Using updates current time to keep track of game time - ios

I am curious if anybody has been able to figure out a way to keep how long a scene has been active for. This is critical for when I need to fire certain events, like say "spawn ship 5 minutes into game play".
The issue with the update cycle, is that the current time being passed is not active game time only, so if you get a call or switch apps, upon return you will get that X minute jump in time.
Currently, I use an SKAction.customAction to keep track of my time, and it works, but I cannot guarantee the order in which actions fire, so my events could end up being 1 frame off.
Here is what I am doing now, please let me know what you have done to keep time consistent.
//Note: NodeComponent is a protocol extension to quickly access the GKSKNodeComponent's node
import GameplayKit
class ElapsedTimeComponent:GKComponent,NodeComponent
var elapsedTime : TimeInterval = 0.0
override func didAddToEntity() {
node.scene?.addComponentToComponentSystem(self){node,seconds in
elapsedTime = seconds
(node as! SKLabelNode).text = "\(seconds)"
override func update(deltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) {

So it turns out, SKView has a delegate protocol you can attach anywhere. I have set up my latest test to look like this:
public class GameScene: SKScene,SKViewDelegate {
var previousTime : TimeInterval = 0
var gameTime : TimeInterval = 0
public func view(_ view: SKView, shouldRenderAtTime time: TimeInterval) -> Bool
if !self.isPaused{
gameTime += time - previousTime
print("GameTime: \(gameTime)")
componentSystems.forEach({$0.update(deltaTime: gameTime)})
self.previousTime = time
return !self.isPaused
public override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
view.delegate = self
If I am understanding this correctly, then the only thing I need to look out for outside of this is ensuring that when returning from game, that the view.isPaused does not unpause my scene at the same exact time (ughhh why do you do this to me Apple) to allow for 1 render loop to occur.
Of course, the downside with this method, is any pause screen I create will have to be outside of this scene since rendering is disabled.


Multiple timers at once ios

I am making an app where the user can have multiple timers going at once and see them in a list view.
I am aware that there are 2 main options for working out time:
Subtract the date started from current date (current date-start date)
Use an NSTimer and take away 1 second every second from each active timer.
I have previously been using the latter, but having looked around the internet I am starting to think that the data one may be better.
Please could you let me know which you think is best to use, and if you chose the first one (dates), please could you provide some sample code on how to use it.
You can Use an NSTimer and take away 1 second every second from each active timer. You can use this class.
class CustomTimer {
typealias Update = (Int)->Void
var timer:Timer?
var count: Int = 0
var update: Update?
init(update:#escaping Update){
self.update = update
func start(){
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(timerUpdate), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func stop(){
if let timer = timer {
* This method must be in the public or scope
#objc func timerUpdate() {
count += 1;
if let update = update {
To use multiple timer you can create multiple instance of CustomTimer, Example Code:
let timer1 = CustomTimer { (seconds) in
// do whatever you want
let timer2 = CustomTimer { (seconds) in
// do whatever you want
timerUpdate method will be called exactly at 1 second interval. to keep some space for function execution we can set interval to 0.9 or 0.95 according to time taken by execution.
You use both. You have one Timer that repeats every second. The handler for the Timer then iterates through your list of start dates for each of the user's timers and you update the display for each based on the current date.

Track the time it takes a user to navigate through an iOS app's UI

I want to measure how long (in seconds) it takes users to do certain things in my app. Some examples are logging in, pressing a button on a certain page, etc.
I am using an NSTimer for that. I am starting it in the viewDidLoad of a specific page, and stopping it at the point that I want to measure.
I also want to measure cumulative time for certain things. I would like to start the timer on the log-in screen, and then continue the timer until the user gets to the next view controller and clicks on a certain button.
I'm not sure how to do this. Should create a global variable in my app delegate? Or is there some other better way?
No need for an NSTimer, you just need to record the start times and compare them to the stop times. Try using a little helper class such as:
class MyTimer {
static let shared = MyTimer()
var startTimes = [String : Date]()
func start(withKey key: String) {
startTimes[key] = Date()
func measure(key: String) -> TimeInterval? {
if let start = startTimes[key] {
return Date().timeIntervalSince(start)
return nil
To use this, just call start(withKey:) right before you start a long-running task.
MyTimer.shared.start(withKey: "login")
Do something that takes a while and then call measure(key:) when you're done. Because MyTimer is a singleton, it can be called from anywhere in your code.
if let interval = MyTimer.shared.measure("login") {
print("Logging in time: \(interval)")
If you're using multiple threads, you may to to add some thread safety to this, but it should work as is in simple scenarios.

CMAltitude always returns as nil when run outside loop in swift

Recently I've been writing a game that requires the Pitch of the device in order to move the character. However, to make it so the user doesn't have to play the game with the device fixed in one starting point every time, every time the user presses play I want the app to acquire the initial tilt. This does not work however, I've added a test button that is suppose to run the code:
func recordTilt() {
InitialTilt = MovementManager.deviceMotion?.attitude
The problem with this is that whenever the button is pressed, InitialTilt will return nil. However, if InitialTilt is run in a the Loop it will return a value every time.
Movement Manager Loop:
func setup() {
MovementManager = CMMotionManager()
MovementManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
InintialTilt = Movementmanager.deviceMotion?.attitude
func movementManaging() {
InintialTilt = Movementmanager.deviceMotion?.attitude // returns every
func update() {
Can someone please help explain to me why the (InintialTilt = Movementmanager.deviceMotion?.attitude) only returns a value while it is in a loop.
(Note: The movementManaging is basically a loop that controls the player's movements, if one were to expand the ...'s all they would get are a bunch of if methods that keep the player on screen. + InintialTilt = Movementmanager.deviceMotion?.attitude)

Why is my SpriteKit update() function creating multiple NSTimers?

