camera pose estimation with solvePnP() and SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE method - ios

I'm working with ARKit and trying to get camera position from QR code with known size (0.16m).
To detect QR code I'am using Vision framework so i can get each corner point on image.
Data preparation:
let intrinsics =
let imageResolution =
let imagePointsArray = [NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.topLeft), NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.topRight), NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.bottomLeft), NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.bottomRight)]
let intrinsicsArray = (0..<3).flatMap { x in (0..<3).map { y in NSNumber(value: intrinsics[x][y]) } }
let squareLength = NSNumber(value: 0.16)
let res = OpenCVWrapper.findPose(imagePointsArray, intrinsics: intrinsicsArray, size: imageResolution, squareLength: squareLength)
To get camera position I'm using OpenCV solution solvePnP() with flag = SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE
OpenCV in Objective-C++ based on this answer:
+(Pose)findPose: (NSArray<NSValue *> *) imagePoints
intrinsics: (NSArray<NSNumber *> *) intrinsics
imageResolution: (CGSize) imageResolution
squareLength: (NSNumber *) squareLength {
cv::Mat distCoeffs(4,1,cv::DataType<double>::type, 0.0);
cv::Mat rvec(3,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::Mat tvec(3,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = [self intrinsicMatrixWithArray:intrinsics];
vector<Point2f> cvImagePoints = [self convertImagePoints:imagePoints toSize: imageResolution];
vector<Point3f> cvObjectPoints = [self getObjectPointsWithSquareLength:squareLength];
std::cout << "object points: \n" << cvObjectPoints << std::endl;
std::cout << "image points: \n" << cvImagePoints << std::endl;
std::cout << "cameraMatrix points: \n" << cameraMatrix << std::endl;
cv::solvePnP(cvObjectPoints, cvImagePoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, false, SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE);
std::cout << "rvec: \n" << rvec << std::endl;
std::cout << "tvec: \n" << tvec << std::endl;
cv::Mat RotX(3, 3, cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::setIdentity(RotX);<double>(4) = -1; //cos(180) = -1<double>(8) = -1;
cv::Mat R;
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R);
R = R.t(); // rotation of inverse
Mat rvecConverted;
Rodrigues(R, rvecConverted); //
std::cout << "rvec in world coords:\n" << rvecConverted << std::endl;
rvecConverted = RotX * rvecConverted;
std::cout << "rvec scenekit :\n" << rvecConverted << std::endl;
Mat tvecConverted = -R * tvec;
std::cout << "tvec in world coords:\n" << tvecConverted << std::endl;
tvecConverted = RotX * tvecConverted;
std::cout << "tvec scenekit :\n" << tvecConverted << std::endl;
SCNVector4 rotationVector = SCNVector4Make(<double>(0),<double>(1),<double>(2), norm(rvecConverted));
SCNVector3 translationVector = SCNVector3Make(<double>(0),<double>(1),<double>(2));
return Pose{rotationVector, translationVector};
+ (vector<Point3f>) getObjectPointsWithSquareLength: (NSNumber*) squareLength {
vector<Point3f> points;
double squareLengthDouble = [squareLength doubleValue];
points.push_back(Point3f(-squareLengthDouble/2, squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
points.push_back(Point3f(squareLengthDouble/2, squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
points.push_back(Point3f(squareLengthDouble/2, -squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
points.push_back(Point3f(-squareLengthDouble/2, -squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
return points;
+ (vector<Point2f>) convertImagePoints: (NSArray<NSValue *> *) array
toSize: (CGSize) size {
vector<Point2f> points;
for (NSValue * value in array) {
CGPoint point = [value CGPointValue];
points.push_back(Point2f((point.x * size.width), (point.y * size.height)));
return points;
+ (cv::Mat) intrinsicMatrixWithArray: (NSArray<NSNumber *> *) intrinsics {
Mat result(3,3,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::setIdentity(result);<double>(0) = [intrinsics[0] doubleValue]; //fx<double>(4) = [intrinsics[4] doubleValue]; //fy<double>(2) = [intrinsics[6] doubleValue]; //cx<double>(5) = [intrinsics[7] doubleValue]; //cy<double>(8) = [intrinsics[8] doubleValue]; //1
return result;
The problem is when I point camera directly to QR code with 2 meters distance, the result of translationVector.z (tvec scenekit) should be equal to 2 meters, but instead there is a random positive or negative numbers.
Calculated distance to QR 2.0856588
object points:
[-0.079999998, 0.079999998, 0;
0.079999998, 0.079999998, 0;
0.079999998, -0.079999998, 0;
-0.079999998, -0.079999998, 0]
image points:
[795.98724, 717.27045;
684.5592, 715.80487;
793.31567, 826.06146;
684.40692, 824.39771]
cameraMatrix points:
[1454.490478515625, 0, 935.6685791015625;
0, 1454.490478515625, 717.999267578125;
0, 0, 1]
rvec in world coords:
rvec scenekit :
tvec in world coords:
tvec scenekit :
Thanks for any help

The estimated translation between the camera and the tag is not correct. The tz is negative which is physically not possible. See here for the details about the camera coordinates system.
You have to be sure that each 3D object point matches with the corresponding 2D image point.
If I plot the 2D coordinates, I have the following image:
With RGBM the order of the points.
If you swap the last two image points, you should get:
rvec: [0.1217246105180353, 0.1224686744740433, -3.116495036698598]
tvec: [-0.2866576939480562, 0.07760414675470864, 2.127895748451679]


How to compute the result after two perspective transformations?

I am doing an image stitching project using OpenCV. Now I have the homography H1 between img1 and img2, and the homography H2 between img2 and img3. Now I need to compute the homography between img1 and img3, simply multiply H1*H2 is not working.
Are any ideas to calculate the new homography between img1 and img3?
for me computing H1 * H2 works well and gives the right results.
Here, H1 = H2_1 since it warps from image2 to image1.
H2 = H3_2 since it warps from image3 to image2.
H1 * H2 = H3_1 since it warps from image3 to image 1.
int main()
try {
cv::Mat H2_1 = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1.0e+00, 0.0e+00, 1.8e+03, 0.0e+00, 1.0e+00, 5.0e+01, 0.0e+00, 0.0e+00, 1.0e+00);
cv::Mat H3_2 = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 0.949534471, -0.00581765975, 66.7917766, -0.0113810490, 0.981450515, -0.672362563, -0.000147974585, 0.00000992770511, 1.0);
cv::Mat H3_1 = H2_1 * H3_2;
cv::Point2f p3(500, 500);
std::vector<cv::Point2f> src3;
src3.push_back( p3 );
std::vector<cv::Point2f> dst2;
cv::perspectiveTransform(src3, dst2, H3_2);
std::cout << "p1: " << p3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "p2: " << dst2[0] << std::endl;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> dst1;
cv::perspectiveTransform(dst2, dst1, H2_1);
std::cout << "p1 from p2: " << dst1[0] << std::endl;
cv::perspectiveTransform(src3, dst1, H3_1);
std::cout << "p1 from p3: " << dst1[0] << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

OpenCV: Wrong result in calibrateHandEye function

I am working in a robot application, in which I have a camera fixed to a robot gripper. In order to calculate the matrix transformation between the camera and the gripper Hcg I am using the calibrateHandEye new function provided in the OpenCV version 4.1.0
I had taken 10 pictures of the chessboard from the camera mounted in the gripper and at the same time I recorded the robot position.
