Google Docs (Spreadsheets): Conditional Formatting Referencing Other Sheets - google-sheets

Google Docs (Spreadsheet) tells me that this (custom) formula is wrong.. in Excel instead works:
=AND(MATCH(CONCATENATE($A2;" ";$B2);Allievi!$G$1:$G$1204;0); $L2="Facilitatore di classe")
It just tells me it's not valid. The problem is that it seems not possible to reference other sheets (in the same doc) in conditional formatting rules..
Any workaround?
I need to keep data in different sheets.

You can reference the sheet and cell indirectly.
For your formula it should be something like
=AND(MATCH(CONCATENATE($A2;" ";$B2);INDIRECT("Allievi!"&"$G$1:$G$1204";0); $L2="Facilitatore di classe")


Conditional formatting using countif() with values from an external spreadsheet

I have a Google sheet the references values from another and using conditional formatting, it marks down the cells with the same value. Within the same document, I use the following code:
=countif(indirect("Responses!D2:D103"),A1)=1 That works great.
However, I try to get the same result referencing the same sheet from an external spreadsheet to no avail. I feel like I tried all the combinations of IMPORTRANGE and INDIRECT out there, similar to this: =countif(importrange("sheet_url",indirect("Responses!$D$2:$D$103")),A1)=1
I'm sure I'm missing some small detail, I just can't tell what it is.
"Responses!D1:D103"), A1)=1)
note that access needs to be granted first in order for this to work

Conditional formatting with data validation + named range from other sheet in google sheets

I'm really struggling with getting my conditional formatting to work. I've seen a couple of posts online plus here around using INDIRECT to reference the desired cell in a different sheet for a custom formula in my conditional format rule, but it's not working. Wondering if someone can review the sheet and see what I am doing wrong.
In my sheet, you will see exactly what I've coded and I've annotated the desired behavior.
you miss equal sign and double quotes.
blue formula:
red formula:

Google Sheets Conditional formatting does not support Defined Name ranges

My conditional format formula is:
This formula works fine in a spreadsheet cell - i.e. all addressing works.
Any thoughts?
in Google Sheets' Conditional formatting (and Data Validation) all references to another sheet (even named ranges) need to be wrapped into INDIRECT formula.

Google Sheets Custom conditional formatting multiple conditions

I made a spreadsheet in google sheets in my last company which highlighted all my rows based on my qualifying conditions. I can't remember what conditional formatting I used.
I have tried the =IFAND and =AND functions along with others.
This is what I am trying to do:
If column B says DTC, even if something else is also in cell, and the dates are between two ranges I want it highlighted. Then I will have multiple rules that vary in dates and words. I have attached a new demo sheet to help.
The formula I have in there now is =AND($B2="DTC",E$2>=DATE(2017,10,1),E$2<=DATE(2018,10,1))
To find both DTC and DTC-DCL with a wildcard try using if with search like this:

What is this Google Spreadsheets IMPORTRANGE() Sheet key?

I'm new to Google sheets, and I've got this spreadsheet with some IMPORTRANGE functions in them, and they look like this:
=IMPORTRANGE($O$2; "Jan!B33")
That first value, $0$2, is supposedly the spreadsheet key, but I'm used to that spreadsheet key coming from the HTML, for example "1QCfFIx6evcghuH4k74_ksqx6P7sb5xzUpRaoQobV6MA", or something like that.
My question is, what is this dollar sign notation, and how do I use it? Is it even something from Google Sheets or is it something someone mistakenly copied from Excel or another program?
That's an absolute cell reference. (The sheet's key is expected to be read from cell O2.)
This range syntax is supported by Excel and Google Sheets.