I'm creating a SpriteKit game that updates based on the amount of time passed. The game spawns enemies using an NSTimer and its scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval method, calling the spawnEnemy function every 2.0 seconds.
When 5 seconds have passed there should be a very brief intermission, preventing new enemies from spawning in order to show a level change animation.
When the initial 5 seconds has been reached, everything works well up until the conditional where self.nextLevelDelayTicker == 100. Once this conditional is met, the "YOLO" string is only fired once in the console. However, I'm assuming multiple instances of NSTimer are being created and stored within self.timer since a massive amount of enemies are spawned after self.resumeGame() is called to create a new scheduled timer.
Any ideas on why this is happening even though I have flags set up within my conditional to only call the self.resumeGame() function once?
func resumeGame() {
// Start game timer
// Need a way to access ib action of pause button
self.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(2.0, target: self, selector: "spawnEnemy", userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
if gameTicker.isActive == true {
// If gameTicker is equal to 5 seconds, increase enemy amount
if gameTicker.getTimePassed() % 500 == 0 {
self.enemyAmount += 1
levelCount += 1
gameTicker.isActive = false
// If level has been completed and last ghost has been killed, activate next level scene
if gameTicker.isActive == false && enemyArray.count == 0 {
if self.nextLevelDelayTicker.getTimePassed() == 100 {
self.gameTicker.isActive = true
Trying to follow your code.. but I think your approach here isn't great for spritekit. It's probably making things way more complicated than it needs to be.
You can keep track of time using your update method directly. It would probably be worth rewriting this part of your code. Would work better within spritekit and be less prone to bugs.
All you really need is delta time.
scene properties
// time values
var delta = NSTimeInterval(0)
var last_update_time = NSTimeInterval(0)
// some time youre trying to keep track of
var timeLimit = NSTimeInterval(5)
var timeLimitMax = NSTimeInterval(5)
your scene's update method
func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
if last_update_time == 0.0 {
delta = 0
} else {
delta = currentTime - last_update_time
last_update_date = currentTime
// now we can keep track of time
timeLimit -=
if timeLimit <= 0 {
// do something and reset timer
timeLimit = timeLimitMax
Now if you're going to be consistently spawning something every number of seconds then we dont even need to bother with update to do this. Just put this in your viewDidLoad
Now we're running this code every two seconds forever. The best part is this will pause and resume with your game automatically. You don't have to manage SKAction too much. spritekit does it for you :)
let spawnAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(
[unowned self] in

Small lag/jitter when tapping the screen

So my game is almost complete... but there's this little glitch or jitter that occurs when I press and hold my finger on the screen which, now I've noticed, I can't un-notice...
It happens really fast, and only happens when a function is called to handle tap&holds (long press). This happens after 0.2seconds have passed using a timer.
I've tried breakpointing it to pin down where exactly the jitter happens in the code, but it seems I can not fine tune it enough to locate it.
My update method is typical:
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
//calc delta time
if lastUpdateTime > 0 {
dt = currentTime - lastUpdateTime
} else {
dt = 0
lastUpdateTime = currentTime
//timer for handleLongPress
if touched {
longTouchTimer += dt
if longTouchTimer >= 0.2 && !canLongPressNow {
canLongPressNow = true
} else {
canLongPressNow = false
//switch GameSate
//switch CharacterState
My function to handleLongPress is this:
func handleLongPress() {
//switch gameState
//if in gameplay gamestate
if canLongPressNow {
//rotate player
//change character state
touched = false
longTouchTimer = 0
The startPlayerAnimation_Sliding() just iterates a texture array of the playerNode.
func startPlayerAnimation_Sliding() {
var textures: Array<SKTexture> = []
for i in 0..<KNumSlideFrames{
textures.append(SKTexture(imageNamed: "slide\(i)"))
let playerAnimation = SKAction.animateWithTextures(textures, timePerFrame: 0.3)
player.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(playerAnimation), withKey: "sliding")
Is there anything noticeable that may be causing this?
I've removed this from my update(..) method, and it seems smooth again... and I have no idea why...? Maybe because it's removing a key (explosion) that hasn't been created yet? or the fact it's removing these keys every frame... Doesn't make sense though... But I'm calling it a night, and looking at this again tomorrow. Thanks for your help so far. Have a good evening. (will update tomorrow)
//for animations
switch characterState {
case .Running:
case .Sliding:
case .Exploding:
Yikes, how you create textures is what is slowing you down a lot, you are creating new textures every time a touch happens, this is not needed. Instead do:
var textures: Array<SKTexture> = []
var playerAnimation : SKAction?
func loadingPhase() //however this is defined for you
for i in 0..<KNumSlideFrames{
textures.append(SKTexture(imageNamed: "slide\(i)"))
playerAnimation = SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.animateWithTextures(textures, timePerFrame: 0.3))
func startPlayerAnimation_Sliding() {
player.runAction(playerAnimation!, withKey: "sliding")
