Global or Local variable different builder behavior - delphi

I'm still doing practical with llvm-c Api,
I have a doubt about this code:
I got the original code from source.
In Delphi is:
procedure test;
(*int A[1024];
int main(){
int B[1024];
A[50] = A[49] + 5;
B[0] = B[1] + 10;
return 0;
context : TLLVMContextRef ;
module : TLLVMModuleRef;
builder : TLLVMBuilderRef;
mainFnReturnType : TLLVMTypeRef;
elem_A_49 ,
ptr_B_0 : TLLVMValueRef;
endBasicBlock : TLLVMBasicBlockRef;
indices : array[0..1] of TLLVMValueRef;
context := LLVMGetGlobalContext;
module := LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext('meu_modulo.bc', context);
builder := LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(context);
// Declara o tipo do retorno da função main.
mainFnReturnType := LLVMInt64TypeInContext(context);
// Cria a função main.
mainFn := LLVMAddFunction(module, 'main', LLVMFunctionType(mainFnReturnType, nil, 0, False));
// Declara o bloco de entrada.
entryBlock := LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(context, mainFn, 'entry');
// Declara o bloco de saída.
endBasicBlock := LLVMAppendBasicBlock(mainFn, 'end');
// Adiciona o bloco de entrada.
LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entryBlock);
// Cria um valor zero para colocar no retorno.
Zero64 := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt64Type(), 0, false);
// Cria o valor de retorno e inicializa com zero.
returnVal := LLVMBuildAlloca(builder, LLVMInt64Type, 'retorno');
LLVMBuildStore(builder, Zero64, returnVal);
// Array global de 1024 elementos.
typeA := LLVMArrayType(LLVMInt64Type, 1024);
arrayA := LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(builder, typeA, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt64Type, 0, false), 'A'); //LLVMAddGlobal (module, typeA, 'A');
LLVMSetAlignment(arrayA, 16);
// Array local de 1024 elementos.
typeB := LLVMArrayType(LLVMInt64Type(), 1024);
arrayB := LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(builder, typeB, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt64Type, 0, false), 'B');
LLVMSetAlignment(arrayB, 16);
// A[50] = A[49] + 5;
// Na documentação diz para usar dois indices, o primeiro em zero:
// The first index, i64 0 is required to step over the global variable %MyStruct. Since the first argument to the GEP instruction must always be a value of pointer type, the first index steps through that pointer. A value of 0 means 0 elements offset from that pointer.
indices[0] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type, 0, false);
indices[1] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type, 49, false);
ptr_A_49 := LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(builder, arrayA, #indices[0], 2, 'ptr_A_49"');
elem_A_49 := LLVMBuildLoad(builder, ptr_A_49, 'elem_of_A');
temp := LLVMBuildAdd(builder, elem_A_49, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt64Type(), 5, false), 'temp');
indices[0] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, false);
indices[1] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 50, false);
ptr_A_50 := LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(builder, arrayA, #indices[0], 2, 'ptr_A_50');
LLVMBuildStore(builder, temp, ptr_A_50);
// B[0] = B[1] + 10;
indices[0] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type, 0, false);
indices[1] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type, 1, false);
ptr_B_1 := LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(builder, arrayB, #indices[0], 2, 'ptr_B_1');
elem_B_1:= LLVMBuildLoad(builder, ptr_B_1, 'elem_of_B');
temp2 := LLVMBuildAdd(builder, elem_B_1, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt64Type(), 10, false), 'temp2');
indices[0] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type, 0, false);
indices[1] := LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type, 0, false);
ptr_B_0 := LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(builder, arrayB, #indices[0], 2, 'ptr_B_0');
LLVMBuildStore(builder, temp2, ptr_B_0);
// Cria um salto para o bloco de saída.
LLVMBuildBr(builder, endBasicBlock);
// Adiciona o bloco de saída.
LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, endBasicBlock);
// Cria o return.
LLVMBuildRet(builder, LLVMBuildLoad(builder, returnVal, ''));
// Imprime o código do módulo.
// Escreve para um arquivo no formato bitcode.
if (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(module, 'meu_modulo.bc').ResultCode <> 0) then
raise Exception.Create('error writing bitcode to file, skipping');
the problem is here, if arrayA is a global variable:
// Array global de 1024 elementos.
typeA: = LLVMArrayType (LLVMInt64Type, 1024);
arrayA: = LLVMAddGlobal (module, typeA, 'A');
LLVMSetAlignment (arrayA, 16);
ptr_A_49: = LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP (builder, arrayA, #indices [0], 2, 'ptr_A_49 "');
TFile.WriteAllText ( 'Func.II', LLVMDumpValueToStr (mainFn));
the gep instruction is not transferred to the code, in fact the output is
define i64 #main () {
% retorno = allocates i64
i64 0 store, i64 *% return
% B = allocates [1024 x i64], i64 0, align 16
end:; No predecessors!
if ArrayA is a local variable:
// Array global de 1024 elementos.
typeA: = LLVMArrayType (LLVMInt64Type, 1024);
arrayA: = LLVMBuildArrayAlloca (builder, typeA, LLVMConstInt (LLVMInt64Type, 0, false), 'A'); // LLVMAddGlobal (module, typeA, 'A');
LLVMSetAlignment (arrayA, 16);
ptr_A_49: = LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP (builder, arrayA, #indices [0], 2, 'ptr_A_49 "');
TFile.WriteAllText ( 'Func.II', LLVMDumpValueToStr (mainFn));
the gep instruction is transferred to the code, in fact the output is:
define i64 #main () {
% retorno = allocates i64
i64 0 store, i64 *% return
% A = allocates [1024 x i64], i64 0, align 16
% B = allocates [1024 x i64], i64 0, align 16
% "ptr_A_49 22" = getelementptr inbounds [1024 x i64], [1024 x i64] *% A, i32 0, i32 49
end:; No predecessors!

