Stop Uploading blank app to store, full app to testflight? - ios

I have written an AR app in xCode (coding newbie), but when I send it off to apple all they receive is a blank/unpopulated AR kit app (ie straight to camera mode).
They have suggested that I am sending a test flight version, and not a full version, and so every time I upload what I believe to be a fully working app taking onboard their comments, they still only see the camera.
This has been going on for months now and both I and they are loosing the will.
Does anybody have any idea how to stop it sending a blank app, and to get it to send what I can see when I test it at my end?
I have tried changing the build number and version number but still no change.
I just do not understand why they are not receiving what I can see.
All help greatly appreciated.

I believe this has resolved my problem - THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!! This has been driving me MAD! The hidden delete button next to the build did not help!!!!! THANK YOU Paulw11 !
Once you delete the version you can select the new version..... (it should not be this hard)


Flutter app crashes on launch only during Apple FlightTest

I had completed a Flutter app, which seems to work well in simulator. I then went on to release the initial version of the app to AppStore Connect and sent it to beta testers via TestFlight and they were able to test it without any issue and sent me some feedback.
I made a few changes to the app based on the feedback (nothing too drastic) and tested it throughly in the simulator which seems to work fine. But now when the users download the app via TestFlight it crashed while opening and I cant seem to fix it no matter what I try. Any help would be really appreciated
So far I have tried,
Followed this article letter to letter
Modify optimisation parameters in Build Settings as mentioned here
Tried this SO answer
Crash report from XCode is not much of use since it is not very readable (as attached in the picture).
Can't yet seem to find any reliable answer, Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Apps using firebase crash after 3-4 days of installing them on a device/simulator (iOS)

I am somewhat new to developing apps for iOS and I have been creating a few demo projects in Xcode. My problem is the following:
I have been following a few tutorials from and I created an app using firebase, the app works fine for about 3-4 days of use. But after more time passes by, the application does not launch on my device or the simulator. I thought I must have done something wrong when I did the tutorials, so I did them again but the same thing happens after 3-4 days of installing the app. They immediately close after I try to launch them. However, they do work if I rebuild the app on my phone or on the simulator. I do not seem to understand why this happens. has anyone else come across this problem? Or is this a normal thing that happens until you upload the app via the app store? Thank you guys, hope someone here knows. Cheers!
in such case you can check your GoogleService-Info.plist file or get idea about what's wrong by check the App terminate reason printed in your output Console.

Can't remove app waiting for upload

First of, thanks for taking the time to read this. I am a true ios developer newbie, just released my first app. Now, trying to submit a second (different) app to the appstore, but that seems to go wrong. Whenever i choose validate or submit my app in Xcode, i see that it tries to do so for my previous app (created 2 different bundles IDs for that first app, being a noob and all).
I surfed the web and found that i can delete that previous app that still has the status "Waiting for upload".
This link gives me a bit info on how to delete that broken uploaded;
What to do if Xcode Archiving Utility shows wrong app for validation?
Please note that i have no intention on submitting that 'broken' version of my first app.
HOWEVER, i don't seem to have any link where i can press delete, see here:
TL;DR Can't remove my app that is waiting for upload, stuck with next development app now.
Any help is very, very, very much appreciated!
You can NOT delete an app with status waiting for upload. If you upload the binary that is possible. Just call it something like "APPNAME_old"
For anyone running into the same problem:
The only way i could solve this was by uploading an app with the same bundle-id, get that reviewed and eventually deleted.

Distributed app freezes when connecting to In-App-Purchase Manager

I am quite stumped right now - I released a new update for my puzzle game app few days ago, and I started getting reports that the game shuts down whenever the user tries to enter the store. The store connects to the InAppPurchaseManager, gets the list of all the IAPs, and opens up the store view.
In debugging mode, I had no problems, and it even passed the review without problem! And now the game is freezing on all the users who try to give me some money!!! :S Did anyone else run into this problem? My store was working fine in previous version. Only thing that I changed was I changed the items that could be purchased so I removed some and added some.
Also I noticed that whenever user tries to enter the store WITHOUT internet connection, it works fine. It only freezes when the user has the internet connection (very ironic...)
Any input or past experiences would be very much appreciated!!! Thank you for saving me from this insanity!
Solution - In itunesconnect, in the manage IAP section, I turned off the IAPs that were not being used anymore, but apparently my program was still trying to receive one of the IAPs that was not being used anymore from the IAPmanager, so it was not receiving the product and crashing. I think anyone running into same problem as me would be rare, but if you do, here it is :) happy coding!

openfeint always offline?

I have just downloaded the latest openfeint SDK: OpenFeint.2.10i
Then I build&&run the sample project on my itouch3 which is all ok.
I can get/set the data correctly.
Then I tried to close the wifi and then run the app. When I tried
to submit a data, I got the message "new highscore, saved locally",
that is good.
But, when I turned on the wifi and then run the app again, I was not
back online, I am still offline!
There is no button to bring me back online anymore...???
Can someone help me? Thanks ^_^
I am having a similar issue where I would be online, debug my game, exit the app, and then never be able to get back online. Very frustrating.
I found that deleting the app on the device would cause OF to go through the login process again and fix itself, but it is very annoying to have to do that every time I want to debug.
OpenFeint has now been permanently shut down:
