How to install Podman windows by command line? - docker

I am using windows 10 Home. But with this edition I am unable to use docker or oracle vm virtualbox. So can I use Podman in place of docker? If yes then what is it's command?

At this date, the answer is no, you cannot use podman to run containers on Windows 10 Home.
Podman is very much a Linux program at this point. This big issue that I see for podman is the file system layering code. Given that podman is developed by Red Hat, it will probably require a partnership with Microsoft to make this happen. In that regard, Microsoft is developing their own tools for containers.

Now Podman is supported on Windows.


Regarding Docker cross platform compatibility

I want to ask about cross platform compatibilty of Docker ,means if an application is designed to run in a docker container on windows,then can it run on linux or vice -versa?
Docker was create to run on Linux, so the short answer is yes.
The Windows version isn’t stable or recommend (Docker for windows). At least not by now.
“But, Fischer, I use Docker on Windows!” Yes, with WSL (windows subsystem for linux - Some kind of VM), which you can configure to set a memory limit, using the .wsconfig file, and if you look at your Windows Menu you may found a Ubuntu icon, that connects you to the bash.
Docker is largely used for people that develop software, and today many languanges and frameworks use linux, even Microsoft with .Net runs on Linux.
Docker was created to resolve one simple issue: "But it works on my machine." So, it means that a container should run on every platform. At least "it works on my computer" lol
I think the question is regarding a Windows application. If that's the case, a Windows application cannot simply run on Linux containers. For example, .Net Framework doesn't run on Linux. If an application was targeted for Windows, it needs to run on Windows and in that case only a Windows container can run the application.
Docker Desktop can run both: Windows containers and Linux containers, just not at the same time. You have to switch the context so Docker Desktop can target either WSL (for Linux) or HCS (for Windows).

Docker for windows missing quick start terminal

I installed the latest version of Docker for windows in my windows 10 machine. It seems the new Docker Desktop toolbox doesn't contain the Quick start terminal. Every documentation says to check the quick start terminal option at the time of installation. I dont see any option to check that option with the latest Docker toolbox.
Is there any way we could install Quick start terminal for windows.
Or are there any other alternate to the QS terminal. My objective is to build, tag and push / pull docker images to a gitlab registry. Powershell, command promt doesn't work because its a windows machine.
with the new Docker-for-desktop versions there's no need for the added toolbox as marked here
Legacy desktop solution. Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows
systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and
Docker for Windows. We recommend updating to the newer applications,
if possible.
You can just open any typical terminal in your OS of choice and use the docker cli if you can't remember the exact usage try docker --help 😉

Docker for linux is giving error

I am new learner for Docker.I have a very simple question.
I want my application to work on Linux system but I am writing application in Windows.So do I need to install Docker for Windows or Linux?
If I run using Docker for Linux,i am not getting option to run in windows and it is getting failed(I understand it might be some other unrelated error) but I need to confirm if my approach is correct or not.
Am I right in installing Docker for Linux?
Also,in case I plan to move to AWS, what docker I need in that case.
Consider docker as any software. if your OS is windows you install windows version of a software. if your is a linux distro then you install linux version of a software.
So you need to install docker for windows afterwards you can install any docker image/container you want under your operating system. Could be windows, linux or anything else.

Create docker image running old Windows version

I am new to docker and my task is to create docker container running Windows 98.
The difficult part is not having Windows 98 installed. My computer has Windows 7/Kubuntu 16 (dual boot).
I am looking for some way of getting ready Windows98 docker image or creating it using these operational systems.
P.S. I think I need to clarify: I prefer to run docker over Kubuntu, not Windows (if possible).
The docker image should run Windows98 inside.
Here you can find official images from Microsoft for docker.
As you can see there are only Nano Server and Windows Server Core containers available.
Unfortunately for Windows98, you would need to use regular VM.

Creating docker container with HP UX and IBM AIX

Can i create a docker container with HP UX and IBM AIX, if so please let me know how to do it?
I tried by creating container from HP UX tar, it got created and i got conatiner id but unable to login in to the container.
Let me know where i am doing wrong.
If you look in the FAQ you will see as supported
Ubuntu 12.04, 13.04 et al
Fedora 19/20+
RHEL 6.5+
Centos 6+
openSUSE 12.3+
CRUX 3.0+
This github issue is closed at the moment but that could change. What you try to do is not supposed to work at the moment (which says nothing about the technical possibility)
The IBM developerWorks site has a guide on how to do this, I'm currently doing similar work on Z at the moment.
Docker on POWER at developerWorks
No. It is impossible to build AIX and HP-UX docker containers because the AIX and HP-UX are totally different operation systems with differently build closed SystemV kernels running only on RISC based CPU's compared to the wide spread Linux distributions running on almost everything.
If you have applications that only runs on AIX or HP-UX but you want them in a container, AIX has the option of using Workload Partitions, which is almost comparable with containerization.
