Magnitude of Sample Weights in Keras - machine-learning

Keras supports per-sample weights. What is the range of acceptable values for these weights? Must they sum to 1 across all training samples? Or does keras accept any weight values and then perform some sort of normalization? The keras source includes, e.g. training_utils.standardize_weights but that does not appear to be doing statistical standardization.

After looking at the source here, I've found that you should be able to pass any acceptable numerical values (within overflow bounds) for both sample weights and class weights. They do not need to sum to 1 across all training samples and each weight may be greater than one. The only sort of normalization that appears to be happening is taking the max of 2D class weight inputs.
If both class weights and samples weights are provided, it provides the product of the two.
I think the unspoken component here is that the activation function should be dealing with normalization.


SVM model predicts instances with probability scores greater than 0.1(default threshold 0.5) as positives

I'm working on a binary classification problem. I had this situation that I used the logistic regression and support vector machine model imported from sklearn. These two models were fit with the same , imbalanced training data and class weights were adjusted. And they have achieved comparable performances. When I used these two pre-trained models to predict a new dataset. The LR model and the SVM models predicted similar number of instances as positives. And the predicted instances share a big overlap.
However, when I looked at the probability scores of being classified as positives, the distribution by LR is from 0.5 to 1 while the SVM starts from around 0.1. I called the function model.predict(prediction_data) to find out the instances predicted as each class and the function
model.predict_proba(prediction_data) to give the probability scores of being classified as 0(neg) and 1(pos), and assume they all have a default threshold 0.5.
There is no error in my code and I have no idea why the SVM predicted instances with probability scores < 0.5 as positives as well. Any thoughts on how to interpret this situation?
That's a known fact in sklearn when it comes to binary classification problems with SVC(), which is reported, for instance, in these github issues
(here and here). Moreover, it is also
reported in the User guide where it is said that:
In addition, the probability estimates may be inconsistent with the scores:
the “argmax” of the scores may not be the argmax of the probabilities; in binary classification, a sample may be labeled by predict as belonging to the positive class even if the output of predict_proba is less than 0.5; and similarly, it could be labeled as negative even if the output of predict_proba is more than 0.5.
or directly within libsvm faq, where it is said that
Let's just consider two-class classification here. After probability information is obtained in training, we do not have prob > = 0.5 if and only if decision value >= 0.
All in all, the point is that:
on one side, predictions are based on decision_function values: if the decision value computed on a new instance is positive, the predicted class is the positive class and viceversa.
on the other side, as stated within one of the github issues, np.argmax(self.predict_proba(X), axis=1) != self.predict(X) which is where the inconsistency comes from. In other terms, in order to always have consistency on binary classification problems you would need a classifier whose predictions are based on the output of predict_proba() (which is btw what you'll get when considering calibrators), like so:
def predict(self, X):
y_proba = self.predict_proba(X)
return np.argmax(y_proba, axis=1)
I'd also suggest this post on the topic.

Activation functions in Neural Networks

I have a few set of questions related to the usage of various activation functions used in neural networks? I would highly appreciate if someone could give good explanatory answers.
Why ReLU is used only on hidden layers specifically?
Why Sigmoid is a not used in Multi-class classification?
Why we do not use any activation function in regression problems having all negative values?
Why we use "average='micro','macro','average'" while calculating performance metric in multi_class classification?
I'll answer to the best of my ability the 2 first questions:
Relu (=max(0,x)) is used to extract feature maps from data. This is why it is used in the hidden layers where we're learning what important characteristics or features the data holds that could make the model learn how to classify for example. In the FC layers, it's time to make a decision about the output, so we usually use sigmoid or softmax, which tend to give us numbers between 0 and 1 (probability) that can give an interpretable result.
Sigmoid gives a probability for each class. So, if you have 10 classes, you'll have 10 probabilities. And depending on the threshold used, your model would predict for example that the image corresponds to two classes when in multi-classification you want just one predicted class per image. That's why softmax is used in this context: It chooses the class with the maximum probability. So it'll predict just one class.