The code I am working on:
// My_handeye.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "pch.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(Vec3f &theta);
Vec3f rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(Mat &R);
float rad2deg(float radian);
float deg2rad(float degree);
int main()
// Camera calibration information
std::vector<double> distortionCoefficients(5); // camera distortion
distortionCoefficients[0] = 2.4472856611074989e-01;
distortionCoefficients[1] = -8.1042032574246325e-01;
distortionCoefficients[2] = 0;
distortionCoefficients[3] = 0;
distortionCoefficients[4] = 7.8769462320821060e-01;
double f_x = 1.3624172121852105e+03; // Focal length in x axis
double f_y = 1.3624172121852105e+03; // Focal length in y axis (usually the same?)
double c_x = 960; // Camera primary point x
double c_y = 540; // Camera primary point y
cv::Mat cameraMatrix(3, 3, CV_32FC1);<float>(0, 0) = f_x;<float>(0, 1) = 0.0;<float>(0, 2) = c_x;<float>(1, 0) = 0.0;<float>(1, 1) = f_y;<float>(1, 2) = c_y;<float>(2, 0) = 0.0;<float>(2, 1) = 0.0;<float>(2, 2) = 1.0;
Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_32F), tvec(3, 1, CV_32F);
std::vector<Mat> R_gripper2base;
std::vector<Mat> t_gripper2base;
std::vector<Mat> R_target2cam;
std::vector<Mat> t_target2cam;
Mat R_cam2gripper = (Mat_<float>(3, 3));
Mat t_cam2gripper = (Mat_<float>(3, 1));
vector<String> fn;
glob("images/*.bmp", fn, false);
vector<Mat> images;
size_t num_images = fn.size(); //number of bmp files in images folder
Size patternsize(6, 8); //number of centers
vector<Point2f> centers; //this will be filled by the detected centers
float cell_size = 30;
vector<Point3f> obj_points;
for (int i = 0; i < patternsize.height; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < patternsize.width; ++j)
float(i*cell_size), 0.f));
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_images; i++)
Mat frame;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_images; i++)
frame = imread(fn[i]); //source image
bool patternfound = findChessboardCorners(frame, patternsize, centers);
if (patternfound)
drawChessboardCorners(frame, patternsize, Mat(centers), patternfound);
//imshow("window", frame);
//int key = cv::waitKey(0) & 0xff;
solvePnP(Mat(obj_points), Mat(centers), cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, rvec, tvec);
Mat R;
Rodrigues(rvec, R); // R is 3x3
Mat T = Mat::eye(4, 4, R.type()); // T is 4x4
T(Range(0, 3), Range(0, 3)) = R * 1; // copies R into T
T(Range(0, 3), Range(3, 4)) = tvec * 1; // copies tvec into T
cout << "T = " << endl << " " << T << endl << endl;
cout << patternfound << endl;
Vec3f theta_01{ deg2rad(-153.61), deg2rad(8.3), deg2rad(-91.91) };
Vec3f theta_02{ deg2rad(-166.71), deg2rad(3.04), deg2rad(-93.31) };
Vec3f theta_03{ deg2rad(-170.04), deg2rad(24.92), deg2rad(-88.29) };
Vec3f theta_04{ deg2rad(-165.71), deg2rad(24.68), deg2rad(-84.85) };
Vec3f theta_05{ deg2rad(-160.18), deg2rad(-15.94),deg2rad(-56.24) };
Vec3f theta_06{ deg2rad(175.68), deg2rad(10.95), deg2rad(180) };
Vec3f theta_07{ deg2rad(175.73), deg2rad(45.78), deg2rad(-179.92) };
Vec3f theta_08{ deg2rad(-165.34), deg2rad(47.37), deg2rad(-166.25) };
Vec3f theta_09{ deg2rad(-165.62), deg2rad(17.95), deg2rad(-166.17) };
Vec3f theta_10{ deg2rad(-151.99), deg2rad(-14.59),deg2rad(-94.19) };
Mat robot_rot_01 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_01);
Mat robot_rot_02 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_02);
Mat robot_rot_03 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_03);
Mat robot_rot_04 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_04);
Mat robot_rot_05 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_05);
Mat robot_rot_06 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_06);
Mat robot_rot_07 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_07);
Mat robot_rot_08 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_08);
Mat robot_rot_09 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_09);
Mat robot_rot_10 = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta_10);
const Mat robot_tr_01 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 781.2, 338.59, 903.48);
const Mat robot_tr_02 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 867.65, 382.52, 884.42);
const Mat robot_tr_03 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 856.91, 172.99, 964.61);
const Mat robot_tr_04 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 748.81, 146.75, 1043.29);
const Mat robot_tr_05 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 627.66, 554.08, 920.85);
const Mat robot_tr_06 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 715.06, 195.96, 889.38);
const Mat robot_tr_07 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 790.9, 196.29, 1117.38);
const Mat robot_tr_08 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 743.5, 283.93, 1131.92);
const Mat robot_tr_09 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 748.9, 288.19, 910.58);
const Mat robot_tr_10 = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << 813.18, 400.44, 917.16);
calibrateHandEye(R_gripper2base, t_gripper2base, R_target2cam, t_target2cam, R_cam2gripper, t_cam2gripper, CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI);
Vec3f R_cam2gripper_r = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(R_cam2gripper);
cout << "R_cam2gripper = " << endl << " " << R_cam2gripper << endl << endl;
cout << "R_cam2gripper_r = " << endl << " " << R_cam2gripper_r << endl << endl;
cout << "t_cam2gripper = " << endl << " " << t_cam2gripper << endl << endl;
Mat eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(Vec3f &theta)
// Calculate rotation about x axis
Mat R_x = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) <<
1, 0, 0,
0, cos(theta[0]), -sin(theta[0]),
0, sin(theta[0]), cos(theta[0])
// Calculate rotation about y axis
Mat R_y = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) <<
cos(theta[1]), 0, sin(theta[1]),
0, 1, 0,
-sin(theta[1]), 0, cos(theta[1])
// Calculate rotation about z axis
Mat R_z = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) <<
cos(theta[2]), -sin(theta[2]), 0,
sin(theta[2]), cos(theta[2]), 0,
0, 0, 1);
// Combined rotation matrix
Mat R = R_z * R_y * R_x;
return R;
float rad2deg(float radian) {
double pi = 3.14159;
return(radian * (180 / pi));
float deg2rad(float degree) {
double pi = 3.14159;
return(degree * (pi / 180));
// Checks if a matrix is a valid rotation matrix.
bool isRotationMatrix(Mat &R)
Mat Rt;
transpose(R, Rt);
Mat shouldBeIdentity = Rt * R;
Mat I = Mat::eye(3, 3, shouldBeIdentity.type());
return norm(I, shouldBeIdentity) < 1e-6;
// Calculates rotation matrix to euler angles
// The result is the same as MATLAB except the order
// of the euler angles ( x and z are swapped ).
