Lex doesn't seem to follow precedence order - parsing

I am using ply (a popular python implementation of Lex and Yacc) to create a simple compiler for a custom language.
Currently my lexer looks as follows:
reserved = {
'begin': 'BEGIN',
'end': 'END',
'Dow': 'DOW',
'Enddo': 'ENDW',
'For': 'FOR',
'FEnd': 'ENDF',
'WHEN': 'WHN',
'Call': 'CALL',
'THEN': 'THN',
'Object': 'OBJ',
'Move': 'MOV',
'Dec': 'DEC',
'Vibration': 'VIB',
'Inclination': 'INCLI',
'Temperature': 'TEMP',
'Brightness': 'BRI',
'Sound': 'SOU',
'Time': 'TIM',
'Procedure': 'PROC'
tokens = ["INT", "COM", "SEMI", "PARO", "PARC", "EQ", "NAME"] + list(reserved.values())
t_COM = r'//'
t_SEMI = r";"
t_PARO = r'\('
t_PARC = r'\)'
t_EQ = r'='
t_NAME = r'[a-z][a-zA-Z_&!0-9]{0,9}'
def t_INT(t):
t.value = int(t.value)
return t
def t_error(t):
print("Syntax error: Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])
Per the documentation, I am creating a dictionary for reserved keywords and then adding them to the tokens list, rather than adding individual rules for them. The documentation also states that precedence is decided following these 2 rules:
All tokens defined by functions are added in the same order as they appear in the lexer file.
Tokens defined by strings are added next by sorting them in order of decreasing regular expression length (longer expressions are added first).
The problem I'm having is that when I test the lexer using this test string
testInput = "// ; begin end DECLARE IMPORT Dow Enddo For FEnd CASE WHEN Call THEN ENDC (asdf) = Object Move INCLUDE Dec Vibration Inclination Temperature Brightness Sound Time Procedure 985568asdfLYBasdf ; Alol"
The lexer returns the following error:
Syntax error: Illegal character ' '
Syntax error: Illegal character ' '
Syntax error: Illegal character 'D'
Syntax error: Illegal character 'E'
Syntax error: Illegal character 'C'
Syntax error: Illegal character 'L'
Syntax error: Illegal character 'A'
Syntax error: Illegal character 'R'
Syntax error: Illegal character 'E'
(That's not the whole error but that's enough to see whats happening)
For some reason, Lex is parsing NAME tokens before parsing the keywords. Even after it's done parsing NAME tokens, it doesn't recognize the DECLARE reserved keyword. I have also tried to add reserved keywords with the rest of the tokens, using regular expressions but I get the same result (also the documentation advises against doing so).
Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I want the Lexer to identify reserved keywords first and then to attempt to tokenize the rest of the input.
I get the same result even when using the t_ID function exemplified in the documentation:
def t_NAME(t):
t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'NAME')
return t

The main problem here is that you are not ignoring whitespace; all the errors are a consequence. Adding a t_ignore definition to your grammar will eliminate those errors.
But the grammar won't work as expected even if you fix the whitespace issue, because you seem to be missing an important aspect of the documentation, which tells you how to actually use the dictionary reserved:
To handle reserved words, you should write a single rule to match an identifier and do a special name lookup in a function like this:
reserved = {
'if' : 'IF',
'then' : 'THEN',
'else' : 'ELSE',
'while' : 'WHILE',
tokens = ['LPAREN','RPAREN',...,'ID'] + list(reserved.values())
def t_ID(t):
t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'ID') # Check for reserved words
return t
(In your case, it would be NAME and not ID.)
Ply knows nothing about the dictionary reserved and it also has no idea how you produce the token names enumerated in tokens. The only point of tokens is to let Ply know which symbols in the grammar represent tokens and which ones represent non-terminals. The mere fact that some word is in tokens does not serve to define the pattern for that token.


Why are redundant parenthesis not allowed in syntax definitions?

