX.
Solutions from Crosswalk Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugCompile' and Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugCompile' did not work out.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugCompile'.
> Could not resolve org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library_beta:18+.
Required by:
> Failed to move file '/private/var/folders/jr/3q77kjzd3yqfw_cllng_7c8c0000gn/T/gradle_download7281456311478481267bin'
I checked e.g. the following: Android Support Repository andGoogle
Repositoryand evenLocal Maven repository for Support` are
Not working with cordova 5.1.? and 6.1.1 and various versions of
What do I miss?
I see that you use default crosswalk version, so no need install in local. It's available in
From the log, it seems that 18.48.477.13 version is not found via network. It may be proxy issue, such as JAVA_OPTS, Gradle, Maven. You can check for whether need them.
Or you can share your steps, let me have a try, the build steps for cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview work well on my OSX.
We found the problem and the solution.
For some reason the following folders / file were owned by root, not my user such that building xwalk was prevented systemwide because of missing permissions.
Simply move the following to somewhere (delete also works) with sudo:
We got additional debug output by compling with
gradle cdvBuildDebug -P android.useDeprecatedNdk=true --debug
in platforms/android.