Small lag/jitter when tapping the screen - ios

So my game is almost complete... but there's this little glitch or jitter that occurs when I press and hold my finger on the screen which, now I've noticed, I can't un-notice...
It happens really fast, and only happens when a function is called to handle tap&holds (long press). This happens after 0.2seconds have passed using a timer.
I've tried breakpointing it to pin down where exactly the jitter happens in the code, but it seems I can not fine tune it enough to locate it.
My update method is typical:
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
//calc delta time
if lastUpdateTime > 0 {
dt = currentTime - lastUpdateTime
} else {
dt = 0
lastUpdateTime = currentTime
//timer for handleLongPress
if touched {
longTouchTimer += dt
if longTouchTimer >= 0.2 && !canLongPressNow {
canLongPressNow = true
} else {
canLongPressNow = false
//switch GameSate
//switch CharacterState
My function to handleLongPress is this:
func handleLongPress() {
//switch gameState
//if in gameplay gamestate
if canLongPressNow {
//rotate player
//change character state
touched = false
longTouchTimer = 0
The startPlayerAnimation_Sliding() just iterates a texture array of the playerNode.
func startPlayerAnimation_Sliding() {
var textures: Array<SKTexture> = []
for i in 0..<KNumSlideFrames{
textures.append(SKTexture(imageNamed: "slide\(i)"))
let playerAnimation = SKAction.animateWithTextures(textures, timePerFrame: 0.3)
player.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(playerAnimation), withKey: "sliding")
Is there anything noticeable that may be causing this?
I've removed this from my update(..) method, and it seems smooth again... and I have no idea why...? Maybe because it's removing a key (explosion) that hasn't been created yet? or the fact it's removing these keys every frame... Doesn't make sense though... But I'm calling it a night, and looking at this again tomorrow. Thanks for your help so far. Have a good evening. (will update tomorrow)
//for animations
switch characterState {
case .Running:
case .Sliding:
case .Exploding:

Yikes, how you create textures is what is slowing you down a lot, you are creating new textures every time a touch happens, this is not needed. Instead do:
var textures: Array<SKTexture> = []
var playerAnimation : SKAction?
func loadingPhase() //however this is defined for you
for i in 0..<KNumSlideFrames{
textures.append(SKTexture(imageNamed: "slide\(i)"))
playerAnimation = SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.animateWithTextures(textures, timePerFrame: 0.3))
func startPlayerAnimation_Sliding() {
player.runAction(playerAnimation!, withKey: "sliding")


Using updates current time to keep track of game time

I am curious if anybody has been able to figure out a way to keep how long a scene has been active for. This is critical for when I need to fire certain events, like say "spawn ship 5 minutes into game play".
The issue with the update cycle, is that the current time being passed is not active game time only, so if you get a call or switch apps, upon return you will get that X minute jump in time.
Currently, I use an SKAction.customAction to keep track of my time, and it works, but I cannot guarantee the order in which actions fire, so my events could end up being 1 frame off.
Here is what I am doing now, please let me know what you have done to keep time consistent.
//Note: NodeComponent is a protocol extension to quickly access the GKSKNodeComponent's node
import GameplayKit
class ElapsedTimeComponent:GKComponent,NodeComponent
var elapsedTime : TimeInterval = 0.0
override func didAddToEntity() {
node.scene?.addComponentToComponentSystem(self){node,seconds in
elapsedTime = seconds
(node as! SKLabelNode).text = "\(seconds)"
override func update(deltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) {
So it turns out, SKView has a delegate protocol you can attach anywhere. I have set up my latest test to look like this:
public class GameScene: SKScene,SKViewDelegate {
var previousTime : TimeInterval = 0
var gameTime : TimeInterval = 0
public func view(_ view: SKView, shouldRenderAtTime time: TimeInterval) -> Bool
if !self.isPaused{
gameTime += time - previousTime
print("GameTime: \(gameTime)")
componentSystems.forEach({$0.update(deltaTime: gameTime)})
self.previousTime = time
return !self.isPaused
public override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
view.delegate = self
If I am understanding this correctly, then the only thing I need to look out for outside of this is ensuring that when returning from game, that the view.isPaused does not unpause my scene at the same exact time (ughhh why do you do this to me Apple) to allow for 1 render loop to occur.
Of course, the downside with this method, is any pause screen I create will have to be outside of this scene since rendering is disabled.