Reply from llvm-dev mainling list
With 'A' being a global variable, the GEP becomes a ConstantExpr
(GetElementPtrConstantExpr instead of GetElementPtrInst) since all of
its arguments are constant. ConstantExpr are "free-floating", i.e. not
int a BasicBlock's instruction list and therefore only appear in the
printout when used.
Other user
LLVM has roughly[1] two kinds of Value: Constants and Instructions.
Constants are things like literal constants, (addresses of) global
variables, and various expressions based just on those things; they're
designed to be values that can be directly calculated by the compiler
and/or linker without any CPU instructions actually being executed[2].
Instructions on the other hand sit inside Functions as real entities,
they produce %whatever Values and, unless optimized away, will be
turned into real CPU instructions in the end.
So, you were asking for "GEP something, 0, 49". If that "something" is
a Constant (e.g. a GlobalVariable) then that GEP only depends on
Constants so it can be a ConstantExpr too, written
"getelementptr([1024 x i64], [1024 x i64]* #var, i32 0, i32 49)". That
Constant is then not inserted into a block (it's not an instruction so
it can't be). Instead it's written directly in any instruction that
uses it, so if you actually use the GEP you might see something like:
%val = load i64, i64* getelementptr([1024 x i64], [1024 x i64]*
#var, i32 0, i32 49)
Until you use it, it's not actually in the function anywhere though.
You just have a handle when needed.
On the other hand if the "something" is a local variable, then the GEP
needs to be an actual instruction inside a function and the API you're
using will insert it automatically.
In the Constant case, you can manually create an instruction anyway,
at least in C++. I'm afraid I haven't used the C API and couldn't see
an obvious way there, but you probably don't want to since
optimization would quickly undo it and turn it back into a Constant.
[1] There's also Arguments, representing function parameters. They
behave like Instructions for these purposes.
[2] But you can build pathological Constants that no linker really
could calculate like 4 * #global. That tends to result in a compiler


