.env file Flaged as not being an object when deploying trough DevOps CD pipeline - docker

I have just created a .env file to separate my environment variables from my main docker-compose file. I can run this document on my local machine fine with no errors or issues but when I try run it through my CD pipeline I get the following error.
[error]Top level object in 'C:\BuildAgent_work\r38\a\"Myproject Name"\drop\ .env' needs to be an object not 'class 'str'.
I first thought this was because I had set up my build/CI process wrong but I have played around with it and have had no luck.
I have also done some research online to find others with the same problem but none relate to DevOps in anyway so it has been unhelpful
I am not sure how to reproduce this problem but if anyone knows I can try provide some of my code if needed
Here is a snippet of my .env file. Check comment below for my thoughts
Expected result:
Deploys successfully
What I'm getting during the docker-compose task:
[error]Top level object in 'C:\BuildAgent_work\r38\a\Goldpine.ReleaseManagement\drop.env' needs to be an object not 'class 'str'.

Ok so I figured it out. I'm not sure how to explain this briefly but I'll do my best.
So the problem was within DevOps itself not my code. It turns out a .env file only works/gets picked up if you run the docker-compose command from within the working directory that the docker-compose.yml file exists.
When it went into DevOps it was not running the command from within the downloaded artefact directory but by creating a path to it using the -f command.
So long story short, If you use a .env file you need to set the working directory within the CD pipeline to your artefact folder for it to be able to see the .env file correctlly.
I hope this is clear enough if not just let me know and I'll try change it accordingly :)


Problem understanding how to, if at all possible, run my docker file (.tar)

I received a .tar docker file from a friend that told me that it should contain all dependences for a program that I've been struggling to get working and that all I need to do is "run" the Docker file. The Docker file is of a .tar format and is around 3.1 GB. The program this file was setup to run is call opensimrt. The GitHub link to the file is as follows:
The google drive link to the Docker file is as follows:
This program has many dependencies, some big ones to note is that it runs off ubuntu 18.04 and Opensim 4.1.
I'm not a computer scientist by any means, so I've been struggling to even learn to do docker basics like load and run a image. However, I desperately need this program to work. If you have any steps or advice on how to run this .tar I'd greatly appreciate it. Alternatively if you are able to find a way to get opensimrt up and running and can post those steps I'd be more than happy with that solution as well.
I've tried the commands "docker run" and "docker load" followed by their respective tags, file paths, args..etc. However, even when I fix various issues I always get stuck with a missing var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-....(random numbers) file. The numbers change every so often when trying to solve the issue, but eventually I always end up getting some variation of this error: Error response from daemon: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-3640220538/bin/json: no such file or directory.
ps: I have extracted the .tar already and there is no install guide/instruction, .exe, install application. As a result I'm not sure how to get the program installed and running.

Docker containers complain about missing files which exist in their filesystem

I recently moved my code repo from a One drive folder to my C: drive, trying to escape sync issues wiping files (thats another issue). Before doing so both my dev and prod compose files worked as expected (under source control).
Moving the files across (cloning from the repo and checking out to the branch) I ran my dev compose file which worked again as expected however my prod started complaining about "no such file or directory", "not found". I decided to snapshot the filesystem and check and could see the files and could cat the contents. So why is docker complaining?
My compose file does not use any hardcoded file paths, all relative and its evident the files are being copied across.
Compose errors:
exec docker/deployment/folder/scripts/run.sh: no such file or directory
/app$ cat docker/deployment/folder/scripts/run.sh
As previously mentioned this worked running from a diffirent local dir location. I can't imaging how that would make any diffirence.
Thanks in advance for any support.
Found the issue, vs code had updated the end-of-line sequence to crlf instead of lf.