How to build an accurate iPhone strobe light using swift

I am trying to build video stroboscopy app to power the light source on an otolaryngolgy endoscope. shows an example of what a traditional stroboscopy system does. It flashes at 0.5 HZ below the fundamental frequency of the patient to induce a slow-motion effect that allows clinicians to visualize the motion of the cords and mucosal wave. To do this I need to strobe at roughly 120 to 250 HZ.
I have used the printed functions with counters to verify my frequencies. When I comment out my code connecting the functions to the torch, I get an accurate frequency. When I uncomment the torch code, I lose accuracy. I do not understand why the torch functions are slowing down the strobe. Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.
class StrobeLights {
var counter: Int = 0
var timer: Timer
var isStrobing: Bool
var isLightOn: Bool
var frequency: Double
var start =
var end =
var active: Bool
init (){
self.counter = 0
self.timer = Timer()
self.isStrobing = false
self.isLightOn = false
self.frequency = 200 = false
// Start Strobe process
func toggleStrobe () {
if isLightOn == true {
self.isLightOn = false
print("Turning timer off")
self.end =
let nanoTime = end.uptimeNanoseconds - start.uptimeNanoseconds
let timeInterval = Double(nanoTime) / 1_000_000_000
print("I counted this high \(counter) in this many seconds \(timeInterval) ")
//toggleTorch(on: false)
counter = 0
} else {
self.isLightOn = true
// change made by removing frequecy --> 10
self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1/frequency, target: self, selector: #selector(incrementCounter), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
print("Turning timer on")
self.start =
//toggleTorch(on: true)
// Increase counter by one
#objc func incrementCounter () {
self.toggleTorch(on: false)
self.counter += 1
self.toggleTorch(on: true)
// Turns light on or off
#objc func toggleTorch(on: Bool ) {
guard let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: else { return }
if device.hasTorch {
if device.isTorchAvailable {
do {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
if on == true {
do {
try device.setTorchModeOn(level: 0.5)
} catch { print("Could not set torch level") }
device.torchMode = .on
} else {
device.torchMode = .off
} catch {
print("Torch could not be used")
} else {
print( "torch unavailable")
} else {
print("torch unavailable")
Here are some things I would try:
Getting the AVCaptureDevice and locking its configuration every time you want to toggle the torch is certainly wasting time. Get the device once, put it in an ivar, and lock its configuration once, rather than on every call to toggleTorch(on:).
AVFoundation is at least somewhat multithread-capable, so possibly you could async-dispatch the call to setTorchModeOn to a non-main queue. I have no idea if this is safe or not, but it's worth a try.
Use a DispatchSourceTimer instead of an NSTimer, with the .strict option and a minimal leeway. The system will make more of an effort to call you on time.
On the other hand, I won't be surprised if those don't help. I don't think the iPhone torch is meant to be used as a 120 Hz strobe.
You may recall the recent kerfuffle about iOS throttling CPU speed on some iPhones with old batteries. iOS does this because otherwise, sudden bursts of activity can try to draw so much power that the battery can't keep up, and the system abruptly shuts off. So we can guess that before turning on the torch, iOS checks the battery level and recent power consumption and perhaps shuts off or slows down some parts of the system (software and hardware) to “make room” for the torch.
Also, from the isTorchAvailable documentation:
The torch may become unavailable if, for example, the device overheats and needs to cool off.
So we can also guess that iOS checks the hardware temperature before turning on the torch.
These checks and actions take some amount of time to execute; possibly several milliseconds. So with this knowledge, it's not surprising that iOS cannot flash the torch at 120 Hz or more.
There's also the question of whether the torch can physically cycle that quickly. When used as a steady-on torch, it doesn't need to turn on or off particularly fast. When used as a camera flash, it is powered by a capacitor that takes time to charge and then delivers a burst of power.

