I have lots of files with name format case1_test 2_4.png. For some reasons, I can not remove the spaces from those filenames. Can anyone suggest how to include this kind of file using includegraphics.
I have tried several solutions including griffle package and double quotations. However none of them works.
Tried suggestions from this page
\includegraphics[height=1in]{case1_test 2_4.png}
\includegraphics[height=1in]{case1_test 2_4.png}
Using the grffile package and replacing the spaces in \includgraphics with \space seems to work fine for pdflatex and lualatex:
I had recently posted a question seeking help for linking a glossary in a specific way and it was resolved, thanks to #samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz for helping me out. url to the post
Now, going ahead with the suggestions, I make use of \hyperref package in my project and that is causing an issue with the use of \footnotemark[]. I have attached the screenshots below along with a MWE.
Screenshots :
With the hyperref package I get the error :
Without the hyperref package I get the output with no errors :
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Input encoding (this file): 8 bit unicode. Default by most text editors
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output encoding (pdf file)
% Packages used in the example
\usepackage{graphicx} % Included graphics and some resizable boxes
\usepackage{url} % nice urls with line breaks
\usepackage{lipsum} % nonsense text blocks
name= Verification Plan,
description={A verification plan is a list of the procedures and methods to be used for verification}
\newacronym{ml}{ML}{Machine Learning}
% citecolor=black,
% colorlinks=false, %set true if you want colored links
% linktoc=all, %set to all if you want both sections and subsections linked
% linkcolor=black, %choose some color if you want links to stand out
\textbf{Develop}: The develop phase includes \gls{vp}\footnotemark[\glsrefentry{vp}], creating verification environment, testbench and test case development. \acrfull{ml}
So in short, I want to have my glossary hyperlinked along with referencing it by using \footnotemark[\glsrefentry....].
Any solution/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
With hyperref, the \glsrefentry{...} macro is a link to your list of acronyms, which conflicts with using it as a footnotemark. You can use e.g. \textsuperscript{...} as a workaround:
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Input encoding (this file): 8 bit unicode. Default by most text editors
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output encoding (pdf file)
% Packages used in the example
\usepackage{graphicx} % Included graphics and some resizable boxes
\usepackage{url} % nice urls with line breaks
\usepackage{lipsum} % nonsense text blocks
name= Verification Plan,
description={A verification plan is a list of the procedures and methods to be used for verification}
\newacronym{ml}{ML}{Machine Learning}
colorlinks=false, %set true if you want colored links
linktoc=all, %set to all if you want both sections and subsections linked
linkcolor=black, %choose some color if you want links to stand out
\textbf{Develop}: The develop phase includes \gls{vp}\textsuperscript{\glsrefentry{vp}}, creating verification environment, testbench and test case development. \acrfull{ml}
I am newbie in latex and trying to add figure into the latex file as follows:
%%% Load packages
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %unicode support
\caption{show the results of the different settings for the parameters of the penalty model for solving the problem \ref{q11}.}
But, the figure is not displayed and the text itself is displayed instead of the figure, for example the resulted file is as below:
So, what's the solution of that issue please.
With \def\includegraphics{} you redefine the command to do nothing. If you want it to include your image, don't do such a redefinition.
%%% Load packages
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %unicode support
\caption{show the results of the different settings for the parameters of the penalty model for solving the problem \ref{q11}.}
This happens in some (but not all) documents, where '$\int$' in an equation displays as '$\Delta$' in the compiled pdf. For those documents, I tried both Winedt and Overleaf and the same things just happen.
The problem can be replicated by using the following codes in the main.tex file:
\setlength {\marginparwidth }{2cm}
\title{Generalized $t$-Distribution Noise Model\thanksref{footnoteinfo}}
\author[AuthorCategory1]{Author 1}\ead{author1#somewhere}
\author[AuthorCategory2]{Author 2}\ead{author2#somewhere}
\address[AuthorCategory1]{Address 1}
\address[AuthorCategory2]{Address 2}
\section{This is a section}
\int \nonumber
The autart.cls can be found online, for example at https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/file/index/docid/514508/filename/autart.cls
You will get a result like this:
And from my own exploration, the problem can be solved surprisingly if changing the title from
\title{Generalized $t$-Distribution Noise Model\thanksref{footnoteinfo}}
And you will get the correct integral symbol as follows:
It seems that you can also solve the problem by removing the "esint" package, or change the document class from autart to article. I guess there is some conflicts defined in these class/packages, maybe, and result in this funny phenomenon.
Is there a way to solve the problem without changing the title, while using autart document class and esint package?
Ironically, the problem is in the \no#harm macro your class defines, which redefines \protect. You can work around the problem by removing this defintion like this:
\xpatchcmd{\no#harm}{\def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}}{}{\typeout{patch ok}}{\typeout{patch fail}}
\setlength {\marginparwidth }{2cm}
\title{Generalized $t$-Distribution Noise Model\thanksref{footnoteinfo}}
\author[AuthorCategory1]{Author 1}\ead{author1#somewhere}
\author[AuthorCategory2]{Author 2}\ead{author2#somewhere}
\address[AuthorCategory1]{Address 1}
\address[AuthorCategory2]{Address 2}
\section{This is a section}
\int \nonumber
May the problem consist in wrong packages? The image was uploaded successfully in the folder I tried even with the function wrapfigure but the result is the same. And I tried to use the image not through the \newcommand but it cannot be read properly anyway.
\makeindex[columns=3, title=Alphabetical Index, intoc]
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\usepackage [a4paper,top=2cm,bottom=0cm,left=1cm,right=1cm]{geometry}
\textheight=5000px % Saving trees ;-)
%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\settowidth{\spacebox}{8888888888} % Box to align text
\newcommand{\sepspace}{\vspace*{15em}} % Vertical space macro
\titolo{Digital Channel}{Mario Rossi}{Management Engineering}{Politecnico di Milano}
Thanks in advance
The figure does not appear, because you are using draft as document class option.
Unrelated to your problem, but
font commands like \huge are switches and don't take an argument. So instead of \huge{...}, you should use {\huge ...}
you don't need the graphics package if you also load graphicx
if your tex distribution is up to date, you can also skip \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} because this is the default for some years
\makeindex[columns=3, title=Alphabetical Index, intoc]
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\usepackage [a4paper,top=2cm,bottom=0cm,left=1cm,right=1cm]{geometry}
\textheight=5000px % Saving trees ;-)
%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\settowidth{\spacebox}{8888888888} % Box to align text
\newcommand{\sepspace}{\vspace*{15em}} % Vertical space macro
\centering\textbf{\huge #1}
\titolo{Digital Channel}{Mario Rossi}{Management Engineering}{Politecnico di Milano}
i´m trying to align several subfigures in a row. 2 figures are working fine. When trying to include the third subfigure following err message appears: File ended while scanning use of #subfloat. \include{doc}
This tex document is included in the main file with packages:
%%%%%%new doc
\subfigure[c]{\includegraphics[width=0.1\textwidth]{Logos/Symbol_Two_flow_paths_(diagonally)} \subfigure[d]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth{Logos/Symbol_Two_flow_paths_with_connection}
this issue is probably due to the missing } at the end of figures c,d and e.
That can explain why you just have the figures a and b.
\subfigure[c]{\includegraphics[width=0.1\textwidth]{Logos/Symbol_Two_flow_paths_(diagonally)}} %one } was missing here !
\subfigure[d]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth{Logos/Symbol_Two_flow_paths_with_connection}} % here also
\subfigure[e]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Logos/graph}} %and here