Mathematica's ListLinePlot in wxMaxima

I have the following functions:
P[t_] := P[t] = P[t-1] +a*ED[t-1];
ED[t_] := ED[t] = DF[t] + DC[t];
DF[t_] := DF[t] = b (F - P[t]);
DC[t_] := DC[t] = c (P[t] - F);
And the following parameters:
b = 0.75;
In Mathematica I use the function "ListLinePlot" in order to plot P[t] and F:
ListLinePlot[{Table[P[t], {t, 0, 25}], Table[F, {t, 0, 25}]}, PlotStyle → {Black, Red},Frame → True, FrameLabel → {"time", "price"}, AspectRatio → 0.4, PlotRange → All]
How can I do this in wxMaxima? Is there a similar function or an alternative to ListLinePlot?
This is my attempt in wxMaxima:
P[t] := P[t-1] + a * ED[t-1];
ED[t] := DF[t] + DC[t];
DF[t] := b*[F-P[t]];
DC[t] := c*[P[t]-F];
And then I tried:
draw2d(points(P[t], [t,0,25]))
The plotted function should look like this:
OK, I've adapted the code you showed above. This works for me. I'm working with Maxima 5.44 on macOS.
P[t] := P[t-1] + a * ED[t-1];
ED[t] := DF[t] + DC[t];
DF[t] := b*(F-P[t]);
DC[t] := c*(P[t]-F);
P[0]: F + 1;
Pt_list: makelist (P[t], t, 0, 25);
load (draw);
set_draw_defaults (terminal = qt);
draw2d (points_joined = true, points(Pt_list));
Notes. (1) There needs to be a base case for the recursion on P. I put P[0]: F + 1. (2) Assignments are : instead of =. Note that x = y is a symbolic equation instead of an assignment. (3) Square brackets [ ] are only for subscripts and lists. Use parentheses ( ) for grouping expressions. (4) Syntax for draw2d is a little different, I fixed it up. (I put a default for terminal since the built-in value is incorrect for Maxima on macOS; if you are working on Linux or Windows, you can omit that.)
EDIT: Try this to draw a horizontal line as well.
draw2d (points_joined = true, points(Pt_list),
color = red, points([[0, F], [25, F]]),
yrange = [F - 1, P[0] + 1]);

Calling InterlockedAdd on RWByteAddressBuffer multiple times gives unexpected results (on NVidia)

I was looking to move back from using counter buffer for some compute shader routines, and had some unexpected behaviour on Nvidia cards
I made a really simplified example (so it does not make sense to do that, but that's the smallest that can reproduce the issue I encounter).
So I want to perform conditional writes in several locations on a buffer (also for simplification, I only run a single thread, since the behaviour can also be reproduced that way).
I will write 4 uints, then 2 uint3 (using InterlockedAdd to "simulate conditional writes")
So I use a single buffer (with raw access on uav), with the following simple layout :
0 -> First counter
4 -> Second counter
8 till 24 -> First 4 ints to write
24 till 48 -> Pair of uint3 to write
I also clear the buffer every frame (0 for each counter, and arbitrary value for the rest, 12345 in this case).
I copy the buffer staging resource in order to check the values, so yes my pipeline binding is correct, but I can post the code if asked for.
Now when I call the compute shader, only performing 4 increments as here :
RWByteAddressBuffer RWByteBuffer : BACKBUFFER;
#define PASS1_LOCATION 8
#define PASS2_LOCATION 24
void CS(uint3 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i0,i1,i2,i3;
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i0);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i0 * 4, 10);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i1);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i1 * 4, 20);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i2);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i2 * 4, 30);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i3);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i3 * 4, 40);
I then obtain the following results (formatted a little):
Which is correct (counter is 4 as I called 4 times, second one was not called), I get 10 till 40 in the right locations, and rest has default values