Vec3f rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(Mat &R)
float sy = sqrt(<double>(0, 0) *<double>(0, 0) +<double>(1, 0) *<double>(1, 0));
bool singular = sy < 1e-6; // If
float x, y, z;
if (!singular)
x = atan2(<double>(2, 1),<double>(2, 2));
y = atan2(<double>(2, 0), sy);
z = atan2(<double>(1, 0),<double>(0, 0));
x = atan2(<double>(1, 2),<double>(1, 1));
y = atan2(<double>(2, 0), sy);
z = 0;
return Vec3f(x, y, z);
The result the function is giving me is the next one:
R_cam2gripper =
[0.3099803593003124, -0.8923086952824562, -0.3281727733547833;
0.7129271761196039, 0.4465219155360299, -0.5406967916458927;
0.6290047840821058, -0.0663579028402444, 0.7745641421680119]
R_cam2gripper_r =
[-0.0854626, -0.680272, 1.16065]
t_cam2gripper =
I am getting 'good' results provided by other software. With them, the robot got to the exact points I am pointing in the camera (I have a 3D camera, from which I am getting the x, y, z from the camera world) so they are certainly correct, but I am having troubles to repeat the same result with the OpenCV function.
Sorry for the long introduction to my problem. Any understanding of why the solutions are not what is supposed to be? My guess is, that I have a problem understanding the angles or converting them but I couldn't find any way to solve this. Any hint will be well welcome!
I actually managed to solve this problem. The general idea was correct, but:
I was not understanding correctly the vector rotation notation the robot was giving. It was necessary to multiply the actual values by a factor.
I created a new program that extracts directly from the robot and the pictures the matrixes that the algorithm requires and writes these values to a YML file.
The CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI method wasn't giving me correct values. But with the four others, the values seem to converge to the actual values
Anyway, thank you for your help. I am stuck to get more precision in the algorithm, but that's for another question.

Augmented reality with Aruco and SceneKit

I'm trying to make augmented reality demo project with simple 3d object in the center of marker. I need to make it with OpenCV and SceneKit.
My steps are:
I obtain the corners of marker using Aruco
with cv::solvePnP get the tvec and rvec.
convert the tvec and rvec from OpenCv's Coordinate System to the SceneKit Coordinate System.
apply the converted rotation and translation to the camera node.
The Problem is:
The object is not centered on the marker. Rotation of object looks good. But is not positioned where it should be.
SolvePnp code:
cv::Mat intrinMat(3,3,cv::DataType<double>::type);
//From ARKit (ARFrame camera.intrinsics) - iphone 6s plus<double>(0,0) = 1662.49;<double>(0,1) = 0.0;<double>(0,2) = 0.0;<double>(1,0) = 0.0;<double>(1,1) = 1662.49;<double>(1,2) = 0.0;<double>(2,0) = 960.0 / 2;<double>(2,1) = 540.0 / 2;<double>(2,2) = 0.0;
double marker_dim = 3;
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::DICT_6X6_250);
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, 0);
void *baseaddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 0);
CGFloat width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pixelBuffer);
CGFloat height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer);
cv::Mat mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, baseaddress, 0); //CV_8UC1
cv::rotate(mat, mat, cv::ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE);
std::vector<int> ids;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners;
if(ids.size() > 0) {
cv::Mat colorMat;
cv::cvtColor(mat, colorMat, CV_GRAY2RGB);
cv::aruco::drawDetectedMarkers(colorMat, corners, ids, cv::Scalar(0,255,24));
cv::Mat distCoeffs = cv::Mat::zeros(8, 1, cv::DataType<double>::type); //zero out distortion for now
//MARK: solvepnp
std::vector<cv::Point3f> object_points;
object_points = {cv::Point3f(-marker_dim , marker_dim , 0),
cv::Point3f(marker_dim , marker_dim , 0),
cv::Point3f(marker_dim , -marker_dim , 0),
cv::Point3f(-marker_dim , -marker_dim , 0)};
std::vector<cv::Point_<float>> image_points = std::vector<cv::Point2f>{corners[0][0], corners[0][1], corners[0][2], corners[0][3]};
std::cout << "object points: " << object_points << std::endl;
std::cout << "image points: " << image_points << std::endl;
cv::Mat rvec, tvec;
cv::solvePnP(object_points, image_points, intrinMat, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec);
cv::aruco::drawAxis(colorMat, intrinMat, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, 3);
cv::Mat rotation, transform_matrix;
cv::Mat RotX(3, 3, cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::setIdentity(RotX);<double>(4) = -1; //cos(180) = -1<double>(8) = -1;
cv::Mat R;
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R);
std::cout << "rvecs: " << rvec << std::endl;
std::cout << "cv::Rodrigues(rvecs, R);: " << R << std::endl;
R = R.t(); // rotation of inverse
std::cout << "R = R.t() : " << R << std::endl;
cv::Mat rvecConverted;
Rodrigues(R, rvecConverted); //
std::cout << "rvec in world coords:\n" << rvecConverted << std::endl;
rvecConverted = RotX * rvecConverted;
std::cout << "rvec scenekit :\n" << rvecConverted << std::endl;
Rodrigues(rvecConverted, rotation);
std::cout << "-R: " << -R << std::endl;
std::cout << "tvec: " << tvec << std::endl;
cv::Mat tvecConverted = -R * tvec;
std::cout << "tvec in world coords:\n" << tvecConverted << std::endl;
tvecConverted = RotX * tvecConverted;
std::cout << "tvec scenekit :\n" << tvecConverted << std::endl;
SCNVector4 rotationVector = SCNVector4Make(<double>(0),<double>(1),<double>(2), norm(rvecConverted));
SCNVector3 translationVector = SCNVector3Make(<double>(0),<double>(1),<double>(2));
std::cout << "rotation :\n" << rotation << std::endl;
transform_matrix.create(4, 4, CV_64FC1);
transform_matrix( cv::Range(0,3), cv::Range(0,3) ) = rotation * 1;<double>(0, 3) =<double>(0,0);<double>(1, 3) =<double>(1,0);<double>(2, 3) =<double>(2,0);<double>(3, 3) = 1;
TransformModel *model = [TransformModel new];
model.rotationVector = rotationVector;
model.translationVector = translationVector;
return model;
swift code:
func initSceneKit() {
let scene = SCNScene()
cameraNode = SCNNode()
let camera = SCNCamera()
camera.zFar = 1000
camera.zNear = 0.1 = camera
let scnView = sceneView!
