Google Sheets Conditional formatting does not support Defined Name ranges - google-sheets

My conditional format formula is:
This formula works fine in a spreadsheet cell - i.e. all addressing works.
Any thoughts?

in Google Sheets' Conditional formatting (and Data Validation) all references to another sheet (even named ranges) need to be wrapped into INDIRECT formula.


Vlookup with multiple ranges in conditional formatting

I'm looking to validate 2 numbers with conditional formatting.
I need to resolve how to vlookup "x" value within at least 3 different ranges in a different sheet (Validation) but on the same spreadsheet.
I came out with this but it not working as intended.
May you please provide me a workaround or another solution?
VLOOKUP(F5,INDIRECT("{INDIRECT("Validation!B17:Q19"); INDIRECT("Validation!B54:Q56");INDIRECT("Validation!B91:Q93")}"),2,FALSE)
Since you plan to use it as a conditional formatting formula, here's one workaround that you may use.
1st, Create a Helper sheet which will contain the combined range of data that you will use in your vlookup(). You can just hide your Helper sheet if you want.
2nd, Use indirect() using the range in your Helper sheet.
Sample Conditional Formatting Formula:

I am trying to use vlookup as a conditional formatting formula

I have a Google sheet that has a roster of people. I want the sheet to automatically color code people on the roster tab that are also present on a second tab that lists people who have dietary restrictions. I thought that conditional formatting would be the way to go, but I can't get the formula to work. I also can seem to get the conditional formatting formula to be relative based on the row. This is the formula that I have so far. A5 is the first cell that contains the person's ID number. The ID numbers are listed in column A on the "Dietary Restrictions" sheet.
=NOT(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A5,'Ghost Students'!A:H,1,FALSE)))
You want to highlight values from A5:A in one sheet (let's call it Roster) if they are present in column A from another sheet (Dietary restrictions).
Since conditional formatting formulas cannot reference other sheets, you have to use INDIRECT in order to reference that.
You can then use MATCH to check if the value is present.
Your formula could be like this:
=MATCH($A5,INDIRECT("'Dietary restrictions'!A2:A"),0)
Sheet Roster:
Sheet Dietary restrictions:
How about making vlookup formula grabbing data about dietary conditions from another sheet, and then putting conditional formatting.
You can hide information about dietary conditions if you want and apply conditional formatting based on hidden column:
Just tried. Conditional formatting works with hidden columns too.

Conditional formatting with data validation + named range from other sheet in google sheets

I'm really struggling with getting my conditional formatting to work. I've seen a couple of posts online plus here around using INDIRECT to reference the desired cell in a different sheet for a custom formula in my conditional format rule, but it's not working. Wondering if someone can review the sheet and see what I am doing wrong.
In my sheet, you will see exactly what I've coded and I've annotated the desired behavior.
you miss equal sign and double quotes.
blue formula:
red formula:

Google Sheets Custom conditional formatting multiple conditions

I made a spreadsheet in google sheets in my last company which highlighted all my rows based on my qualifying conditions. I can't remember what conditional formatting I used.
I have tried the =IFAND and =AND functions along with others.
This is what I am trying to do:
If column B says DTC, even if something else is also in cell, and the dates are between two ranges I want it highlighted. Then I will have multiple rules that vary in dates and words. I have attached a new demo sheet to help.
The formula I have in there now is =AND($B2="DTC",E$2>=DATE(2017,10,1),E$2<=DATE(2018,10,1))
To find both DTC and DTC-DCL with a wildcard try using if with search like this:

Google Docs (Spreadsheets): Conditional Formatting Referencing Other Sheets

Google Docs (Spreadsheet) tells me that this (custom) formula is wrong.. in Excel instead works:
=AND(MATCH(CONCATENATE($A2;" ";$B2);Allievi!$G$1:$G$1204;0); $L2="Facilitatore di classe")
It just tells me it's not valid. The problem is that it seems not possible to reference other sheets (in the same doc) in conditional formatting rules..
Any workaround?
I need to keep data in different sheets.
You can reference the sheet and cell indirectly.
For your formula it should be something like
=AND(MATCH(CONCATENATE($A2;" ";$B2);INDIRECT("Allievi!"&"$G$1:$G$1204";0); $L2="Facilitatore di classe")