This syntax module is syntactically valid:
module mod1
syntax Empty =
And so is this one, which should be an equivalent grammar to the previous one:
module mod2
syntax Empty =
( )
(The resulting parser accepts only empty strings.)
Which means that you can make grammars such as this one:
module mod3
syntax EmptyOrKitchen =
( ) | "kitchen"
But, the following is not allowed (nested parenthesis):
module mod4
syntax Empty =
(( ))
I would have guessed that redundant parenthesis are allowed, since they are allowed in things like expressions, e.g. ((2)) + 2.
This problem came up when working with the data types for internal representation of rascal syntax definitions. The following code will create the same module as in the last example, namely mod4 (modulo some whitespace):
import Grammar;
import lang::rascal::format::Grammar;
str sm1 = definition2rascal(\definition("unknown_main",("the-module":\module("unknown",{},{},grammar({sort("Empty")},(sort("Empty"):prod(sort("Empty"),[
The problematic part of the data is on its own line - alt({seq([])}). If this code is changed to seq([]), then you get the same syntax module as mod2. If you further delete this whole expression, i.e. so that you get this:
str sm3 =
], {})))))));
Then you get mod1.
So should such redundant parenthesis by printed by the definition2rascal(...) function? And should it matter with regards to making the resulting module valid or not?
Why they are not allowed is basically we wanted to see if we could do without. There is currently no priority relation between the symbol kinds, so in general there is no need to have a bracket syntax (like you do need to + and * in expressions).
Already the brackets have two different semantics, one () being the epsilon symbol and two (Sym1 Sym2 ...) being a nested sequence. This nested sequence is defined (syntactically) to expect at least two symbols. Now we could without ambiguity introduce a third semantics for the brackets with a single symbol or relax the requirement for sequence... But we reckoned it would be confusing that in one case you would get an extra layer in the resulting parse tree (sequence), while in the other case you would not (ignored superfluous bracket).
More detailed wise, the problem of printing seq([]) is not so much a problem of the meta syntax but rather that the backing abstract notation is more relaxed than the concrete notation (i.e. it is a bigger language or an over-approximation). The parser generator will generate a working parser for seq([]). But, there is no Rascal notation for an empty sequence and I guess the pretty printer should throw an exception.

ANTLR: Help on Lexing Errors for a custom grammar example

What approach would allow me to get the most on reporting lexing errors?
For a simple example I would like to write a grammar for the following text
(white space is ignored and string constants cannot have a \" in them for simplicity):
myvariable = 2
myvariable = "hello world"
Group myvariablegroup {
myvariable = 3
anothervariable = 4
Catching errors with a lexer
How can you maximize the error reporting potential of a lexer?
After reading this post: Where should I draw the line between lexer and parser?
I understood that the lexer should match as much as it can with regards to the parser grammar but what about lexical error reporting strategies?
What are the ordinary strategies for catching lexing errors?
I am imagining a grammar which would have the following "error" tokens:
GROUP_OPEN: 'Group' WS ID WS '{';
EMPTY_GROUP: 'Group' WS ID WS '{' WS '}';
EQUALS: '=';
GROUP_ERROR: 'Group' .; // the . character is an invalid token
// you probably meant '{'
GROUP_ERROR2: .'roup' ; // Did you mean 'group'?
STRING_CONSTANT_ERROR: '"' .+; // Unterminated string constant
ID: [a-z][a-z0-9]+;
WS: [ \n\r\t]* -> skip();
There are clearly some problems with your approach:
You are skipping WS (which is good), but yet you're using it in your other rules. But you're in the lexer, which leads us to...
Your groups are being recognized by the lexer. I don't think you want them to become a single token. Your groups belong in the parser.
Your grammar, as written, will create specific token types for things ending in roup, so croup for instance may never match an ID. That's not good.
STRING_CONSTANT_ERROR is much too broad. It's able to glob the entire input. See my UNTERMINATED_STRING below.
I'm not quite sure what happens with SINGLE_TOKEN_ERRORS... See below for an alternative.
Now, here are some examples of error tokens I use, and this works very well for error reporting:
: '"' ('\\' ["\\] | ~["\\\r\n])*
: '/*' ('*' ~'/' | ~'*')*? EOF -> channel(HIDDEN)
// This should be the LAST lexer rule in your grammar
: .
Note that these unterminated tokens represent single atomic values, they don't span logical structures.
Also, UNKNOWN_CHAR will be a single char no matter what, if you define it as .+? it will always match exactly one char anyway, since it will be trying to match as few chars as possible, and that minimum is one char.
Non-greedy quantifiers make sense when something follows them. For instance in the expression .+? '#', the .+? will be forced to consume characters until it encounters a # sign. If the .+? expression is alone, it won't have to consume more than a single character to match, and therefore will be equivalent to ..
I use the following code in the lexer (.NET ANTLR):
partial class MyLexer
public override IToken Emit()
CommonToken token;
RecognitionException ex;
switch (Type)
Type = STRING;
token = (CommonToken)base.Emit();
ex = new UnterminatedTokenException(this, (ICharStream)InputStream, token);
ErrorListenerDispatch.SyntaxError(this, UNTERMINATED_STRING, Line, Column, "Unterminated string: " + GetTokenTextForDisplay(token), ex);
return token;
token = (CommonToken)base.Emit();
ex = new UnterminatedTokenException(this, (ICharStream)InputStream, token);
ErrorListenerDispatch.SyntaxError(this, UNTERMINATED_COMMENT_INLINE, Line, Column, "Unterminated comment: " + GetTokenTextForDisplay(token), ex);
return token;
return base.Emit();
// ...
Notice that when the lexer encounters a bad token type, it explicitly changes it it to a valid token, so the parser can actually make sense of it.
Now, it is the job of the parser to identify bad structure. ANTLR is smart enough to perform single-token deletion and single-token insertion while trying to resynchronize itself with an invalid input. This is also the reason why I'm letting UNKNOWN_CHAR slip though to the parser, so it can discard it with an error message.
Just take the errors it generates and alter them in order to present something nicer to the user.
So, just make your groups into a parser rule.
An example:
Consider the following input:
Group ,ygroup {
Here, the , is clearly a typo (user pressed , instead of m).
If you use UNKNOWN_CHAR: .; you will get the following tokens:
Group of type GROUP
, of type UNKNOWN_CHAR
ygroup of type ID
{ of type '{ '
The parser will be able to figure out the UNKNOWN_CHAR token needs to be deleted and will correctly match a group (defined as GROUP ID '{' ...).
ANTLR will insert so-called error nodes at the points where it finds unexpected tokens (in this case between GROUP and ID). These nodes are then ignored for the purposes of parsing, but you can retrieve them with your visitors/listeners to handle them (you can use a visitor's VisitErrorNode method for instance).

