Difficult scrolling - ios

Using Xcode 10.1
I have a tableview inside a scrollview. Even though the table is larger than the scrollview and there are filled cells in those rows, it's very difficult to get the scroll to work in the simulator.
After multiple attempts using the mouse to scroll the table, I get a very thin scroll indicator that works (meaning I am able to scroll to bottom of table) intermittently. I need to keep playing with the table to get it to come back again. I also tried adjusting the inset but that just moves it from the edge, still razor thin.
Any ideas where I can look to solve?


App freezes while trying to scroll to bottom ios tableview

I need to scroll to bottom in tableview with many rows without freeze.
I have talbeview with infinity scroll (when user scrolls down, app makes request and fetches new part of data). When i'm trying to scroll to bottom by settig table's content offset or by scrollToRow, app freezes and i see cpu usage 100%, and ram up to 100mb (in normal state it is only 10mb).
I guess this is because of cell rendering. I was trying to set async rendering, or rendering with queue, but nothing.
This problem is seems like Scrolling bottom in tableview and performance but there is no answer.

Xcode: Autolayout not working correctly

I've got this weird bug in my application. When I load up my app on the simulator or an iDevice and I go to the pageControl page the layout is doing weird things.
I use the pagecontrol pages for a calendar view, so if I load it up I see this
That's all good, but when I scroll down (or up) the layout changes a bit
If the scrolling is done and I'm on the next page the layout readjust itself and is then in it's good state
So I don't know where this has gone wrong but of someone knows I would be very grateful!
I'm using auto-layout in this page and on every simulator size I get this same problem.
If you are using auto-layout to position the vertical line, then I suggest you base it's position off of the left side of the cell rather than the right side of the label to the left of the cell.

UITableview Does Not Scroll Up

I am having some scrolling issues with my tableview.
Swiping/panning upwards, the tableview scrolls down.
Swiping/panning down does not work, the tableview stays rigid.
Swiping/panning upwards, and then quickly swiping downwards works
(scrolls up).
Does anyone have any idea why something like this may happen?
Each cell has an image, and a couple of buttons.
I am using SDWebImage, and this issues occurs even once the images are downloaded and cached.
The imageviews' userInteractionEnabled are set to YES, so that should not be a problem either.
I noticed that scrolling, in general, did not work at the top 70% of my screen.
So only when swiping down past the 70% threshold, would the app detect scrolling, hence it would scroll down.
This was because I was using a Dropdown Menu that I found on GitHub (it covered the top 70% of the screen when it was open), that unfortunately interfered with the scrolling, even when hidden.
So basically, for anyone who has the same problem in the future, check for interfering views, that may be affecting the scrolling performance. Especially look for views and other elements from external code/libraries.
If this is not the case, check UIGestureRecognizers as suggested by #RandyJames and #liuyadong in the comments above.

UIAutomation and reading static text in scroll view

I'm doing some UIAutomation testing using Xcode Instruments and have an issue accessing a staticText which I want to verify.
The situation:
I have some buttons that display different scroll views that contain multiple charts. These scroll views have 5+ items in each so when i initially do target.logElementTree() it only shows the visible ones. If i scroll down with window.scrollViews()[0].scrollDown() and again get a logElementTree() the bottom elements are shown however whenever i try to access them it keeps referring to the ones from the top of the scroll view.
Any ideas?
As per as my experience, whenever you do "taregt.logElementTree()", it will display you all the elements (visible & hidden or which are present even at the bottom of screen) which you can access by its name or index or position once scrolled down. But if you still face problem, I will recommend you to access the element by its position after scrolling down to make it visible.

Strange behavior with horizontal scrolling UITableView (in Monotouch)

We have a UITableView that we have configured to act like a Grid, allowing both horizontal and vertical scrolling. We accomplish this by dynamically changing the ContentSize in a custom UITableView's LayoutSubviews method, which helps with autorotation, scrolling, etc.
Everything works as expected except on a couple of our larger grids. When these grids are scrolled horizontally (swipe left), as soon as the ContentOffset.X is greater than or equal to the Bounds.Width, the table view disappears. It is still present and receives input, but nothing is painted. On swiping back to the right, as soon as the width threshold is crossed, everything is repainted.
In situations where the size of the grid is less than half of the configured UITableView width, this issue does not occur. We cannot change the size of the grids because they are configured by customers in the field who expect the data to be available.
I have checked and/or removed as much of our custom drawing code as possible and the issue is still occurring. Does anyone have any ideas?
That is because although the UITableView inherits from the UIScrollView, it is only meant to have a single column, hence it draws its cells according to its Bounds.
If you want to create a grid-like control with the UITableView, I suggest using multiple table views in a parent UIScrollView side-byside and change that one's ContentSize.
I came across this same issue and posted a bug report (10561166) back in December on the Apple Developer site.
I received a response today from Apple in which they stated that
UITableView is not designed or intended for horizontal scrolling.
(I had since changed my design not to require the horizontal scrolling.)