scnView.scene = scene
scnView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true
scnView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
let box = SCNBox(width: 10, height: 10 , length: 10, chamferRadius: 0)
boxNode = SCNNode(geometry: box)
boxNode.position = SCNVector3(0,0,0)
sceneView.pointOfView = cameraNode
func initCamera() {
let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(AVCaptureDevice.DeviceType.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: AVCaptureDevice.Position.back)
let deviceInput = try! AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device!)
self.session = AVCaptureSession()
self.session.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset.iFrame960x540
let sessionOutput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
let outputQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "VideoDataOutputQueue", attributes: [])
sessionOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: outputQueue)
self.previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: self.session)
self.previewLayer.backgroundColor =
self.previewLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspect
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
let pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)!
//QR detection
guard let transQR = OpenCVWrapper.arucoTransformMatrix(from: pixelBuffer) else {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
func setCameraMatrix(_ transformModel: TransformModel) {
cameraNode.rotation = transformModel.rotationVector
cameraNode.position = transformModel.translationVector
// cameraNode.transform = transformModel.transform
image of my result
Repo on github with my project:

Bug in cv::warpAffine?

I think the following examples shows a bug in warpAffine (OpenCV 3.1 with precompiled Win64 dlls):
Mat x(1,20, CV_32FC1);
for (int iCol(0); iCol<x.cols; iCol++) { x.col(iCol).setTo(iCol); }
Mat crop;
Point2d c(10., 0.);
double scale(1.3);
int cropSz(11);
double vals[6] = { scale, 0.0, c.x-(cropSz/2)*scale, 0.0, scale, c.y };
Mat map(2, 3, CV_64FC1, vals);
warpAffine(x, crop, map, Size(cropSz, 1), WARP_INVERSE_MAP | INTER_LINEAR);
float dx = (<float>(0, crop.cols-1) -<float>(0, 0))/(crop.cols-1);
Mat constGrad = crop.clone().setTo(0);
for (int iCol(0); iCol<constGrad.cols; iCol++) {
constGrad.col(iCol) = c.x + (iCol-cropSz/2)*scale;
Mat diff = crop - constGrad;
double err = norm(diff, NORM_INF);
if (err>1e-4) {
cout << "Problem:" << endl;
cout << "computed output: " << crop << endl;
cout << "expected output: " << constGrad << endl;
cout << "difference: " << diff << endl;
Mat dxImg;
Mat dxFilt(1, 2, CV_32FC1);<float>(0) = -1.0f;<float>(1) = 1.0f;
filter2D(crop, dxImg, crop.depth(), dxFilt);
cout << "x-derivative in computed output: " << dxImg(Rect(1,0,10,1)) << endl;
cout << "Note: We expect a constant difference of 1.3" << endl;
Here is the program output:
computed output: [3.5, 4.8125, 6.09375, 7.40625, 8.6875, 10, 11.3125, 12.59375, 13.90625, 15.1875, 16.5]
expected output: [3.5, 4.8000002, 6.0999999, 7.4000001, 8.6999998, 10, 11.3, 12.6, 13.9, 15.2, 16.5]
difference: [0, 0.012499809, -0.0062499046, 0.0062499046, -0.012499809, 0, 0.012499809, -0.0062503815, 0.0062503815, -0.012499809, 0]
x-derivative in computed output: [1.3125, 1.28125, 1.3125, 1.28125, 1.3125, 1.3125, 1.28125, 1.3125, 1.28125, 1.3125]
Note: We expect a constant difference of 1.3
I create an image with entries 0, 1, 2, ...n-1, and cut a region around (10,0) with scale 1.3. I also create an expected image constGrad. However, they are not the same. Even more, since the input image has a constant derivative in x-direction and the mapping is affine, I expect also a constant gradient in the resulting image.
The problem is not a boundary stuff problem, the same happens at the inner of an image. It's also not related to WARP_INVERSE_MAP.
Is this a known issue? Any comments on this?

Re-distort points with camera intrinsics/extrinsics

Given a set of 2D points, how can I apply the opposite of undistortPoints?
I have the camera intrinsics and distCoeffs and would like to (for example) create a square, and distort it as if the camera had viewed it through the lens.
I have found a 'distort' patch here : but it would seem this is only good for images, I want to work on sparse points.
This question is rather old but since I ended up here from a google search without seeing a neat answer I decided to answer it anyway.
There is a function called projectPoints that does exactly this. The C version is used internally by OpenCV when estimating camera parameters with functions like calibrateCamera and stereoCalibrate
To use 2D points as input, we can set all z-coordinates to 1 with convertPointsToHomogeneous and use projectPoints with no rotation and no translation.
cv::Mat points2d = ...;
cv::Mat points3d;
cv::Mat distorted_points2d;
convertPointsToHomogeneous(points2d, points3d);
projectPoints(points3d, cv::Vec3f(0,0,0), cv::Vec3f(0,0,0), camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, distorted_points2d);
A simple solution is to use initUndistortRectifyMap to obtain a map from undistorted coordinates to distorted ones:
cv::Mat K = ...; // 3x3 intrinsic parameters
cv::Mat D = ...; // 4x1 or similar distortion parameters
int W = 640; // image width
int H = 480; // image height
cv::Mat mapx, mapy;
cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(K, D, cv::Mat(), K, cv::Size(W, H),
CV_32F, mapx, mapy);
float distorted_x =<float>(y, x);
float distorted_y =<float>(y, x);
I edit to clarify the code is correct:
I cite the documentation of initUndistortRectifyMap:
for each pixel (u, v) in the destination (corrected and rectified)
image, the function computes the corresponding coordinates in the
source image (that is, in the original image from camera.
map_x(u,v) = x''f_x + c_x
map_y(u,v) = y''f_y + c_y
undistortPoint is a simple reverse version of project points
In my case I would like to do the following:
Undistort points:
int undisortPoints(const vector<cv::Point2f> &uv, vector<cv::Point2f> &xy, const cv::Mat &M, const cv::Mat &d)
cv::undistortPoints(uv, xy, M, d, cv::Mat(), M);
return 0;
This will undistort the points to the very similar coordinate to the origin of the image, but without distortion. This is the default behavior for the cv::undistort() function.