Now if I want to reuse those indices in order to write them to another location:
void CS(uint3 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i0,i1,i2,i3;
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i0);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i0 * 4, 10);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i1);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i1 * 4, 20);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i2);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i2 * 4, 30);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 1, i3);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i3 * 4, 40);
uint3 inds = uint3(i0, i1, i2);
uint3 inds2 = uint3(i1,i2,i3);
uint writeIndex;
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER1_LOCATION, 1, writeIndex);
RWByteBuffer.Store3(PASS2_LOCATION + writeIndex * 12, inds);
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER1_LOCATION, 1, writeIndex);
RWByteBuffer.Store3(PASS2_LOCATION + writeIndex * 12, inds2);
Now If I run that code on Intel card (tried HD4000 and HD4600), or ATI card 290, I get expected results eg :
But running that on NVidia (used 970m, gtx1080, gtx570) , I get the following :
So it seems it suddenly returns 0 in the return value of interlocked add (it still increments properly as counter is 4, but we end up with 40 in last value.
Also we can see that only 0 got written in i1,i2,i3
In case I "reserve memory", eg, call Interlocked only once per location (incrementing by 4 and 2 , respectively):
void CSB(uint3 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i0;
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER0_LOCATION, 4, i0);
uint i1 = i0 + 1;
uint i2 = i0 + 2;
uint i3 = i0 + 3;
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i0 * 4, 10);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i1 * 4, 20);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i2 * 4, 30);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i3 * 4, 40);
uint3 inds = uint3(i0, i1, i2);
uint3 inds2 = uint3(i1,i2,i3);
uint writeIndex;
RWByteBuffer.InterlockedAdd(COUNTER1_LOCATION, 2, writeIndex);
uint writeIndex2 = writeIndex + 1;
RWByteBuffer.Store3(PASS2_LOCATION + writeIndex * 12, inds);
RWByteBuffer.Store3(PASS2_LOCATION + writeIndex2 * 12, inds2);
Then this works on all cards, but I have some cases when I have to rely on the earlier behaviour.
As a side note, if I use structured buffers with a counter flag on the uav instead of a location in a byte address and do :
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> rwCounterBuffer1;
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> rwCounterBuffer2;
RWByteAddressBuffer RWByteBuffer : BACKBUFFER;
#define PASS1_LOCATION 8
#define PASS2_LOCATION 24
void CS(uint3 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i0 = rwCounterBuffer1.IncrementCounter();
uint i1 = rwCounterBuffer1.IncrementCounter();
uint i2 = rwCounterBuffer1.IncrementCounter();
uint i3 = rwCounterBuffer1.IncrementCounter();
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i0 * 4, 10);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i1 * 4, 20);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i2 * 4, 30);
RWByteBuffer.Store(PASS1_LOCATION + i3 * 4, 40);
uint3 inds = uint3(i0, i1, i2);
uint3 inds2 = uint3(i1,i2,i3);
uint writeIndex1= rwCounterBuffer2.IncrementCounter();
uint writeIndex2= rwCounterBuffer2.IncrementCounter();
RWByteBuffer.Store3(PASS2_LOCATION + writeIndex1* 12, inds);
RWByteBuffer.Store3(PASS2_LOCATION + writeIndex2* 12, inds2);
This works correctly across all cards, but has all sorts of issues (that are out of topic for this question).
This is running on DirectX11 (I did not try it on DX12, and that's not relevant to my use case, except plain curiosity)
So is it a bug on NVidia?
Or is there something wrong with the first approach?