Need keywords to be recognized as such only in the correct places

I am new to Antlr and parsing, so this is a learning exercise for me.
I am trying to parse a language that allows free-format text in some locations. The free-format text may therefore be ANY word or words, including the keywords in the language - their location in the language's sentences defines them as keywords or free text.
In the following example, the first instance of "JOB" is a keyword; the second "JOB" is free-form text:
I have tried the following grammar, which avoids defining the language's keywords in lexer rules.
grammar Test;
test1 : 'JOB' EQ OPAREN (utext) CPAREN ;
COMMA : ',' ;
OPAREN : '(' ;
CPAREN : ')' ;
EQ : '=' ;
UNQUOTEDTEXT : ~[a-z,()\'\" \r\n\t]*? ;
SPC : [ \t]+ -> skip ;
I was hoping that by defining the keywords a string literals in the parser rules, as above, that they would apply only in the location in which they were defined. This appears not to be the case. On testing the "test1" rule (with the Antlr4 plug-in in IDEA), and using the above example phrase shown above - "JOB=(JOB)" (without quotes) - as input, I get the following error message:
line 1:5 mismatched input 'JOB' expecting UNQUOTEDTEXT
So after creating an implicit token for 'JOB', it looks like Antlr uses that token in other points in the parser grammar, too, i.e. whenever it sees the 'JOB' string. To test this, I added another parser rule:
test2 : 'DATA' EQ OPAREN (utext) CPAREN ;
and tested with "DATA=(JOB)"
I got the following error (similar to before):
line 1:6 mismatched input 'JOB' expecting UNQUOTEDTEXT
Is there any way to ask Antlr to enforce the token recognition in the locations only where it is defined/introduced?
What you have is essentially a Lake grammar, the opposite of an island grammar. A lake grammar is one in which you mostly have structured text and then lakes of stuff you don't care about. Generally the key is having some lexical Sentinel that says "enter unstructured text area" and then " reenter structured text area". In your case it seems to be (...). ANTLR has the notion of a lexical mode, which is what you want to to handle areas with different lexical structures. When you see a '(' you want to switch modes to some free-form area. When you see a ')' in that area you want to switch back to the default mode. Anyway "mode" is your key word here.
I had a similar problem with keywords that are sometimes only identifiers. I did it this way:
OnlySometimesAKeyword : 'value' ;
: Identifier // defined as usual
| maybeKeywords
: OnlySometimesAKeyword
// ...
In your parser rules simply use identifier instead of Identifier and you'll also be able to match the "maybe keywords". This will of course also match them in places where they will be keywords, but you could check this in the parser if necessary.