Redistort points:
int distortPoints(const vector<cv::Point2f> &xy, vector<cv::Point2f> &uv, const cv::Mat &M, const cv::Mat &d)
vector<cv::Point2f> xy2;
vector<cv::Point3f> xyz;
cv::undistortPoints(xy, xy2, M, cv::Mat());
for (cv::Point2f p : xy2)xyz.push_back(cv::Point3f(p.x, p.y, 1));
cv::Mat rvec = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
cv::Mat tvec = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
cv::projectPoints(xyz, rvec, tvec, M, d, uv);
return 0;
The little tricky thing here is to first project the points to the z=1 plane with a linear camera model. After that, you must project them with the original camera model.
I found these useful, I hope it also works for you.
I have had exactly the same need.
Here is a possible solution :
void MyDistortPoints(const std::vector<cv::Point2d> & src, std::vector<cv::Point2d> & dst,
const cv::Mat & cameraMatrix, const cv::Mat & distorsionMatrix)
double fx =<double>(0,0);
double fy =<double>(1,1);
double ux =<double>(0,2);
double uy =<double>(1,2);
double k1 =<double>(0, 0);
double k2 =<double>(0, 1);
double p1 =<double>(0, 2);
double p2 =<double>(0, 3);
double k3 =<double>(0, 4);
//BOOST_FOREACH(const cv::Point2d &p, src)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++)
const cv::Point2d &p = src[i];
double x = p.x;
double y = p.y;
double xCorrected, yCorrected;
//Step 1 : correct distorsion
double r2 = x*x + y*y;
//radial distorsion
xCorrected = x * (1. + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2);
yCorrected = y * (1. + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2);
//tangential distorsion
//The "Learning OpenCV" book is wrong here !!!
//False equations from the "Learning OpenCv" book
//xCorrected = xCorrected + (2. * p1 * y + p2 * (r2 + 2. * x * x));
//yCorrected = yCorrected + (p1 * (r2 + 2. * y * y) + 2. * p2 * x);
//Correct formulae found at :
xCorrected = xCorrected + (2. * p1 * x * y + p2 * (r2 + 2. * x * x));
yCorrected = yCorrected + (p1 * (r2 + 2. * y * y) + 2. * p2 * x * y);
//Step 2 : ideal coordinates => actual coordinates
xCorrected = xCorrected * fx + ux;
yCorrected = yCorrected * fy + uy;
dst.push_back(cv::Point2d(xCorrected, yCorrected));
void MyDistortPoints(const std::vector<cv::Point2d> & src, std::vector<cv::Point2d> & dst,
const cv::Matx33d & cameraMatrix, const cv::Matx<double, 1, 5> & distorsionMatrix)
cv::Mat cameraMatrix2(cameraMatrix);
cv::Mat distorsionMatrix2(distorsionMatrix);
return MyDistortPoints(src, dst, cameraMatrix2, distorsionMatrix2);
void TestDistort()
cv::Matx33d cameraMatrix = 0.;
//cameraMatrix Init
double fx = 1000., fy = 950.;
double ux = 324., uy = 249.;
cameraMatrix(0, 0) = fx;
cameraMatrix(1, 1) = fy;
cameraMatrix(0, 2) = ux;
cameraMatrix(1, 2) = uy;
cameraMatrix(2, 2) = 1.;
cv::Matx<double, 1, 5> distorsionMatrix;
//distorsion Init
const double k1 = 0.5, k2 = -0.5, k3 = 0.000005, p1 = 0.07, p2 = -0.05;
distorsionMatrix(0, 0) = k1;
distorsionMatrix(0, 1) = k2;
distorsionMatrix(0, 2) = p1;
distorsionMatrix(0, 3) = p2;
distorsionMatrix(0, 4) = k3;
std::vector<cv::Point2d> distortedPoints;
std::vector<cv::Point2d> undistortedPoints;
std::vector<cv::Point2d> redistortedPoints;
distortedPoints.push_back(cv::Point2d(324., 249.));// equals to optical center
distortedPoints.push_back(cv::Point2d(340., 200));
distortedPoints.push_back(cv::Point2d(785., 345.));
distortedPoints.push_back(cv::Point2d(0., 0.));
cv::undistortPoints(distortedPoints, undistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distorsionMatrix);
MyDistortPoints(undistortedPoints, redistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distorsionMatrix);
cv::undistortPoints(redistortedPoints, undistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distorsionMatrix);
//Poor man's unit test ensuring we have an accuracy that is better than 0.001 pixel
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < undistortedPoints.size(); i++)
cv::Point2d dist = redistortedPoints[i] - distortedPoints[i];
double norm = sqrt(;
std::cout << "norm = " << norm << std::endl;
assert(norm < 1E-3);
For those still searching, here is a simple python function that will distort points back:
def distortPoints(undistortedPoints, k, d):
undistorted = np.float32(undistortedPoints[:, np.newaxis, :])
kInv = np.linalg.inv(k)
for i in range(len(undistorted)):
srcv = np.array([undistorted[i][0][0], undistorted[i][0][1], 1])
dstv =
undistorted[i][0][0] = dstv[0]
undistorted[i][0][1] = dstv[1]
distorted = cv2.fisheye.distortPoints(undistorted, k, d)
return distorted
undistorted = np.array([(639.64, 362.09), (234, 567)])
distorted = distortPoints(undistorted, camK, camD)
This question and it's related questions on SO have been around for nearly a decade, but there still isn't an answer that satisfies the criteria below so I'm proposing a new answer that
uses methods readily available in OpenCV,
works for points, not images, (and also points at subpixel locations),
can be used beyond fisheye distortion models,
does not involve manual interpolation or maps and
can be used in the context of rectification
It is important to distinquish between ideal coordinates (also called 'normalized' or 'sensor' coordinates) which are the input variables to the distortion model or 'x' and 'y' in the OpenCV docs vs. observed coordinates (also called 'image' coordinates) or 'u' and 'v' in OpenCV docs. Ideal coordinates have been normalized by the intrinsic parameters so that they have been scaled by the focal length and are relative to the image centroid at (cx,cy). This is important to point out because the undistortPoints() method can return either ideal or observed coordinates depending on the input arguments.
undistortPoints() can essentially do any combination of two things: remove distortions and apply a rotational transformation with the output either being in ideal or observed coordinates, depending on if a projection mat (InputArray P) is provided in the input. The input coordinates (InputArray src) for undistortPoints() is always in observed or image coordinates.
At a high level undistortPoints() converts the input coordinates from observed to ideal coordinates and uses an iterative process to remove distortions from the ideal or normalized points. The reason the process is iterative is because the OpenCV distortion model is not easy to invert analytically.