Swift SpriteKit Layer/Node doesn't load fast enough

I created my first simple IOS game and created to Layers the gameLayer with my game and a pauseLayer with a resume Button/Node. In my gameLayer I have a button to pause the game and in my pauseLayer a Button/Node to resume. I did this like that in my function that gets points from the touchesEnded function:
var ispaused = false
func touchend(atPoint pos : CGPoint) {
if ispaused == false && pausebutton.contains(pos) {
pauseLayer.isHidden = false
view?.isPaused = true
ispaused = true
if ispaused == true && resumebutton.contains(pos) {
pauseLayer.isHidden = true
view?.isPaused = false
ispaused = false
Everything is working besides that I cant see my resume Button. I can click where it should be and the game resumes. But when I delete the line view?.isPaused = truethe button is displayed as it should be.
This gave me the idea that the pausing view might also pause the process of loading/displaying my resume Button. How can I avoid this problem?
Well to test out your theory of it not loading quick enough.
You can delay code execution with this:
let delayDuration:Double = 1.0 /* In seconds */
let totalDelayTime = + delayDuration
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: totalDelayTime, execute: { view?.isPaused = true })
It will wait 1 second before evaluating the view?.isPaused
Try this also, not sure if it will work.
defer { view?.isPaused = true }
The defer statement delays execution until the end of the current scope. Which would be the end of the touchEnd function

Why is my SpriteKit update() function creating multiple NSTimers?

I'm creating a SpriteKit game that updates based on the amount of time passed. The game spawns enemies using an NSTimer and its scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval method, calling the spawnEnemy function every 2.0 seconds.
When 5 seconds have passed there should be a very brief intermission, preventing new enemies from spawning in order to show a level change animation.
When the initial 5 seconds has been reached, everything works well up until the conditional where self.nextLevelDelayTicker == 100. Once this conditional is met, the "YOLO" string is only fired once in the console. However, I'm assuming multiple instances of NSTimer are being created and stored within self.timer since a massive amount of enemies are spawned after self.resumeGame() is called to create a new scheduled timer.
Any ideas on why this is happening even though I have flags set up within my conditional to only call the self.resumeGame() function once?
func resumeGame() {
// Start game timer
// Need a way to access ib action of pause button
self.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(2.0, target: self, selector: "spawnEnemy", userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
if gameTicker.isActive == true {
// If gameTicker is equal to 5 seconds, increase enemy amount
if gameTicker.getTimePassed() % 500 == 0 {
self.enemyAmount += 1
levelCount += 1
gameTicker.isActive = false
// If level has been completed and last ghost has been killed, activate next level scene
if gameTicker.isActive == false && enemyArray.count == 0 {
if self.nextLevelDelayTicker.getTimePassed() == 100 {
self.gameTicker.isActive = true
Trying to follow your code.. but I think your approach here isn't great for spritekit. It's probably making things way more complicated than it needs to be.
You can keep track of time using your update method directly. It would probably be worth rewriting this part of your code. Would work better within spritekit and be less prone to bugs.
All you really need is delta time.
scene properties
// time values
var delta = NSTimeInterval(0)
var last_update_time = NSTimeInterval(0)
// some time youre trying to keep track of
var timeLimit = NSTimeInterval(5)
var timeLimitMax = NSTimeInterval(5)
your scene's update method
func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
if last_update_time == 0.0 {
delta = 0
} else {
delta = currentTime - last_update_time
last_update_date = currentTime
// now we can keep track of time
timeLimit -=
if timeLimit <= 0 {
// do something and reset timer
timeLimit = timeLimitMax
Now if you're going to be consistently spawning something every number of seconds then we dont even need to bother with update to do this. Just put this in your viewDidLoad
Now we're running this code every two seconds forever. The best part is this will pause and resume with your game automatically. You don't have to manage SKAction too much. spritekit does it for you :)
let spawnAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(
[unowned self] in