How Lexer lookahead works with greedy and non-greedy matching in ANTLR3 and ANTLR4?

If someone would clear my mind from the confusion behind look-ahead relation to tokenizing involving greery/non-greedy matching i'd be more than glad. Be ware this is a slightly long post because it's following my thought process behind.
I'm trying to write antlr3 grammar that allows me to match input such as:
I came up with a grammar like so in Antlr 3.4:
KEYWORD: 'keyword' ;
(options {greedy=false;}: (LOWCHAR|HIGHCHAR))+
/** lowercase letters */
fragment LOWCHAR
: 'a'..'z';
/** uppercase letters */
fragment HIGHCHAR
: 'A'..'Z';
however it complains about it can never match IDENTIFIER this way, which i don't really understand. (The following alternatives can never be matched: 1)
Basically I was trying to specify for the lexer that try to match (LOWCHAR|HIGHCHAR) non-greedy way so it stops at KEYWORD lookahead. What i've read so far about ANTLR lexers that there supposed to be some kind of precedence of the lexer rules. If i specify KEYWORD lexer rule first in the lexer grammar, any lexer rules that come after shouldn't be able to match the consumed characters.
After some searching I understand that problem here is that it can't tokenize the input the right way because for example for input: "identifierkeyword" the "identifier" part comes first so it decides to start matching the IDENTIFIER rule when there is no KEYWORD tokens matched yet.
Then I tried to write the same grammar in ANTLR 4, to test if the new run-ahead capabilities can match what i want, it looks like this:
KEYWORD: 'keyword' ;
/** lowercase letters */
fragment LOWCHAR
: 'a'..'z';
/** uppercase letters */
fragment HIGHCHAR
: 'A'..'Z';
for the input: "identifierkeyword" it produces this error:
line 1:1 mismatched input 'd' expecting 'keyword'
it matches character 'i' (the very first character) as an IDENTIFIER token, and then the parser expects a KEYWORD token which he doesn't get this way.
Isn't the non-greedy matching for the lexer supposed to match till any other possibility is available in the look ahead? Shouldn't it look ahead for the possibility that an IDENTIFIER can contain a KEYWORD and match it that way?
I'm really confused about this, I have watched the video where Terence Parr introduces the new capabilities of ANTLR4 where he talks about run-ahead threads that watch for all "right" solutions till the end while actually matching a rule. I thought it would work for Lexer rules too, where a possible right solution for tokenizing input "identifierkeyword" is matching IDENTIFIER: "identifier" and matching KEYWORD: "keyword"
I think I have lots of wrongs in my head about non-greedy/greedy matching. Could somebody please explain me how it works?
After all this I've found a similar question here: ANTLR trying to match token within longer token and made a grammar corresponding to that:
identifier 'keyword'
/** lowercase letters */
: 'a'..'z';
/** uppercase letters */
: 'A'..'Z';
This does what I want now, however I can't see why I can't change the identifier rule to a Lexer rule and LOWCHAR and HIGHCHAR to fragments.
A Lexer doesn't know that letters in "keyword" can be matched as an identifier? or vice versa? Or maybe it is that rules are only defined to have a lookahead inside themselves, not all possible matching syntaxes?
The easiest way to resolve this in both ANTLR 3 and ANTLR 4 is to only allow IDENTIFIER to match a single input character, and then create a parser rule to handle sequences of these characters.
identifier : IDENTIFIER+;
This would cause the lexer to skip the input identifier as 10 separate characters, and then read keyword as a single KEYWORD token.
The behavior you observed in ANTLR 4 using the non-greedy operator +? is similar to this. This operator says "match as few (HIGHCHAR|LOWCHAR) blocks as possible while still creating an IDENTIFIER token". Clearly the fewest number to create the token is one, so this was effectively a highly inefficient way of writing IDENTIFIER to match a single character. The reason the parse rule failed to handle this is it only allows a single IDENTIFIER token to appear before the KEYWORD token. By creating a parser rule identifier like I showed above, the parser would be able to treat sequences of IDENTIFIER tokens (which are each a single character), as a single identifier.
Edit: The reason you get the message "The following alternatives can never be matched..." in ANTLR 3 is the static analysis has determined that the positive closure in the rule IDENTIFIER will never match more than 1 character because the rule will always be successful with exactly 1 character.