Programming a Latin Square in Delphi?

I'm trying to make a Latin Square program that accepts a user-entered size of square (e.g. entering 5 will generate a Latin Square 5x5) and then output the formatted square to the user.
If you don't know what a Latin Square is or want to see the actual task I have been set, look no further.
I have slightly coded some of this, but I'm failing at the first hurdle. Teachers are providing no help, you lot are my only hope.
// Variables
// 2D array, size defined in main code
Square: array of array of integer;
// Integer holding the square size
SquareSize: integer;
// Introduction
writeln('This program will generate a Latin Squar of a size designated by you.');
// Ask for user input, receive and store in a variable
write('Enter the size of the Latin Square (1 value): ');
// More user friendly garbage
writeln('Latin Square size: ', SquareSize, ' x ', SquareSize, '.');
// Calculations
// Set size of the 2D array to user designated dimensions
setlength(Square, SquareSize, SquareSize);
After the last line of code (setlength) I want to set ALL values in my new 2D array to the user-entered number. I think.
Other than that, I have no clue what I'm doing.
If you want to help me, please can you try to keep it as simple as possible so I can understand it?
Sorry for any screw-ups made in this, first time on Stack Overflow.
The link you gave also gives the answer, see below the code.
program LatinSquare;
TSquare = array of array of Integer;
procedure WriteLatinSquare(var Square: TSquare; N: Integer);
X, Y: Integer;
{ Allocate and fill the square array. }
SetLength(Square, N, N);
for Y := 0 to High(Square) do
for X := 0 to High(Square[Y]) do
Square[X, Y] := (Y + X) mod N + 1;
{ Display the Square array. }
for Y := 0 to High(Square) do
for X := 0 to High(Square[Y]) do
Write(Square[X, Y]:3);
Square: TSquare;
SquareSize: Integer;
SquareSize := 6;
WriteLatinSquare(Square, SquareSize);
As the link says: start with 1 2 3 4 5 6, then the next line, shift by one, so that becomes 2 3 4 5 6 1, etc... That is what the first part (with the X, Y loops) does: it fills the square.
Of course, Y + X can go over the limit of 0..5 (I add the 1 later on), so you use mod to wrap the values around, so 6 becomes 0, 7 becomes 1, etc. In effect:
1st line: 0+0=0 -> 0, 0+1=1 -> 1, 0+2=2 -> 2, 0+3=3 -> 3, 0+4=4 -> 4, 0+5=5 -> 5
2nd line: 1+0=1 -> 1, 1+1=2 -> 2, 1+2=3 -> 3, 1+3=4 -> 4, 1+4=5 -> 5, 1+5=6 -> 0
3rd line: 2+0=2 -> 2, 2+1=3 -> 3, 2+2=4 -> 4, 2+3=5 -> 5, 2+4=6 -> 0, 2+5=7 -> 1
Then you add the 1, so instead of 0 1 2 3 4 5you get 1 2 3 4 5 6.
The second part of the routine just prints the Square array.
If you don't need to save the square, it can be done in one part:
procedure WriteMagicSquare2(N: Integer);
X, Y: Integer;
for Y := 0 to N - 1 do
for X := 0 to N - 1 do
Write((Y + X) mod N + 1, ' ');
Output (for N = 6):
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 1
3 4 5 6 1 2
4 5 6 1 2 3
5 6 1 2 3 4
6 1 2 3 4 5
Assuming your in my school given this is the exact homework I have from the same book word for word. On note of the code above I will add one point, the Latin squares size should be user entered so in the last block of code change it to this:
Square: TSquare;
X, UserI, SquareSize: Integer;
X := 0;
Writeln('type -1000 to stop the loop');
Writeln('What size square do you want?');
if UserI = -1000 then
goto gotolable;
SquareSize := UserI;
WriteLatinSquare(Square, SquareSize);
writeln ('Press enter to do another Latin square');
until X = 1;

Translate VHDL to Verilog

I have a problem with translating VHDL to Verilog.
It's part of my source code on VHDL.
With I/O I somehow understood, but have some problems to translate this string
ib1 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,ib1'length));
to verilog?
COMPONENT GenerateModel
ib1 : IN std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal ib1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
uut: GenerateModel PORT MAP (
ib1 => ib1,
for i in 0 to 15 loop
ib1 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,ib1'length));
wait for 10 ns;
end loop;
end process;
To extend into Verilog from Paebbels' comment, the line you are looking at does an explicit conversion from the type of the loop variable i to the port variable ib1. In Verilog, that explicit conversion is not needed, you can just assign the port variable directly. So, for example (in Verilog IEEE 1364-1995 compatible):
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin
ib1 = i; // <-- The line
#10; // -- Assume 1 step is 1 ns, can specific timescale if needed
If you want, you can even loop through the variable directly if its of type reg (ie, not a net):
for (ib1 = 0; ib1 < 15; ib1 = ib1 + 1) begin
[Note that as Greg mentioned, you need to be sure you dont create an infinite loop as if ib1 is 4-bits wide, it will always be less than 16, thus I fixed the example above to loop until ib1 is 15 (4'b1111)]

C++ code for Delphi `in` set operator

I could not fully understand set membership in the help files. Please explain how in is handled in C++ for the following code:
if s1[1] in['0'..'9'] then
ii := StrToInt(s1)+1;
s1 := IntToStr(ii);
if Length(s1)<2 then s1 := '0'+s1;
Edit_deneyismi.text := copy(s,1,i)+s1;
else Edit_deneyismi.text := 'Yeni_Deney_01';
Delphi sets are implemented in C++Builder using the Set<> template class, which has a Contains() method to support in operations, eg:
Set<char, '0', '9'> Digits;
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c)
Digits << c;
if (Digits.Contains(s1[1]))
ii = StrToInt(s1)+1;
s1 = IntToStr(ii);
if (s1.Length() < 2) s1 = "0" + s1;
Edit_deneyismi->Text = s.SubString(1, i) + s1;
Edit_deneyismi->Text = "Yeni_Deney_01";
Otherwise, use the C isdigit() function, or the RTL Character::IsDigit() function. Or just compare the char values manually like Michael suggested.