In the example below, we use undistortPoints() twice. First, we apply a reverse rotational transformation to undo image rectification. This step can be skipped if you are not working with rectified images. The output of this first step is in observed coordinates so we use undistortPoints() again to convert these to ideal coordinates. The conversion to ideal coordinates makes setting up the input for projectPoints() easier (which we use to apply the distortions). With the ideal coordinates, we can simply convert them to homogeneous by appending a 1 to each point. This is equivalent to projecting the points to a plane in 3D world coordinates with a linear camera model.
As of currently, there isn't a method in OpenCV to apply distortions to a set of ideal coordinates (with the exception of fisheye distortions using distort()) so we employ the projectPoints() method which can apply distortions as well as transformations as part of its projection algorithm. The tricky part about using projectPoints() is that the input is in terms of world or model coordinates in 3D, which is why we homogenized the output of the second use of undistortPoints(). By using projectPoints() with a dummy, zero-valued rotation vector (InputArray rvec) and translation vector (Input Array tvec) the result is simply a distorted set of coordinates which is conveniently output in observed or image coordinates.
Some helpful links
Difference between undistortPoints() and projectPoints() in OpenCV
Re-distort points with camera intrinsics/extrinsics,matrix%20with%20the%20extrinsic%20parameters
Does OpenCV's undistortPoints also rectify them?
Removing distortions in rectified image coordinates
Before providing the solution to recovering the original image coordinates with distortions we provide a short snippet to convert from the original distorted image coordinates to the corresponding rectified, undistorted coordinates that can be used for testing the reverse solution below.
The rotation matrix R1 and the projection matrix P1 come from stereoRectify(). The intrinsic parameters M1 and distortion parameters D1 come from stereoCalibrate().
const size_t img_w = 2448;
const size_t img_h = 2048;
const size_t num_rand_pts = 100;
// observed coordinates of the points in the original
// distorted image (used as a benchmark for testing)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> benchmark_obs_dist_points;
// undistorted and rectified obnserved coordinates
std::vector<cv::Point2f> obs_rect_undist_points;
// initialize with uniform random numbers
cv::RNG rng( 0xFFFFFFFF );
for(size_t i =0;i<num_rand_pts;++i)
// undistort and rectify
Re-distorting and unrectifying points to recover the original image coordinates
We will need three mats to reverse the rectification: the inverse of the rectification rotation matrix from stereoRectify R1, and two others to 'swap' the P1 and M1 projections that happen in undistortPoints(). P1_prime is the rotation matrix sub-portion of the projection matrix and M1_prime converts the rectification rotation matrix into a projection matrix with no translation. Note this only works if the output of stereoRectify has no translation, i.e. the last column of P1 is zeros which can be easily verified.
// create a 3x3 shallow copy of the rotation matrix portion of the projection P1
cv::Mat P1_prime = P1(cv::Rect(0,0,3,3));
// create a 3x4 projection matrix with the rotation portion of
// the rectification rotation matrix R1
cv::Mat M1_prime = cv::Mat::zeros(3,4,CV_64F);
With these mats, the reversal can proceed as follows
// reverse the image rectification transformation
// (result will still be undistorted)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> obs_undist_points;
// convert the image coordinates into sensor or normalized or ideal coordinates
// (again, still undistorted)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> ideal_undist_points;
// artificially project the ideal 2d points to a plane in world coordinates
// using a linear camera model (z=1)
std::vector<cv::Point3f> world_undist_points;
for (cv::Point2f pt : ideal_undist_points)
// add the distortions back in to get the original coordinates
cv::Mat rvec = cv::Mat::zeros(3,1,CV_64FC1); // dummy zero rotation vec
cv::Mat tvec = cv::Mat::zeros(3,1,CV_64FC1); // dummy zero translation vec
std::vector<cv::Point2f> obs_dist_points;
To test the results, we can compare them to the benchmark values
for(size_t i=0;i<num_rand_pts;++i)
std::cout << "benchmark_x: " << benchmark_obs_dist_points[i].x
<< " benchmark_y: " << benchmark_obs_dist_points[i].y
<< " computed_x: " << obs_dist_points[i].x
<< " computed_y: " << obs_dist_points[i].y
<< " diff_x: "
<< std::abs(benchmark_obs_dist_points[i].x-obs_dist_points[i].x)
<< " diff_y: "
<< std::abs(benchmark_obs_dist_points[i].y-obs_dist_points[i].y)
<< std::endl;
This is main.cpp. It is self-sufficient and does not need anything else but opencv. I don't remember where I found this, it works, I used it in my project. The program eats the set of standard chessboard images and generates json/xml files with all the distortions of the camera.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
static void help()
cout << "This is a camera calibration sample." << endl
<< "Usage: calibration configurationFile" << endl
<< "Near the sample file you'll find the configuration file, which has detailed help of "
"how to edit it. It may be any OpenCV supported file format XML/YAML." << endl;
class Settings
Settings() : goodInput(false) {}
void write(FileStorage& fs) const //Write serialization for this class
fs << "{" << "BoardSize_Width" << boardSize.width
<< "BoardSize_Height" << boardSize.height
<< "Square_Size" << squareSize
<< "Calibrate_Pattern" << patternToUse
<< "Calibrate_NrOfFrameToUse" << nrFrames
<< "Calibrate_FixAspectRatio" << aspectRatio
<< "Calibrate_AssumeZeroTangentialDistortion" << calibZeroTangentDist
<< "Calibrate_FixPrincipalPointAtTheCenter" << calibFixPrincipalPoint
<< "Write_DetectedFeaturePoints" << bwritePoints
<< "Write_extrinsicParameters" << bwriteExtrinsics
<< "Write_outputFileName" << outputFileName
<< "Show_UndistortedImage" << showUndistorsed
<< "Input_FlipAroundHorizontalAxis" << flipVertical
<< "Input_Delay" << delay
<< "Input" << input
<< "}";
void read(const FileNode& node) //Read serialization for this class
node["BoardSize_Width" ] >> boardSize.width;
node["BoardSize_Height"] >> boardSize.height;
node["Calibrate_Pattern"] >> patternToUse;