Trying to build something with what I'd call a 'living model' in Swift. Think I might be doing this wrong

I'm trying to build what I'm going to describe as a 'living model'. Imagine I have a virtual creature, which has an energy attribute which slowly goes down or up over time, depending on it's current activity. And once it goes down to a certain level, it naturally goes to sleep. Then once it goes back up to a certain level, it wakes up naturally. And it might have an exhausted attribute, which is true if that energy is under its natural sleep level, and if it's also awake. These attributes changing - the activity, whether the creature is exhausted, all affect the appearance of the creature, and that appearance needs to know to change whenever those things change. Exhausted doesn't just change after a delay though, it changes when 'energy' reaches a certain point, or when the activity changes.
So you can see there's a few different concepts all working together, and doing this using regular Swift programming is giving me a knot which is currently quite loose, but slowly growing tighter and more complex.
So I need some advice on how to handle this in a way that isn't going to cause headaches and difficult-to-find issues.
You can set the properties to represent the various points that things happen to the creature. Then, as Mr Beardsley suggests, use didSet on your energy property, and compare its value to the "action points". Finally, you can use NSTimer to reset the energy property at regular intervals.
This allows you to create several different creature instances with unique energy levels for which they fall asleep or become exhausted.
enum MonsterState {
case Awake, Asleep, Exhausted
class Monster {
var monsterState = MonsterState.Awake
let drainRate: Int
let pointOfExhaustion: Int
var energy: Int {
didSet {
if energy <= pointOfExhaustion {
monsterState = .Exhausted
} else if energy <= 0 {
monsterState = .Asleep
init(energy: Int, pointOfExhaustion: Int, drainRate: Int) { = energy
self.pointOfExhaustion = pointOfExhaustion
self.drainRate = drainRate
func weaken() {
target: self, selector: "drainEnergyWithTimer:",
userInfo: ["pointsPerSecond": drainRate], repeats: true)
func drainEnergyWithTimer(timer: NSTimer) {
if let passedInfo = timer.userInfo as? [NSObject: AnyObject]{
let energyDecrease = passedInfo["pointsPerSecond"] as! Int
energy -= energyDecrease
if energy <= 0 {
let godzilla = Monster(energy: 100, pointOfExhaustion: 12, drainRate: 3)
let mothra = Monster(energy: 150, pointOfExhaustion: 25, drainRate: 2)
Here is a implementation you can work with to get you started. Note, I used a struct, but you might change that to a class and inherit from SKSpriteNode if you are using Sprite Kit for your game.
enum CreatureState: Int {
case Active = 50
case Sleeping = 20
case Exhausted = 10
struct Creature {
var energy: Int {
didSet {
switch self.state {
case .Active:
if energy < CreatureState.Active.rawValue {
self.state = .Sleeping
else if energy < CreatureState.Sleeping.rawValue {
self.state = .Exhausted
case .Sleeping:
if energy > CreatureState.Sleeping.rawValue {
self.state = .Active
case .Exhausted:
if energy > CreatureState.Active.rawValue {
self.state = .Active
else if energy > CreatureState.Active.rawValue {
self.state = .Sleeping
var state: CreatureState
init(energyLevel: Int, state: CreatureState) { = energyLevel
self.state = state
I modeled the different states of your creature as an Enumeration with associated values. You can change those to whatever values mark the change from one state to another.
By using the 'didSet' property observer on energy, it is possible to perform actions any time a new value for energy is set. Overall, we are able to model your requirements with only 2 properties.