Parsing optional semicolon at statement end

I was writing a parser to parse C-like grammars.
First, it could now parse code like:
a = 1;
b = 2;
Now I want to make the semicolon at the end of line optional.
The original YACC rule was:
stmt: expr ';' { ... }
Where the new line is processed by the lexer that written by myself(the code are simplified):
rule(/\r\n|\r|\n/) { increase_lineno(); return :PASS }
the instruction :PASS here is equivalent to return nothing in LEX, which drop current matched text and skip to the next rule, just like what is usually done with whitespaces.
Because of this, I can't just simply change my YACC rule into:
stmt: expr end_of_stmt { ... }
end_of_stmt: ';'
| '\n'
So I chose to change the lexer's state dynamically by the parser correspondingly.
Like this:
stmt: expr { state = :STATEMENT_END } ';' { ... }
And add a lexer rule that can match new line with the new state:
rule(/\r\n|\r|\n/, :STATEMENT_END) { increase_lineno(); state = nil; return ';' }
Which means when the lexer is under :STATEMENT_END state. it will first increase the line number as usual, and then set the state into initial one, and then pretend itself is a semicolon.
It's strange that it doesn't actually work with following code:
a = 1
b = 2
I debugged it and got it is not actually get a ';' as expect when scanned the newline after the number 1, and the state specified rule is not really executed.
And the code to set the new state is executed after it already scanned the new line and returned nothing, that means, these works is done as following order:
scan a, = and 1
scan newline and skip, so get the next value b
the inserted code({ state = :STATEMENT_END }) is executed
raising error -- unexpected b here
This is what I expect:
scan a, = and 1
found that it matches the rule expr, so reduce into stmt
execute the inserted code to set the new lexer state
scan the newline and return a ; according the new state matching rule
continue to scan & parse the following line
After introspection I found that might caused as YACC uses LALR(1), this parser will read forward for one token first. When it scans to there, the state is not set yet, so it cannot get a correct token.
My question is: how to make it work as expected? I have no idea on this.
The first thing to recognize is that having optional line terminators like this introduces ambiguity into your language, and so you first need to decide which way you want to resolve the ambiguity. In this case, the main ambiguity comes from operators that may be either infix or prefix. For example:
a = b
Do you want to treat the above as a single expr-statement, or as two separate statements with the first semicolon elided? A similar potential ambiguity occurs with function call syntax in a C-like language:
a = b
If you want these to resolve as two statements, you can use the approach you've tried; you just need to set the state one token earlier. This gets tricky as you DON'T want to set the state if you have unclosed parenthesis, so you end up needing an additional state var to record the paren nesting depth, and only set the insert-semi-before-newline state when that is 0.
If you want to resolve the above cases as one statement, things get tricky, as you actually need more lookahead to decide when a newline should end a statement -- at the very least you need to look at the token AFTER the newline (and any comments or other ignored stuff). In this case you can have the lexer do the extra lookahead. If you were using flex (which you're apparently not?), I would suggest either using the / operator (which does lookahead directly), or defer returning the semicolon until the lexer rule that matches the next token.
In general, when doing this kind of token state recording, I find it easiest to do it entirely within the lexer where possible, so you don't need to worry about the extra token of lookahead sometimes (but not always) done by the parser. In this specific case, an easy approach would be to have the lexer record the parenthesis seen (+1 for (, -1 for )), and the last token returned. Then, in the newline rule, if the paren level is 0 and the last token was something that could end an expression (ID or constant or ) or postfix-only operator), return the extra ;
An alternate approach is to have the lexer return NEWLINE as its own token. You would then change the parser to accept stmt: expr NEWLINE as well as optional newlines between most other tokens in the grammar. This exposes the ambiguity directly to the parser (its now not LALR(1)), so you need to resolve it either by using yacc's operator precedence rules (tricky and error prone), or using something like bison's %glr-parser option or btyacc's backtracking ability to deal with the ambiguity directly.
What you are attempting is certainly possible.
Ruby, in fact, does exactly this, and it has a yacc parser. Newlines soft-terminate statements, semicolons are optional, and statements are automatically continued on multiple lines "if they need it".
Communicating between the parser and lexical analyzer may be necessary, and yes, legacy yacc is LALR(1).
I don't know exactly how Ruby does it. My guess has always been that it doesn't actually communicate (much) but rather the lexer recognizes constructs that obviously aren't finished and silently just treats newlines as spaces until the parens and brackets balance. It must also notice when lines end with binary operators or commas and eat those newlines too.
Just a guess, but I believe this technique would work. And Ruby is open source... if you want to see exactly how Matz did it.