node["Square_Size"] >> squareSize;
node["Calibrate_NrOfFrameToUse"] >> nrFrames;
node["Calibrate_FixAspectRatio"] >> aspectRatio;
node["Write_DetectedFeaturePoints"] >> bwritePoints;
node["Write_extrinsicParameters"] >> bwriteExtrinsics;
node["Write_outputFileName"] >> outputFileName;
node["Calibrate_AssumeZeroTangentialDistortion"] >> calibZeroTangentDist;
node["Calibrate_FixPrincipalPointAtTheCenter"] >> calibFixPrincipalPoint;
node["Input_FlipAroundHorizontalAxis"] >> flipVertical;
node["Show_UndistortedImage"] >> showUndistorsed;
node["Input"] >> input;
node["Input_Delay"] >> delay;
void interprate()
goodInput = true;
if (boardSize.width <= 0 || boardSize.height <= 0)
cerr << "Invalid Board size: " << boardSize.width << " " << boardSize.height << endl;
goodInput = false;
if (squareSize <= 10e-6)
cerr << "Invalid square size " << squareSize << endl;
goodInput = false;
if (nrFrames <= 0)
cerr << "Invalid number of frames " << nrFrames << endl;
goodInput = false;
if (input.empty()) // Check for valid input
inputType = INVALID;
if (input[0] >= '0' && input[0] <= '9')
stringstream ss(input);
ss >> cameraID;
inputType = CAMERA;
if (readStringList(input, imageList))
inputType = IMAGE_LIST;
nrFrames = (nrFrames < (int)imageList.size()) ? nrFrames : (int)imageList.size();
inputType = VIDEO_FILE;
if (inputType == CAMERA);
if (inputType == VIDEO_FILE);
if (inputType != IMAGE_LIST && !inputCapture.isOpened())
inputType = INVALID;
if (inputType == INVALID)
cerr << " Inexistent input: " << input << endl;
goodInput = false;
flag = 0;
if(calibFixPrincipalPoint) flag |= CV_CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
if(calibZeroTangentDist) flag |= CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
if(aspectRatio) flag |= CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO;
calibrationPattern = NOT_EXISTING;
if (!"CHESSBOARD")) calibrationPattern = CHESSBOARD;
if (!"CIRCLES_GRID")) calibrationPattern = CIRCLES_GRID;
if (calibrationPattern == NOT_EXISTING)
cerr << " Inexistent camera calibration mode: " << patternToUse << endl;
goodInput = false;
atImageList = 0;
Mat nextImage()
Mat result;
if( inputCapture.isOpened() )
Mat view0;
inputCapture >> view0;
else if( atImageList < (int)imageList.size() )
result = imread(imageList[atImageList++], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
return result;
static bool readStringList( const string& filename, vector<string>& l )
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
if( !fs.isOpened() )
return false;
FileNode n = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode();
if( n.type() != FileNode::SEQ )
return false;
FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end();
for( ; it != it_end; ++it )
return true;
Size boardSize; // The size of the board -> Number of items by width and height
Pattern calibrationPattern;// One of the Chessboard, circles, or asymmetric circle pattern
float squareSize; // The size of a square in your defined unit (point, millimeter,etc).
int nrFrames; // The number of frames to use from the input for calibration
float aspectRatio; // The aspect ratio
int delay; // In case of a video input
bool bwritePoints; // Write detected feature points
bool bwriteExtrinsics; // Write extrinsic parameters
bool calibZeroTangentDist; // Assume zero tangential distortion
bool calibFixPrincipalPoint;// Fix the principal point at the center
bool flipVertical; // Flip the captured images around the horizontal axis
string outputFileName; // The name of the file where to write
bool showUndistorsed; // Show undistorted images after calibration
string input; // The input ->
int cameraID;
vector<string> imageList;
int atImageList;
VideoCapture inputCapture;
InputType inputType;
bool goodInput;
int flag;
string patternToUse;
static void read(const FileNode& node, Settings& x, const Settings& default_value = Settings())
x = default_value;
bool runCalibrationAndSave(Settings& s, Size imageSize, Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs,
vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// help();
Settings s;
const string inputSettingsFile = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "default.xml";
FileStorage fs(inputSettingsFile, FileStorage::READ); // Read the settings
if (!fs.isOpened())
cout << "Could not open the configuration file: \"" << inputSettingsFile << "\"" << endl;
return -1;
fs["Settings"] >> s;
fs.release(); // close Settings file
if (!s.goodInput)
cout << "Invalid input detected. Application stopping. " << endl;
return -1;
vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints;
Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs;
Size imageSize;
int mode = s.inputType == Settings::IMAGE_LIST ? CAPTURING : DETECTION;
clock_t prevTimestamp = 0;
const Scalar RED(0,0,255), GREEN(0,255,0);
const char ESC_KEY = 27;
for(int i = 0;;++i)
Mat view;
bool blinkOutput = false;
view = s.nextImage();
//----- If no more image, or got enough, then stop calibration and show result -------------
if( mode == CAPTURING && imagePoints.size() >= (unsigned)s.nrFrames )
if( runCalibrationAndSave(s, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoints))
if(view.empty()) // If no more images then run calibration, save and stop loop.
if( imagePoints.size() > 0 )
runCalibrationAndSave(s, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoints);
imageSize = view.size(); // Format input image.
if( s.flipVertical ) flip( view, view, 0 );
vector<Point2f> pointBuf;
bool found;
switch( s.calibrationPattern ) // Find feature points on the input format
case Settings::CHESSBOARD:
found = findChessboardCorners( view, s.boardSize, pointBuf,
case Settings::CIRCLES_GRID:
found = findCirclesGrid( view, s.boardSize, pointBuf );
found = findCirclesGrid( view, s.boardSize, pointBuf, CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID );
found = false;
if ( found) // If done with success,
// improve the found corners' coordinate accuracy for chessboard
if( s.calibrationPattern == Settings::CHESSBOARD)
Mat viewGray;
cvtColor(view, viewGray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cornerSubPix( viewGray, pointBuf, Size(11,11),
Size(-1,-1), TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1 ));
if( mode == CAPTURING && // For camera only take new samples after delay time
(!s.inputCapture.isOpened() || clock() - prevTimestamp > s.delay*1e-3*CLOCKS_PER_SEC) )
prevTimestamp = clock();
blinkOutput = s.inputCapture.isOpened();
// Draw the corners.
