Duplicated jobs in Jenkins - jenkins

When i use file parameter in jenkins job and select some file from network drive location , after clicking "Build" job is run twice. I just tried create "Dummy" job which only takes selected file and copy this particular file into my jenkins workspace. Same result. Job is always duplicated.
When i choose file from local drive , problem doesn't occurs.
Any suggestions ?\
Thanks in advance ...enter image description here


Is there a way to get file name from file parameter for Jenkins build

I have a freestyle Jenkins job that has a file parameter. To build the job someone has to go in on their local and select the file they would like to use. I'm running an execute shell build and I was wondering if there is anyway to get the original name of the file uploaded. I watched this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4iMrktR4ZQ&t=632s. And they were able to get the path, but they are you using windows batch command, not execute shell.
Yes you should be able the access the values selected with the Parameter name that you give. You can use $PARAM_NAME to get it within your Shell step.

Access file parameter in jenkins

I'm working on a multiconfiguration job(Regression_L1) in Jenkins whose task is to run 2 kinds of tests(test1 and test2). In the multiconfiguration job, it triggers an executor job(Regression_executor) to run script for the selected test. The Regression_L1 job is restricted to run in matrix_service_jobs node, while the matrix jobs are to run in the slave node custom_matrix_service_jobs node. The Regression_executor job is restricted to run in remote machines with a specific label(RL1_Test_Machine).
My goal is to test custom build from developers. And so I added a File Parameter(config - File Location: CUSTOMBUILD/mybuild.zip) for the job. The question is how can I access the uploaded file?
Some important info:
Regression_executor's workspace: /home/regressionexec/
Regression_L1's workspace: /var/work/matrix_service_jobs/Regression_L1
Regression_l1 matrix workspaces: /var/work/workspace_user_matrix/workspace/Regression_L1/TEST_PHASE/test1/label/custom_matrix_service_jobs/ and /var/work/workspace_user_matrix/workspace/Regression_L1/TEST_PHASE/test2/label/custom_matrix_service_jobs/
$JENKINS_HOME: var/work/jenkins_home
I did not know where to find the uploaded files so I did a search ung linux find. The result is:
How can I copy it to the slave node that executes the test script?
Whatever you enter under "File location", that would be the location and the variable that holds the original filename of the uploaded file.
However, on *nix, neither / nor . are valid variable name characters, so in your case, if "File Location" is CUSTOMBUILD/mybuild.zip system cannot create a variable ${CUSTOMBUILD/mybuild.zip}
The file though is still placed under ${WORKSPACE}/CUSTOMBUILD/mybuild.zip. You can access it with this path too.
You can then use Copy To Slave plugin, to copy the file from master to your slaves
I couldn't find my uploaded file under the WORKSPACE, so I ended using something like

Where is the copied artifact from the previous build saved

I have two jenkins jobs which are chained. The first job will run some testNG tests , in which we may get some failures. (A testng-failed.xml file will be generated that has all the tests that failed). In my second job, I need to run using that testng-failed.xml as my suite file. So I am using jenkins copy artifact plugin and saving the testng-failed.xml file. I am able to retrive it in the second job , where it says "Copied 1 artifact from "rerun_exp" build number 7".
But the problem is I dont know where it is saved to be used as my suite file.
You can easily check where the file is by looking in the workspace.
This can even be done directly from the Jenkins web UI, via the "Workspace" link in the sidebar of the job page.
Files matched by the "Artifacts to copy" field are copied to the same directory structure as the source build had.
You can use the "Flatten directories" option if you want the file(s) to be copied to the root of the build workspace. If you click the (?) help icon to the right of that checkbox, you can see documentation for this and for your original question.

Jenkins creating wrong folder for the new jobs that were copied from other existing jobs

Sorry, for the confusing title. I am totally new to Jenkins and have been handed over Jenkins to maintain which was set-up by someone else.
This is Jenkins Master slave config. I have 1 Master and 3 Slaves.
When I create a new job by "copying an existing" job, the new job works fine and no issues.
QUESTION: I see that in Jenkins workspace, this new job is creating a folder with the name of the original job that it was copied from. Why it is not creating a folder with the name of the new job instead?
Now, this is certainly not a show stopper for me, but it seems that Jenkins is creating a folder in workspace for each job that is run. And hence this particular folder is causing some confusion (although notional it is).
Hence, could you help me find out why the new job is creating a workspace folder with the name of original job it was copied from.
BTW, above issue was seen on the Jenkins slave.
It can be solved by configuring the correct building workspace in jenkins job.
General > Advanced > custom workspace > "give your correct workspace"
I had the same problem:
copied some jenkins project and wondered about hard coded workspace paths
Console output of the copied project. Job failed due to missing D: drive.
12:30:44 java.io.IOException: Failed to mkdirs: D:\TEAMS\WORKSPACE\RELEASE_1_1
The problem i had: the 'Advanced project options' were not expanded and the configure GUI had an enormous width, that i didnĀ“t see the button to expand and show the 'advanced' settings.
In fact (thanks to sti): the original project had some hard coded workspace path.
One possibility is that you accidentally triggered the wrong job. You could change the job to print the directory where it executes by adding something like:
echo "XXX $JOB_NAME running in directory $WORKSPACE"
into the build step script. Then look for XXX in the build console log.
Second possibility is that you found an old workspace of the original job. Jenkins leaves workspaces lying around just in case it needs them again so it does not have to make them from scratch.
Third possibility is the original job is configured to use a hard-coded path as workspace. (Custom workspace). If you clone such a job, it would be a good idea to change the hard-coded path. An even better idea would be to let Jenkins manage the workspace and it's naming.
And finally, if all the other possibilities have been checked, you may have found a bug. You could look for it in https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/ and create a bug report if it is a new one.

Can't see copied Jenkins jobs from one instance to the other in a destination instance folder?

I am copying Jenkins jobs from one instance to the other. I created a folder called "
Old_Jobs" in the destination instance under jobs directory. If I copy all the jobs under this Old_jobs directory and reload configuration from disk, I can't see those jobs in the Jenkins GUI. However, if I copy those jobs under the "jobs" directory, I can see all the jobs in Jenkins GUI.
Is there any way I can see all my copied jobs under /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Old_Jobs/ directory?
Note- I have tried changing permission to 777 in the destination folder, but it didn't work.
Ownership is also correct in the destination instance.
AFAIK, all the jobs are listed under /jobs/
Since you have created one more directory, "Old_Jobs" under /jobs, the required structure is not present.
Also, I remember facing similar issue (even with keeping same directory structure) and I had to copy "/workspace" folder as well to the new instance.
You can refer required directory structure over here : https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Administering+Jenkins
It also mentioned below points:
Moving/copying/renaming jobs You can:
Move a job from one installation of Jenkins to another by simply copying the corresponding job directory.
Make a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory by a different name.
Rename an existing job by renaming a directory. Note that the if you change a job name you will need to change any other job that tries
to call the renamed job.
Those operations can be done even when Jenkins is running. For changes
like these to take effect, you have to click "reload config" to force
Jenkins to reload configuration from the disk.