Multiclass classification for n classes with number of output neurons = ceiling of log2 (n)

Suppose I want to use a multilayer perceptron to classify 3 classes. When it comes to number of output neurons, anybody would instantly say - use 3 output neurons with softmax activation. But what if I use 2 output neurons with sigmoid activations to output [0,0] for class 1, [0,1] for class 2 and [1,0] for class 3? Basically getting a binary encoded output with each bit being output by each output neuron. Wouldn't this technique decrease output neurons(and hence number of parameters) by a lot? A 100 class word classification for simple NLP application would require 100 output neurons for softmax where as you can cover it with 7 output neurons with the above technique. One disadvantage is that you won't get the probability scores for all the classes. My question is, is this approach correct? If so, would you consider it to be more efficient than softmaxing for datasets with large number of classes?
You could do this, but then you would have to rethink your loss function. The cross-entropy loss used in training a model for classification is the likelihood of a categorical distribution, which assumes you have a probability associated with every class. The loss function requires 3 output probabilities and you only have 2 output values.
However, there are ways to do it anyway: you could use a binary cross-entropy loss on each element of your output, but this would be a different probabilistic assumption about your model. You'd be assuming that your classes have some shared characteristics [0,0] and [0,1] share a value. The decreased degrees of freedom are probably going to give you marginally worse performance (but other parts of the MLP may pick up the slack).
If you're really worried about the parameter cost of the final layer, then you might be better just not training it at all. This paper shows a fixed Hadamard matrix on the final layer is as good as training it.

how to use weight when training a weak learner for adaboost

The following is adaboost algorithm:
It mentions "using weights wi on the training data" at part 3.1.
I am not very clear about how to use the weights. Should I resample the training data?
I am not very clear about how to use the weights. Should I resample the training data?
It depends on what classifier you are using.
If your classifier can take instance weight (weighted training examples) into account, then you don't need to resample the data. An example classifier could be naive bayes classifier that accumulates weighted counts or a weighted k-nearest-neighbor classifier.
Otherwise, you want to resample the data using the instance weight, i.e., those instance with more weights could be sampled multiple times; while those instance with little weight might not even appear in the training data. Most of the other classifiers fall in this category.
In Practice
Actually in practice, boosting performs better if you only rely on a pool of very naive classifiers, e.g., decision stump, linear discriminant. In this case, the algorithm you listed has a easy-to-implement form (see here for details):
Where alpha is chosen by (epsilon is defined similarly as yours).
An Example
Define a two-class problem in the plane (for example, a circle of points
inside a square) and build a strong classier out of a pool of randomly
generated linear discriminants of the type sign(ax1 + bx2 + c).
The two class labels are represented with red crosses and blue dots. We here are using a bunch of linear discriminants (yellow lines) to construct the pool of naive/weak classifiers. We generate 1000 data points for each class in the graph (inside the circle or not) and 20% of data is reserved for testing.
This is the classification result (in the test dataset) I got, in which I used 50 linear discriminants. The training error is 1.45% and the testing error is 2.3%
The weights are the values applied to each example (sample) in step 2. These weights are then updated at step 3.3 (wi).
So initially all weights are equal (step 2) and they are increased for wrongly classified data and decreased for correctly classified data. So in step 3.1 you have to take take these value in account to determine a new classifier, giving more importance to higher weight values. If you did not change the weight you would produce exactly the same classifier each time you execute step 3.1.
These weights are only used for training purpose, they're not part of the final model.

What is the OpenCV svm type parameter

The opencv SVM implementation takes a parameter labeled as "SVM type" which must be used in the CVSVMParams structure used in training the SVM. All the explanation I can find is:
// SVM type
enum { C_SVC=100, NU_SVC=101, ONE_CLASS=102, EPS_SVR=103, NU_SVR=104 };
Anyone know what these different values represent?
They are different formulations of SVM. At the heart of SVM is an mathematical optimization problem. This problem can be stated in different ways.
C-SVM uses C as the tradeoff parameter between the size of margin and the number of training points which are misclassified. C is just a number, the useful range depends on the dataset and it can range from very small (like 10-5) to very large (like 10^5), depending on your data.
nu-SVM uses nu instead of C. nu is roughly a percentage of training points which will end up as support vectors. The more support vectors, the wider your margin is, the more training points which will be misclassified. nu ranges from 0.1 to 0.8 - at 0.1 roughly 10% of training points will be support vectors, at 0.8, more like 80%. I say roughly because its just correlated that way - its not exact.
epsilon-SVR and nu-SVR use SVM for regression. Instead of doing binary classification by finding a maximum margin hyperplane, instead the concept is used to find a hypertube which best fits the data in order to use it to predict future models. They differ in the way they are parameterized (like nu-SVM and C-SVM differ).
One-Class SVM is novelty detection. Rather than binary classification, or predicting a value, instead you give the SVM a training set and it attempts to train a model to wrap around that set so that a future instance can be classified as part of the class or outside the class (novel or outlier).
In general:
Classification SVM Type 1 (also known as C-SVM classification)
Classification SVM Type 2 (also known as nu-SVM classification)
Regression SVM Type 1 (also known as epsilon-SVM regression)
Regression SVM Type 2 (also known as nu-SVM regression)
Details can be found on page SVM