drawChessboardCorners( view, s.boardSize, Mat(pointBuf), found );
//----------------------------- Output Text ------------------------------------------------
string msg = (mode == CAPTURING) ? "100/100" :
mode == CALIBRATED ? "Calibrated" : "Press 'g' to start";
int baseLine = 0;
Size textSize = getTextSize(msg, 1, 1, 1, &baseLine);
Point textOrigin(view.cols - 2*textSize.width - 10, view.rows - 2*baseLine - 10);
if( mode == CAPTURING )
msg = format( "%d/%d Undist", (int)imagePoints.size(), s.nrFrames );
msg = format( "%d/%d", (int)imagePoints.size(), s.nrFrames );
putText( view, msg, textOrigin, 1, 1, mode == CALIBRATED ? GREEN : RED);
if( blinkOutput )
bitwise_not(view, view);
//------------------------- Video capture output undistorted ------------------------------
if( mode == CALIBRATED && s.showUndistorsed )
Mat temp = view.clone();
undistort(temp, view, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
//------------------------------ Show image and check for input commands -------------------
imshow("Image View", view);
char key = (char)waitKey(s.inputCapture.isOpened() ? 50 : s.delay);
if( key == ESC_KEY )
if( key == 'u' && mode == CALIBRATED )
s.showUndistorsed = !s.showUndistorsed;
if( s.inputCapture.isOpened() && key == 'g' )
// -----------------------Show the undistorted image for the image list ------------------------
if( s.inputType == Settings::IMAGE_LIST && s.showUndistorsed )
Mat view, rview, map1, map2;
initUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, Mat(),
getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imageSize, 1, imageSize, 0),
imageSize, CV_16SC2, map1, map2);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)s.imageList.size(); i++ )
view = imread(s.imageList[i], 1);
remap(view, rview, map1, map2, INTER_LINEAR);
imshow("Image View", rview);
char c = (char)waitKey();
if( c == ESC_KEY || c == 'q' || c == 'Q' )
return 0;
static double computeReprojectionErrors( const vector<vector<Point3f> >& objectPoints,
const vector<vector<Point2f> >& imagePoints,
const vector<Mat>& rvecs, const vector<Mat>& tvecs,
const Mat& cameraMatrix , const Mat& distCoeffs,
vector<float>& perViewErrors)
vector<Point2f> imagePoints2;
int i, totalPoints = 0;
double totalErr = 0, err;
for( i = 0; i < (int)objectPoints.size(); ++i )
projectPoints( Mat(objectPoints[i]), rvecs[i], tvecs[i], cameraMatrix,
distCoeffs, imagePoints2);
err = norm(Mat(imagePoints[i]), Mat(imagePoints2), CV_L2);
int n = (int)objectPoints[i].size();
perViewErrors[i] = (float) std::sqrt(err*err/n);
totalErr += err*err;
totalPoints += n;
return std::sqrt(totalErr/totalPoints);
static void calcBoardCornerPositions(Size boardSize, float squareSize, vector<Point3f>& corners,
Settings::Pattern patternType /*= Settings::CHESSBOARD*/)
case Settings::CHESSBOARD:
case Settings::CIRCLES_GRID:
for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; ++i )
for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; ++j )
corners.push_back(Point3f(float( j*squareSize ), float( i*squareSize ), 0));
for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ )
corners.push_back(Point3f(float((2*j + i % 2)*squareSize), float(i*squareSize), 0));
static bool runCalibration( Settings& s, Size& imageSize, Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs,
vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints, vector<Mat>& rvecs, vector<Mat>& tvecs,
vector<float>& reprojErrs, double& totalAvgErr)
cameraMatrix = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
if( s.flag & CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO )<double>(0,0) = 1.0;
distCoeffs = Mat::zeros(8, 1, CV_64F);
vector<vector<Point3f> > objectPoints(1);
calcBoardCornerPositions(s.boardSize, s.squareSize, objectPoints[0], s.calibrationPattern);
//Find intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters
double rms = calibrateCamera(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, cameraMatrix,
distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs, s.flag|CV_CALIB_FIX_K4|CV_CALIB_FIX_K5);
cout << "Re-projection error reported by calibrateCamera: "<< rms << endl;
bool ok = checkRange(cameraMatrix) && checkRange(distCoeffs);
totalAvgErr = computeReprojectionErrors(objectPoints, imagePoints,
rvecs, tvecs, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, reprojErrs);
return ok;
// Print camera parameters to the output file
static void saveCameraParams( Settings& s, Size& imageSize, Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs,
const vector<Mat>& rvecs, const vector<Mat>& tvecs,
const vector<float>& reprojErrs, const vector<vector<Point2f> >& imagePoints,
double totalAvgErr )
FileStorage fs( s.outputFileName, FileStorage::WRITE );
time_t tm;
time( &tm );
struct tm *t2 = localtime( &tm );
char buf[1024];
strftime( buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%c", t2 );
fs << "calibration_Time" << buf;
if( !rvecs.empty() || !reprojErrs.empty() )
fs << "nrOfFrames" << (int)std::max(rvecs.size(), reprojErrs.size());
fs << "image_Width" << imageSize.width;
fs << "image_Height" << imageSize.height;
fs << "board_Width" << s.boardSize.width;
fs << "board_Height" << s.boardSize.height;
fs << "square_Size" << s.squareSize;
fs << "FixAspectRatio" << s.aspectRatio;
if( s.flag )
sprintf( buf, "flags: %s%s%s%s",
s.flag & CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS ? " +use_intrinsic_guess" : "",
s.flag & CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO ? " +fix_aspectRatio" : "",
s.flag & CV_CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT ? " +fix_principal_point" : "",
s.flag & CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST ? " +zero_tangent_dist" : "" );
cvWriteComment( *fs, buf, 0 );
fs << "flagValue" << s.flag;
fs << "Camera_Matrix" << cameraMatrix;
fs << "Distortion_Coefficients" << distCoeffs;
fs << "Avg_Reprojection_Error" << totalAvgErr;
if( !reprojErrs.empty() )
fs << "Per_View_Reprojection_Errors" << Mat(reprojErrs);
if( !rvecs.empty() && !tvecs.empty() )
CV_Assert(rvecs[0].type() == tvecs[0].type());
Mat bigmat((int)rvecs.size(), 6, rvecs[0].type());
for( int i = 0; i < (int)rvecs.size(); i++ )
Mat r = bigmat(Range(i, i+1), Range(0,3));
Mat t = bigmat(Range(i, i+1), Range(3,6));
CV_Assert(rvecs[i].rows == 3 && rvecs[i].cols == 1);
CV_Assert(tvecs[i].rows == 3 && tvecs[i].cols == 1);
//*.t() is MatExpr (not Mat) so we can use assignment operator
r = rvecs[i].t();
t = tvecs[i].t();
cvWriteComment( *fs, "a set of 6-tuples (rotation vector + translation vector) for each view", 0 );
fs << "Extrinsic_Parameters" << bigmat;
if( !imagePoints.empty() )
Mat imagePtMat((int)imagePoints.size(), (int)imagePoints[0].size(), CV_32FC2);
for( int i = 0; i < (int)imagePoints.size(); i++ )
Mat r = imagePtMat.row(i).reshape(2, imagePtMat.cols);
Mat imgpti(imagePoints[i]);
fs << "Image_points" << imagePtMat;
bool runCalibrationAndSave(Settings& s, Size imageSize, Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs,vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints )
vector<Mat> rvecs, tvecs;
vector<float> reprojErrs;
double totalAvgErr = 0;
bool ok = runCalibration(s,imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoints, rvecs, tvecs,
reprojErrs, totalAvgErr);
cout << (ok ? "Calibration succeeded" : "Calibration failed")
<< ". avg re projection error = " << totalAvgErr ;
if( ok )
saveCameraParams( s, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs ,tvecs, reprojErrs,
imagePoints, totalAvgErr);
return ok;