PyCharm: Unit testing directory setup with remote interpreter

For years I've been running a Docker container on my local machine and using it as a remote Python interpreter via SSH in PyCharm. This works great (though 2022.2.1 brought a lot of new bugs that have been slowly being ironed out) for running my code! I'm now on 2022.2.3.
However, I'm having issues running unit tests. In the past (i.e. before version 2022.2.1), I could simply right click my tests directory (a direct child of my main project directory) and click Run Python tests in test... and it would all work as expected.
Now, though, when I click this, I receive an error message about "No such file or directory."
I've tried everything I can think of- I've setup my path mappings in the Python test run config to exactly match those shown in my Python run config, and have tried every version of directory and subdirectory in the mappings and working directory, but I always receive an error about either having an empty test suite (no tests found), or that the directory "must be in the project."
It seems like no matter what I do, PyCharm is trying to create a temp directory somewhere, or is trying to read from some temp directory that I never specified, because I see errors this like:
AssertionError: /tmp/pycharm_project_405/docker/tests: No such file or directory
Yet I never created, specified, or requested a temp directory of any sort, let alone one named /tmp/pycharm_project_405/; this is a mystery to me.
PyCharm with an SSH interpreter is rapidly becoming unusable for me and my team because we cannot figure out how to set this up. Can anybody please offer some guidance on what we need to do?
Thank you all so very much!
I tried:
Changing run config for Python tests to match the working directory and path mapping of Python run configs (which work)
Directly specifying the path to the tests from the container's perspective
Setting up run config templates
Specifying one directory up/down from the actual tests
Unit tests to be found and run as they were in previous versions of PyCharm
Create a run config for testing
In the testing run config, set Target: to Custom
Set the correct remote interpreter
Set Working directory to the test folder
Set TWO path mappings: 1) Map the code directory (in my case, the parent directory of the tests folder) and 2) Map the test directory itself

not able to locate gradle.properties in toolbox

I'm trying to run ./gradlew build command, which has artifactory_contextUrl property used in build.gradle file.
gradlew.properties is located in C:\Users\XXX.gradle folder, when I build the project in windows Intellij it takes the gradle.properties file in user folder and so gets the contexturl and everything is fine but,
when I try to build the project in docker toolbox it couldnt find it.
Toolbox starts with some location in C folder.
I tried with placing gradle.properties at the same level as build.gradle it works fine in toolbox. Eventually I dont want to keep the gradle.properties at buils.gradle level
What should I do? Does any one has any suggestions?
Well, I guess the docker toolbox (whatever it is, I don't know it) does run with another user account and thus does not find your gradle.properties file in your user directory.
The file is actually called gradle.properties, isn't it? In your question you use gradlew.properties and gradle.properties and only the latter is valid.
To solve your problem you can either make sure the gradle.properties is also in the users home directory that is used in the docker toolbox. To find out which directory this is, you can run Gradle with -d and search for Gradle user home, there it tells you which directory is the one where the gradle.properties is expected.
Alternatively you can use -P artifactory_contextUrl=asdf to set the property from the commandline, or use the system property org.gradle.project.artifactory_contextUrl or environment variable ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_artifactory_contextUrl to set the project property.

Docker failing to see updated fixtures CSV in rspec test directory

This one is quite strange.
I am running a very typical Docker container that holds a Rails API. Inside this API, I have an endpoint which takes an upload of a CSV and does some things and stuff.
Here is the exact flow:
vim spec/fixtuers/bid_update.csv
# fill it with some data
# now we call the spec that uses this fixture
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rspec spec/requests/bids_spec.rb
# and now the csv is loaded and I can see it as plaintext
However, after creating this, I decided to change the content of the CSV. So I do this, adding a column and respective value to it for each piece.
Now, however, when we run our spec again after saving this it has the old version of the CSV. The one originally used at the breakpoint in the spec.
cat'ing out the CSV shows it clearly should have the new content.
Restarting the VM does nothing. The only solution I've found is to docker-machine rm dev and build a new machine (my main one for this is called dev).
I am entirely perplexed as to what could cause this or a simple means to fix it (building with all those images takes a while).
Ideas? Inform me I'm an idiot and I just had to press 0 for an operator and they would have fixed it?
Any help appreciated :)
I think it could be an issue with how virtualbox shares folders with your environment. More information here https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/351#issuecomment-1339640
